Battlefield Bad Company 2; Vietnam (1200 points) out; plus 4 new free maps

[quote name='paz9x']ive had full games pretty much every game. i need to play some more. so much fun.[/QUOTE]

:( which mode seems to have more players? Maybe that's my problem. I really want to fully enjoy this but I feel incapable with such consistently low player counts.
I got the game for 15 bucks after I traded in MW1 and MW2 lol

btw my internet is wonky today i haven't had a chance to play all day long it stinks!

Fjordson play rush!!!!!!
[quote name='Fjordson']Roger. Guess I'll keep trying my luck at Rush then.[/QUOTE]

thats what i usually play too.
[quote name='paz9x']that video is outstanding. so true with all the damn snipers.[/QUOTE]

I love recon for the suit, i usually use C4 and mortar as well, It reminds me of specialist. BUT, I do use a M1 Garand so I'm a recon that runs around like he is suppose to. It's nice when I'm never at the bottom of the scoreboards though :D.

Oh, the SV98 with 12x scope is AMAZING. Gotta adjust for drop, but once you do.....just amazing as defender.
Man, I'm dying for some people to play with that I can actually communicate with. I keep getting thrown on squads where all the other guys are recon, and they're sitting in the back sniping. I know that someone mentioned a CAG BC2 gamertag a few pages back, but didn't see if that had been made yet.

Anyways, my gamertag is Schmackledorf (just like my name on here), so feel free to send me an invite at some point. Just let me know you're from CAG somehow. I look forward to seeing you guys online!

Also, what are the prerequisites for getting the Garand? I've got a veteran rank of 1 without 1943 and Bad Company 2 (sadly I never registered BF2 or Vietnam), but I still don't have it unlocked. I think I saw someone's post a while ago saying something about 1943 not registering correctly yet, and figured that might be the reason, but I didn't know for sure.
Some people need to learn what objective games mean. In Rush as a Defender and a bunch of people dropped so we were already short-handed at 4 to 8. Last set of M-Coms and I had two snipers huddled together in the same building, not even looking at the last objective.

Outside of that, pretty fun. A good squad really makes the difference though.
[quote name='doodle777_98']Really? I see anyone in a tank as a sitting duck. Even though i can never get a tracer to work right, i still tag it for the easy points.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, agreed. It just seems so easy to take a tank out, that you might as well just wave your hands and say shoot me.
Nobody added me last night ;( Anyways, after playing more and more Squad Deathmatch I am getting pretty tired of everyone and their mother sniping. I usually play Engineer with the AKS-74U and move around constantly trying to find people. Sometimes I'm running for like 3~4minutes without seeing a damn soul cause everyone is camping. Althrough I still average 15~20 kills per match and end up with like 1.5 K/D it's still annoying as shit.

I haven't tried any of the other modes yet though because I don't think I'd get the real glory of them playing with randoms. Deathmatch is alright cause it doesn't need much strategy, and even if my team doesn't win I get like 1500~2000 points a match. So maybe I'll keep playing that until I can find a squad to play with :D

Add Bloodbath219!! And please have a microphone!!
[quote name='SteveMcQ']Some people need to learn what objective games mean. In Rush as a Defender and a bunch of people dropped so we were already short-handed at 4 to 8. Last set of M-Coms and I had two snipers huddled together in the same building, not even looking at the last objective.[/QUOTE]

I feel your pain, I was in a team defending last night and twice the attacking team set the charge on our last M-Com and even though there were 4 defenders standing round the damn thing I still had to walk over and was only person who disarmed the charge. When it happened a 3rd time I decided if no-one else was going to disarm it they deserved to lose, and like clockwork no-one bothered to disarm it.

Fjordson, I have my quickplay option set to Conquest or Rush but I always seem to get Rush and the teams are usually full.
im not a big fan of deathmatch on this game. the maps are huge and it sorta defeats the purpose of the kits. i think rush is fantastic. conquest is alright. ill be on throughout the day, if anybody is looking to play let me know.
[quote name='paz9x']im not a big fan of deathmatch on this game. the maps are huge and it sorta defeats the purpose of the kits. i think rush is fantastic. conquest is alright. ill be on throughout the day, if anybody is looking to play let me know.[/QUOTE]

When you get paired with a bunch of 1 and 2 man squads, it's going to suck. The first couple rounds I did last night in a squad of four was mostly against tiny squads and it sucked. However once we started getting larger squads joining in on the game, it was much more fun.

Having a full squad in a Bradly while the rest of the squads are too dumb to rocket/mine you is priceless though.

I hear Squad Rush is a hell of a lot better, but I didn't play that last night.
It's definitely nice to have this game apart from MW2, I think they are two entirely different experiences.

BC2 is more comparable to MAG in the sense that in order to rank up quickly and get XP playing as a team is key. It's not a simple run and gun a-la COD where you can basically own a team single handedly if your own team blows.

With that being said, I wish the matchmaking were different also it's nice to know that we won't be having to purchase new maps when they are released something that can't be said with COD.

All in all though I think the single-player experience is much better than MW2's and the multiplayer is definitely more my cup of tea. Really don't understand how anyone can play an online game with no mic though.
i play with my brother and his roomate so i almost always have atleast a 3 man squad. ive actually had decent luck getting people who communicate positively and work as a team. its crazy.
i wasnt saying death match isnt any good, its just for me, rush really outshines it, its not close.
sirloins are good but im going to eat a ribeye if i have the choice.
[quote name='xCappax']It's definitely nice to have this game apart from MW2, I think they are two entirely different experiences.

BC2 is more comparable to MAG in the sense that in order to rank up quickly and get XP playing as a team is key. It's not a simple run and gun a-la COD where you can basically own a team single handedly if your own team blows.

With that being said, I wish the matchmaking were different also it's nice to know that we won't be having to purchase new maps when they are released something that can't be said with COD.

All in all though I think the single-player experience is much better than MW2's and the multiplayer is definitely more my cup of tea. Really don't understand how anyone can play an online game with no mic though.[/QUOTE]

That is completely false.

Although this game is fantastic it contains absolutely nothing comparable to MAG other than the fact they they both contain guns and objectives. MAG is a completely separate monster that is really only comparable to Planetside.
[quote name='Soodmeg']That is completely false.

Although this game is fantastic it contains absolutely nothing comparable to MAG other than the fact they they both contain guns and objectives. MAG is a completely separate monster that is really only comparable to Planetside.[/QUOTE]

Yeah you're right the fact that both titles are teamwork dependent in order to rank up quickly and gain XP is not comparable at all, silly me.
[quote name='xCappax']Really don't understand how anyone can play an online game with no mic though.[/QUOTE]

It's quite simple, you just play the game safe in the knowledge you won't have to listen to some dickhead spouting his particular variety of verbal diarrhea.

Although I suppose if I had have been wearing my mic last night I could have shouted "DISARM THE BOMB, ITS THE THING YOU'RE STANDING NEXT TO, ITS FLASHING!!! OH WHY AREN'T YOU DISARMING THE BOMB" at my esteemed teammates.

So maybe you've got a point.
[quote name='xCappax']Yeah you're right the fact that both titles are teamwork dependent in order to rank up quickly and gain XP is not comparable at all, silly me.[/QUOTE]

Yes, because Gran Turismo is comparable to Twisted Metal because they both require you to drive around in cars. Epic movie is comparable to The Godfather because they both have actors in it.

You are taking completely surface level and vague features and trying to put them in the same box. Both games are drastically different from each other and to try and compare them diminishes what both games do well. Hell you dont even gain XP in the same way in either game.
[quote name='benjamouth']It's quite simple, you just play the game safe in the knowledge you won't have to listen to some dickhead spouting his particular variety of verbal diarrhea.

Although I suppose if I had have been wearing my mic last night I could have shouted "DISARM THE BOMB, ITS THE THING YOU'RE STANDING NEXT TO, ITS FLASHING!!! OH WHY AREN'T YOU DISARMING THE BOMB" at my esteemed teammates.

So maybe you've got a point.[/QUOTE]

isnt this game's chat limited to your squad? its not open mic.
[quote name='paz9x']isnt this game's chat limited to your squad? its not open mic.[/QUOTE]

Is it? I was going to ask that very question.

As long as it is I might start playing with a headset on.

EDIT - Is there enough people to get CAG only games going yet?
[quote name='Soodmeg']Yes, because Gran Turismo is comparable to Twisted Metal because they both require you to drive around in cars. Epic movie is comparable to The Godfather because they both have actors in it.

You are taking completely surface level and vague features and trying to put them in the same box. Both games are drastically different from each other and to try and compare them diminishes what both games do well. Hell you dont even gain XP in the same way in either game.[/QUOTE]

Why bother arguing about semantics? The analogy isn't apples to apples, but I can see the point he was trying to make. The game rewards teamwork more than twitch FPS games. MAG may not be the best example, but it's another FPS that is designed to reward teamwork and completing objectives, even if the scale and mechanics are completely different.

Had my first opportunity to play last night and had a good time. Didn't think I'd like class changes, but the way they've changed it makes it so that every class has a support feature. That's great for a game like this. The single player is much more focused than the first and keeps the momentum going.

People complained about no Conquest in the last game(I was one of them), but it seems that Rush is a more popular mode at the moment.

Played on really long Conquest game last night (like an hour long) because there were only a couple people on each team but it was still a blast and despite the fact that there were smallish teams it still felt like the action was fast paced.

Good game. Fun alternative to MW2s style.
Got a game together with FrankCastle last night, I have also added all the CAGs who have openly asked to group up for BC2 in this thread. My GT: Rico21745, just so you guys know. I will probably be getting another game together at 9PM or so Central time, so add me if you're interested in playing together. I use the Mic quite a bit, and I revive/heal the crap out of people on my team, so maybe you'll enjoy playing with me :p

Good game last night frank, btw. Was pretty fun.
[quote name='whiptcracker']Why bother arguing about semantics? The analogy isn't apples to apples, but I can see the point he was trying to make. The game rewards teamwork more than twitch FPS games. MAG may not be the best example, but it's another FPS that is designed to reward teamwork and completing objectives, even if the scale and mechanics are completely different.

Hmmm, no reason.
So, after filtering through the huge BC2 release thread for people who wanted to squad up, I finally decided to say screw it and start a new thread to get things a bit more organized. Post in this thread if you are interested in grouping with other CAGs in Bad Company 2.

It would also be a good idea to mention which kit you play most often/are willing to play, so as to give other people an idea as to who can play what.

Also mention your location/time availability, as that may also help people schedule games more easily.

If you have talked to other CAGs and organized your squad, let me know in this thread or via PMs and I will do my best to keep this topic updated, so people know not to contact you (unless you want to be part of several squads, if so make a note of that in your post)

I'll start:

GT: Rico21745
Kit: Medic/Engineer
Location: Texas
Available: Weeknights after 8PM, weekends.
Up for multiple squads?: Yes, if time allows
How is the Medic situation so far? I'm thinking of getting this, but I'd probably play as a Medic most of the time. Are people in need of more Medics?
[quote name='TC']How is the Medic situation so far? I'm thinking of getting this, but I'd probably play as a Medic most of the time. Are people in need of more Medics?[/QUOTE]

As a person who has played mostly medic since release, yes, never too many CAPABLE medics. I'm the kinda medic that runs across the frontlines to res people/drop medpacks, and its very rewarding, even more so if you're in a good squad that's not all snipers.
GT: ren3g7ade
Kit: Medic/Recon
Location: Ohio
Available: Weeknights after 8PM EST, weekends.
Up for multiple squads?: Yes, if time allows
[quote name='MSUHitman']I find it annoying that the defibilator is the 3rd medic unlock instead of the 2nd one.[/QUOTE]

If you had veteran status of at least 2, I believe you start with it automatically. Of course you still need to 'unlock' it officially, but it's usable before then.
[quote name='fatmanforlife99']Always:D[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Rico21745']As a person who has played mostly medic since release, yes, never too many CAPABLE medics. I'm the kinda medic that runs across the frontlines to res people/drop medpacks, and its very rewarding, even more so if you're in a good squad that's not all snipers.[/QUOTE]

Appreciate the quick replys. I'll order the game up and get playing.
GT: the Woodmeister
Kit: Engineer/Recon (only 2 classes I've played so far, don't really like Recon)
Location: PA
Available: Weeknights after 8PM EST, weekends.
Up for multiple squads?: Yes, if time allows
hey rico. sorry aboput last night. i got some guys together to kill 5 friends with a knife cheevo. Keep sending me invites though, i usually play 70% medic and 30% engineer. Im still looking for a good team.

[quote name='Rico21745']As a person who has played mostly medic since release, yes, never too many CAPABLE medics. I'm the kinda medic that runs across the frontlines to res people/drop medpacks, and its very rewarding, even more so if you're in a good squad that's not all snipers.[/QUOTE]
GT: The KaneRobot
Kit: Engineer (not strict...want to get more into Assault and Medic as time goes on)
Location: Michigan
Available: Most weeknights after 7 pm EST, usually at least one day fairly open on weekends
Up for multiple squads?: If necessary.
GT: Conboy
Kit: Assault, Medic, Engineer- I change based upon attack or defend on Rush
Location: Chicago
Available: after 9pm CST during the week, and weekends (not on every day)
Up for multiple squads?: If necessary.
GT: Ostro 7
Kit: Anything you want me too, I've played them all
Location: Chicago
Available: Weekend mornings and nights, occasionally weekdays from 12-5
Up for multiple squads: sure
Guys, I dont understand.

Why is it that pressing back to call out positions only works half of the time. Is it on a time limit or something?

Also, I dont know how they have done it but they have managed to make conquest mode (the mode they are known for) boring as hell. (Gold) Rush like stated above seems to be the more popular mode.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Guys, I dont understand.

Why is it that pressing back to call out positions only works half of the time. Is it on a time limit or something?

Also, I dont know how they have done it but they have managed to make conquest mode (the mode they are known for) boring as hell. (Gold) Rush like stated above seems to be the more popular mode.[/QUOTE]

They added an invisible cooldown to prevent back button spamming. IMO, they nerfed it a bit too much, as it seem like they toned down how many times you can spot vs. how many people you can spot.

Also, Conquest is fucked up. Instead of a ticket bleedout, tickets only drop when someone is killed. Basically, TDM with capturable points. Don't know if it is a glitch or not, but it is not Conquest in it's truest form.
[quote name='Rico21745']Hmm for some reason the squad meetup thread got merged with this one...

Kinda defeats the purpose IMHO.[/QUOTE]

Just do what CAG has done for some time and create a BC2 CAG gamertag and have everyone send friend requests to it.
[quote name='seanr1221']I thought something was wrong with conquest.

So capturing the points only give you new places to spawn, correct?[/QUOTE]

It also slowly drains the enemy of tickets.
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']It also slowly drains the enemy of tickets.[/QUOTE]
It's supposed to when a team owns more than half the flags, but it seems like it sometimes doesn't work properly.

Played quite a bit last night, and I swear, opposing tickets sometimes never dropped despite owning all flags, making the game seem like a big deathmatch. Just going to have to pay more attention to it now.
[quote name='moojuice']It's supposed to when a team owns more than half the flags, but it seems like it sometimes doesn't work properly.

Played quite a bit last night, and I swear, opposing tickets sometimes never dropped despite owning all flags, making the game seem like a big deathmatch. Just going to have to pay more attention to it now.[/QUOTE]

It drains for sure, just really slowly and depends on how many of the flags you control. I played a team that was mauling my team but we still drained all their tickets because they didn't bother much with the flags.
That's the thing. When I played last night, our team had all four flags uncontested on Panama Canal for about a minute and a half. During that period, my squadmate killed a guy, I killed a medic trying to revive him, and the counter dropped by two. We then lost two flags at once, making it 50/50. After losing those two flags, the other team still only lost those two tickets.

And for what it's worth, when we had those 4 flags, I was specifically paying attention to those tickets because I was suspicious from a few previous rounds that tickets weren't being drained.

Then again, it's very possible I was just imagining things.
bread's done