Best Game Value 2007

The Orange Box. Even at full retail price, you're still getting more entertainment in one title than buying three other AAA titles. You can't say that about a lot of games.
Orange Box, no question. 5 awesome games for $60 retail.

runner up - Mario Galaxy
[quote name='msdmoney']This category was made for The Orange Box

Portal is the most unique game in years, it alone justified the $50 IMO. Combine that with Team Fortress 2 and one of the years best FPS's and it wins easily. Add in Half Life 2, and Episode 1, which are still better games than many other FPS's released this year, and The Orange Box wins, not contest.[/QUOTE] box all the way
I didn't even buy it and I'm going to have to say Orange Box due to the sheer amount of stuff in it.
I am going to vote for Persona 3, it is unique, fun, has a good story, and came w/ an art book and CD (though the music on the hear it enough playing the game...)...

So anyways,

Persona 3 for PS2
PICROSS DS! Over 300 puzzles in the box, over 200 downloadable puzzles available from Nintendo and shared user generated content, create and share your own puzzles, daily mode puzzles, online multiplayer, and mini-games all for the low, low price of $19.99.

Don't let the Orange Box fool you. Portal only has 19 chambers, TF2 only has 5 maps, and HL2 Episodes 1 and 2 are really just expansion packs.
1. Bioshock
2. Orange Box
3. Unreal Tournament III

strange... all PC/video game ports... i think the $10 less works more for me
Hands down, bar none, no exception [ ORANGE BOX ] had the most bang for it's buck out of ANY title on any console or platform.

LOL, at the SMG crowd.:lol:
I cannot nominate Orange Box. Let's face it. It needed 5 games packed on it to justify the "value". And what did you get?

Half-Life 2 (anyone who hasn't played this by now isn't a real gamer)
Half-Life 2 EP1
Half-Life 2 EP2 (the reason I bought it to begin with)
Portal (yes it was surprisingly good, but it was less than 4 hours long!)
Team Fortress 2 (below average FPS).

Anyway... this is a tough one. COD4 has awesome multiplayer value. Halo 3 is also pretty good... however in the end my vote goes to:

Super Mario Galaxy
[quote name='radjago']
Don't let the Orange Box fool you. Portal only has 19 chambers, TF2 only has 5 maps, and HL2 Episodes 1 and 2 are really just expansion packs.[/QUOTE]

I'm with you on that. Plus HL2 is essentialy a rerelease with the two 5 hour expansions tacked on. Team Fortress is basically just an online multiplayer component but with different chracters from the main game so to say. People don't consider the online multiplayer of Halo a different game yet it's considered just as big a part of the game as the main campaign. I haven't played "The Orange Box" yet but already have HL2 on XBOX, and I don't care much for TF. The only thing I relally want to play on TOB is Portal and that seems to be somewhat of a small part of the set.

I'd like to second Puzzle Quest but it's value became better later in the year with the home console releases for $20 and the DS for $14. I bought it around when it first came out and I easily put 50+ hours on that game. Definitely worth the $20 or so it's going for right now.

Also I'd like to throw in Link's Crossbow Training. $20 for the Zapper thing and a fairly basic but fun game. Nintendo could have easily charged $30 for this and no on e would even quesiton it but the went and sold it for $20.
Even though the OBox is probably most deserving of this award, I'm going to have to vote for Vice City Stories for the ps2. Not as great a value as San Andreas was (still is; I still play through that one every once in a while) but I could've probably learned Japanese fluently in the time I've spent playing GTA.
The wrestling nerd in me badly wants to nominate Fire Pro Wrestling Returns, which for only $14.99 offered more customization than one can even imagine. Tack on the already plentiful edit packs made by import gamers and you had a wrestling game with every wrestler imaginable.

But, nothing can beat the Orange Box (Portal! TF2! HL2-which-I've-only-played-just-now!).

So another vote for the Orange Box.
bread's done