Big Changes - Everyone Please Read! - Finalized

Ozz : I think that was never something that could happen. Rock, Led and Zewone tried very hard to do just that...

But it ended up being what I've been saying since the cant focus a core team if you have new people joining the clan every week.

On a more personal note, I would like to tryout for the Elites. I dont want you guys to just bring me in...I want to try out for the clan only. If I get in, I play every planned night, if not...I'll try out 2-3 weeks later.


Also, side note....people have mentioned me not being pissed about all this.

Well, I did say this should happen a long time ago....but I lacked alot of tact and needed to grow up about the whole thing. Read my early posts and you can see that I was the only one taking it serious at the time....and I looked like an idiot doing it. I was just getting pissed about everything.

I'm glad that this has finally come about.

I'm a little upset about being "outed" from playing with the elites for people who didnt even post on CAG....but I misread what the clan was about....

I thought it was about the CAG family becoming the best...but it was about just being the best altogether. I can't stack up to a Arikado or Darkknight - but I figured if we played as a team every night we would rise to be the best.

I wish nothing but high hopes for the CAG ELITES.


On another side note, if I was allowed....I would like to Overlord a clan called the CAG BRUTES.

This would be another side team, (Like Elites) that CAG members could try out for.

I would want to practice AS A TEAM only.

This would consist of Practice on Tues and Thurs. (ONLY PRACTICE)

And Clan matches only on FRI and SAT.

This is just an idea...but if you liked my planning posts before...I'd like to see that into fruition.

Let me know guys.
my final post of the night
i agree with mooky, and i hope a good resolution, and i would like to try out for the elite clan, if just to prove my dedication, and maybe my skill, whatever clan i dont end up in, ill send everyone a friend request, i hope that we can be the CAG friends, peace im out

Oh and jimmie would you say that pink floyd for its time was good
[quote name='Ozzkev55'][quote name='Ozzkev55']Howabout we try to meet together and try to work out our problems, im sure we can have a single clan thats beneficial to everyone[/quote]
In my previous post i sounded like a three year old during his parents divorce, so i would like to sya i understand now, basically what this is is that the grunts are getting liberated from there restrictions, so i am hoping that we will grow together, as a true cag would, so we can be friends, we were growing apart and now we can play as friends, and play serious when we feel like it, at least casuals can, i just hope we wont be beaten down like some sort of minority[/quote]

i'd associate myself with the edit/delete button if i were you. and if you aren't happy with a post you made, don't quote it. i don't think there was anything to work out, they just needed to make a decision and follow through with it...sounds like they might do it this time.
Hum...I didn't expect this yesterday...I'll send everyone who's in the clan tonight a friend request. If you want to ever play again then accept, if not, then don't. I don't like the idea of cutting everyone off because I really do like playing with a wide range of personalities and mannerisms. I'm going to go to the new clan regardless, but I hope we can all still keep such a great community together. Out of the entire CAG website I believe that us 30-40 guys have a weirdly close-knit bond. I'll be the first to admit at sounding feminine but I do consider the CAG clan'ers as friends, however impossible that may seem. One of the best aspects of these past few months in gaming has been the memorable games we've all shared. I just hope this split doesn’t stop us all from still having a great time.
I really regret that it had to come to this because we all know that it won't be the same ever again... Oh well, I know exactly were I fall in this whole elites/non-elites, so I hope the "new" CAG non-elites clan does not break apart. As for the elites, good luck guys.
I do agree that there was not a lot of chance for the "others" to get used to play with the better players other than in big team battle practice because you guys would rarely play with us Team Slayer, or any other four-player team variants.
To whoever is the next overlord: You can count me in on practices and games after April 1st (the day I take my master's degree comprehensive exam). I feel I've learned a lot in the past few months, and I'm not as bad as some people may think. Once I graduate on May I will have even more time on my hands to play.
To any elite member interested: If any of you guys would like to play again with me Halo or any other Xbox Live game in the future, just send me a friend's invite, I will gladly accept it.
If any of the non-regulars feel bad or something, you should cheer up, the clan was very broken up already anyways, we should expect good things to come from the formal break.
Lets make it happen guys...

P.S. Remeber guys that I'm on leave of absence right now to study for the exam, but I'll be on tonight in a little while for the last practice.
ummm... well i know i dont compare to any of the elites in skill, i would still like to be in the new clan :/

no offense to anyone, but it seems as if i play with the people in the elites more
[quote name='rywateska']Hum...I didn't expect this yesterday...I'll send everyone who's in the clan tonight a friend request. If you want to ever play again then accept, if not, then don't. I don't like the idea of cutting everyone off because I really do like playing with a wide range of personalities and mannerisms. I'm going to go to the new clan regardless, but I hope we can all still keep such a great community together. Out of the entire CAG website I believe that us 30-40 guys have a weirdly close-knit bond. I'll be the first to admit at sounding feminine but I do consider the CAG clan'ers as friends, however impossible that may seem. One of the best aspects of these past few months in gaming has been the memorable games we've all shared. I just hope this split doesn’t stop us all from still having a great time.[/quote]

very well said ryan. i definitely consider all of you guys friends, i don't think it's impossible at all. tonight's practice was/is tons of fun playing with everybody, but it's no coincidence that literally everyone is on all of a sudden when a situation like this comes up. i'll be adding everyone to my friends list, and i think the clans will still overlap in a lot of ways so don't worry too much. i'll post more details as we decide them. thanks for dealing with all this so maturely everyone.
Remind me not to go out of town again. Sheesh, the shit that happens when I'm AFC (away from console) for a while.

Sorry I missed the mother of all practices being out town, would like to have been part of it.

As I'm guessing that I have a clan invite waiting for me when I get home (Saturday night, though I won't likely touch the 'Box until Monday), I'll accept it from the new clan (whatever that name happens to be) after adding in the people I'd like to play with beyond the new clan into my friends list. I'm pretty sure those people know who they are by now, and if not, you'll learn quickly. Anyone who manages to put up with me on voice chat on XBL as well as active gunfire at them, yeah, I know you're a bit off-kilter, though those are the kinds of screwballs I like to call my friends. And the list will reflect that.

I'm a little surprised by the "change" happening, at least at the timing of it. I was thinking that it might be a little further off the future, though I suppose I'm glad that it's finally happening, just to stop the questions and curiousity. I think the short-term confusion of the change will pan out in a better, cleaner group, on both sides of the "change".

As it stands, it's a brave new world the "old" clan will be moving into under two different paths. Or three, or four. Time will tell what happens with this decision point.

I'm pretty sure you guys waited until I was out of town, and off to change demographics with my 35th birthday tomorrow (Thursday). Remind me not to do so for a while again. Only Bungie knows what might happen the next time I do.
Happy pre-emptive B-day Shrike. Sorry this all went down while you were out of town.

Also, we're leaving it up to everyone on the Regulars list to decide where they want to be. I'd love for you to come along, but if you'd rather stay back with the "old" clan, it's your choice, no hard feelings. Noone's going to force you in either direction, and many of us will still be playing together anyways.

Also, you folks need to get on the ball and decide who you'd like to be your new Overlord/s. :wink:
Well, I was glad to play with all of you and to see there was no hard feelings. I believe this will probably be for the best, as from talking to everyone they all seemed excited at the chance of something new. It reminds me of graduating from elemanrty to middle school. We are all going to the same school we just won't have the same classes this time. :wink:
[quote name='zewone']Well, I was glad to play with all of you and to see there was no hard feelings. I believe this will probably be for the best, as from talking to everyone they all seemed excited at the chance of something new. It reminds me of graduating from elemanrty to middle school. We are all going to the same school we just won't have the same classes this time. :wink:[/quote]

i heard there werent burritos in elementary school, so jumping was great wasnt it :lol:
[quote name='murcielago77']i heard there werent burritos in elementary school, so jumping was great wasnt it :lol:[/quote]

Shut your card-based ass.
[quote name='zewone'][quote name='murcielago77']i heard there werent burritos in elementary school, so jumping was great wasnt it :lol:[/quote]

Shut your card-based ass.[/quote]

i don't know what that means, but it's hilarious.
[quote name='rocksolidaudio'][quote name='zewone'][quote name='murcielago77']i heard there werent burritos in elementary school, so jumping was great wasnt it :lol:[/quote]

Shut your card-based ass.[/quote]

i don't know what that means, but it's hilarious.[/quote]

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
yea, i also dont post much in the halo 2 thread, but i read it regularly...i agree with the decision of not being in the regulars list b/c i can't show up on every practice, usually lots of Homework :whistle2:/

but i'll definitely want to be in the casual clan though and i hope to still keep in touch with the elites as well :)
Can't say I'm suprised that this is happening. Infact I knew this was going to happen. I'm glad someone finally took a step foward instead of leaving the non elite in limbo. I got most of the clan on my friend list anyway so yall can still play with me. Good luck with the new clan.
[quote name='D4rkN1ght']So we want a badass clan? but unless the clan consist of 8 people i dont see how we can do it.

that would be true if those same 8 were on at the same time 100% of the time. with an odd number of members combined with a somewhat strict attendance policy, it seems that every clan is destined to tip toe around other's feelings. considering how matchmaking and btb requires a certain # of players, the math just isn't in favor of making everyone happy.

what's the best way to deal with that? just institute a first come first served guideline or make it clear who will be playing with each other each practice/matchmaking/clan night?
I'd also like to stay with the rmore dedicated clan. it seems I play a lot better with them and I get to do more support type thiongs that I'm better at. I enjoy playing the casual guys but I play better with the more organized group.

note I edited this message the original made it confusing to which side I picked.
[quote name='Ledhed']Happy pre-emptive B-day Shrike. Sorry this all went down while you were out of town.

Also, we're leaving it up to everyone on the Regulars list to decide where they want to be. I'd love for you to come along, but if you'd rather stay back with the "old" clan, it's your choice, no hard feelings. Noone's going to force you in either direction, and many of us will still be playing together anyways.

Also, you folks need to get on the ball and decide who you'd like to be your new Overlord/s. :wink:[/quote]

i think, atleast from what i've heard, that everyone is pretty cool with handing this down to me. if people aren't, then i haven't heard any opposition. i am keeping in touch with rock regarding this matter, but unless it gets taken care of today, it'll be left until sometime saturday or sunday(if i am given OL status) due to me having to spread the ashes of my grandfather. but yeah, i will speak up and say i want the challange of being OL. its been great playing with everyone and i know you guys will do great things with the more serious clan and theres always going to be room for you to practice with us.

on a lighter note, i need to add a few more of you "card based" mother fuckers to my list for phantom dust. just send me a request or i'll hit you back with one
on a lighter note, i need to add a few more of you "card based" mother shaq-fuers to my list for phantom dust. just send me a request or i'll hit you back with one[/quote]

Sorry about your grandpa Craven, I hope everything goes alright.

On a lighter note, about you being the Overlord, you have my vote, and about Phntom Dust, send me an invite...
[quote name='cronnos']on a lighter note, i need to add a few more of you "card based" mother shaq-fuers to my list for phantom dust. just send me a request or i'll hit you back with one[/quote]

Sorry about your grandpa Craven, I hope everything goes alright.

On a lighter note, about you being the Overlord, you have my vote, and about Phntom Dust, send me an invite...[/quote]

thanks man, its been a long time coming to scatter his ashes, been since october and everyone has been busy.

i will add you sometime this evening.
I count 19 people on the regular list. theres 43 in the clan right now. thats almost half if all the regulars go.

maybe I'm misguided but what do you think is going on? do you think as soon as the Overlord leave its going to be a free for all for any idiot? we're still going to do matchmaking, practice, and clan games. we just wont have an elite class. basically members are going to be able to do clan matches and if you are screwing us up on those matches you can just be peonized. I'm not saying screwing up on skill level but I mean intentional sabotage. dont forget that everyone can look at the game veiwer and that staff and overlords are going to keep tabs on the games.

but from what I've been hearing alot of people are jumping ship on this clan. why? do you even know if you're going to get an invite to the splinter? until Rock or some other overlord gives out details on the new clan I wouldnt be making decisions on where you're going.
[quote name='Girion47']I count 19 people on the regular list. theres 43 in the clan right now. thats almost half if all the regulars go.

maybe I'm misguided but what do you think is going on? do you think as soon as the Overlord leave its going to be a free for all for any idiot? we're still going to do matchmaking, practice, and clan games. we just wont have an elite class. basically members are going to be able to do clan matches and if you are screwing us up on those matches you can just be peonized. I'm not saying screwing up on skill level but I mean intentional sabotage. dont forget that everyone can look at the game veiwer and that staff and overlords are going to keep tabs on the games.

but from what I've been hearing alot of people are jumping ship on this clan. why? do you even know if you're going to get an invite to the splinter? until Rock or some other overlord gives out details on the new clan I wouldnt be making decisions on where you're going.[/quote]

Girion is right. We won't be taking everybody. Nobody has a for sure spot. "Don't call us. We'll call you." type of thing. Who said they were gonna screw up your Clan rank?
I blame myself. If I wouldn't have joined very recently (last night was my first practice, and I was too new to be able to view this "secret" forum), the straw wouldn't have broken the camel's back -- one more new guy hogging up the oxygen. I take full responsibility for breaking up the CAG Halo 2 clan. Maybe I should change my name to Yoko. ;)

You all get one free kill on me, though D4rk took his already.
Well i no im no regular but, i think that i will play more with girions clan, besides any point, so being part of the elite clan would really show my dedication, i mean i may not be the best, or elite material in the ways of skill, but skill i can improve upon and im willing to do. i know i act like an asshole during custom games, but i am really willing to dedicate myself in order to be part of the more serious clan, while still playing with the casuals since, they are usually on during my time zone's, im not being a sellout or anything, its just that i know i can buckle down, and i am willing to prove in anyway that i am dedicated to the clan, and to the game, if i need to tryout for the elite clan then i will, but remember that i have put some time into this game, even if i leave three hours before anybody, thats because im on hree hours before anybody, i can prove my worth with
my dedication, and i can say that you can boot m if i ever miss a practice without forward notice, or if i cut up and act like an asshole, im willing to train and practice if it means contributing to a clan to which i know would be extremely serious and regimented. i am just suggesting this, so you know im not making any demands, but i am willing to answer any trivia questions or whatever the case to be a part of a dedicated clan, while being friends, and yes play with the people i enjoy playing with. hell i am even willing to work with ryan w. :twisted:
[quote name='Girion47']but from what I've been hearing alot of people are jumping ship on this clan. [/quote]

for whoever is keeping score and lists, i'd prefer staying with the existing clan. mainly because i have enough to do in real life without the burden of hardcore clan committment. i make practices when i can, so obviously i'm not a good fit for the spinoff clan...please take me off your calling list.:wink:

mid april i'll be more available, but until then i'm writing papers and doing research.
I'm kinda in a tight spot. I really like to play with everyone but sometimes I get extremely frustrated with the party formerly known as "the grunts" because they often get themselves killed way to easily. So this situation sucks for people like me. It is more or less an catch 22 for people who are competitive but also like casual gaming. Is anyone else in this boat? At times I have thought about creating my own clan so I could personally decide who is up to snuff on their halo skills but it is just so damn hard to recruit. Also, I must say that it has been a luxery to have a clan that is as big as it was. I always had someone to play with but now I don't know what to do. Can we have a categorical list posted in another thread that says who is leaving and who is staying? I not saying I have the ability to take my pick of clans but if one of the clans does'nt have players that are up to par then I can't see one reason why I would like to play with them. No offense to less skilled players but I can't suppress the desires of my competitive heart. Lemme know something overlord(s).
[quote name='jughead']I'm kinda in a tight spot. I really like to play with everyone but sometimes I get extremely frustrated with the party formerly known as "the grunts" because they often get themselves killed way to easily. So this situation sucks for people like me. It is more or less an catch 22 for people who are competitive but also like casual gaming. Is anyone else in this boat? At times I have thought about creating my own clan so I could personally decide who is up to snuff on their halo skills but it is just so damn hard to recruit. Also, I must say that it has been a luxery to have a clan that is as big as it was. I always had someone to play with but now I don't know what to do. Can we have a categorical list posted in another thread that says who is leaving and who is staying? I not saying I have the ability to take my pick of clans but if one of the clans does'nt have players that are up to par then I can't see one reason why I would like to play with them. No offense to less skilled players but I can't suppress the desires of my competitive heart. Lemme know something overlord(s).[/quote]

I think Narnian was trying to get something going along the lines you speak of...I think he called it CAGBrutes. It sounded like he was going to hold tryouts and limit the number of members.

Has the clan name been decided on for those that are leaving?
we haven't decided on a name for sure yet. we're just figuring out the list of who will be invited to come too, which is tough with z out of town.
[quote name='rocksolidaudio']we haven't decided on a name for sure yet. we're just figuring out the list of who will be invited to come too, which is tough with z out of town.[/quote]

How many recruits are you thinking of taking overthere? I hope is not more than 12 because that would leave the clan very empty of people who play often. I just don't want it to be difficult to find CAGs online after the split...

P.S. I also hope that ppl who don't get invited to the new clan just quit this one. That would be a shame.
[quote name='cronnos'][quote name='rocksolidaudio']we haven't decided on a name for sure yet. we're just figuring out the list of who will be invited to come too, which is tough with z out of town.[/quote]

How many recruits are you thinking of taking overthere? I hope is not more than 12 because that would leave the clan very empty of people who play often. I just don't want it to be difficult to find CAGs online after the split...

P.S. I also hope that ppl who don't get invited to the new clan just quit this one. That would be a shame.[/quote]

you mean DON'T quit this one, right? ;)
[quote name='cronnos'][quote name='rocksolidaudio']we haven't decided on a name for sure yet. we're just figuring out the list of who will be invited to come too, which is tough with z out of town.[/quote]

How many recruits are you thinking of taking overthere? I hope is not more than 12 because that would leave the clan very empty of people who play often. I just don't want it to be difficult to find CAGs online after the split...

P.S. I also hope that ppl who don't get invited to the new clan just quit this one. That would be a shame.[/quote]

i don't think there will be trouble finding people, nor do i think people will just quit this one. there will always be a odd man out or two on both sides given the number you can take into matchmaking. i'm sure if everyone stays on each other friends list it will be all good.
[quote name='cronnos']I don't think we are really going to find anything about this until saturday, when the overlord-elect comes back[/quote]
what is the procedure for this CAG overlord election
Sorry for my absence guys, but I understand. No hard feelings. My gaming time has really been reduced recently. I'll hit you up for games sometimes, but I wish you all the best in moving up the ranks! :)

Thanks for some really fun games, and for the lessons.
The new overlord for CAG has already been chosen and its my guess that Rock is going to remain overlord for the new one.

The procedure was pretty much the old staff making suggestions and we went with the first one thrown out.
I just want to say that if you do make ANYTHING related to the name "CAG BRUTES" it is Jugstas. I have been playing with jugsta for a WHILE and a few months ago he made the idea of maybe splitting away because he though he was good enough ( i do too) and he wasnt part of the elites. So anyways, if there is a CAG BRUTES, i think Jugsta is in controll of that one because it was 100% his idea unless he says otherwise because he has been talking about that for a while.

On a second note IT IS JUST HALO2!!!! Wow who cares what clan your in. if you get an invite good for you, if you dont, too bad, you can play with everyone else, and then some its the "friend list" feature. the only thing the clan feature does is enable two game types. And if you think you truly are a great superb player that needs to be on a really competetive clan and such. go find one. i mean i am not trying to be mean, but it is what it is, and plus halo2 has been out for a long time now, and there are a whole bunch of games out there to play, not to be all caught up in a select few people you like to play one game with, thats what the boards are for a giant all game all console CLAN. LOL

Anyways whatever clan i am in i will play.
[quote name='D4rkN1ght']Anyways whatever clan i am in i will play.[/quote]

damn thats the kind of attitude i need
what is that saying? you snooze you lose? I'm not saying Jugsta shouldnt get credit but if they do go with the name, he isnt entitled to anything. and really if you see a place where skill is lacking. speak up. noone can improve unless you tell them how they suck. (if someone tells you, you suck in a certain area. deal with it. dont cry about it.(dont be overly mean either when you're telling people they suck)). Jugsta said the grunts die too much. he's right. kpd is way too low for many people. how can that be helped? custom games where you lose a point for dying. I've mentioned doing this game type many times and everytime someone shoots it down. why? because it'd take a long time. people wouldnt die as much, the scores wouldnt move fast enough. darn. might actually get practice in keeping your ass alive. the one thing I've learned is that kamikaze missions dont work too well in Halo 2 like they did in Halo 1.
ok guys i am here, but with no halo 2 for the next 24 hours. and after tomorrow, most likely no comp til sunday. i will be out of town until sunday afternoon. so if rock and the other members of the current staff and the members of the staff to be are able to we can conference on halo 2 or aim. just let me know. also if you see me on another game tonight and have it, join me. it'd be cool to play some otehr games that i don't own. i have a few titles to play that i don't own, that i wouldn't mind playing. hit me up with a voice chat request if need be. thanks for the support and good luck guys.
[quote name='Girion47'] I've mentioned doing this game type many times and everytime someone shoots it down.[/quote]

actually RyanW made a game like that called "Ratio Plus 5", and it is a very good form of training, but i think that to really get to the majority of a problem you must find the specific flaw that makes up the majority of the low KPD, it is knowing when to fight, and when to run, that people sometimes forget in the heat of battle, forgetting who their opponent is, what the opponent is wielding, what you are wielding, health possibilities, location advantages, all factors that need to be taken in to account when engaging in combat :twisted:
[quote name='Ozzkev55'][quote name='Girion47']I've mentioned doing this game type many times and everytime someone shoots it down.[/quote]
actually RyanW made a game like that called "Ratio Plus 5", and it is a very good form of training, but i think that to really get to the majority of a problem you must find the specific flaw that makes up the majority of the low KPD, it is knowing when to fight, and when to run, that people sometimes forget in the heat of battle, forgetting who their opponent is, what he opponent is wielding, what you are wielding, health possibilities, location advantages, all factors that need to be taken in to account when engaging in combat :twisted:[/quote]

or in my case, its called sniper bait. well heres to playing some new games with you guys tonight and during the day tomorrow. hit me up in the dash board. signing off, for the most part, for tonight.
I'd like to thank everyone for being mature about this whole matter. I wish there was a simpler way, but like dark said, this doesn't affect who we play with, it just affects who we play ranked games with. We're all still friends here.

Also, this is pretty much already understood I imagine, but once rock hands over the overlord position, the guidelines for the old clan will be in your hands folks. You get to choose how to recruit, what can and can't be done, it's all yours. More than anything else, I want everyone to have fun. That's what it's all about.

So, with that in mind, feel free to redraft the clan guidelines. I know the new clan will be doing the same on our side.

I'll see you all online. :wink:
[quote name='Ledhed']So, with that in mind, feel free to redraft the clan guidelines. I know the new clan will be doing the same on our side.

Yeah, as soon as I get back in town, out of town for the weekend, I will be able to take care of some of this stuff. I may even be able to take care of it tomorrow afternoon, if my bro brings my copy of Halo 2. If not, and the staff is on and sees that I am also on, just hit me up on voice chat and we'll see what we can do. Or even hit me up with a pm on here, I should be able to have some access to this computer throughout the day tomorrow.

With that said, I will get things figured out when I get back. I know we will be making some adjustments to the guidelines, but nothing major. And for anyone that care, if you see me on in the dashboard, just hit me up and we can see what games we have in common in my current situation and go from there.
After all the posts/discussions from the past few days, would someone staff-wise manage to summarize it on either the OP, or somewhere at the bottom?
[quote name='shrike4242']After all the posts/discussions from the past few days, would someone staff-wise manage to summarize it on either the OP, or somewhere at the bottom?[/quote]

well, to put it simply, a lot of things happened :lol:
murc you have to understand at, that at such a fragile age this stuff leaves your head almost as soon as you read it. he just wants a summary that he can bookmark and come read everytime he forgets.
[quote name='Ledhed']So, with that in mind, feel free to redraft the clan guidelines. I know the new clan will be doing the same on our side.[/quote]

If any advice is needed for the Guidelines i will be glad to help, i know craven is out of town so i will be willing to give any assistance i can, to anybody, who needs help witht he whole new clan thing, just remember im on a five day weekend, and ive got nothing better to do till monday, night. so just send over a PM
bread's done