How can it be anything but Amazon? Come on, they have a dedicated representative for their PC downloads department living here!
[quote name='mightymek']Best Buy has the best online customer service in my opinion. They are always throwing gift cards at me to correct mistakes and they are quick to fix the issues.[/QUOTE]Disagree. I ordered a Ben Hur UE Blu-ray box set during BF weekend and they canceled it about a week later. I come to find they handed out $10 coupons to just about everyone else but me. Thanks for nothing, jerks.
Jump forward to the DotD for Red Dead Redemption for $20 right before Christmas. I order it for store pickup and they send the email that it's ready. Fortunately I dawdled about getting out the door because they sent a second email that they didn't have it. Same thing happened with another location. They said to call if I'd like to change to free delivery. I call, get disconnected after running through menus for several minutes. Every day until I finally reached them I'd get four emails telling me to come get it, whoops, we don't have it.
Call and ask that they ship it. Immediately get an email that it's backordered. Expected, no biggie. Get shipment notice and arrange to meet my friend whom I was gifting it to. Mail comes and there's only one copy when I'd ordered two. Grrrrr. Call Beast Buy again and learn that the idiot who made the change set it to deliver one copy and CANCELED THE OTHER! Then she says she can't do anything about it.
I'm like, you're kidding, right? I've gotten jerked around for three weeks and because someone screwed up I'm supposed to be SOL? She puts me on hold and after five minutes comes back and says they'll redo the order at the deal price.
So, hell to the no are Beast Buy any good at online sales. If there's an upside, for some reason they gave me triple RZ points for a $1400 TV I bought because suddenly I get notification that I've got a $95 Reward cert coming. OK. Still want to junk-punch them though.