Best Buy- Xbox 360 wristbands 1 Cent !!!, YMMV


13 (100%)
Hey all just got back from work and Best Buy, where they had the 99 cent xbox 360 wristband / bracelets for only 1 CENT now. I asked employee if it was correct and he said yes it was. Theyre half green and half white with text of "xbox 360" and a slogan on each wristband. The box was completely filled at mine but i only grabbed 13 (the best 13 cents ever spent). Its YMMV & not available on Best buys site, only this can be found there

Heres more info on what it represents;

My receipt for verification
So does this mean the kids only see $0.01? I have no idea what use I could have for a wristband... I have one of the Livestrong ones, and I don't even wear that.
So lucky it didn't happen when i was there this weekend, I would havebought the entire box and just passed them out to friends during the week. :O

Hour drive so I won't go back for just this.
[quote name='georox']So lucky it didn't happen when i was there this weekend, I would havebought the entire box and just passed them out to friends during the week. :O

Hour drive so I won't go back for just this.[/quote] I was thinking about doing this but my conscience kicked in and realized that I wouldn't be helping that much with just one cent.
[quote name='ryanflucas']You can also make your own online to say anything.[/quote]
This is for a good cause.
People want to hoard these why? They weren't selling at $0.99!

Tons of them at the local store. I wouldn't wear one, so I'm not going to check them out.
[quote name='Rig']People want to hoard these why? They weren't selling at $0.99!

Tons of them at the local store. I wouldn't wear one, so I'm not going to check them out.[/quote] I was going to pass them out to people at school heh. I thought it would be a nice thing to do but then I noticed the price is supposed to be 1 buck.
[quote name='kensterdotnet']I was going to pass them out to people at school heh. I thought it would be a nice thing to do but then I noticed the price is supposed to be 1 buck.[/quote]

I wasn't meaning you, actually. I saw in your post you were going to hand them out. And that's just fine; I don't consider that hoarding.

It was actually directed at the OP. If he plans on doing the same thing, then that's all well and good. I just don't see the point of picking up that many if you plan on reselling or collecting or anything. :lol:
I was in Best Buy once and overheard an employee telling another that someone had actually returned one of these before for a refund.
Someone would actually where this? That's like having a huge target on your shirt saying, "Hit me I'm a nerd."
[quote name='munch']Someone would actually where this? That's like having a huge target on your shirt saying, "Hit me I'm a nerd."[/QUOTE]
hey!! I wore one on St Patricks day so I wouldn't get pinched. :lol:
It's nice that BB was trying to help the Boys & Girls Clubs. And yay for cheapy stuff, but I still don't get the point of these wristbands (not the BB ones specifically, but in general). They're ugly. And made of silicone? Not my choice for jewelry, but that's just me.
[quote name='munch']Someone would actually where this? That's like having a huge target on your shirt saying, "Hit me I'm a nerd."[/quote] I would wear one. Im a thug nerd though lol.
i bought one of these for 99c, as did my brother. i like the green and white color scheme, and rubber anything (or whatever the heck it is) is awesome. as for being seen as a nerd, i guess you'd have to care what other people think first, and that sure as heck ain't a problem for me.
Picked up 59, total came to 63 cents. :]
No real point, not wearing em but I think the money was worth the looks me and my friend got brining it up and them asking us if we had enough money cause they cost a dollar a piece :p
These were removed from my game section a couple of days ago after they remodeled it. So I doubt they still have them anywhere in the store. Of course that doesn't mean I wouldn't mind snag one just for the hell of it.
[quote name='cleaver']If you get laid wearing a $0.01 XBox 360 wristband you deserve 1,000,000 achievement points$0.01%20XBox%20360%20wristband[/quote]

I'll pick up a few just for that achievment. Hell, I'll make my wife wear one too. Are there any other nerdy achievments for getting down while dressed like a Jedi? :D :D

Back on topic, I have a blue PS2 wristband just like these. I still in it's plastic baggy. Maybe I'll get a bunch of these and see how many I can fit on my arms.
[quote name='Rig']I wasn't meaning you, actually. I saw in your post you were going to hand them out. And that's just fine; I don't consider that hoarding.

It was actually directed at the OP. If he plans on doing the same thing, then that's all well and good. I just don't see the point of picking up that many if you plan on reselling or collecting or anything. :lol:[/quote]

Yea im not reselling any of them. I bought 13 b/c its my lucky number, and i wanted to take advantage of the deal but not exploit it. I gave 4 out at work last night and the rest are going to my friends when they get back from school. I might keep one or 2 in package though just to have as a sort of collectors item
I saw a whole box of these at Best Buy about a month ago. I saw a bunch of similar braclets at Circuit City (not X360, but some other brand) and they were giving them away for free. I figured they would be free at Best Buy as well, and I wasn't interested in them then :p It's not worth a trip imho, but if someone is going there for something else and wanted them, then why not. I just find it funny that people like them (because i don't) and will go out to pick up a bunch when I won't even take them for free (or when I think they are free anyways :p )
[quote name='munch']Someone would actually where this? That's like having a huge target on your shirt saying, "Hit me I'm a nerd."[/QUOTE]

Are you this insecure about all of your hobbies?
[quote name='guinaevere']It's nice that BB was trying to help the Boys & Girls Clubs. And yay for cheapy stuff, but I still don't get the point of these wristbands (not the BB ones specifically, but in general). They're ugly. And made of silicone? Not my choice for jewelry, but that's just me.[/quote]
the 360 one is nice. would match my LiveStrong one. lemon & lime :lol:

the LiveStrong one is also a good way to meet girls. they always ask what it means or where its from. and when you say its from donating to the lance armstrong foundation to fight cancer all of a sudden youre smart, caring, generous, & interesting. ;) plus cancer is bad. badbad :p

any1 remember those wristbands from the 80s/early 90s that were rigid & straight. it was curved and tensioned so that when you hit it against your wrist it wrapped around it. forgot what they were called.
Slap bracelets. I had a few until kids starting getting cut from them when the plastic inside the bracelet could open and slice you.
I'm just suprised at the people in this thread who said "OMG! I'm going to check this out tomorrow!!"

I mean, is it really that big of a deal? And, was 99 cents too expensive at the outset?

I think it's just cool to take an item up to the register, and hand the cashier a penny. I wouldn't go out of my way to get this item but if I am at a BB and see it, I'll pick one up
[quote name='Ubiiquitous']I'm just suprised at the people in this thread who said "OMG! I'm going to check this out tomorrow!!"

I mean, is it really that big of a deal? And, was 99 cents too expensive at the outset?


99 cents for CHARITY at that. If you can't afford to give a buck to charity you're pretty pitiful.
[quote name='YoshiFan1']Slap bracelets. I had a few until kids starting getting cut from them when the plastic inside the bracelet could open and slice you.[/quote]

ah yea. thats what they were called lol. i remember there were some kids who would cover almost their whole arm w/ those things. :lol:
Arghh... Just came back from 2 Best Buys. Had I known about this before I would have picked a few up for the kids.
[quote name='propeller_head']the LiveStrong one is also a good way to meet girls. they always ask what it means or where its from. and when you say its from donating to the lance armstrong foundation to fight cancer all of a sudden youre smart, caring, generous, & interesting. ;) [/quote]I knew about the Live Strong campaign. And again, I'm down with donating to good chararities (even when you don't get a trinket in return :lol:).

[quote name='YoshiFan1']Slap bracelets. I had a few until kids starting getting cut from them when the plastic inside the bracelet could open and slice you.[/quote]heh. In New England we called 'em snap bracelets. My little bro loved those. I used to buy them for him whenever I had an extra dollar or two.

But I'll see those slap/snap bracelets and raise you a decade. How many of y'all remember the jelly bracelets from the 80s? I remember going into Michaels or Zaks and they'd have little kiddie plastic swimming pools full of them, 10 for a dollar. Some of the girls would buy tons of them and wear probably around 40 or so of them at a time. Ah fashion mistakes of history.

[quote name='YoshiFan1']I think it's just cool to take an item up to the register, and hand the cashier a penny.[/quote]That is fun.
bread's done