Best Buy Markdowns for the week of 5/30 (.01 guides and 4.99 games)


Ok I know much of this is already been posted in other threads, but here is the list of markdowns for this week. Some 4.99 games abd new .01 guides.

Again I know much of this is posted so withhold the sarcasm. Maybe there's something here that was overlooked.


PoP 2 = 29.99
Ghost Recon 2 = 29.99
Tony Hawk Pro Skater (Not sure if 3 or 4) = 9.99


NCAA Football 2005 = 4.99
1080 Snowboarding = 19.99


THUG = 4.99
Castlevania = 4.99


Medal of Honor = 4.99
DBZ: Final Bout = 4.99
Fifa 2005 = 4.99
Gameday 2005 = 4.99


Madden, NBA Live, March Madness 2005 = 4.99
Psi ops = 4.99
Astro Boy = 4.99
Tomb Raider = 4.99
Wayne Grezty Hockey = 19.99
SRS = 19.99


IHRA = 9.99
Catwoman = 9.99
Breakdown = 4.99
Crash and Burn = 4.99
Driver = 9.99
SRS = 19.99


Xeno 2
MGS: Acid
TEkken 5
RE 4
Need for Speed 2
SW: Republic Commando
Jak 3
Fight Night 2
Kotor 2 (Ths wasn't on the list but has been reported)
[quote name='YoshiFan1']Don't go tonight, they closed at 7 for Memorial Day (saw that your location is FL)[/QUOTE]

yea, i went and it was closed :(
can CONFIRM here that NBA Live 2005 and MADDEN 2005 ARE NOT 4.99

also i went in and foun RE4 book. Asked them to price check it. They turn to me and go umm its 16.99 and walk away , like like what the %#$# and the dude takes it to the back of the store. Well i walk up to customer service and raise hell about they wouldnt even let me see the book. I walk back and started raising more hell about how these workers treat customers. I mean come on Tell someone its a price and then turn your backs and walk away so they come back and give me this bull about its PRICED 16.99 but its been recalled and they are not allow to sell it to me. I was like Yea I really belive that crap. Well after 10 mins of #$#$# and yelling one of the dudes comes back and says it your lucky day they will sell it to me for a penny, BUT It should cost me 16.99

So i walk up to the check out and WHAMM It rings up a Penny. Thats right they lied right to my Face and said the item was ringing up 16.99 when in FACT It was ringing up a penny. Im still going to call the 800 best buy line tomorrow and tell them the bullcrap that some of their so called workers are trying to pull on its customers.

I mean if the gujde is a penny and they are not allow to sell it but send it back tell your customers that Dont give them this bullshit about its rining up full price and then just take the guide to the back without even asking me if i wanted it for full price
[quote name='YoshiFan1']Don't go tonight, they closed at 7 for Memorial Day (saw that your location is FL)[/QUOTE]
Arg...damn. Gonna have to go tomorrow.
And, of course, the guides save Jak 3 are gone from the website, and Jak 3 is sold out.

Methinks BB is getting sneakier in their disposing of the guides.
[quote name='Eastsidecracker']Are the guides really a penny?

And FYE takes trade ins?[/QUOTE]

Astro Boy supposedly gives 18 dollars credit at FYE, so yea, they do take trade in's.

Three Astro Boy's = new game and some leftover credit, woo!
Will have to check this out tomorrow... damn BB for doing this on a holiday when I will not be near them since I was off today...

I HOPE they have not pulled the penny guides yet from my BB, but I have a suspicion they have... only really wanted DMC3 since I already had RE4 and KOTOR2
[quote name='Roufuss']Astro Boy supposedly gives 18 dollars credit at FYE, so yea, they do take trade in's.

Three Astro Boy's = new game and some leftover credit, woo![/QUOTE]
Still in the package? Isnt it alittle suspicious?
Im just going to buy 2 of every game, keep one and trade the other in.
[quote name='Eastsidecracker']Still in the package? Isnt it alittle suspicious?

Not really... I've traded in a ton of games I got from various clearences, still sealed, to numerous stores. They usually tell me they have to break the seal to check the game, to which I say ok.

I was going to nab them for Gamerush credit, but I doubt they give 18 dollars per game.
Picked up Breakdown, but was hoping for penny guides. Not a single one in the local Best Buy. Though the cashier did give me the MechAssault 2 and Forza Demos for free.
they are pulling them again. My friend got off work at a local Best buy they was working in back and heard about the hell i was throwing on the sales floor about them refusing to sell me a RE4 book for a penny. They said they had a stack of at least 50 books in the back that they just destoryed all were a penny each. they said the only reason i got my book for a penny is the main boss was back there and okay it since i was rasiing such a fuss on the sales floor
[quote name='slidecage']they are pulling them again. My friend got off work at a local Best buy they was working in back and heard about the hell i was throwing on the sales floor about them refusing to sell me a RE4 book for a penny. They said they had a stack of at least 50 books in the back that they just destoryed all were a penny each. they said the only reason i got my book for a penny is the main boss was back there and okay it since i was rasiing such a fuss on the sales floor[/QUOTE]

Man, what a waste of paper.

I can't stand it when they just "throw them out", espically when people will come in THAT SAME DAY to take all of them off their hands. Mark them at a dollar, do something with them, don't just throw them out.

Maybe the damn things should be cheaper to begin with, like 9.99.
Oh man, awesome! I have been waiting for some of those guides! Thankfully my first class tomorrow is canceled, so I have plenty of time to stop in the morning! Thanks OP!
[quote name='slidecage']they are pulling them again. My friend got off work at a local Best buy they was working in back and heard about the hell i was throwing on the sales floor about them refusing to sell me a RE4 book for a penny. They said they had a stack of at least 50 books in the back that they just destoryed all were a penny each. they said the only reason i got my book for a penny is the main boss was back there and okay it since i was rasiing such a fuss on the sales floor[/QUOTE]Was it the Best But in North Crest Shopping Center? It seriously wouldn't surprise me if they did that, because I just had a little problem with an employee there on Sunday.

Well, I badly wanted to get some of those guides and maybe pick up one of those games, but I would check the Jefferson Pointe location first since that's closer to where I live.
[quote name='Roufuss']Man, what a waste of paper.

I can't stand it when they just "throw them out", espically when people will come in THAT SAME DAY to take all of them off their hands. Mark them at a dollar, do something with them, don't just throw them out.

Maybe the damn things should be cheaper to begin with, like 9.99.[/QUOTE]

$10, I'd pick up ones for games like RE4.

$5, I'd pick up ones for the games that I thought might benefit from a guide, like RE4 & Jak 3.

$1, I'd pick up all the guides they offer, for a game I own or a game I'd likely own in the future.

Why they toss them is nonsense. I'm sure that they'd get rid of them without problem, even at $5.
I stopped by BB today to pick up some penny guides, and I found a couple, but an employee wandered over and informed me that most were pulled and put in the back. He was kind enough to offer to check for me to see if they were still there, but he returned a little later to report that a truck took them away this morning, probably headed toward's warehouses or something. Wouldn't it just be easier for them to let customers clear out the guides rather than using a truck?
I'm sure there's a good reason they trash them, such as once people realize guides are eventually a penny, no one will pay full price anymore.
Thank you thank you thank you Yaehman.

As soon as you posted this I ran over to my BB and they actually had quite a few of the guides in, but it seemed like someone from the store or just someone else, bought up a bunch of the guides before I could. Went there with my friend and we both picked up one of each of the following: Xeno 2, MGS: Acid, DMC3, Tekken 5, RE 4, Need for Speed 2, Jak 3, Fight Night 2, and KOTOR 2. I picked up a couple duplicates though since I needed some gifts to give out. I was really amazed that my BB let me buy the guides this time. My friend and I basically got the last ones of most of the guides that I listed. They still had a couple KOTOR 2s, Tekken 5s, XenoSaga2s, MGS: Acid that I left behind for some other CAGer. Last time they heckled and hassled me so much when I tried to get guides that it still amazes me that they let me have them. Seems like my call to the BBB and BB Corporate really did something this time. Really let it out on BB Corporate and told the BBB to go investigate them.

My BB also had one Astro Boy left, so I picked it up for $5. I couldn't hold any longer on the Astro Boy even though I hear the PS2 version isn't good.

They also had two Classic NEW Castlevanias left so we both picked up one of those. $5 for any Classic NES series game is the perfect price point. That's the same price I picked up Xevious when Kmart had it on 50% off.

They didn't have THUG (GBA) or I would have gotten one of those and they didn't have any PSX games at all (the only one I really wanted was the DBZ game).

Now I see that 1080 Avalanche has gone 19.99. Time to GGC that sucker. Wasn't able to get one for $9.99 when EB had it as apart of one of their sales since I couldn't find it in any store.

I'm so happy that I made it in time to my BB today before news really broke out about the guides and they were either all sold to hoarders or Ebayers or decimated and destroyed/supposedly "sent back".
[quote name='BIG5']I'm sure there's a good reason they trash them, such as once people realize guides are eventually a penny, no one will pay full price anymore.[/QUOTE]

That's their supposed reasoning. IMO that's BS. I still buy guides to games that truly deserve guides or I feel are necessary. All BB is afraid of that those poor average shmucks that buy a Madden game every year will stop buying the guides that "should" accompany them.
[quote name='shrike4242']$10, I'd pick up ones for games like RE4.

$5, I'd pick up ones for the games that I thought might benefit from a guide, like RE4 & Jak 3.

$1, I'd pick up all the guides they offer, for a game I own or a game I'd likely own in the future.

Why they toss them is nonsense. I'm sure that they'd get rid of them without problem, even at $5.[/QUOTE]

My thoughts exactly. It really is beyond me as to why publishers just don't progressively price drop guides. I mean at certain price points I would definitely find it worth it to buy the guide for a game just like you pointed out. It really is a waste to destroy them or ruin the paper. At least they could recycle them, but no, from what my friend has told me, they are supposed to write all over them, tear them, or just to destroy them in any way possible so that someone can't get them or go dumpster diving or find them out in the back. Stupid IMO.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']My thoughts exactly. It really is beyond me as to why publishers just don't progressively price drop guides. I mean at certain price points I would definitely find it worth it to buy the guide for a game just like you pointed out. It really is a waste to destroy them or ruin the paper. At least they could recycle them, but no, from what my friend has told me, they are supposed to write all over them, tear them, or just to destroy them in any way possible so that someone can't get them or go dumpster diving or find them out in the back. Stupid IMO.[/QUOTE]

I agree with you, but I'm just assuming that Bestbuy's team of economists know more than you or I do about retail sales.
My store doesn't give me any grief, thankfully. The girl saw me with a stack of guides and goes "are those the free ones?". I just replied "they're supposed to be clearanced, yea." She then asks, "you get the prices off the internet, right?" I just replied that I did, and she rang me up.

I *did* comment to her that they have gotten enough of my money there anyway. My last purchase there was the Guild Wars collector's ed. for $80. When the cashier that time (different girl) rang me up, she made some comment like "this must be several games in one."

Get commented on when my purchases are really cheap OR really expensive. :p

EDIT: I had also bought the RE4 and Tekken 5 guides for full price when they released. I buy the guide for almost any RPG when I buy the game nowadays. So yea, I think the "people will stop buying them for full price" idea is pretty dumb as well.
[quote name='BIG5']I agree with you, but I'm just assuming that Bestbuy's team of economists know more than you or I do about retail sales.[/QUOTE]

:lol:This is almost quote and sig worthy. This really made me laugh, no offense to you BIG5, but I found it funny tat you think that BB's team of economists know more than you or I do. I've taken economics, and if it's one thing that I can do, is that I can school BB in how to run a store and treat the customer and make money. All their economists and CEO seem to be able to do is just discourage customers and try lose foot/customer traffic and almost to say, kick the customer out who pays for their huge salaries.
I can understand why they do this, to an extent. I used to work at the deli found in Publix chains. (Publix is a store down in Florida.. pretty popular. Crappy place to work IMO) Anyways, at the end of the day, we'd throw away a TON of deli meat and bread. I'm talking about several trash bag fulls.. we'd toss chicken, fried chicken, meats, cheeses, etc. It was pretty depressing at times.

I asked my manager why do we throw this away, and what do the customers think about it if they see it. She replied, "If the customers knew we were throwing this away at the end of the day, they wouldn't pay for our stuff anymore. They'd come at the end of the day and ask for a free sub." If we told them no, they'd reply, "Well you just throw it away anyways"

I'm not sure how they use the same mentality for game guides, but it sucks. Refusing to sell a guide cause of their own price on it? Lame.
Oh well, maybe I'm being naive because everyone seems to agree with you. But if you decide to open your own retail chain that doesn't trash the penny guides, let me know, because I'm there.
Please don't "raise hell" over penny guides. Technically, BB (and other stores) are supposed to pull them. They go to a penny for inventory purposes.

Don't complain to corporate or anyone else because it will only lead to a procedure where no one ever gets penny guides again . . . I'm serious, the best way to handle complaints over getting them is to eliminate the problem.

The publishers should require the stores to return the covers and stores could give them away without the covers . . . that's what happens with paperback books.
[quote name='neoness']I can understand why they do this, to an extent. I used to work at the deli found in Publix chains. (Publix is a store down in Florida.. pretty popular. Crappy place to work IMO) Anyways, at the end of the day, we'd throw away a TON of deli meat and bread. I'm talking about several trash bag fulls.. we'd toss chicken, fried chicken, meats, cheeses, etc. It was pretty depressing at times.

I asked my manager why do we throw this away, and what do the customers think about it if they see it. She replied, "If the customers knew we were throwing this away at the end of the day, they wouldn't pay for our stuff anymore. They'd come at the end of the day and ask for a free sub." If we told them no, they'd reply, "Well you just throw it away anyways"

I'm not sure how they use the same mentality for game guides, but it sucks. Refusing to sell a guide cause of their own price on it? Lame.[/QUOTE]

well they could have a policy that gives the food away to organizations that would be in need of such items. There has got to be a better way to go about that. Best Buy could donate all the guides to the local Salvation Army, Goodwill,etc.
Yeah, I asked about that too.

Supposedly, someone from the organization was taking the donations, and turning around and re-selling them. So they don't do that any longer.
bread's done