Best Buy takes my game back for $.01 and tells me to like it

[quote name='Stoic Person Eater']I think we are all overlooking the fact that the OP is a liar and a cheat.[/QUOTE]

It sounds like you're overlooking the fact that the receipt says $39.99, $39.99, $39.99 just because the OP is trying to get a 30% discount on these FIFAs.
I think all we see lately is someone trying to commit return fraud or exploit a glitch, so we automatically assume that everyone is up to no good. I'll give the OP the benefit of the doubt here. In the end, though, we all know that when you get in on a deal like this, thinking you can return something and still get the better end of the end is too good to be true. Again, the employee should have made it clear what was going on before hand, so the OP could just leave with his game.
[quote name='caltab']If you did not sign anything you never agreed to the exchange and they essentially defrauded, or I'd even say, stole from you. The receipt clearly says 39.99 and any reasonable person would expect to get that back for the transaction. I would contact Best Buy corporate. Personally I would have never left without the game if I never signed anything.

I think you may not be remembering the exchange though exactly as it happened-I've never done a return where I didn't have to sign something.

Also, if you didn't sign anything and they recharged your credit card differently I would argue you never authorized that transaction and I'd probably contact your CC company if Best Buy corporate doesn't change their tune.[/QUOTE]

Yes, Id have to check with the CC company about whether I signed. For returns of merch I have done in the past, some have required signatures but lately some of them havent. In any regards, I did not sign anything authorizing a re-charge of my card for the new amount.

[quote name='NJMane']Since they just recharged your credit card I would just call me CC Company and tell them not to pay it. You ok'd the return (which you really should have saw before you signed) but you did not ok them to "recharge" your credit card.So, call and tell them not to pay it.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the advice about the CC everyone. This was probably going to be my first recourse, but I wasnt sure if there was ground to stand on so I appreciate the input. Most likely Ill try this.

[quote name='myl0r']Just a heads up on the receipt post.
It's hosted by some website that has some definite NSFW pop ups. Very uncool.[/QUOTE]

Note taken. My apologies. Ive never posted something this extensive on this site (or any for that matter), so please forgive some of my posting snags. (didnt know how to upload an image, only knew how to hotlink to an image hosting site.)
[quote name='Arakias']try sharing the image at[/QUOTE]

Went to change the site hosting the image, but I think the mods deleted the link for me and gave a little explanation of the reciept. Ill hold off reposting it unless someone wants to see it.
So I just called customer service again, and was connected with a guy who was EXTREMELY helpful. I explained the situation to him, and he basically told me that the return policy stands as it is, but upon explaining the .01 cent situation to him, he told me that he understood and pretty much stated that how I was treated by the store was poor and that I should have the right to get that game back for the .01 cent.

He then told me that what should happen is that I will get the game back, at the cost of .01, and that either I will pick it up from the store I returned it to or that they will send it to me. Unfortunately, he wasnt able to it himself and the department that handles that stuff was closed, so I'll have to resolve this tomorrow.

This guy was in huge contrast to the other a-holes that I dealt with yesterday..what strikes me wierd is that this is the same ph# I called yesterday while dealing with it and the lady I spoke with then basically said "Sorry, but theres nothing we can do" over and over without giving much reason. If this guy I spoke to helps me get the game back, needless to say he will get a glowing CS review from me and the others from the store will get a good slag.

Im still a bit skeptical of what will happen tomorrow speaking to a different department, but Im just relieved to speak with someone from the company who understands the situation.
So I just called customer service again, and was connected with a guy who was EXTREMELY helpful. I explained the situation to him, and he basically told me that the return policy stands as it is, but upon explaining the .01 cent situation to him, he told me that he understood and pretty much stated that how I was treated by the store was poor and that I should have the right to get that game back for the .01 cent.

He then told me that he will speak to another dept, and what should happen is that I will get the game back, at the cost of .01, and that either I will pick it up from the store I returned it to or that they will send it to me. Unfortunately, he wasnt able to authorize this himself and the department that handles that stuff was closed, so I'll have to resolve this tomorrow.

This guy was a huge contrast to the other a-holes that I dealt with yesterday..what strikes me weird is that this is the same ph# I called yesterday while dealing with it and the lady I spoke with then basically said "Sorry, but theres nothing we can do" over and over without giving much reason. If this guy I spoke to helps me get the game back, needless to say he will get a glowing CS review from me and the others from the store will get a good slag.

Im still a bit skeptical of what will happen tomorrow speaking to a different department, but Im just relieved to speak with someone from the company who understands the situation.
What they should have done is "post-void" the transaction which would have made it seem to the store (company) that the return never happened. Guess you hit them on a bad day. Hopefully you get the game back tomorrow.
[quote name='Diosoth']Shut up you corporate shill.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I'm a corporate shill for saying that there has been so much fraud style talk on the board lately and calling people out for it. Grow up, quit trying to cheat the system and even more, stop bitching when you do cheat the system and it fucks you in return.
OP, so you basically went from a B2G1 free sale to "buy two games for normal price". If you would have went in normally and bought those two games, you pay the same price you ended up at. So basically you gave your "free copy" back. Now, its like you didnt take advantage of the B2G1 sale at all and went in afterwards to buy those two games. You put $40 towards your friends' copies and have nothing to show for it. Ask your friends for the difference if they will do it, but dont count on it as they didnt make you take your copy of the game back.
[quote name='Indiana Jones']It seems like both parties here are trying to cheat one another, but you can still file a complaint with the BBB based on what they did to you.[/QUOTE]

And say what? "They wouldn't let me commit return fraud?"

OP and the people who are defending him are conveniently ignoring the fact that he paid NOTHING for the game. He tried to return it for full price, which is fraud. By getting a penny back, he actually made a penny.
Why would you think that you could return a copy that bought during a promo? Maybe if you returned all 3 copies that you bought you could expect to get your money back but B2G1 means just that and you returned your Free copy.

It certainly sucks and they should allow you to get the game that you returned back as well. The cashier should have verified with you before she finished ringing it through.
[quote name='Survivalism']And say what? "They wouldn't let me commit return fraud?"

OP and the people who are defending him are conveniently ignoring the fact that he paid NOTHING for the game. He tried to return it for full price, which is fraud. By getting a penny back, he actually made a penny.[/QUOTE]

you are entirely incorrect. The receipt is clear in that he was charged 39.99 for each game and given nothing for free. However, that is not where the issue is. No one, including the OP, is arguing that he should of been allowed the return for 39.99. But if they were going to deny it they had absolutely no right to take his game for a penny without his authorization(and critically his signature) and then recharge his credit card. No on has the authority to recharge his credit card like that without his authorization. I am in no way endorsing the concept of trying to turn a b2g1 free into a b1g1 free, but if what happened is as OP described, Best Buy acted wrongfully.
[quote name='myl0r']I don't understand why you thought you could get your money back. Fifa 10 does not retail for $39.99, it retails for $59.99. Even if it shows up on the receipt that way, you know it is a B2G1 free deal, not $20 off 3 games. You bought 2 copies of a game, and got a 3rd copy free. They aren't gonna let you return the first two copies and get your money back and keep the 3rd(free) copy.[/QUOTE]

Precisely. And I won't be a total presumptious dick, just semi-presumptious, and say that I bet you were buying three copies with the hopes of flipping 2, couldn't, and now find yourself stuck with 3 copies of the same game.

The three games may average out to $40, but that's not what you actually got with the promo. You bought two games, then got the third for free. They're actually doing you a solid by offering you the $.01.
[quote name='Squarehard']Wait. I am a little bit confused on some of the numbers here.

So I have question. You did the B2G1 free, but your total came out to $131.xx for 3 games that were $39.99 each. Did you mean that each game was $59.99 and you were only charged for the two that came out to $131.xx and the receipt says that each one came out to be $39.99? Because that would just be confusing since the way the promotion works is that the middle game is always the one that becomes free, so if you had 3 games at $39.99, I am not even sure how that worked out then. Does the price of each of the game on the original receipt say $39.99 right next to it? Or does it show two $59.99 games and one game free, then somewhere else on the receipt just mentions you got each game for $39.99 for some odd reason. I just don't really understand how all this worked out in the explanation you gave in the op. 3 games @ $39.99 with B2G1 does not come out to $131.xx since you're getting one of them free. And if it turns out that each game was $59.99 and you were trying to get your money back for the one, then obviously that isn't going to work since its a B2G1 promotion, not a B2G1 then return one to make it B1G1. But I still need you to be more clear what you are trying to say cause its quite confusing.[/QUOTE]

it should have been one game for 40 and two for 39.99 and I think (athough I am not sure) that they have to do this manually. That said, op you done fucked up! Why would you think that they were gonna give you a 40 dollar return? It was buy two get one, so they actually shouldn't have given you anything in return considering you got a free game. Alas, I hope you learn from this lesson. Good luck in the future on the real tip! Everyone must learn from this and stop trying to rip people off, and you can see karma is a bitch in this situation.
[quote name='convergecrew']So I just called customer service again, and was connected with a guy who was EXTREMELY helpful. I explained the situation to him, and he basically told me that the return policy stands as it is, but upon explaining the .01 cent situation to him, he told me that he understood and pretty much stated that how I was treated by the store was poor and that I should have the right to get that game back for the .01 cent.

He then told me that he will speak to another dept, and what should happen is that I will get the game back, at the cost of .01, and that either I will pick it up from the store I returned it to or that they will send it to me. Unfortunately, he wasnt able to authorize this himself and the department that handles that stuff was closed, so I'll have to resolve this tomorrow.

This guy was a huge contrast to the other a-holes that I dealt with yesterday..what strikes me weird is that this is the same ph# I called yesterday while dealing with it and the lady I spoke with then basically said "Sorry, but theres nothing we can do" over and over without giving much reason. If this guy I spoke to helps me get the game back, needless to say he will get a glowing CS review from me and the others from the store will get a good slag.

Im still a bit skeptical of what will happen tomorrow speaking to a different department, but Im just relieved to speak with someone from the company who understands the situation.[/QUOTE]

Worked at BB for 5-6 years, and I will tell you, all BB customer service departments (unless its a holiday) are opened until 9pm PST, so not sure exactly what he meant by that department is closed. I gotta tell ya, this is probably not looking good for you to be honest. And I had never been in a situation where corporate has ever gotten involved in something like this no matter how much trouble the customer is and how much he complains to corporate and customer service. Unless they spent like $20,000, you may just be SoL.
It is interesting to see how many people here go and start bitching about how the OP is trying to cheat the system and make money off of the deal. This thread definitely shows how many dicks there are in the forum.

Anyways, as Caltab says right above, the problem is not that he didn't get the $40, but that he was not even given the chance to take his game back since they did not really refund him any money. The OP was in the wrong for assuming that he would get $40 for the game (though it does seem like he would get $40 from the way the receipt printed). But, Best Buy should have informed him about how much of a refund he woul receive, and had no right to not allow him to keep his game in the end.
[quote name='mastagoalie']it should have been one game for 40 and two for 39.99 and I think (athough I am not sure) that they have to do this manually. That said, op you done fucked up! Why would you think that they were gonna give you a 40 dollar return? It was buy two get one, so they actually shouldn't have given you anything in return considering you got a free game. Alas, I hope you learn from this lesson. Good luck in the future on the real tip! Everyone must learn from this and stop trying to rip people off, and you can see karma is a bitch in this situation.[/QUOTE]

I think people are getting too caught up in villainizing the OP and missing the real problem here. The receipt clearly charged him 39.99, any reasonable person would assume if the return is accepted they would receive that amount back. Strengthening his belief, their is no indication of a package deal, which best buy typically does with their bundle deals(they say something like solutions plus). If what the OP describes is true, he received no indication that he would only get 1 penny and never signed anything authorizing the return. When he walked into the store that game was his property, Best Buy cannot arbitrarily assign a value to it and take it from him without his consent and then charge his credit card without his authorization. That would be like if you walked to the register and put a penny on the counter for a game marked 59.99 and just walked out the store. Both instances are theft in my opinion.

Its pretty alarming to me the number of people siding with Best Buy on this one. Essentially, you are OK with returning something with a receipt and only receiving a penny back, without ever agreeing to that value, even though the receipt clearly indicated another price. When you are retuning something it is still your property until you agree to give it back to them. If what the OP describes is true, he never agreed to give them anything, he never even mistakenly signed it over to them.

With that being said, I'm still of the opinion he did sign something and just doesn't remember. I've done a few returns at BB and always had to sign. If he did sign, his argument is less strong, but still a shaddy situation.
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Whatever the receipt says, the giant signs in the store say you have to buy two games to get one free. If you return one of the purchased games, making it as if you never bought it in the first place, then you did not buy two, so you did not receive one free. You just bought two games. You knew you received a game for free, and it strikes me that you probably thought you were going to get away with something slick by exploiting a perceived loop hole. That doesn't make you a poor victim of an evil corporate entity as much as a bad grifter. Not saying you're an evil human being for attempting it, but there's nothing worse than a cheat who whines about being cheated.
I am collecting the OP's IP address to give to Best Buy so they can sick the Geek Squad on him. Don't you DARE try and cheat big business, HOW DARE YOU!

Seriously, there are some real jerks on this forum. If you're shouting "return fraud", you should go find something more important to do with your life than get upset over someone else trying to cheat the system.
[quote name='defender']To me if receipt says $39.99 each then that's what you paid and that's what you should be refunded. I would chargeback the whole purchase and never shop there again. You could also do a small claims and get your $40 back that way. imho you shouldn't just take the ass raping by BB.

Does the reciept mention any B1G1 promotion? Any chance you can scan the reciept?

Personally I am not sure I buy your whole story about "frends" and your reason to return. It's just as likely you were trying to pocket money and thought you were slick. You could of sold the other two copies and thought returning for $40 was profitable.

However either way this shouldn't effect the fact of the reciept. I am surprised the manager didn't just sell you the game for the penny and be done with you.[/QUOTE]
Whoa! Defender! Excellent to see you here!
You're being treated as a devil customer. Best Buy's marketing strategy fingers you as a smart shopper (in their words a devil) who doesn't add enough to the bottom line. Best Buy doesn't want you shopping at their store and they're going to do anything they legally can to ensure you don't come back.

That includes removing your name from promotional mailings. That includes ripping you off instead of working with you on complex returns. That includes denying you customer service.

This article explains it:

Best Buy is a terrible store that makes their money by presuring clueless suckers to trade their hard-earned for BS extended warranties, overpriced cables, and subscriptions to magazine noone wants to read. It's simple - if you're not an idiot and you don't enjoy being treated like trash then don't go there ever again.

If you're lucky enough to have a Microcenter near by give them a try. I'm a very loyal customer, Microcenter always treats me right. IMHO it's the best electronics superstore still alive.
Not even sure where that rant came from, but the way you described Best Buy pretty much describes all big box retailers. They all sell BS warranties. They all sell overpriced cables.
[quote name='camoor']You're being treated as a devil customer. Best Buy's marketing strategy fingers you as a smart shopper (in their words a devil) who doesn't add enough to the bottom line. Best Buy doesn't want you shopping at their store and they're going to do anything they legally can to ensure you don't come back.

That includes removing your name from promotional mailings. That includes ripping you off instead of working with you on complex returns. That includes denying you customer service.

This article explains it:

Best Buy is a terrible store that makes their money by presuring clueless suckers to trade their hard-earned for BS extended warranties, overpriced cables, and subscriptions to magazine noone wants to read. It's simple - if you're not an idiot and you don't enjoy being treated like trash then don't go there ever again.

If you're lucky enough to have a Microcenter near by give them a try. I'm a very loyal customer, Microcenter always treats me right. IMHO it's the best electronics superstore still alive.[/QUOTE]
Hmmm...that sounds vaguely familiar:


Man...we really need to revive the CAGcomic.
[quote name='camoor']You're being treated as a devil customer. Best Buy's marketing strategy fingers you as a smart shopper (in their words a devil) who doesn't add enough to the bottom line. Best Buy doesn't want you shopping at their store and they're going to do anything they legally can to ensure you don't come back.

That includes removing your name from promotional mailings. That includes ripping you off instead of working with you on complex returns. That includes denying you customer service.

This article explains it:

Best Buy is a terrible store that makes their money by presuring clueless suckers to trade their hard-earned for BS extended warranties, overpriced cables, and subscriptions to magazine noone wants to read. It's simple - if you're not an idiot and you don't enjoy being treated like trash then don't go there ever again.

If you're lucky enough to have a Microcenter near by give them a try. I'm a very loyal customer, Microcenter always treats me right. IMHO it's the best electronics superstore still alive.[/QUOTE]

The "devil" customer criteria listen at the bottom of the link seems pretty straight forward. Every one of those is a dick move.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Not even sure where that rant came from, but the way you described Best Buy pretty much describes all big box retailers. They all sell BS warranties. They all sell overpriced cables.[/QUOTE]

Microcenter is a great store - you can get great deals there. On electronics I have often found deals that beat internet prices before shipping, and no matter what you're buying they always treat you with respect. You don't feel like you're being sized up as a devil or angel customer - in fact at every stage of the transaction they cater to tech savvy and newbies alike. As a result techies like me who buy alot of gadgets tend to be their best repeat business.

At Microcenter I've never been asked to buy junk magazines. I've been asked but never pressured to buy an extended warranty. True story - I went in-store with nothing but a LCD TV webpage printout and they honored their website price on an LCD TV, even though the price was a mistake that cost them $200. I know because they changed the website by that afternoon. Who else does that???

OK they do dabble in the accessories game. Do they sell overpriced cables? Undoubtedly. But even in this realm Microcenter beats Best Buy by a wide margin.

Best Buy 3.3' HDMI Cable - $45

Microcenter 3.3' HDMI Cable - $22.99

Microcenter is there to make a profit selling high-end electronics for reasonable prices. Best Buy is a company that is modeled on gouging the fuck out of clueless morons who are wowed by slick TV ads and shiny store displays.
[quote name='camoor']Microcenter is a great store - you can get great deals there. On electronics I have often found deals that beat internet prices before shipping, and no matter what you're buying they always treat you with respect. You don't feel like you're being sized up as a devil or angel customer - in fact at every stage of the transaction they cater to tech savvy and newbies alike. As a result techies like me who buy alot of gadgets tend to be their best repeat business.

At Microcenter I've never been asked to buy junk magazines. I've been asked but never pressured to buy an extended warranty. True story - I went in-store with nothing but a LCD TV webpage printout and they honored their website price on an LCD TV, even though the price was a mistake that cost them $200. I know because they changed the website by that afternoon. Who else does that???

OK they do dabble in the accessories game. Do they sell overpriced cables? Undoubtedly. But even in this realm Microcenter beats Best Buy by a wide margin.

Best Buy 3.3' HDMI Cable - $45

Microcenter 3.3' HDMI Cable - $22.99

Microcenter is there to make a profit selling high-end electronics for reasonable prices. Best Buy is a company that is modeled on gouging the fuck out of clueless morons who are wowed by slick TV ads and shiny store displays.[/QUOTE]

I am just going to ignore this post and pretend you never posted a plug for a company you most likely work for reading your post. You make me sick. Plus, I don't even have a Microcenter by me! Double sick!

And by the way, those HDMI cables are still way overpriced. Good thing Fry's sells HDMI cables for 1/4 of the price Microcenter is selling them for. AND I DONT EVEN WORK AT FRYS AND ILL SAY THAT!
$23 for an HDMI cable is a rip-off. I can get a cable for a few bucks from a number of places online, like monoprice. As Squarehard said, you probably work for them or something.
[quote name='Squarehard']I am just going to ignore this post and pretend you never posted a plug for a company you most likely work for reading your post. You make me sick. Plus, I don't even have a Microcenter by me! Double sick!

And by the way, those HDMI cables are still way overpriced. Good thing Fry's sells HDMI cables for 1/4 of the price Microcenter is selling them for. AND I DONT EVEN WORK AT FRYS AND ILL SAY THAT![/QUOTE]

LOL, I deserve that :) From all the deals I see Fry's also sounds awesome. And I agree on the cables - I'm a monoprice man myself.

I was just trying to show what a crappy store Best Buy is by comparing them to a b&m store that makes money without acting like total dicks.
[quote name='camoor']LOL, I deserve that :) From all the deals I see Fry's also sounds awesome. And I agree on the cables - I'm a monoprice man myself.

I was just trying to show what a crappy store Best Buy is by comparing them to a b&m store that makes money without acting like total dicks.[/QUOTE]

I'd say you probably could have gone a better way :bouncy:. We all know BB is overpriced anyways, but don't need to go that far with the plug on Microcenter. Your effort is commended, but next time a,

"(Plug any retail name here and it'll probably be true) is way cheaper than Best Buy."

Would suffice just fine ;P
There is nothing wrong with mentioning your good experiences at a store. This forum is not just for bitching.
[quote name='Squarehard']"(Plug any retail name here and it'll probably be true) is way cheaper than Best Buy."

"Circuit City is way cheaper than Best Buy."

"Sam Goody is way cheaper than Best Buy."

"Media Play is way cheaper than Best Buy."

It's not working. :lol:
[quote name='Chairman_LMAO']"Circuit City is way cheaper than Best Buy."

"Sam Goody is way cheaper than Best Buy."

"Media Play is way cheaper than Best Buy."

It's not working. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Disclaimer: Quote is only to be used with existing retail stores that are still in business or don't suck :D.
b***s = balls :lol:

You know you were taking a chance. You didn't get denied so you thought it was fine not to watch what was going on? That store bent you over a few times. Good Luck.
Hey Convergecrew: Call your credit card company FIRST thing in the morning and place that transaction as a "disputed" one. IF your receipt really does indicate $39.99 for each copy of Fifa, then a "return" of only $0.01, seems, to me, a very VALID reason to dispute the whole transaction. If you don't want to go that route, file a dispute with the BBB or contact your Attorney General. Good Luck and let us know what happens.
Man don't you hate karma... she is a bitch.... It does suck since the OP honestly thought that they could get $40 back... Good luck with pursuing your case. I think the guy in customer service pulling your chain just trying to get you off the phone without having you yell at them.
Well, really, if you buy 2 and get 1 free, and return one, why can't that returned one be one of the ones you actually bought? Though why would a B2G! Free have eahc game at reduced prices? But thsi is worst Buy. I had a manager insist the Lemon law doesn't apply, then have the enrve to ask me what would I do if I was the manager? "Oh um, refuse the lemon law, of course. But hey, let's make an exception for me. Pwease." How do idiots get into such positions?
to fix these sort of problems they need to put something into their system what says on the recept

ALL ITEMS NEED TO BE RETURN no REFUND for 1 item... what a second. at least here they DO

post a scan of the recept cause i think it says PACKAGE somewhere on that recept..

Its about time stores started doing this ... tired of people going in on BUY 2 get 1 free deals buying 3 junk games they dont want and then Trying to return them 3 weeks later for new releases that was NEVER Part of the deal ...

buying 3 copies of the same game sends up major red flags anyways

but that manager was just being a dick they should of gave the game back to you instead of a penny but there are idoits who work for that store...

im shocked they have not done this with the PC packages yet.... you can walk in and buy a pc package and return parts of it for a full refund (at least you used to )

i know last thanksgiving they had a pc for like 600 bucks...
pc run up 400
monitor rang up 195
and printer rang up 5.00 (was a 50 buck printer)

people returned items saying they did not want it could return the pc and monitor and end up with a new printer for 5.00
The part of the story that sucks is they won't give him back the game. If he could get FIFA 10 back, and exchange if for another game, I'm sure he would. But after the exchange they refused to give it back (according to the first post).

That's inexcusable.
[quote name='e3man01']Hey Convergecrew: Call your credit card company FIRST thing in the morning and place that transaction as a "disputed" one. IF your receipt really does indicate $39.99 for each copy of Fifa, then a "return" of only $0.01, seems, to me, a very VALID reason to dispute the whole transaction. If you don't want to go that route, file a dispute with the BBB or contact your Attorney General. Good Luck and let us know what happens.[/QUOTE]

This should be effective. The credit card company in the 1-2 times I've had to do this has actually been on my side of the dispute.
[quote name='slidecage']to fix these sort of problems they need to put something into their system what says on the recept

ALL ITEMS NEED TO BE RETURN no REFUND for 1 item... what a second. at least here they DO

post a scan of the recept cause i think it says PACKAGE somewhere on that recept..

Its about time stores started doing this ... tired of people going in on BUY 2 get 1 free deals buying 3 junk games they dont want and then Trying to return them 3 weeks later for new releases that was NEVER Part of the deal ...

buying 3 copies of the same game sends up major red flags anyways

but that manager was just being a dick they should of gave the game back to you instead of a penny but there are idoits who work for that store...

im shocked they have not done this with the PC packages yet.... you can walk in and buy a pc package and return parts of it for a full refund (at least you used to )

i know last thanksgiving they had a pc for like 600 bucks...
pc run up 400
monitor rang up 195
and printer rang up 5.00 (was a 50 buck printer)

people returned items saying they did not want it could return the pc and monitor and end up with a new printer for 5.00[/QUOTE]

Or the people buying the $1200 bundles of overpriced HDMI cable, HDtv, PS3 and surround sound system who then return everything but the tv and get the tv for like $200.:roll:
I used to be a manager at Best Buy for almost 7 years and maybe I can shed a little light on this situation. At the store level employees have no control over prices and amounts refunded on online orders. And once a return is done for an online order it cannot be undone at the store. I had an issue with an online order I made for 2 Xbox 360 games when they had the buy 1 get 1 50% off sale. I pre-ordered MUA2 and Brutal Legend and MUA2 was the one discounted. I was a little mad when MUA2 arrived 3 days after release and like 2 weeks before Brutal Legend came out I called and cancelled the order because I figured I would just pick it up in store and have it on release day. What the rep on the phone didn't tell me when I cancelled Brutal Legend was that they were going to charge me another $35 for MUA2 because I had received a discount. Needless to say I wasn't happy when I looked at my bank statement and saw the extra charge. Now I know I wasn't entitled to the discount on the game because in cancelling the other game i no longer met the criteria of the promotion but the rep should have said something about me getting charged the difference. Kind of a similar situation. What I would do in your case is call 1-888-best-buy and talk to them and if the person that you are talking can't find a solution you are happy with then talk to their supervisor. They should be able to set up another order for you to get your game back.
What the manager should have done was called best buy online and tried to get them to cancel the return... Or he could have returned all 3 on the online order and then sold all 3 back to him through the instore register and adjusted the prices to match the b2g1 sale. I would have done something so the customer didn't get screwed out of a $60 game... That was just wrong
How the hell did this reach 95 replies. The OP took advantage of the B2G1 free promo buy purchasing 3 games and then returned the "FREE" copy and profited a penny in the exchange. I don't see what he is upset about nor why anyone is siding with him. If they would have been three different games, guess what, they would have done a return on all three games and then rung it up again so that the two you kept were full price. As long as it says B2G1 promo on the receipt, it doesn't matter what all three are rung up as. The only person you need to bitch to is your own ignorance.
bread's done