Best Buy Used DOTW: 10/21/2012 - 10/27/2012

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4 (100%)

Sale ends 11/3/2012
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Hey guys I've been reading this thread, and I'm a tad bit confused, is this deal pertaining only used games? or new as well? And are there any other requirements?
[quote name='Shadowsteal123']Well that would make sense logically I guess lol. But I would like a confirmation.[/QUOTE]
Through saturday it's only used games and there is no minimum value. Only stipulation is that they must all be purchased at the same time (if you do it online they don't even have to be at the same store)

Next week we get b2g1 for ANY games new or used.
So I guess I hold of till sunday. Sounds like a better deal due to a broader selection. I also heard they wouldn't pm and apply the deal due to double dipping. But ico/sotc is $20 at both amazon and gstop. Bbuy is robbing us for still charging $40~
[quote name='technicalstylez']not true. has to be 29.99 and up. newbs.[/QUOTE]
right... it's late and... I've had a long day... I meant to include that part... well you know....:drool::drool::drool:
[quote name='Shadowsteal123']So I guess I hold of till sunday. Sounds like a better deal due to a broader selection. I also heard they wouldn't pm and apply the deal due to double dipping. But ico/sotc is $20 at both amazon and gstop. Bbuy is robbing us for still charging $40~[/QUOTE]

That's right. BBY might as well put a knife to your throat and demand you put money in the registers for charging such a price. Robbery.
[quote name='slowdive21']^^^I got the same. I placed 2 orders and got 25 emails. Some of the items are listed quantity 4 or quantity 3, even though I only ordered 1 copy of each game. I assume that is in regards to the b2g1 or b2g2 sale.[/QUOTE]

Yep, same here. I had 8 "almost ready" emails for GR:FS, 3 w/the same tracking number and the rest without. The other games that I did not receive emails for were there with this one for pick up as well. Everything matched my order, so I wouldn't worry about it.
Man I bought too many games this week from BBY. When everything I ordered comes in I will have my biggest backlog ever. I'm just hooked on cheap games.
As the clock ticks down on the likely end of the B2G2 I'm still debating one last order in the 17.99 game range. I'm think Deus Ex, Uncharted 2 (again) Captain America and a wild shot on something else. I really shouldn't but for 8-9 bucks per game its hard to stop.
Yeah same here. Just got my last shipment of games today. Not sure if I want anything else.

Super Mario Galaxy, Batman AA, Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2, Shadows of the Damned, Mass Effect 2 (both systems), Epic Mickey, Bayonetta and PvZ DS are 17.99 games i bought. Sly Collection and Castlevania LoS PS3 are also 19.99
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[quote name='mrclutch']I see Uncharted 2 on sale for 12.99. Anyone see any other deals?[/QUOTE]
Sale ranges from $9.99-$14.99, OP updated.
Almost considered buying Uncharted 2 again, until I remember I got it sealed on the shelf. This is why people have to keep an excel list of games they own.
[quote name='technicalstylez']orrrrrrrrrrr don't be so lazy and get off your ass and check the games you already have lol.[/QUOTE]
I did, that's how I realized I have it haha
[quote name='kouleefoh']Almost considered buying Uncharted 2 again, until I remember I got it sealed on the shelf. This is why people have to keep an excel list of games they own.[/QUOTE]
This seems to be their go to sell game. 3rd time they had it in 2 months. I picked it up last time for 9.99 with plans of keeping it for the backlog but I needed a 7th for GS 7 for 35 deal. Maybe I'll pick it up for keeps this time.
Went in to pick up 2 of my b2g2 games and found out that they were both originally sealed with the Microsoft security tape still on! Someone at m y store must not have read the pre-owned part on the receipt.
[quote name='Brother Daz']Thanks op, grabbed killzone 3 with a $5 reward cert. can't beat $10.[/QUOTE]

Killzone 3 and Dead Island are 2 of my fence games. May finally jump off this week.
[quote name='mrclutch']Killzone 3 and Dead Island are 2 of my fence games. May finally jump off this week.[/QUOTE]
Just remember you'll need to pm the site since the prices are never updated in store. You'll also need to have them take the extra 10% off used since it wont do that either (this is if you're GCU)
Just grabbed Infamous 2 shipped to store. I didn't know I could choose to have them shipped to a kiosk type store (which is a few blocks from my house).
Debating Dead Island. Loved it and traded it on PS3...could definitely play it through again on 360 for achievements.

Edit: Especially if I get my magazine before the end of the week...then it'd be $10.
[quote name='JaylisJayP']Debating Dead Island. Loved it and traded it on PS3...could definitely play it through again on 360 for achievements.

Edit: Especially if I get my magazine before the end of the week...then it'd be $10.[/QUOTE]
magazine doesn't go into effect until next sunday... :(
[quote name='mrclutch']Killzone 3 and Dead Island are 2 of my fence games. May finally jump off this week.[/QUOTE]
Dead Island is fun, especially in co-op, but if you're playing it on PS3 via co-op expect some freezing issues about every 2 hours or so.

I was debating the GOTY edition in conjunction with 2 more games this week for the B2G1, but seeing as how the GOTY doesn't add much and they STILL haven't fixed the fuckin' freezing issues with this GOTY edition I wouldn't waste my money/credit on it.
[quote name='vantheman']Went in to pick up 2 of my b2g2 games and found out that they were both originally sealed with the Microsoft security tape still on! Someone at m y store must not have read the pre-owned part on the receipt.[/QUOTE]

Same thing happened to me. I picked up fifa 12 & lollipop & both games were brand new. CS employee told me they were new bc they couldn't find the used copies in store.
[quote name='kerouac kid']Same thing happened to me. I picked up fifa 12 & lollipop & both games were brand new. CS employee told me they were new bc they couldn't find the used copies in store.[/QUOTE]

That's funny because at my store they did have used copies of both games in plain sight. Not complaining though!
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Dead Island is fun, especially in co-op, but if you're playing it on PS3 via co-op expect some freezing issues about every 2 hours or so.

I was debating the GOTY edition in conjunction with 2 more games this week for the B2G1, but seeing as how the GOTY doesn't add much and they STILL haven't fixed the fuckin' freezing issues with this GOTY edition I wouldn't waste my money/credit on it.[/QUOTE]

you know whaT IS FUNNY, THEY ARE Already accepting preorders on the sequel to dead island lol
[quote name='Woocls']Quick question... can I buy a game using the b2g1 (or b2g2) and exchange it when Kingdom Hearts comes out?[/QUOTE]

that is ymmv, if you get lucky u might pull it off
[quote name='Woocls']Quick question... can I buy a game using the b2g1 (or b2g2) and exchange it when Kingdom Hearts comes out?[/QUOTE]

I'm assuming the GENERAL POLICY will be that if you break a chain within the deal B2G1/2 (i.e., return/exchange a game), then the entire deal falls apart. You might be able to ymmv it, but I also don't think it is worth risking some sort of retribution on the side of BBY, like a red flag. Even if chances are slim of that happening, not worth it.
[quote name='YBX87']that is ymmv, if you get lucky u might pull it off[/QUOTE]
[quote name='kellte2']I'm assuming the GENERAL POLICY will be that if you break a chain within the deal B2G1/2 (i.e., return/exchange a game), then the entire deal falls apart. You might be able to ymmv it, but I also don't think it is worth risking some sort of retribution on the side of BBY, like a red flag. Even if chances are slim of that happening, not worth it.[/QUOTE]

Ok thanks guys. New issue :D I had 2 games set for store pick up (the free ones) and 2 shipped because they weren't available for store pick up. Now it's telling me that 1 of those is back ordered. I checked the website and it's showing up in stock at my local store. Is there a way to get it changed to store pickup without messing up the rest of the order? I don't want to alert them to the glitch... (which I've sure they've noticed by now.) EDIT: They noticed :D Looks like it's in-store only now. I wonder what that means for my other pending order??
[quote name='Woocls']Ok thanks guys. New issue :D I had 2 games set for store pick up (the free ones) and 2 shipped because they weren't available for store pick up. Now it's telling me that 1 of those is back ordered. I checked the website and it's showing up in stock at my local store. Is there a way to get it changed to store pickup without messing up the rest of the order? I don't want to alert them to the glitch... (which I've sure they've noticed by now.) EDIT: They noticed :D Looks like it's in-store only now. I wonder what that means for my other pending order??[/QUOTE]

yeah, you could, but you might have to call bestbuy customer service # for them to process that for you
[quote name='YBX87']yeah, you could, but you might have to call bestbuy customer service # for them to process that for you[/QUOTE]
Sweet! It worked. I called the number and the guy even forced it through for me because it was showing up as "out of stock" on his system. He pushed it through and I should be able to pick it up today. The whole time I was waiting for that awkward question about that second free game.... :whistle2:#:whistle2:#:whistle2:#
I had my next to last one ship today. Still waiting on my 4 $4.99 game order to ship. That one had Darksiders, Crackdown 2 and Enslaved so I'm a little concerned it will be backordered or canceled since those games are often out of stock.
[quote name='strait edge follower']NOOOOO !!!!!! That infamous 2 sale ends before the new coupons go active. I would have used the 5$ off used game coupon on infamous 2 instead of enslaved :([/QUOTE]
Man with it being free now on PSN + I'm sure it will just get cheaper and cheaper.
Finally got around to picking up my last B2Gsome from last week this morning which included Saints Row 3. Picked it up and it was a new copy! Walked back to the game area and they had a used one. Go figure. Love BBY!

Anyone sold a new one on Craigs or Ebay lately? Wonder what I could get for it?
I picked up my first of 3 used orders. Got prototype, call of Juarez: Blood, and damnation for $16. All of them have their cases/art, but one is missing the manual. I'll just keep it sealed and see if I can swap it at another store.
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