Battlefield: Bad Company - Gen. Discussion & Info

Yeah its 1.5 GB and I had to delete a bunch of stuff since I am running out of space fast, thanks Rock Band and your 2.7 GB.
[quote name='Razzuel']I have the demo...It's nothing special.

Neither was Battlefield Modern Combat on the 360. I originally played it for an hour, said "this game sucks," then decided to at least play a few more matches online before shelfing it but I got hooked and logged a couple hundred hours.

About Bad Company, does it really take a lot of shots to kill people online? I read that in a preview somewhere and hope that gets fixed if it's true. The one biggest frustration in Modern Combat was the seemingly random hit detection, damage, and accuracy of weapons. Shooting people point blank with a shotgun and doing no damage while they tap you with 2-3 bullets and you're a goner.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Neither was Battlefield Modern Combat on the 360. I originally played it for an hour, said "this game sucks," then decided to at least play a few more matches online before shelfing it but I got hooked and logged a couple hundred hours.

About Bad Company, does it really take a lot of shots to kill people online? I read that in a preview somewhere and hope that gets fixed if it's true. The one biggest frustration in Modern Combat was the seemingly random hit detection, damage, and accuracy of weapons. Shooting people point blank with a shotgun and doing no damage while they tap you with 2-3 bullets and you're a goner.[/quote]

Nope, the guns are quiet powerful. I can shoot people from very far away with my XM8 and it doesn't take too many shots. I never feel like it took too many shots or too long to kill someone.

Actually it feels like I get killed too quickly sometimes.

Oh and the shotguns in this game are fucking devastating. You can kill people 10-15 feet (I know how far away but I don't really know how to quantify it accurately) with one shot. But then again you only get one chance to shoot them because shotguns are sloooooow.

Some problems I have with the game:

Squad only voice chat doesn't need to be in a game where the max team size is 12 people. If we are talking Resistance 2 30 players on a team then it makes sense but in Bad Company it makes playing as a team troubling. Most the time the people on your squad don't even have a headset. Team coordination and cooperation are lacking.

Some walls blow up and some walls don't and there is nothing to distinguish between them. It may be a glitch or something but it doesn't help when I need an entrance as soon as possible.

It seems like helicopters are useless because it is near impossible to aim their weapons.

There is no way to view the class distribution of your team ala Team Fortress 2.

I don't really know how to word this but the classes in the game don't really seem special. It is very cookie cutter. I think they have classes just to have classes. I don't really see the point in being any other class than Assault or Sniper. Assault's grenade launcher is underpowered (I mean if you hit someone point blank with it and they have full health they will live). Specialists are useless. Demolition's rocket launcher could be a smidge stronger.

I was hoping the destructibility in this game would of been better. You can only break a building down to its skeleton. Stuff only blows up on a grid system. Imagine if the building had a grid over it so it was seperated into many squares. If you shoot square one then only square one disappears having no effect on the rest of the building.
I went ahead and placed my pre-order for the Gold Edition online a few minutes ago. I'll be downloading the demo once they send me the code. Anyone else who is picking this up, feel free to shoot me a friend request.
This game has a lot of potential. If they took some more months to make it even more polished I think it would really become something special.

But thats not happening.

I mean this Battlefield is strange because the single player is now the focus and the multiplayer is on the back burner. It's funny though because in the demo they describe the multiplayer as GENRE DEFINING MULTIPLAYER!

The game only ships with one multiplayer game mode–Gold Rush. Then again it is nice that they are going to release a new multiplayer mode in a patch called Conquest, which leads me to believe that this game could really realize its potential if it had some more development time.

I am not sure how good the single player is going to be though since what they give you in the demo is so short. From what I played though it seems very scripted. It might get repetitive and uninspired in the full game but you just can't tell from the level in the demo.

The thing that is nice about single player is that there is no death penalty which is fucking awesome. If you die then you just spawn a little bit away from where you were without losing your progress. It may not be as elegant as Prey's deaths but it is good just being in there.
[quote name='Razzuel']

The thing that is nice about single player is that there is no death penalty which is fucking awesome. If you die then you just spawn a little bit away from where you were without losing your progress. It may not be as elegant as Prey's deaths but it is good just being in there.[/quote]

Is there an option to turn this off?
[quote name='foxdvd']Is there an option to turn this off?[/quote]

Not that I know of.

I am playing the single player portion at the normal difficulty. I got in an APC and drove to this area with a couple houses and enemies. I started driving the APC into the walls and eventually I died. I spawned outside of this area of houses inside a new APC. Then I drove into the area and jumped out of the APC and got myself killed. After that I spawned inside a new APC outside of the area with the houses.

All this happened without losing progress.

Then after you kill all the guys in this area you have to escort a convoy. The convoy gets interrupted by artillery fire. Then you radio in for some planes to bomb the artillery but their are jammers preventing a bombing. So you have go destroy the jammers while you are being bombarded with artillery fire. So I just went and got myself killed and I spawned at the beginning of the road leading to their base without losing progress.

So nope I don't think you can turn it off. There are only two difficulties in the demo as well–Easy and Normal. Maybe you have to unlock Hard in the full game.

I don't understand why this would be a problem. I see this as something that should be rejoiced.

Oh yeah and you have a stim pack sort of thing that gives you 100% health when you inject yourself with it. It has infinite uses but you can only reuse it after a certain amount of time.
Wow, so it's like Red Faction all over again. Publisher: "Blow up everything...well, almost everything!" Bummer that the game uses that grid system you are talking about. That makes it look cheasy, like The Outfit, where it felt like knocking down a lego house than an actual building.

Still, I don't see destruction being anything other than a novelty. But it would be cool to have matches where previously in Modern Combat you couldn't storm a building with a base flag on top if a good enemy team was camping a single key stairway (like that one of those two desert maps in Modern Combat everybody played nonfuckinstop). Now you could just go in through any random wall. Only that will make it kinda suck, where defense is crippled because of it. The ability to blow up walls would HAVE to have a disable option for Conquest.

Speaking of mode, one multiplayer mode sounds like a total shit deal. Conquest should be there from day one for traditional Battlefield action. It's like putting out Ninja Gaiden II without swords. The essential mode for the franchise that pretty much defined it.

I will still get the game, but I might preorder with the slower free shipping instead of overnight and save a few bucks. Actually, I think Gamestop has a free 2 day shipping promo going on right now.
Yeah it is no where near as versatile as I hoped.

I want a destruction system along the lines of this in a game:

Although, Bad Company has its moments sometimes. Hiding behind a wall from a tank and some enemies only to have the wall destroyed seconds later. Or hiding in a hole in the ground that was created from artillery blasts. Another is that you know there is a sniper in the building across the river, so you jump in a tank and blow the walls out leaving him exposed.
Thanks for the commentary, Razzuel and crunchb3rry. It is appreciated. Also, I saw XBL user "tunermonkey" playing the demo. I can't remember their CAG name, but... *shakes fist* :bomb:
I like that promo video where the tank rams through a wall, some dude inside looks like he's about to crap his pants, then the tank wastes him with the turret.

How does ranking work? I hated in B:MC where you needed those damn "points per hour" goals and medals to rank up. I notice there's a ton of patches, medals, and trophies you can earn. I'm hoping those are not tied in with rank too much.
For some reason the demo is missing the medals, patches and ribbons stuff. The beta had that stuff though. The way it worked in the beta is that you had to meet some goal like kill 100 people with a shotgun or something like that.

There are also dog tags that you can obtain. The way you obtain someone's dog tag is that you have to kill them with your knife.

There are multiple ways to earn points in a multiplayer match. Here are some examples:

—Kill an enemy

—Assist someone in killing an enemy

—Plant a charge on the Gold Box

—Defuse a charge that was planted on the Gold Box

—Successfully blow up the Gold Box with a charge

—Destroying a vehicle that has enemies in it

—If you are in a tank and someone else is in the tank as a gunner then you will get assist points if the gunner kills someone (same with other vehicles)

There might be more but thats all I can think of at the moment.

The way ranks work is that you have to reach a certain number of points. So like right now I have somewhere around a total of 1900 points and I need a total of 2300 points to get to the next rank.
[quote name='Razzuel']This game has a lot of potential. If they took some more months to make it even more polished I think it would really become something special.

But thats not happening.

I mean this Battlefield is strange because the single player is now the focus and the multiplayer is on the back burner. It's funny though because in the demo they describe the multiplayer as GENRE DEFINING MULTIPLAYER!

The game only ships with one multiplayer game mode–Gold Rush. Then again it is nice that they are going to release a new multiplayer mode in a patch called Conquest, which leads me to believe that this game could really realize its potential if it had some more development time.

I am not sure how good the single player is going to be though since what they give you in the demo is so short. From what I played though it seems very scripted. It might get repetitive and uninspired in the full game but you just can't tell from the level in the demo.

The thing that is nice about single player is that there is no death penalty which is fucking awesome. If you die then you just spawn a little bit away from where you were without losing your progress. It may not be as elegant as Prey's deaths but it is good just being in there.[/quote]

Conquest is nothing new...It was in all the other games and it has been the main mode. It is the best multiplayer mode that they have and thats why they are bringing it back
[quote name='slickkill77']Conquest is nothing new...It was in all the other games and it has been the main mode. It is the best multiplayer mode that they have and thats why they are bringing it back[/quote]

Yeah but they shouldn't have to release it in a patch after the launch of the game. One multiplayer mode at launch is weak.
Wait, so only Gold Rush will be available in online multiplayer play, thus far? Not even Team Deathmatch? What?! :shock:
[quote name='chasemurata']Wait, so only Gold Rush will be available in online multiplayer play, thus far? Not even Team Deathmatch? What?! :shock:[/quote]

Yup, Gold Rush is the only multiplayer mode in the retail package.

Conquest is going to be released after the launch of the game in a patch but there is no date announced as of now.
I preordered Saturday and still have not received my code for the demo. I guess they take the weekends off. I'll give them until this afternoon to send it, then I'll fire off an email.
[quote name='Lokki']I preordered Saturday and still have not received my code for the demo. I guess they take the weekends off. I'll give them until this afternoon to send it, then I'll fire off an email.[/quote]

Yeah they don't send out those emails on weekends.

Hey I just got a hold of another demo code.

I'd like to give it away to someone but I am not sure how.

Let me think of something.

Alright I got it.

Everyone has till 8:30 PM EST to enter the contest.

At 8:30 I will use to generate a random time and whoever's post time is the closest wins.

How does that sound?
[quote name='Razzuel']Yeah they don't send out those emails on weekends.

Hey I just got a hold of another demo code.

I'd like to give it away to someone but I am not sure how.

Let me think of something.

Alright I got it.

Everyone has till 8:30 PM EST to enter the contest.

At 8:30 I will use to generate a random time and whoever's post time is the closest wins.

How does that sound?[/quote]

How do I enter?! Is this entering? (That's what she said) :hot:
[quote name='chasemurata']How do I enter?! Is this entering? (That's what she said) :hot:[/quote]

Yeah that's entering. Just posting saying you entered works haha.

Well it is 8:30 PM the drawing begins...oh wait what the hell only one person entered.

Chasemurata wins by default. Check you message box, I am sending the code now.
Downloading the demo right now. Got a key from IGN's little 20-key giveaway earlier today.

Really looking forward to this game.
Since a lot of us are getting the demo, should we set up a CAG game night later in the week?

This game would be a lot more fun if I was playing with people who actually communicated and knew how to work as a team. Random squads suck.
Special thanks to Razzuel for being so kind as to give me a demo code. Thanks a bunch, sir.

First and foremost, the game needs an in-game brightness control. The "adjust the brightness and contrast on your TV" guide is stupid, and sucks. Don't be lazy, you bastards.

"Hey, how you doin'? You smell very clean." And that was when I knew I'd like this game. The first thing I did in single-player was cut down a tree, hop over newly-cut down tree, and stare at a patch of some odd blue flowers. I did pick up a power tool, which was neat. I applied it to a flaming convey and blew it up, which caused me to loose my bladder.

After I finished changing and wiping myself down, I continued, hopped into a truck, with their peoples sitting on the back, and plowed through a fence to run over a guy with a grenade launcher. Then came the tank, which used me as a speed bump.

I respawned to a warm greeting of "Son of a bitch!" After being blown up by the tank a few times, I found the grenade launcher. Good bye, Mr. Tank. I noticed how you cannot jump into windows, or at least not the window I tried to jump through. This bothered me a little, but not as much as the not-so-immediate jump, which takes too long to execute post-button press. It did not degrade the experience, but it was noticeable.

Damage is fairly assessed and applied to enemies and yourself. I have no complaints about damage. Not yet, at least. The more damage you take the more clouded your vision gets, which makes sense, and is balanced enough at each damage stage. I am new to Battlefield and found the heal system an addition, not hindrance, to the game.

Vehicle control and driving is by far and away superior to Grand Theft Auto 4. The ability to switch seats, from driver to turret is flawless in execution. Also, both camera views are good. Generally speaking, the camera in Bad Company is superior to Grand Theft Auto 4. Destroying the jammers is a good example of how well the vehicle action works in Bad Company.

The soundtrack is inspired and a highlight. The score is lively, unlike other recent first-person shooters.

But anyone interested in this game will make their decision based more on the online multiplayer than single-player play. Know this: knifing does not happen by pushing the left joystick button. Instead, it is mapped to another button (the Y button), and handled as a weapon you can wield - instead of a quick, ninja-like, way to kill. I found that to be the biggest annoyance, especially in close-combat situations. Call of Duty 4 handles knifing the right way, for my tastes. On the other hand, someone could say this will force people to practice better stealth techniques and be more skilled with the knife. "After all," they will say, "isn't it more realistic to find, produce, and then knife someone?"

The answer is yes. "Yes" is also the answer to the question, "Is the online multiplayer better than Grand Theft Auto 4?"

According to posters at Cheap Ass Gamer, Bad Company will only feature one online multiplayer mode out-of-the-box, and that is absolutely absurd - if true. While I prefer the way Call of Duty 4 handles classes and allows custom classes, as so much I can assess from the demo, the prepared classes are balanced. For example, the Demolition class has a low fire-rate, which serves to balance its high damage capacity.

So far, I have played the online multiplayer for a couple hours, and find it only below Call of Duty 4. It surpasses the fun I had with the online multiplayer of Gears of War, Halo 3, Rainbow Six: Vegas 2, and, especially, Grand Theft Auto 4. There is a better sense of teamwork than the others. I do hope the choppy online multiplayer game play is fixed in the final version, or with a patch available immediately. It has the potential to wreak the online multiplayer, and that would be a shame, as the online multiplayer has been one damn fun time.

As for details, I dig the cross-hair, and how it distinguishes and displays enemies and allies. There are a lot of little details in the game that enhance the single-player and online multiplayer experience a lot that weren't so good in games like Rainbow Six: Vegas 2. The way text of events in online multiplayer play is displayed on screen, the radar; again, how the cross hair distinguishes and displays enemies and allies, the running animation and sound effect, amongst other things. Those little bits worked together to enhance my Bad Company experience. However, none of that matters if the choppy online multiplayer game play is not fixed. I will hold off buying Bad Company until I know that issue is resolved. If it is, then I will consider buying it at launch. I find it to be a very fun experience. And, really, isn't fun the most important aspect of a game? Oh, and the smiley face on the grenade pin is the cutest thing.
Thanks for the write up Chase. I downloaded it yesterday, but I didn't get a chance to play it. The download finished right before the hockey game came on TV and that game went into triple overtime. I ended up getting to bed really late and I have to be up at 4am. bleh

I'll hopefully get to try it out tonight.
Okay, after a few days and a lot of hours with the demo, here is my seasoned critique. A critique, as my first-impressions (of primarily the single-player) were far too generous.

I do not like how there are only two spawn points (team or base). Opponents can simply camp with tanks and kill you in succession. I was killed five times in a row switching off both spawn points. Every time I respawned at our base some asshole would immediately - before I could take a step - fire tank bursts into the spawn area. Between the tank and the machine-that-acts-like-your-own-personal-Airstrike, my entire team was decimated every time we spawned at the base spawn point during that game.

The imbalance between classes is infuriating. Snipers have the advantage in most games as the scope covers a great deal of the map, and considering Battlefield is a large-scale game, snipers can, literally, see you coming from miles away. I will say, though, that the aiming system is so imprecise that it will take a few shots for them to kill you - but they will kill you before you can fire back.

Damage is a bit ridiculous, and the Medic class, or what-ever-name-they-gave-it, is not useful at all. Why did they include this class into the game? No one uses it. No one. I have only seen a handful of people use this class in my hours upon hours of gameplay. When I do see them, only few of them handed out health crates. Those who did hand out health crates amidst warfare were killed alongside those who tried to get health crates.

This brings me to my next point: the damage is ridiculously high. It takes only three shots to kill someone with a pistol, and I'm sure most of my shots are just grazes on the cheek, as the aiming is so infuriatingly imprecise. I went around killing people with my pistol for a game - which is also a testament to the worthless map system they implemented.

Instead of showing enemies who fire shots as red dots on the mini-map, the only way to see enemies on the mini-map is if a Recon class player tosses out motion sensor balls around the map, and the enemy triggers it. Oh, and the motion sensors leave the field when the Recon guy who threw them dies. Fun. This, of course, only happens if your teammate is able to toss out motion sensors without being killed. It's a rarity, folks. So, be prepared to scarcely know where anyone is located.

I would be remiss if I didn't mention the only other way to spot enemies, and that way is through missed shots. You see, simply spotting someone through your sights doesn't prompt the "Enemy spotted" text for your teammates and yourself. Nope. Instead, you have to actually shoot at the enemy you see in order to rely the information to your teammates. I am not even joking.

Due to the utter failure in the enemy detection, and the lack of a Kill Cam to review how you died, expect to die often, and without clue as to why. It is absolutely infuriating. There is no course of revenge possible because you may never see the person who killed you ever again during that game. Enemy detection in Bad Company fails to be of any use.

There may be twenty-something weapons but every weapon feels the same and has no noticeable difference. Also note, certain weapons are only available for specific teams. If you're the Americans, you'll have a specific set of weapons. If you're the foreigners, you'll have a specific set of weapons. You're not able to customize classes - or - the weapons. Want a scope for your M16? Nope, screw you. Want a silencer for your sub-machine gun? Nope, screw you. In the end, the lack of these details massively damage the online multiplayer.

The controls are slow. Did you see someone run past you? Well, don't expect to turn around and shoot him. He'll be gone by the time you do. It feels like your character is in a body cast, and only has control of his nose.

I also don't like how you cannot cycle through your inventory while running. Your class could carry a lot of equipment, and having to stop, cycle, and start running again is a nuisance. On a personal note, you are not even given the ability to time your frag grenade throws. If you wanted to, you could hold your frag grenade in the throw position all game long without it exploding. If that didn't hurt enough, the aiming for frag grenade tosses is also imprecise. During a game, I was right next to a giant open window, aimed that damn cross-dot out the window, only to have the frag grenade bounce off the top of the windowsill, and explode nearby, killing me. It was a joyous time.

Yet another grievance is friendly fire and the inability to turn it off. Sure, the game deducts points for team damage and team killing,but that's not enough. Some people don't care and do it for fun. For example, I was using our team's only mortar canon, and my teammate shot me to get his turn.

I know this sounds depressing, and it hurts me too, but I also don't like the length of time in which it takes to respawn. Why am I being punished for dying? Also note, team-killers and people who die during the normal course of the game receive the same respawn time. Call of Duty 4 handles this a lot better. I would have preferred the ability to respawn as soon as I select my class. Bad Company makes it very bothersome.

Other misses include the inability to jump through windows (yes, I know a key toted feature is the ability to create your own entrances and exits, but jumping through windows should also have been included), making knifing a chore and useless, allowing unlimited sprinting, the lack of the prone position, and its very uninformative user records and profile for the online multiplayer.

Now, there is fun to be had, as I stated in my first-impressions. The single-player mode is a more solid, comical, less-frustrating experience. The multiplayer maps are spacious, detailed, and not bland like those in Rainbow Six: Vegas 2. The vehicle controls are tight and a lot more functional than those featured in Grand Theft Auto 4. Speaking of which, the camera system is tons better than Grand Theft Auto 4 as well.

However, the flaws really kill my appetite for this game. Guiding an airstrike is fun the first dozen times but it does not make up for the many faults of the game. It just isn't fun. I really wanted, and tried, to like this game. It disappoints me greatly to say it failed to deliver an enjoyable experience.
To follow up on Chase, Team Killing was the biggest pet peeve I had in the Beta. The really need an option where if someone team kills enough they're auto-booted. Killing for the mortar cannon happened all the time in the Beta, and it's sad that nothing has really been done about this.

But I also disagree with many points, the Medic class is great. Many people might not use it but having LAR guns, ability to heal teammates and fix vehicles makes it a great class. Unless they nerfed it from the Beta it's a fantastic class.

I had no problem locating enemies, and I thought there was noticable difference in the weapons.

Plus jumping through windows? Maybe it's the map but on the map with the church in the Beta people would run, crouch and go through the window of the church all the time.
[quote name='whiptcracker']To follow up on Chase, Team Killing was the biggest pet peeve I had in the Beta. The really need an option where if someone team kills enough they're auto-booted. Killing for the mortar cannon happened all the time in the Beta, and it's sad that nothing has really been done about this.

But I also disagree with many points, the Medic class is great. Many people might not use it but having LAR guns, ability to heal teammates and fix vehicles makes it a great class. Unless they nerfed it from the Beta it's a fantastic class.

I had no problem locating enemies, and I thought there was noticable difference in the weapons.

Plus jumping through windows? Maybe it's the map but on the map with the church in the Beta people would run, crouch and go through the window of the church all the time.[/QUOTE]

or have someone crouch in front of a window and jump on their head.
I'm not liking the map though. Seems like they are just showcases for blowing walls down with tanks. Lots of illogically built shanty towns with incredibly bland interiors, implying quite clearly that the building is just meant to be blown up piece by piece. Basically if you don't want to be a vehicle whore, you are handicapped. The radar makes it so you can hit a tank with a single one of the 1-3 shots it takes to take it down before you die. Makes it hard to snipe too since the game has everybody running into these goofy 10-20+ room buildings. All you can do is set up and try to get people as they move across a field from cluster to cluster and pray for a chopper to laser so your frag count can at least go up by one.

The controls are awkward as hell too. Left bumper for brake? Having to hold down the L3 to sprint sucks too. L3 should be for crouching and maybe RB for sprinting. Keeping the old Modern Combat crossbar popup for weapons and gear, with LB kept for maybe just quick access to one specific class item.

I'm debating whether to take a chance on the full version or wait and pick it up at the end of the year for like $30-40.

I can tell you right now DICE won't fix any of this. Just like Modern COmbat, they will forget about the game and assign one poor bastard to be the excuses and empty promises giver on the official forum. I feel bad for the guy who did that for Modern Combat. He got tore a new asshole on a daily basis after all the stuff he said would happen never did.
To summarize my rather tedious diatribe: I feel the single-player will be a lot more fun than the online multiplayer. From what I played of the single-player, it was fun and comical, and engaging. The online multiplayer loses this for all the reasons I stated in the previous page. It is hard to play other first-person shooters when standards have been generated by great games.
Anyone else have their stats missing. I was like 50 points away from rank 4, but now when I check my stats ingame my gamertag doesn't appear (appears as
Tried the demo yesterday and played through the single player and tried out the multiplayer.

All in all I thought it was rather crap. Glad I won't feel the need to spend money on this.
I haven't been too impressed with the demo. I've only played the single player so far and after playing the CoD 2,3, & 4 single player campaigns many times, I just felt it was severely lacking.

I went to and canceled my preorder. :cry: I'll wait and see if DICE does anything to fix this game up.
Maybe it is because I am new to the 360 and console FPS games in general, maybe it is because I played a shitload of BF 1942's Desert Combat mod, or maybe because I have not played CoD4 yet, but I am really digging this demo.

I like the fact that you get bonuses for kill assists, healing teammates, etc. I also like the fact that I can play a support role and not feel like my killing power has been completely gimped. The default gun for the support class is actually pretty kick ass.

I just ranked up for the first time last night (I had been playing on unranked servers for the first few days - d'oh!) and unlocked the ability to call in a mortar strike.

Should I even bother with this game when it hits retail or is the consensus that CoD 4 is a much better game?

The fact that this game is only going to initially ship with one game mode kind of turns me off, but a patch is going to be released to add at least one more mode once the game comes out.
[quote name='VipFREAK']Made me want to play RSV2 THAT much more.[/quote]
the more I play RSV2, the more I think people bashed it too soon.
review from Game Informer (for what thats worth) is good.

Both scores are 9.25. They praise the single player saying that Battlefield single player is finally good.
Demo was good, multiplayer is like dressedup battlefield 2. personally getting a little bored with fps genre but thats a me problem.
[quote name='Reck_Havoc']Much more fun than COD 4 IMO.[/quote]
The map is humongous compared to COD4. This game might lack some things but it does sure feel like i'm in a real war.
bread's done