Best Buy Trade-in Thread: 50% Bonus with Pre-order of Rage or NBA 2K12, 9/25-10/1.

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3 (100%)
!!! Promotions available in stores only, and they DO NOT stack !!!
Only the 10% Bonus from Gamers Club Unlocked will stack with these offers.

Current Promos:

- 50% Bonus with Rage or NBA 2K12 Pre-order.
Offer valid 9/25 to 10/01/2011.

- 40% Bonus with Gears of War 3 Purchase.
Get a 40% extra trade-in credit when you pre-order/purchase Gears of War 3. Offer expires 10/01/2011

- Trade 3, Get 30% More.
Trade in 3 games or more and get 30% extra trade-in credit. Offer expires 10/01/2011

- 40% Bonus with any Pre-order.
Get a 40% extra trade-in credit when you pre-order any game. Offer expires 10/01/2011

Link: (click on "Show Promotions available in stores only" on top right)



Check most up-to-date TIV using BB's Video Games Value Estimator.

Check which BB stores do trade-ins here.
In-store trades are now done at the Trade-In Counter at the Gaming Dept.


F.A.Q. Best Buy has a short FAQ here.

:bomb: The values in the Lists do not match the values in the Estimator. What's up with that?
I don't know. It seems the Lists are usually updated on Sundays, and the TIVs are adjusted to reflect the List in a few days. But as trades are made, the TIVs may change and the Lists are not updated frequently. Again, check the Estimator for latest TIV.

The promo says "Trade 2..." or "Trade 3..." but I only want to trade 1 game, will I still get $x amount?
You will get whatever TIV is offered according to the Estimator for each game. The promo is titled "Trade 2" etc to make the giftcards sound more lucrative.

The 2 games I want to trade are worth more than $60 combined according to the Estimator. Does that mean I will only get $60 for the 2 games?
No. You will get whatever TIV is offered according to the Estimator for each game. For example, if your total according to the Estimator is $70, you will get a $70 giftcard.

:bomb: If I locked in a trade online, and the value drops, will I still get the locked in value when I mail it in?
Yes. You will get the locked in TIV as long as you ship it before the "Ship by" date "Your item(s) must be received within 14 days to get the quoted value" (as of 5/2), and your games are received in the condition you declared.

How long do I have after I lock in a trade online before I have to ship it?
30 days. Has been recently changed to "Your item(s) must be received within 14 days to get the quoted value".

Can you lock in the price online then trade it in-store?

Is there a limit to how many games I can trade in?
According to BB: "We will not accept more than 3 games of the same title and platform from a customer (or address) in a year. Please do not submit more than the limit as excess submissions WILL NOT BE RETURNED." Example, you can trade 3 copies of Portal 2 for PS3 and 3 copies of Portal 2 for x360 without problems. Some people have been banned from trade-ins at BB due to the violation of this policy. If you plan on trading more than 3 copies of a game per platform by doing it through various stores, you do so at your own risk and discretion.

:bomb: Can I trade game disc only, or do I need the case and manuals, too?
BB used to be strict about complete copies, but this has changed, and ppl are trading games in store without manuals or cover sleeve for full TIV. If you trade online it's sometimes YMMV. I would advise you to send in complete games (case, disc, manual) since some ppl are reporting only getting 50% of the locked TIV.

I see people talking about getting Amazon giftcards by trading at Best Buy. How are they doing that?
Some Best Buys sell Kindle giftcards which can be used on like regular Amazon giftcards. You will not get the Kindle card with your trade, but you can buy them with your BB giftcard.

When I do a in-store trade, I am asked: to be fingerprinted, to have my photo taken, how much I weigh, etc. What's the deal?
Pawn shop laws regulating trade-ins and resale of used goods varies from state to state or city to city. It is not Best Buy's rule, and varies from store to store depending on where you live.

I went to a store to do a trade-in and they asked for a Best Buy receipt. WTF?
According to BB's own FAQ:
Q: Is trade-in limited to items I bought at Best Buy?
A: No.

I don't know why this happens, but apparently some stores do not have their system setup to take non-BB purchased items at this time. Check the link above regarding stores that do video games trade-ins first.
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Well I went in to my local store and met up with the worst manager I have seen at any BBY in C-bus, Oh. I know half the gamer separtment at my local store and non were in last night when I came in 20 minutes before closing (8:40 pm). I just came in to trade in a couple move heroes, sonic riders and PvZ that I had. Thats when it started...

The girl at the gaming kiosk said that I couldn't redeem my unlocked rewards voucher until the 15th. Kinda funny since a sign right behind her said "Join our new Gamer's Club Unlocked 9/12/11". Took 10 minutes to just add the unlocked and check me out.

I then proceeded to say I wanted to trade in games and asked if the 10% bonus for unlocked would be added automatically. To which she said yes. Handed her the games and she said she's sorry but state law prohibits taking more than 1 of the same game in a day. She then said "I worked at Gamestop so I know this law, because we were restricted there also." said I hair done multiples up to 3 plenty of times. She then asked for the cashiers that did this as they were breaking state laws and she would not do it. I asked politely to talk with a manager to have the policy cleared up.

I knew the law reason was BS and looked up the local pawn laws at the .gov site. As I thought nothing remotely showing multiples are anything close to what she was saying. After 10 minutes of me waiting (no one else besides employees were left in the store), the manager finally came over.

I asked what the policies were for trading in games. To which she replied "state law prohibits multiples of any game to be traded in in the same day". I held back in just bluntly calling her a liar and just said something to the effect of I have been told that Best Buys policy was 3 per title, per console, per year along with seeing it in the BBY policies forum boards. Then got told that this doesn't apply to Ohio as they're different laws here. I asked if the above was true about BBY policy about 3 games and she said it didn't matter as state law prohibits it.

I had enough of the lie and broke. I said that the laws here have nothing to say about multiples, I may have had a slight attitude at this point. She snidely (and yes I do mean very rude and snide) "what are you some expert on the laws, she then said " Ohio revised code (and spouted of some random numbers) says that it's not allowed". I then commented that I think she had the wrong code and I looked up the Ohio revised code and had it on my phone and if she would be so nice to show me where it said that multiples were not allowed.

I offered my phone to her and she starte to read random lines out loud, none of which had anything to do with multiples. She then got to the part where they were supposed to report any "suspicious" activity and read it a little louder 3 times in a row (guess it was a threat but didn't think about it at the time). She then dropped my iPhone onto the desk there. It wasnt that high maybe 2 feet but still pissed me off. She said it didn't matter what the law stated as Best Buy's policy was to only take 1 title per day. I said that I would like to just check with corporate to resolve this as I have always been told differently. I also said that I understand you have the right to refuse any trade for any reason and would accept that reason if she so chose. I also made it clear that I come to BBY because I would like to spend my money here rather than anywhere else, but if t was going to become a pain then I will take my business elsewhere. I know I slipped my 14 preorders in there somewhere alon with the 3k plus I spent in the last 2 months, which might have been uncalled for but I was now 9:30pm and nothing had gotten done.

The manager was then called away by an employee. So I sat there talking to the now 3 employees standing around me. I decided to call corporate at this point. 10 minutes of being on hold and finally got someone. He confirmed that it was 3 per title per console per year. I then had him repeat it on speakerphone (his idea) to have confirmation. At this exact time the manager walked back up and was livid that I had called corporate. She said it didnt matter what they said she was refusing my trades due to suspicion of theft. I said that if she was concerned then I have the receipts in the car and could provide them to her, if she wanted me to.

She said something to the effect of " I highly doubt you have them" and something about just trying to get away. The rep on the phone spoke up as I still had him on speaker and stated the policy again. Then asked the manager politely that if he provides the proper paperwork can he just get these traded in tonight? She caved and said whatever.

I thanked the rep on the phone to which he already stated that he had typed up what had transpired and I would be receiving a call within 48 hours on my experience. He apologized immensely and asked if he could do anything else.

So I'm walking out of the store at 9:45 to get my receipts and there are 2 police cars situated to effectively blocking my car in. I assume the one closest to the rear of my car was run if my plates as he was punching stuff into the computer. Now I was really pissed. I mustered up enough to speak calmly with the police. Trying to not let any anger come out. In the end after some talking, He stated he was called out by the store because of suspicious behavior. I told him about the receipts and he just let me go back in with them to "clear things up".

Now 10pm; I show the receipts to the manager. 3 of the 6 games I bought months ago for half of what they trade in for and of course she flips out because after bonuses I was almost getting 200% profit. She said that I couldn't trade them in for a profit and she would "allow me" to get my money back and issue a gift card for what I paid for the games. I started lose it and told her I got tired of her lies. Now she wants to change corporate policy that is plainly stated in their terms that a trade is either accepted or denied; no hidden fees, no changing price, no BS refurb fees like GS. the assistant manager calmed me down and told me to just wait a second and he will take care of this.

He calls someone and a few minutes later hands the phone to the manager. I could hear her start to explain the situation, then mid sentence she jus got quiet. After that it was one word answers. Yes. Yes. No. Then she rang me out. Of course didn't apply my 50% bonus for GoW preorder. So she had to ring it all back up. Didn't get the 10% unlocked bonus but was not going to tackle it since I had now been there for 1 1/2 hours.

I grabbed brink to buy earlier for $10 with coupon. So I gave that to her and of course " I can't use this as Brink is on sale and it says here cannot be used with sales". I don't like to cuss at all but a few came out. The assistant manager then spoke up and told the manager straight ou. That she needed to learn what is going on in her store and there was a memo from 3 months ago stating they stack and are supposed to. In the assistant managers own words to the manager " There is no excuse for a manager if the store to not know the store's own policies".

So after everything as I was walking out the assistant manager told me that he called the district manager to sort the things out. That was who was on the phone and that I should expect a call from him in 24 hours.

Sure enough first thing this morning he called. He offered his sincere apologies. Said it was being taken care of internally and that he could hope that I could put the past behind me. He also said he hoped that they could earn my loyalty back and said that there would be a $250 GC at CS next time I stopped in in hopes that they could rectify the bad service I had received.

I know this is a long post, but I wanted to vent I all out here as I was lucky that last night my wife was asleep by the time I got home. Hate giving her even a hint of attitude because someone else made my day bad. So hopefully this venting will suffice to get it all out before I go home.

So lesson to learn is keep your receipts in case you run into an idiotic, powertripped manager.
[quote name='Usa Ghost']I've tried the visa cards but was told I can't buy a gift card with a gift there any method around this?[/QUOTE]

Only policy I'm aware of is using BB store credit to buy a BB gift card but if its BB gift card to buy a visa there is no issues with that. I would say just tell them to ring it up and then it will work.

It sucks because I was ready to buy and flip some more.

It sucks because I was ready to buy and flip some more.[/QUOTE]

what about the amex from amz?
[quote name='Jimmienoman']
Sure enough first thing this morning he called. He offered his sincere apologies. Said it was being taken care of internally and that he could hope that I could put the past behind me. He also said he hoped that they could earn my loyalty back and said that there would be a $250 GC at CS next time I stopped in in hopes that they could rectify the bad service I had received.


CYA on his part. One of his managers called the police on you.
[quote name='bgame2']CYA on his part. One of his managers called the police on you.[/QUOTE]

If I wasn't already 3 deep on the 5/$100 I probably just would have pulled all preorders and cashed everything out to AMZ.
Sorry bout the cops coming in on you dude, that sucks. Last night when I was flipping Heroes I brought in my receipts to make sure I wasn't accused of stealing, but their trade in guys are super cool and don't have any issues with trading.
But I wouldn't go back their, unless she loses her job, which honestly I think she should, she called the popo because you knew her stores policys better than she did.
[quote name='Jimmienoman']If I wasn't already 3 deep on the 5/$100 I probably just would have pulled all preorders and cashed everything out to AMZ.[/QUOTE]
That story is crazy. When is this company going to get it's act together? The whole thing is half-assed.
Went to trade in some games today for the first time at best buy and it went better than expected! The guy at the trade-in counter was extremely chill, and everything was almost hassle-free but he didn't know how to sign me up for RZ since he was new I guess. Thankfully someone came to help him out. I thought they were going to take the $5 for gears of war 3 out of my trade-in amount but the guy just asked for cash. I was also expecting to get charged for signing up for the gamers club/rewards zone for the extra 10%, but that's free apparently.

Might go back later this week and price-match Deus Ex: HR since amazon is oos at the moment.

And for future reference, where are the kindle giftcards and Visa prepaids located for you guys?
[quote name='Cysquatch']

And for future reference, where are the kindle giftcards and Visa prepaids located for you guys?[/QUOTE]
Kindle cards are in the tablet section of the store. For me visa cards are typically in the front of the store, look for gift cards on a rack. Although one store I go to has the visa cards near the registers with the candy and soda.
[quote name='Jimmienoman']Well I went in to my local store and met up with the worst manager I have seen at any BBY in C-bus, Oh. I know half the gamer separtment at my local store and non were in last night when I came in 20 minutes before closing (8:40 pm). I just came in to trade in a couple move heroes, sonic riders and PvZ that I had. Thats when it started...

The girl at the gaming kiosk said that I couldn't redeem my unlocked rewards voucher until the 15th. Kinda funny since a sign right behind her said "Join our new Gamer's Club Unlocked 9/12/11". Took 10 minutes to just add the unlocked and check me out.

I then proceeded to say I wanted to trade in games and asked if the 10% bonus for unlocked would be added automatically. To which she said yes. Handed her the games and she said she's sorry but state law prohibits taking more than 1 of the same game in a day. She then said "I worked at Gamestop so I know this law, because we were restricted there also." said I hair done multiples up to 3 plenty of times. She then asked for the cashiers that did this as they were breaking state laws and she would not do it. I asked politely to talk with a manager to have the policy cleared up.

I knew the law reason was BS and looked up the local pawn laws at the .gov site. As I thought nothing remotely showing multiples are anything close to what she was saying. After 10 minutes of me waiting (no one else besides employees were left in the store), the manager finally came over.

I asked what the policies were for trading in games. To which she replied "state law prohibits multiples of any game to be traded in in the same day". I held back in just bluntly calling her a liar and just said something to the effect of I have been told that Best Buys policy was 3 per title, per console, per year along with seeing it in the BBY policies forum boards. Then got told that this doesn't apply to Ohio as they're different laws here. I asked if the above was true about BBY policy about 3 games and she said it didn't matter as state law prohibits it.

I had enough of the lie and broke. I said that the laws here have nothing to say about multiples, I may have had a slight attitude at this point. She snidely (and yes I do mean very rude and snide) "what are you some expert on the laws, she then said " Ohio revised code (and spouted of some random numbers) says that it's not allowed". I then commented that I think she had the wrong code and I looked up the Ohio revised code and had it on my phone and if she would be so nice to show me where it said that multiples were not allowed.

I offered my phone to her and she starte to read random lines out loud, none of which had anything to do with multiples. She then got to the part where they were supposed to report any "suspicious" activity and read it a little louder 3 times in a row (guess it was a threat but didn't think about it at the time). She then dropped my iPhone onto the desk there. It wasnt that high maybe 2 feet but still pissed me off. She said it didn't matter what the law stated as Best Buy's policy was to only take 1 title per day. I said that I would like to just check with corporate to resolve this as I have always been told differently. I also said that I understand you have the right to refuse any trade for any reason and would accept that reason if she so chose. I also made it clear that I come to BBY because I would like to spend my money here rather than anywhere else, but if t was going to become a pain then I will take my business elsewhere. I know I slipped my 14 preorders in there somewhere alon with the 3k plus I spent in the last 2 months, which might have been uncalled for but I was now 9:30pm and nothing had gotten done.

The manager was then called away by an employee. So I sat there talking to the now 3 employees standing around me. I decided to call corporate at this point. 10 minutes of being on hold and finally got someone. He confirmed that it was 3 per title per console per year. I then had him repeat it on speakerphone (his idea) to have confirmation. At this exact time the manager walked back up and was livid that I had called corporate. She said it didnt matter what they said she was refusing my trades due to suspicion of theft. I said that if she was concerned then I have the receipts in the car and could provide them to her, if she wanted me to.

She said something to the effect of " I highly doubt you have them" and something about just trying to get away. The rep on the phone spoke up as I still had him on speaker and stated the policy again. Then asked the manager politely that if he provides the proper paperwork can he just get these traded in tonight? She caved and said whatever.

I thanked the rep on the phone to which he already stated that he had typed up what had transpired and I would be receiving a call within 48 hours on my experience. He apologized immensely and asked if he could do anything else.

So I'm walking out of the store at 9:45 to get my receipts and there are 2 police cars situated to effectively blocking my car in. I assume the one closest to the rear of my car was run if my plates as he was punching stuff into the computer. Now I was really pissed. I mustered up enough to speak calmly with the police. Trying to not let any anger come out. In the end after some talking, He stated he was called out by the store because of suspicious behavior. I told him about the receipts and he just let me go back in with them to "clear things up".

Now 10pm; I show the receipts to the manager. 3 of the 6 games I bought months ago for half of what they trade in for and of course she flips out because after bonuses I was almost getting 200% profit. She said that I couldn't trade them in for a profit and she would "allow me" to get my money back and issue a gift card for what I paid for the games. I started lose it and told her I got tired of her lies. Now she wants to change corporate policy that is plainly stated in their terms that a trade is either accepted or denied; no hidden fees, no changing price, no BS refurb fees like GS. the assistant manager calmed me down and told me to just wait a second and he will take care of this.

He calls someone and a few minutes later hands the phone to the manager. I could hear her start to explain the situation, then mid sentence she jus got quiet. After that it was one word answers. Yes. Yes. No. Then she rang me out. Of course didn't apply my 50% bonus for GoW preorder. So she had to ring it all back up. Didn't get the 10% unlocked bonus but was not going to tackle it since I had now been there for 1 1/2 hours.

I grabbed brink to buy earlier for $10 with coupon. So I gave that to her and of course " I can't use this as Brink is on sale and it says here cannot be used with sales". I don't like to cuss at all but a few came out. The assistant manager then spoke up and told the manager straight ou. That she needed to learn what is going on in her store and there was a memo from 3 months ago stating they stack and are supposed to. In the assistant managers own words to the manager " There is no excuse for a manager if the store to not know the store's own policies".

So after everything as I was walking out the assistant manager told me that he called the district manager to sort the things out. That was who was on the phone and that I should expect a call from him in 24 hours.

Sure enough first thing this morning he called. He offered his sincere apologies. Said it was being taken care of internally and that he could hope that I could put the past behind me. He also said he hoped that they could earn my loyalty back and said that there would be a $250 GC at CS next time I stopped in in hopes that they could rectify the bad service I had received.

I know this is a long post, but I wanted to vent I all out here as I was lucky that last night my wife was asleep by the time I got home. Hate giving her even a hint of attitude because someone else made my day bad. So hopefully this venting will suffice to get it all out before I go home.

So lesson to learn is keep your receipts in case you run into an idiotic, powertripped manager.[/QUOTE]

I've been there many times before, my man. INCREDIBLY INFURIATING! Sorry to hear about it. That said, it sounds like you did your best to keep cool (no shouting, making a scene, violence, name calling, etc), and for that, I applaud you. I try to be the same way... I'm super polite whenever someone starts some friction... but sometimes, unfortunately, you're obligated to match attitude with attitude.

Pretty awesome you got a $250 GC out of the deal. Normally I'd suggest that that might be pretty excessive. However, the fact that they had cops to show up and run your plates is reason enough for the GC.
[quote name='Evolved']Kindle cards are in the tablet section of the store. For me visa cards are typically in the front of the store, look for gift cards on a rack. Although one store I go to has the visa cards near the registers with the candy and soda.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the story, at least I now learn what to do in that situation.
On a side note, the assistant manager must be enjoying his new job as store manager now. :lol:
[quote name='KtMack23']Sorry bout the cops coming in on you dude, that sucks. Last night when I was flipping Heroes I brought in my receipts to make sure I wasn't accused of stealing, but their trade in guys are super cool and don't have any issues with trading.
But I wouldn't go back their, unless she loses her job, which honestly I think she should, she called the popo because you knew her stores policys better than she did.[/QUOTE]

I will say that this is the one time out of probably 50 trips that things went horribly wrong. From now on if I don't notice anyone I know in the gaming department I'm just going to walk right back out. Besides this one trip and one other (which was more of a small hiccup compared to this) my experience has been great at this store.

That and right now it is just too easy to make money off of BBY to just cut them out completely.

It sucks because I was ready to buy and flip some more.[/QUOTE]

Dude a million thanks...sorry it did not work for you though. I was getting ready to get my prepaid for the gamefly sale. So glad I read this first. I wonder if a lot of online places have issues with the prepaid cards since there is no address associated with them.
[quote name='buster90']I have a question can I trade in more than $60 worth of games and still get 50% bonus credit for all of them if I preorder Gears 3?[/QUOTE]

Yes. The preorder will only be for $5. The rest you get back in a GC.
[quote name='buster90']I have a question can I trade in more than $60 worth of games and still get 50% bonus credit for all of them if I preorder Gears 3?[/QUOTE]Yes. In fact all you have to do is put $5 down for the pre-order. You get the rest on a BB GC.

EDIT: And we both managed to reply with the same answer at the same time, nice. But the question has been answered a lot through the last couple pages.
[quote name='buster90']I have a question can I trade in more than $60 worth of games and still get 50% bonus credit for all of them if I preorder Gears 3?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='buster90']I have a question can I trade in more than $60 worth of games and still get 50% bonus credit for all of them if I preorder Gears 3?[/QUOTE]

Yes, that's what I did today.
[quote name='Jimmienoman']

So lesson to learn is keep your receipts in case you run into an idiotic, powertripped manager.[/QUOTE]

Normally I would not read a post this long but I am glad I did. That is the most insane thing I think I have heard concerning a BB employee. The BB by me is so awesome that I am not sure how I would react to being treated this way. I always get a huge thanks when I trade in games and never a shifty eye or blaming me for a problem. I keep all my receipts...I still have them for games I bought 5 years ago.
I have always done my video game trade-ins through Amazon seeing as I shop there 99% of the time. I never considered Gamestop since I don't believe I've ever bought anything from there, so store credit wouldn't mean anything to me. I am very intrigued by Best Buy's 30/40/50% promotions though. With the hit-or-miss reliability I've read about NorAm handling Amazon's trade-ins, I think I'll stop into Best Buy with my next bunch of games. After the percentage increase, the additional money made will trump Amazon's (slightly) better values (sometimes), as well as any promotional credit amazon may offer on future game purchases. Thanks OP and thread denizens in general.
[quote name='cancerman1120']Dude a million thanks...sorry it did not work for you though. I was getting ready to get my prepaid for the gamefly sale. So glad I read this first. I wonder if a lot of online places have issues with the prepaid cards since there is no address associated with them.[/QUOTE]

Most places won't accept a prepaid card unless it has your name on it (ala rebate cards and the like) since those are attached to you.
[quote name='Dalerax']I have always done my video game trade-ins through Amazon seeing as I shop there 99% of the time. I never considered Gamestop since I don't believe I've ever bought anything from there, so store credit wouldn't mean anything to me. I am very intrigued by Best Buy's 30/40/50% promotions though. With the hit-or-miss reliability I've read about NorAm handling Amazon's trade-ins, I think I'll stop into Best Buy with my next bunch of games. After the percentage increase, the additional money made will trump Amazon's (slightly) better values (sometimes), as well as any promotional credit amazon may offer on future game purchases. Thanks OP and thread denizens in general.[/QUOTE]

Plus you can just get AMZ gift cards with BB GCs. So it's win/win. If I had to spend all my tradein credit at BBY I probably wouldnt flip that much, if at all. But since I can get AMZ credit, I've bought a crib, a patio set, a full years worth of diapers plenty of clothes for my wife and my daughter etc etc.
Heading to BB to sign up for unlocked then i might head to the other to trade in a nice stack of games w/ the GOW3 preorder..will post credit...wish me luck!
It sucks to hear all these crappy stories because I have nothing but great interactions with the people doing my trade ins.

Ive only gone in twice but both times the associates were excited to talk to me about gaming and they didnt bat an eye at trading in multiple copies of the same game. They actually took the time to ring them into the computer of multiples of three as I imagine not to trip any "alarm". What made my trips even better was that one of the associates was a heavenly beautiful female did some of the trade-ins and had a full conversation about the benefits of team based play in battlefield versus the 1 man army style of Call of Duty.

I dont plan on trading more games until the next BBY B1G1 but i have to imagine that they see something on their computer when they enter in the ID of the person that could stop them from trading my games in. Maybe this "3 title" limit is a law in some states and a unspoken rule in others.
[quote name='JUSTSULTAN']Heading to BB to sign up for unlocked then i might head to the other to trade in a nice stack of games w/ the GOW3 preorder..will post credit...wish me luck![/QUOTE]

Just a heads up. There is a clause stating that the unlocked status may take up to 48 hours to activate. So YMMV if you get the 10% today.

Some reported succes and others failure.
Thanks for sharin your story Jimmienoman. Glad you stuck to your guns and eventually proved that power tripped manager out. Sounds like they will be getting their ass chewed out very soon. Maybe that will change their tune with the next person they try to "help".
[quote name='Jimmienoman']Most places won't accept a prepaid card unless it has your name on it (ala rebate cards and the like) since those are attached to you.[/QUOTE]

It works on Amazon as I've purchased Uncharted for $11 in the warehouse deals.
Just a suggestion for those trying to use the prepaid Visas online, such as for the Gamefly sale. Try registering the card online. If you read the little paper FAQ that's included in the package with the card, it states that the card needs to be registered online in order for online, telephone, or mail retailers to accept it. You basically attach your address and name to the card that way. The website is

I have not tried using the card online myself yet, so I don't know for sure if this will work, but it's worth a try.
[quote name='Jimmienoman']I will say that this is the one time out of probably 50 trips that things went horribly wrong. From now on if I don't notice anyone I know in the gaming department I'm just going to walk right back out. Besides this one trip and one other (which was more of a small hiccup compared to this) my experience has been great at this store.

That and right now it is just too easy to make money off of BBY to just cut them out completely.[/QUOTE]
Looks like you found someone just smart enough to realize you were taking advantage of BB, but not smart enough to know what to do about it (I'd have thought a simple BB policy quote of "We reserve the right to refuse any trade-in for any reason." would work) Calling the cops was so damn dumb though, I thought every big store's LP policy was for absolute proof before accusations, and that a manager of all people would be 100% clear on that.
Um....I think the guy doing my trade-ins messed up. With my trade-in, it says on my reciept he gave me the "Unlocked" gamer's club extra 10% but only signed me up for the free RZ....

Is this right or did he goof up? I honestly thought I was supposed to cough up $15....
[quote name='Cysquatch']Um....I think the guy doing my trade-ins messed up. With my trade-in, it says on my reciept he gave me the "Unlocked" gamer's club extra 10% but only signed me up for the free RZ....

Is this right or did he goof up? I honestly thought I was supposed to cough up $15....[/QUOTE]

Sounds like he applied it. The sheets that print out will have the base price, the promo price and now a new line for the unlocked 10% amount. If you have that on the sheet then either he applied it manually or you have the unlocked membership for free now.
In all honesty, I would have b****** slapped that my head of course
But damn!
Kudos for maintaining you composure Jimmienoman
[quote name='cancerman1120']Sounds like he applied it. The sheets that print out will have the base price, the promo price and now a new line for the unlocked 10% amount. If you have that on the sheet then either he applied it manually or you have the unlocked membership for free now.[/QUOTE]

Yea, it says:

Promotion Value
Reward Zone Gamer's Club [Unlocked]
Next to each do I know if I actually got a free unlocked membership? Just wait for an @gamer magazine to appear in my mailbox?
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I don't know if it has been mentioned, but be careful using the Best Buy mobile gaming app. Although Move Heroes has dropped to $6, the app is still showing $15. Looks like it isn't updated as often :(
[quote name='te619']I don't know if it has been mentioned, but be careful using the Best Buy mobile gaming app. Although Move Heroes has dropped to $6, the app is still showing $15. Looks like it isn't updated as often :([/QUOTE]

It has been mentioned that the app is shit. If you have smart phone use the website Broseph Stalin.
[quote name='Shinpachi']Looks like you found someone just smart enough to realize you were taking advantage of BB, but not smart enough to know what to do about it (I'd have thought a simple BB policy quote of "We reserve the right to refuse any trade-in for any reason." would work) Calling the cops was so damn dumb though, I thought every big store's LP policy was for absolute proof before accusations, and that a manager of all people would be 100% clear on that.[/QUOTE]

I even brought it up to her that she could refuse any trade in for any reason. But I semi threatened to pull all my preorders and just stop doing business with them, because besides the F:NV flips and the SWFu2 and sports champions in which I flipped over the limit. I have traded in massive amount of my own games.

If she would have just said we reserve the right to deny, I would have been annoyed; but would have accepted it and taken my business elsewhere as that is their right.

But she decided to stick to her lies until she got in way too deep. She wanted her way but not lose a customer.

Honestly I have spent a lot in there, not sure if it would make a large difference to them or not, but a lot of my electronic/gaming purchases are from there and until now have been happy with their service, not ecstatic like I am about amazon, but much better than what they used to be.

Like you said I realize that it is taking advantage of the promo as of right now, but before now they have been more than willing to give it to me. In fact the employees told me it was 3 per day in store and I should bring in more since they were getting pats on te back for being a high trade in store. If they decide to ban me then I understand as I have exceeded the limit.

On the flip side they are more than happy to rip people off selling a USB cable that costs less than a dollar to make and ship to the store (at microcenter when I worked there employees paid cost + 10% for shipping/stock and it cost $0.78 to buy) and sell them for $12+.

So yes I see me taking advantage of them and them trying to take advantage of me. Any person that has grown any type of company realizes that both sides are at fault and you can't just give everyone the best deal possible while not taking anything for yourself.
Yeah that was a great story.. glad you stuck with it because you were right, and she was wrong.

Some of these managers just have these ideas that they have to "win" over the customer, even if it means lying. Hopefully she got a mouthful from corporate about her junior detective work.
[quote name='Jimmienoman']Well I went in to my local store and met up with the worst manager I have seen at any BBY in C-bus, Oh. I know half the gamer separtment at my local store and non were in last night when I came in 20 minutes before closing (8:40 pm). I just came in to trade in a couple move heroes, sonic riders and PvZ that I had. Thats when it started...

The girl at the gaming kiosk said that I couldn't redeem my unlocked rewards voucher until the 15th. Kinda funny since a sign right behind her said "Join our new Gamer's Club Unlocked 9/12/11". Took 10 minutes to just add the unlocked and check me out.

I then proceeded to say I wanted to trade in games and asked if the 10% bonus for unlocked would be added automatically. To which she said yes. Handed her the games and she said she's sorry but state law prohibits taking more than 1 of the same game in a day. She then said "I worked at Gamestop so I know this law, because we were restricted there also." said I hair done multiples up to 3 plenty of times. She then asked for the cashiers that did this as they were breaking state laws and she would not do it. I asked politely to talk with a manager to have the policy cleared up.

I knew the law reason was BS and looked up the local pawn laws at the .gov site. As I thought nothing remotely showing multiples are anything close to what she was saying. After 10 minutes of me waiting (no one else besides employees were left in the store), the manager finally came over.

I asked what the policies were for trading in games. To which she replied "state law prohibits multiples of any game to be traded in in the same day". I held back in just bluntly calling her a liar and just said something to the effect of I have been told that Best Buys policy was 3 per title, per console, per year along with seeing it in the BBY policies forum boards. Then got told that this doesn't apply to Ohio as they're different laws here. I asked if the above was true about BBY policy about 3 games and she said it didn't matter as state law prohibits it.

I had enough of the lie and broke. I said that the laws here have nothing to say about multiples, I may have had a slight attitude at this point. She snidely (and yes I do mean very rude and snide) "what are you some expert on the laws, she then said " Ohio revised code (and spouted of some random numbers) says that it's not allowed". I then commented that I think she had the wrong code and I looked up the Ohio revised code and had it on my phone and if she would be so nice to show me where it said that multiples were not allowed.

I offered my phone to her and she starte to read random lines out loud, none of which had anything to do with multiples. She then got to the part where they were supposed to report any "suspicious" activity and read it a little louder 3 times in a row (guess it was a threat but didn't think about it at the time). She then dropped my iPhone onto the desk there. It wasnt that high maybe 2 feet but still pissed me off. She said it didn't matter what the law stated as Best Buy's policy was to only take 1 title per day. I said that I would like to just check with corporate to resolve this as I have always been told differently. I also said that I understand you have the right to refuse any trade for any reason and would accept that reason if she so chose. I also made it clear that I come to BBY because I would like to spend my money here rather than anywhere else, but if t was going to become a pain then I will take my business elsewhere. I know I slipped my 14 preorders in there somewhere alon with the 3k plus I spent in the last 2 months, which might have been uncalled for but I was now 9:30pm and nothing had gotten done.

The manager was then called away by an employee. So I sat there talking to the now 3 employees standing around me. I decided to call corporate at this point. 10 minutes of being on hold and finally got someone. He confirmed that it was 3 per title per console per year. I then had him repeat it on speakerphone (his idea) to have confirmation. At this exact time the manager walked back up and was livid that I had called corporate. She said it didnt matter what they said she was refusing my trades due to suspicion of theft. I said that if she was concerned then I have the receipts in the car and could provide them to her, if she wanted me to.

She said something to the effect of " I highly doubt you have them" and something about just trying to get away. The rep on the phone spoke up as I still had him on speaker and stated the policy again. Then asked the manager politely that if he provides the proper paperwork can he just get these traded in tonight? She caved and said whatever.

I thanked the rep on the phone to which he already stated that he had typed up what had transpired and I would be receiving a call within 48 hours on my experience. He apologized immensely and asked if he could do anything else.

So I'm walking out of the store at 9:45 to get my receipts and there are 2 police cars situated to effectively blocking my car in. I assume the one closest to the rear of my car was run if my plates as he was punching stuff into the computer. Now I was really pissed. I mustered up enough to speak calmly with the police. Trying to not let any anger come out. In the end after some talking, He stated he was called out by the store because of suspicious behavior. I told him about the receipts and he just let me go back in with them to "clear things up".

Now 10pm; I show the receipts to the manager. 3 of the 6 games I bought months ago for half of what they trade in for and of course she flips out because after bonuses I was almost getting 200% profit. She said that I couldn't trade them in for a profit and she would "allow me" to get my money back and issue a gift card for what I paid for the games. I started lose it and told her I got tired of her lies. Now she wants to change corporate policy that is plainly stated in their terms that a trade is either accepted or denied; no hidden fees, no changing price, no BS refurb fees like GS. the assistant manager calmed me down and told me to just wait a second and he will take care of this.

He calls someone and a few minutes later hands the phone to the manager. I could hear her start to explain the situation, then mid sentence she jus got quiet. After that it was one word answers. Yes. Yes. No. Then she rang me out. Of course didn't apply my 50% bonus for GoW preorder. So she had to ring it all back up. Didn't get the 10% unlocked bonus but was not going to tackle it since I had now been there for 1 1/2 hours.

I grabbed brink to buy earlier for $10 with coupon. So I gave that to her and of course " I can't use this as Brink is on sale and it says here cannot be used with sales". I don't like to cuss at all but a few came out. The assistant manager then spoke up and told the manager straight ou. That she needed to learn what is going on in her store and there was a memo from 3 months ago stating they stack and are supposed to. In the assistant managers own words to the manager " There is no excuse for a manager if the store to not know the store's own policies".

So after everything as I was walking out the assistant manager told me that he called the district manager to sort the things out. That was who was on the phone and that I should expect a call from him in 24 hours.

Sure enough first thing this morning he called. He offered his sincere apologies. Said it was being taken care of internally and that he could hope that I could put the past behind me. He also said he hoped that they could earn my loyalty back and said that there would be a $250 GC at CS next time I stopped in in hopes that they could rectify the bad service I had received.

I know this is a long post, but I wanted to vent I all out here as I was lucky that last night my wife was asleep by the time I got home. Hate giving her even a hint of attitude because someone else made my day bad. So hopefully this venting will suffice to get it all out before I go home.

So lesson to learn is keep your receipts in case you run into an idiotic, powertripped manager.[/QUOTE]

Someone give me CLIFFS pls :)
Just for some clarification. So if I was to trade in a game @ BestBuy, TIV = $20, I'd get a $30.00 GC w/ the 50% Bonus if I pre-order Gears 3? Never really traded in games.
[quote name='Kidd Mischief']Just for some clarification. So if I was to trade in a game @ BestBuy, TIV = $20, I'd get a $40.00 GC w/ the 50% Bonus if I pre-order Gears 3? Never really traded in games.[/QUOTE]

I swear this sounds familiar...

Soldier you mind giving him the answer :)
[quote name='Kidd Mischief']Just for some clarification. So if I was to trade in a game @ BestBuy, TIV = $20, I'd get a $40.00 GC w/ the 50% Bonus if I pre-order Gears 3? Never really traded in games.[/QUOTE]
No. $20 x 0.50 = $10 + $20 = $30
[quote name='Jimmienoman']
So lesson to learn is keep your receipts in case you run into an idiotic, powertripped manager.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for this story. I'd usually not read a post this long, but it sure is sweet to hear that someone has had success arguing with BB managers.
[quote name='DudeImGodly']It has been mentioned that the app is shit. If you have smart phone use the website Broseph Stalin.[/QUOTE]

I'm going to have to agree with Broseph Yeltsin here. App sucks last time i checked
[quote name='Jimmienoman']

So after everything as I was walking out the assistant manager told me that he called the district manager to sort the things out. That was who was on the phone and that I should expect a call from him in 24 hours.

Sure enough first thing this morning he called. He offered his sincere apologies. Said it was being taken care of internally and that he could hope that I could put the past behind me. He also said he hoped that they could earn my loyalty back and said that there would be a $250 GC at CS next time I stopped in in hopes that they could rectify the bad service I had received.

I know this is a long post, but I wanted to vent I all out here as I was lucky that last night my wife was asleep by the time I got home. Hate giving her even a hint of attitude because someone else made my day bad. So hopefully this venting will suffice to get it all out before I go home.

So lesson to learn is keep your receipts in case you run into an idiotic, powertripped manager.[/QUOTE]

Sorry, didn't want to quote the whole thing, but I'm glad you got it sorted out. I do hope she can take something out from that situation in the future.

This question is for anyone. I always see some stories about managers/employee's freaking out when we make more than what we get them for. Is it illegal or does it depend on your state?
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