Battlestar Galactica: The Complete Series {Blu Ray}

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Anyone know of the best deal for this series set. So far it will be sold on July 28th for 209.99, but there has to be better deals for this somehow. Anyone know of any?
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Could someone post a pic of the packaging? I would like to see how bad it is and I know best buy or some place will not let me open one up just to check it out.
[quote name='Indiana Jones']The best way I could explain BSG would be to say that it's like Star Trek: Voyager... only good. :)

It's primarily set in space and has lots of spaceships and robots, but it's really about the human condition. How are the survivors of a massive genocide going to live now? How will the system of government go on? When you're on the run for your lives from an enemy that wants to exterminate you, where does the military come into play in your new society?[/QUOTE]

Nice description! It sounds fairly philosophical in nature. From what I've read and deduced, it seems like some sort of amalgamation (or at least has strong influences) of the novels 1984 (dystopia), Brave New World (the perils of technology and what defines humanity), and...a really, really, cool space opera =]. All adds up to a good thing for me!

I've never really watched star trek, so I have no idea what deep space nine is like. I tend to like dystopia/struggle for survival type books and movies, so I have high hopes for this show. The last thing I saw that gave me that type of feel was Children of Men, which I thought was an excellent movie.
[quote name='Indiana Jones']FYI, Galactica Blu-ray is now $225.89.[/QUOTE] Yeah, WTF is up with DD's pricing on this set? It's jumped from $219 to $201 and now back up to $225 all in the span of two days. I was going to call their customer service yesterday to have them adjust my purchase price, but I never got around to it. :bomb:

As a longtime CAG, I should know better than to wait on something like this. My bad. I'll have to keep an eye on thier price and hope it drops again.
I tried getting them to adjust the price (it dropped about 20 dollars right after I ordered it) both by phone and e-mail. I was rejected both times. I even talked to a supervisor when I called. I guess they felt they had adjusted enough people's prices by the time I got through.
the verison of this coming in october to england has superior packaging and its in a metal tin w/ compartments or something. i might hold out and pick that up instead. woohoo for region free!
[quote name='Indiana Jones']The best way I could explain BSG would be to say that it's like Star Trek: Voyager... only good. :)

Hey I loved Voyager, one of my favorite Sci Fi shows ever. I thought it was very good. Anyone else like Voyager?
[quote name='mietha']Yeah, i just got a fuck you email from them as well. Worthless company, should have stuck with amazon or best buy.[/QUOTE]
Because they wouldn't give a price match after the price had been raised? No chance Amazon or Best Buy does that.
i got the email saying my price was adjusted, but the order status online doesn't show it. I guess i will see what happens when it ships.
Deep Discount doesn't do price adjustments for items bought during their 20-25% off sales. For example, you could buy something with the discount, and then shortly afterward REGULAR PRICE is actually lower on their site than what you bought it for and they will refuse to adjust it. You can, however, reorder it, have them send it to you with the free shipping they offer and return your previous purchase, and it will have cost them more to do all this than to simply give you the difference back.
A few people on the BSG thread called and had the price adjusted. But you had to do it on the phone to be quick enough.

Re-ordering then canceling would probably work best though.
BTW, that disc guide kinda sucks... it's confusing and doesn't have the information I wanted. Thanks for posting, but I'm gonna keep looking (or create one myself...please someone beat me to this LOL)
[quote name='Pookymeister']i got the email saying my price was adjusted, but the order status online doesn't show it. I guess i will see what happens when it ships.[/QUOTE]
You should be alright I had it credited on card. All is good.
[quote name='graphix'][quote name='Indiana Jones']The best way I could explain BSG would be to say that it's like Star Trek: Voyager... only good. :)

Hey I loved Voyager, one of my favorite Sci Fi shows ever. I thought it was very good. Anyone else like Voyager?[/QUOTE]

The last two and a half seasons of Voyager got absolutely AMAZING at times, but it's up to the viewer if that excuses the completely rubbish that were the first four and a half.

In my case, no.
Hmm...I ordered around 11:30 pm from Deep Discount (had work til 11) on July 28th and I'm still back-ordered. Coupled with what seems to be atrocious packaging imho, I'm starting to wonder if maybe I should cancel my order and just dload the series for now. 150$ for me is a HUGE impulse buy. Did anyone else order around a similar time and have their set shipped?
It's doubtful you'll see your order anytime soon. They have about 700 in stock, but had thousands of orders.
[quote name='E-Z-B']It's doubtful you'll see your order anytime soon. They have about 700 in stock, but had thousands of orders.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the heads up. I'm only home for another 3 weeks ish before heading back to college, where I will no longer have access to an hdtv. Coupled with likely waiting at least a week for shipping, that gives me very little time to watch the show, and I'm sure I wouldn't enjoy it nearly as much if I binge watched to that degree on the initial viewing.

I thought someone mentioned earlier in the thread that a CSR said that most of the first day orders would ship in a day or two, even though the set was back-odered from the get go.
I thought I was lucky to have my order shipped a few days after street date. It arrived today. They sent me the dvd version instead of bluray. Anger.
[quote name='Commy']I thought I was lucky to have my order shipped a few days after street date. It arrived today. They sent me the dvd version instead of bluray. Anger.[/QUOTE]

That sucks.
While I want to watch this ASAP, I won't cancel my order because of a backorder. 165 for the BD set is too big of a discount to cancel. As long as I get it in a few weeks, I'm good waiting.

Besides, we all know that if I cancel it, they'll start getting more in stock and ship. Just how it works.
[quote name='Commy']I thought I was lucky to have my order shipped a few days after street date. It arrived today. They sent me the dvd version instead of bluray. Anger.[/QUOTE]

Same thing happened to me. I ordered mine through (for $175) and they said the order was being fulfilled through Deepdiscount. Received the package on 7/29 and saw that it was the wrong version. Mailed it back the same day and now I'm being told the Blu Ray edition is on backorder and will ship when it's available. Totally sucks.
Is everyone else's still showing up as backordered? I ordered 7/28/09 FYI, still showing as backordered for me.
Yeah, same. I am going to cancel my order. Buying a DS Lite and Dragon Quest 5 instead. I'm 2/3 of the way through season 2 right now, and will probably finish the show and or have to leave for college before my copy even arrives at this rate. Hopefully, around black friday there will be a similar deal. Still not a fan of the packaging, either. Hopefully after The Plan comes out, they'll release another complete series whose packaging isn't god awful.
[quote name='darkcecil32']I'm 2/3 of the way through season 2 right now[/QUOTE]

That's all you need to watch anyways. :)
[quote name='bigdaddy']That's all you need to watch anyways. :)[/QUOTE]

Yeah, interesting. A lot of people seem to think that the quality of the show drops off a lot after season 2, from what I've read, while others continue to love the series. It seems the ending pissed off/disappointed nearly everyone though. Guess I'll find out for myself ;).
[quote name='darkcecil32']Yeah, interesting. A lot of people seem to think that the quality of the show drops off a lot after season 2, from what I've read, while others continue to love the series. It seems the ending pissed off/disappointed nearly everyone though. Guess I'll find out for myself ;).[/QUOTE]

I have not seen the last episode since it was on tv but I remember thinking that it was good and would have been better had they ended the episode sooner then they did. I don't remember what part I had thought that at and wouldn't say anyway for the ones who have some how not seen it or read about it.

I think I'm going to hold out on a price drop or a repacaging of this. I see the price drop coming befor the thing gets a new packaging.
[quote name='darkcecil32']Yeah, interesting. A lot of people seem to think that the quality of the show drops off a lot after season 2, from what I've read, while others continue to love the series. It seems the ending pissed off/disappointed nearly everyone though. Guess I'll find out for myself ;).[/QUOTE]

I enjoyed the ending. Sure, there are a few things I would have liked an answer to, but really, is that any different than anything else?

As a whole, the entire series was good, in my opinion. Sure there are a few episodes here and there that aren't the greatest, but again, that's nothing new to story telling. I can't wait to watch the entire series again, preferably non-stop.
[quote name='temp81830']I enjoyed the ending. Sure, there are a few things I would have liked an answer to, but really, is that any different than anything else?

As a whole, the entire series was good, in my opinion. Sure there are a few episodes here and there that aren't the greatest, but again, that's nothing new to story telling. I can't wait to watch the entire series again, preferably non-stop.[/QUOTE]
I rushed through the first four seasons just so I could watch the final 10 episodes without being lost. I recently bought all of the seasons through FYE used using coupons of the week. I plan on rewatching again after Battlestar Galactica The Plan is released.
hmmmm, I guess the 'complete' series boxset will just be missing this movie. Not so complete now is it.

As for the last episode, there is at least one plot point that I would love to see them explore somewhere in the future, whether it be tv, dvd, or books. Donde esta Red Stripe Toasters?
I posted this in the DD thread, but it looks like that's dead.
The UK set is region free and identical to the US set. After VAT was removed it came out to about $170 shipped to the US from Amazon UK.
My wife and I loved the ending. The audience got some answers, had some new questions raised. I think anyone going into the finale expecting definitive answers to everything were setting themselves up for disappointment. The finale used themes that had been hinted at the entire series. Of course I also loved the Seinfeld finale and thought it was spot-on perfect. *shrug*
The first 1.75 seasons of the show is fantastic, then the characters become complete opposites of what they used to be just to fit the stupid story. And yeah the ending had such a lead up to and then it was "that's it?".

Still better than most garbage on TV. :)
[quote name='shadowrage']I posted this in the DD thread, but it looks like that's dead.
The UK set is region free and identical to the US set. After VAT was removed it came out to about $170 shipped to the US from Amazon UK.[/QUOTE]I'm starting to lean that way, once I hear if the packaging is better than the US version. It supposedly is, though as it's not out for another month, it would be worth waiting on that for confirmation.
The packaging might be more... typical, but I can't say I like the color selections they used to color the box, it doesn't really seem to fit the program. What we got isn't the best but I could care less about the packaging of it myself, IMO.
I'm in the middle of my brother's Season 2 DVDs. I wanted to get this from Deep Discount but the "out of stock" thing put me off. I bit the bullet and just went with Amazon because I just can't wait. I'll probably regret it. This is the most I've spent on a box set. Prior to that I dropped only $80 for the full Bond set off an insanely good Circuit City deal.
I really want this, but I think I can wait until Black Friday. It kind of pisses me off how blockbuster didn't get season 4.5 in to rent. We have every season up to 4.0, but they said fuck season 4.5. I have no idea why... Now, I'm forced to use up my NetFlix free trial just so I could finish the series... *sigh*
[quote name='bigdaddy']The first 1.75 seasons of the show is fantastic, then the characters become complete opposites of what they used to be just to fit the stupid story. And yeah the ending had such a lead up to and then it was "that's it?"[/QUOTE]

To make sure people considering this show don't get swayed by this post:
- BD is being overreactive about the whole "complete opposites" thing. Seeing that an x number of YEARS pass through the series, after a massive traumatic event (you know, the destruction of your entire prior life and most of the people you know), that the characters actually you know...change. Complete opposites though? Nope.
- Personally, I found the ending excellent in both an immediate/short term and long term manner. Within the entire scope of the series, it fits the tone.

BD is entirely in his right of opinion, but I'll pose an alternative idea to not bother listening to him and experiencing the entire show yourself ;) (then you can love it, hate it, meh it on your own)
No season 2.5 didn't have a jump when Starbuck and Lee became complete opposites for a few weeks just to fit in the story. Most of season three's middle is useless soap opera BS.

Then season 4...
The ending was interesting, however the final five and the opera house and Hera were such important long running storylines that just fizzled in the finale. Then Starbuck... sheesh.... interesting again, but just a cropout because the writers didn't know how to explain her destiny.
Everyone should keep in mind that the upcoming TV movie The Plan may fill in some of the holes left my the series finale.

Then again - it may not. I also thought the finale was excellent, and I enjoyed how it left some things still up in the air. I think the characters in BSG seem to "change" more because some of them (Lee and Kara especially) make spur of the moment decisions like most of us would. I mean if I was one of 40 thousand members left of the human race, I doubt I'd think my decisions through as much since my world was gone and I didn't know if I'd be dead the next day. Many of the characters "live for the moment" because that's about all they have left.

Just my thoughts anyway.
Still showing backordered for me, ordered July this atypical for deepdiscount backorders? Seems a little long...
[quote name='geekpimpfx']Still showing backordered for me, ordered July this atypical for deepdiscount backorders? Seems a little long...[/QUOTE]I'm guessing they had a ton of orders for this set. It took almost a month to get the Star Trek: TOS Season 1 :br: set, so it seems reasonable to me.
[quote name='geekpimpfx']Still showing backordered for me, ordered July this atypical for deepdiscount backorders? Seems a little long...[/QUOTE]

Same for me. I just cancelled mine as I couldn't get any info about when they may be getting them back in stock. I'll wait for Amazon's price to come back down.
Still nothing for me, ordered like a few minutes after it went up for sale (AKA went OOS). I don't mind the wait as long as I get it. 165 is an amazing price for it.
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