Best Buy Halo 4 new $9.99 (PM'd at Amazon), pre-owned $7.99 ($7.19 w/ Gamer's Club Unlocked)


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oh ok. guess i'll close the thread but the best buy sunday ad thread should at least be re-titled because i almost missed this. oh well, closing this now.
Was more so bringing it up just as a this is not a random deal, but I figure any game that hits $10 kinda deserves it's own thread in some capacity.

Crazy how far this game has fallen
The GotY edition is coming out this month. Best way to clear old stock.

if im someone who doesnt have XBL gold or plan to download mappacks anytime the $7.99 used version good enough for me?

if im someone who doesnt have XBL gold or plan to download mappacks anytime the $7.99 used version good enough for me?
Do you like Halo?

I bought this game at launch and enjoyed both the campaign and MP. 10 bucks is definitely worth it if you're a fan of shooters/Halo

So for clarity, the extras are mostly map packs and multiplayer related objects?
Map packs, armor, emblems, weapon skins. You'll also get two Xbox Themes and some Avatar items, but if you're planning on playing the Campaign and Spartan Ops only, the regular version of the game would be perfect.
if im someone who doesnt have XBL gold or plan to download mappacks anytime the $7.99 used version good enough for me?
I think I paid $40 and had no intention of playing multi-player. Granted I made so much money off this game selling the exclusive DLC and taking advantage of trade values a couple times, but it's aboslutely worth it at that price. I'm buying it back today either new or used.

This is great. In for a used copy. I had such a backlog I decided to wait on Halo 4 and I think it paid off.  Thanks for highlighting this OP!

Best Buy I went to had a bunch of copies, maybe 10+. They didn't update the price yet, so it had to be price matched for me. Overall, it was good. :lol: Again, thanks for the heads up OP. \

I hope someday they do a HD Release of Halo 2. It would be great to have the entire series on 360.

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Best Buy I went to had a bunch of copies, maybe 10+. They didn't update the price yet, so it had to be price matched for me. Overall, it was good. :lol: Again, thanks for the heads up OP. \

I hope someday they do a HD Release of Halo 2. It would be great to have the entire series on 360.
I doubt they'll do it on 360. If they ever do it, it'll be on the One.
Along with Bioshock Infinite, Tomb Raider, DMC, Far Cry 3, the Playstation 3, Xbox 360, and every other game that's been on shelves for more than a month......

Games lose value bro
Except for The Last of Us, which has been out since June and never been below $40 ... And that was at K-Mart, where no one shops ...
Surprised Amazon's not PM'ing this. Thought BB was one of the few stores they still price matched these days.

I never liked Halo, but my brother has played them all - except this one. I used the in-store pick up option from and there were no problems. $10 for a AAA game that will make a great birthday gift was a great find

Map packs, armor, emblems, weapon skins. You'll also get two Xbox Themes and some Avatar items, but if you're planning on playing the Campaign and Spartan Ops only, the regular version of the game would be perfect.
Spartan Ops unfortunately requires Xbox Live gold.

Wow, snagged a like new used copy and had a $5 rewards coupon I was sitting on. I don't even like Halo but for $3.27 I might even play the thing. Thanks for the post!
Would rather get this from Amazon since I have credit there. Submitted a lower price notification to Amazon; hopefully they price match.

Holy batman you guys are right, reordered my Philips along with the game, thanks!
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And to think, I almost paid $25 for this on Expertzone when it first came out. Glad I held out; Thanks OP for the heads up! Even though I would have seen the drop later at work.

bread's done