Biggest Gaming Pet Peeve

[quote name='DarkRider23']I'm going to say I have to go against you on all of this. The Black American Male seems to be the most annoying type of person on line. Maybe you've had bad experiences with White American Males, but I've had worse with Black American Males.

Every single time I enter a Gears of War match, I get some random Black guy telling me, and I quote "You gona lose, $$$$a." At that point, I just retaliate with racial slurs. He can use $$$$a, I can use $$$$a.

All the racial tensions in games that I play are started by trash talking black guys. Occasionally, I'll start a racial war over a gears of war match or something because I've run out of stuff to say, but for the most part, I'm not racist.

Don't even get me started on the Brits. The first thing Brits do is attack me for being American. I'm sorry for actually living in the USA. It's as if I had a choice.[/quote]

Hmm. This is going to spin the thread again. (but the obvious is that he just typed it as a direct response to what I typed but I will give it a go anyway on the off chance that he is legit.)

But I have to disagree. I am not white so I dont know how Brits feel towards them. But Brits never argue with blacks. I played soccer my entire life. So I interacted with more people from overseas than most people. Never had a single problem with any race or culture and that carries to online.

Why do white people even feel the need to use the word? Who cares if black people use it. Its not a insult to white people. So why do you feel the need to also say it.

I personally rarely ever use it. But I feel its extremely childish for a white persons excuse to say it is "Well he said it.....I want also."

Every culture has a certain way to talk, every culture has certain things that they say or do to each other that is considered harmless but offensive if said by others. I listen to Mexicans call each other a set of Spanish words that I can only assume are either on the same level or just under what the word $$$$a is for blacks. But I dont feel the need to say them just because they do. Thats also holds up because I am black. Just beacuse I am black doesnt make me feel like I have to use it non stop. Again...I actually rarely use it.

The word $$$$a doesnt come up for whites unless they go out of your way to use it. Again. I have been around a lot of different cultures due to my soccer career. I have heard tons of racial slurs by groups to each other. Never did I feel the need also say them. I simply accepted that its cool for them to say and not me.

Final thought. To me using an obvious hot topic word just because "someone else can" is completely childish. There are more racial slurs in the world than just the N word. There are many words on the same level said to different cultures. Are you now going to make it a point to find and use every one just because that can? To that I would have to say grow up.

Also to start a race war for any reason what so ever makes you a fucking douche bag. Being racist isnt something to just play around in because you want to feel cool. I mean seriously. How does this sound. "I star race wars on XBL." Yeah but I bet your never said a single word to a anyone other than your friend in real life. And that goes for any race and any person. If you were a black guy starting a race war against whites, or mexicans, or brits, or mulism. Racist is Racist.
Joining a game where you are getting slaughtered in CoD 4.

But it's kinda makes up for it when you turn the team around for a victory.
I like how DarkRider23 contradicts himself with this quote "All the racial tensions in games that I play are started by trash talking black guys. Occasionally, I'll start a racial war over a gears of war match or something because I've run out of stuff to say, but for the most part, I'm not racist." I like how you say all wars are started by black males and then you say occasionally I'll start a war. Actions like that are why I have my mic on mute half the time.

So DarkRider you should feel proud people that do actions like yourself are why myself and many other black people hate getting on xbox live most the time. You will never hear me use a racist term toward a white male or any other race for that matter online. I will call somebody a bi*** or a Bas**** but never call someone a honk** or spi** just because I run out of things to say. To put it bluntly its childish and ignorant. Its funny how half the time I played Gears of War and I picked Cole and would get called everything from brownie to the N word just because I picked the character that resembled me the most. Also, I never did respond with a racial slur, I would just call them a jacka$$ and put them on mute afterward. No need to fight stupidity with stupidity.

Like Soodmeg, I don't want to hijack this thread either put I have to say something when I see an ignorant post like that.
I just wanted to say that I agree with Soodmeg's rebuttal almost entirely, though I think what DarkRider23 was trying to say (albeit in a somewhat racist and ignorant way) is that reverse racism can be just as harmful and only helps feed society's institutionalized racism.

But Soodmeg you bring up an interesting critique of American society (whether you meant to or not), specifically America's education on race. The problem lies with how people are taught how to deal with race at a young age. We are taught to ignore race, or be "color blind". This doesn't fix the problem at all. People, specifically those in the dominant cultural majority, need to embrace the cultural differences of the minorities and allow assimilation to occur. Ethnocentrism will only break down and harm a society.

By the way, I study sociology if you couldn't tell. I could probably write a few pages on that subject but I'm trying to be brief.

EDIT: Forgot my pet peeve to stay on topic... Um... I really hate framerate drops, ESPECIALLY in sports games.
I agree with Soodmeg.
If your not a $$$$er, your a f aggot. It's really lame, and it really is the white american guys who say it. It's a shame that white american guys feel the need to call each other names, like a $$$$er and especially a f aggot just to be more..tougher? :whistle2:s

I don't know, but it is really stupid. Yes yes yes, I know we have a mute feature and we have an ignore/block and can report people but the problem is still there.

I never had a problem playing with black guys (american) though. I know what DarkRider means, but they aren't being racist. The ones I've played with were just bein REAAALLL ghetto :lol: It's not racist, but it's annoying. 2 different things since I'm just a simple white guy :lol:

But yeah, it's one of my bigger peeves. Playing with white guys who feel the need to proove themselves. Sigh
Pet Peeves - Little Kids that think they're britney spears and sing on the mic MUTE!
Little Kids who are one drop away from the short bus
Little Kids that think they are Bill O' Reilly (Nothing like a little kid cursing you talking about how much they hate playing as Ragheads and the $$$$$$y SAS)
Soodameg's example of the much feared "White American Male"
Darkrider's example of....well...Himself
also sexism happens alot, sometimes "GASP!!" a female enters a match and all i hear is, "Suck my dick bitch" or "get back in the kitchen" and other crap like that other than trying to pathetically hit on them, its kind of a drag since one of my XBL friends almost always gets harrassed like this when we enter a match together.
People that think playing GH or Rockband is better than playing a real instrument and that they are awesome because they beat the games on the hardest difficulty but can't play a single chord on a real guitar.
I notice how almost all of our complaints are online based. I always felt Microsoft should hire moderators to just play the game and ban/warn people on the spot for being abusive. I doubt they would have to pay much to fill that position either. I am sure a lot of people would enjoy to get paid to play games and just report abusive people to Microsoft.
my biggest pet peeve lately is in CoD4, little 12 year old kids with their whiney voices screaming that everything is "gay". after you said it 6,000 times in a match, I want to kick them in the nuts that haven't dropped yet
[quote name='Soodmeg']To actually add to the thread. I hate hype. I hate the hype that surrounds some games.

Its so bad that you cant trust reviewers or even the general public opinion on certain games. You can and will never been ever to get a honest view of how good Halo is. Because there are so many people who hate it just for the sake of hating it....and love it just for the sake of loving it.

That and the legal monopolies on sports franchise IE Madden and FIFA. No company should be able to corner the market on something like a sport. Thats bullshit. Stop being greedy for one second.

Sports bring in so much money by themselfs....why the hell do you need to have a contract with one company?

By the way, I actually hate halo 2 and 3.[/quote]

I feel ya. This was one of my favorite/most ridiculous images from the Halo 3 launch...


Between in-store hype like that and the Mountain Dew "Gamer Fuel" editions, I almost lost it. No, I don't own a 360 (my roommate does, and I have access to it). No, I don't give a rat's ass about Halo 3, but if my roommate buys it I *might* finish Halo 2 so I know what's going on. Please stop telling me that this game is the Messiah in disc form.

Nothing irks me more than poorly managed check points or save spots. I recently started playing the original Crash Bandicoot, and the save system is incredibly archaic - if you miss a bonus level, you don't get to save? WTF?

[quote name='cheezisgoooood']Here's one that I'm surprised nobody else mentioned:

Short games. [/quote]

Oh man, this is a big one. I remember being so excited about Ultimate Spiderman, it looked so good with the cell-shading, comic-book style graphics, and I'd loved the previous game a lot. Turns out, if it wasn't for the forced errand running (gang fights, races with the Human Torch) and 1 or 2 absurdly cheap bosses who took awhile to beat, you could complete the actual story of the game in less than 2 hours. What a fucking waste.

And, not to beat a dead horse, but count me in for having absolutely no tolerance for the racist crap that gets said in-game. I haven't played online since the original Half-Life 2, and part of the reason was because I didn't want to hear or see what was being said (a lot of it was typed).
People who exaggerate video card prices.

If I had a penny for every guy that tried to convince someone that you need an Nvidia Quadro to play Crysis...

Sort of OT, but I couldn't particularly think of a gaming peeve console-related, except when people play their music through their headsets.
there is a list for me:

poor saving features
online people in general
lag online
shooters that are not Call of Duty 4 or Team Fortress 2

load times is my biggest!!! Nintendo and Sony 1st and 2nd party games have none to minimal load times and all the other games I play *cough LO cough* makes me feel like I am still dicking around with my Sega CD.
[quote name='ruffinra']New Pet Peeve those damn smack talk devices[/quote]


Like a machine that talks smack for you? On XBL? I R Confused.
If I had many gaming pet peeves I wouldn't still be here. I've been playing videogames for about 24 years now with no plans on stopping. That being said, there's one thing I hate in videogames...

Defending things. Be it people, or bases, or slow capital ships. If you can't take the heat, stay the fuck out of the kitchen. Or at least be an easy level so I can beat it once and move on.
I usually have patience when it comes to dealing with things in gaming, but lately I have been really annoyed by DLC that we have to pay for, specifically DLC that should have been included in a game to begin with or DLC that would normally have been unlocked by beating the game. I already paid sixty dollars for your game, why the hell are you charging for an additional gun, level, car, song or wardrobe change.

Then again, maybe paid DLC would go away if we stopped paying for them.....
[quote name='Soodmeg']?????

Like a machine that talks smack for you? On XBL? I R Confused.[/quote]

It's an adapter that connects to your headset and controller.

This one guy had one when I played GOW and he had recorded some sayings. One was "Leroooooooy Jeeeeeeeenkins." I thought it was pretty hilarious.
[quote name='beezdeez']It's an adapter that connects to your headset and controller.

This one guy had one when I played GOW and he had recorded some sayings. One was "Leroooooooy Jeeeeeeeenkins." I thought it was pretty hilarious.[/quote]

This is a device you can purchase so you don't have to... speak when you want to talk?
A couple of my current ones:

Gamertag recovery. It seems ridiculous to me that it takes anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes to download a gamertag if I have a friend over and we want to both play a game. It also seems like the recovery process times out and fails waaay more than it should. It usually takes 2 or 3 attempts to recover one.

Glitched achievements. I think achievements are great when they work and are creative, as they can add a lot of replay value to a game. That said, it absolutely sucks when you pull off a really tough one and the system doesn't give it to you. The worst example I can think of is when I spent a shitload of time going for Zombie Chopper on the Orange Box and the game didn't give it to me when I finally made it to the end of the level.

Poor save systems. I played through Dead Rising recently and that game can be an absolute bitch. Multiple times, I made it through about an hour of gameplay and then either died or had my 360 freeze up on me. I HATE having to do the same thing all over again just because I forgot to trek 5 minutes out of my way to visit one of the game's bathrooms.

Online multiplayer. I love online co-op, but don't enjoy the competitive stuff for the most part. Team Fortress is pretty fun if I'm in the right mood, but Halo 3, Gears of War, COD4, etc. just bore me to death in multiplayer. It seems like I always end up playing with people either way better or way worse than me and I quickly lose interest in the take & hold checkpoints, rack up x number of kills or survive for the longest amount of time types of gameplay. Oh, and the vast majority of online players seem to still be in middle school. Whenever I do venture into an online game, I have my mic muted entirely or set to a channel with a friend.
[quote name='catapult37']This is a device you can purchase so you don't have to... speak when you want to talk?[/quote]

I think it's a voice modulator (it's that right terminology?). I think it takes your voice and changes it to like a robotic sound and what not if you want it to. It also allows you to have prerecorded sounds.

I mean I agree, it doesn't make sense and I can definitely see it being annoying. But my one experience with someone using one was pretty funny.
[quote name='maxfisher']A couple of my current ones:
Glitched achievements. I think achievements are great when they work and are creative, as they can add a lot of replay value to a game. That said, it absolutely sucks when you pull off a really tough one and the system doesn't give it to you. The worst example I can think of is when I spent a shitload of time going for Zombie Chopper on the Orange Box and the game didn't give it to me when I finally made it to the end of the level.[/quote]
Did you continue using the gravity gun in the mine? You have to make it all the way out into the city during the day to get the achievement. I've heard a lot of people call that one glitched when they didn't realize going through Ravenholm alone wasn't enough; you have to make it that extra little bit.

That said, I don't believe I've ever encountered a true glitched achievement (just ones I thought were glitched until I figured them out). I do know they exist though - probably just overstated from gamers who think they are getting screwed when they aren't.

Although today I made it thru a level of Aegis Wing without getting hit and I didn't get crap. What constitutes a "level" in that game? Oh well. Serves me right for playing it when I have so many other way better games to get through...
Smack talk is a device that lets you record sounds and you can keep using them when playing online. It can be funny but its usually annoying. I typed that being a peeve of mine as I was playing COD4 and my teammate kept playing Three Stoogies sounds every 30 seconds. Everyone thought it was funny the first minute but afterward everyone was pissed off at him.
[quote name='ruffinra']Smack talk is a device that lets you record sounds and you can keep using them when playing online. It can be funny but its usually annoying. I typed that being a peeve of mine as I was playing COD4 and my teammate kept playing Three Stoogies sounds every 30 seconds. Everyone thought it was funny the first minute but afterward everyone was pissed off at him.[/quote]

You wouldn't want to play with Kendal then - his Simpsons quotes are used multiple times per match.

As for peeves, mine are the ignorance and rudeness that comes along with the annonymity Xbox Live brings. Why can't people simply keep their mouths shut if they're just going to call everybody f*ags and n*iggers?

Call me old fashioned, but I liked it back in the arcade days when all you needed to do was stare down your opponent after you kicked his ass in a game.
When I join unwinnable matches on Live games. Last night I joined a random TF2 match. It was 2Fort. The other team had 2 captures and two points overall, we had zero of both. One other person on my team has a mic, and it's a kid who keeps singing some unintelligble song. Also, everyone on my team is a spy.
[quote name='RudyPants']You wouldn't want to play with Kendal then - his Simpsons quotes are used multiple times per match.

As for peeves, mine are the ignorance and rudeness that comes along with the annonymity Xbox Live brings. Why can't people simply keep their mouths shut if they're just going to call everybody f*ags and n*iggers?

Call me old fashioned, but I liked it back in the arcade days when all you needed to do was stare down your opponent after you kicked his ass in a game.[/quote]
The arcade scene has changed, I used to frequent arcades a lot last year, and people will say good game and shake your hand after a match of Initial D or even DDR. Why can't people on XBL be like that and just admit that they got beaten or just say good luck in the start of a match. I hate it when the other team always says "oh we are gonna kick your ass cause you guys suck!"
[quote name='Ragekod']The arcade scene has changed, I used to frequent arcades a lot last year, and people will say good game and shake your hand after a match of Initial D or even DDR. Why can't people on XBL be like that and just admit that they got beaten or just say good luck in the start of a match. I hate it when the other team always says "oh we are gonna kick your ass cause you guys suck!"[/QUOTE]

Because people tend to act differently, when they know they are behind a screen or a voice coming from a speaker. You would be surprised how most of the people that talk crap and say rude and prejudiced things, would not blip a single word if they were in person with someone else.
Cone Challenge - PGR series - This is the only thing I can't do well for some reason ... I hate it. I have gotten all Golds on PGR1 and Platinums on PGR2, but I was actually pissed off with the whole game by the time I finished getting everything. Most people seem to donut the car to build up tons of points, which is totally not what the developers intended for people to do. It's the stupidest challenge in any racing game, and I play almost every one that comes out because I'm a racing game junkie. Most of the lines the cones lead a player through are inefficient and unorthodox. It's a total waste of time. What is most ridiculous is passing all the cones without hitting one and still not getting a Platinum medal. Uhhhh, shouldn't passing the cones in the time alloted give me a Platinum medal??? Obviously, the developers are stupid, so they force players to do ridiculously retarded "drifts" to make the combo and points meters go up. fuck the Kudos system. It's garbage.

That aside, I hate games with unlockables or achievements which are too hard or extremely long. Meaning, it takes 60 hours of gameplay (an exaggeration in MOST cases) to get an achievement for a non-RPG style game. Or, the unlockable is so difficult very few can even do it. I'm glaring at YOU Virtua Tennis 1 for PSP. Stupid hidden rackets ...

I also hate how racing games have so many levels. By the time I'm finished unlocking everything, I no longer want to even play the game, which makes the online options completely pointless for me. PGR is the most atrocious violator, Ridge Racer in a DISTANT second and the Burnout series lagging quite a bit behind.
[quote name='maxfisher']

Online multiplayer. I love online co-op, but don't enjoy the competitive stuff for the most part. Team Fortress is pretty fun if I'm in the right mood, but Halo 3, Gears of War, COD4, etc. just bore me to death in multiplayer. It seems like I always end up playing with people either way better or way worse than me and I quickly lose interest in the take & hold checkpoints, rack up x number of kills or survive for the longest amount of time types of gameplay. Oh, and the vast majority of online players seem to still be in middle school. Whenever I do venture into an online game, I have my mic muted entirely or set to a channel with a friend.[/quote]


Man, I am completely with you on that one. I find myself getting really really bored rather quickly in most online games. I really enjoy tactical type shooter that take real thought and planning to take win.

You can rarely find that in any XBL game as it just boils down to running in gunning on almost every level. COD4, Halo3...they are all the same. The best one I have found was RB6V beacuse of the cover system. The great cover system made it so that people would actually try to pin each other down. That made me feel good.

COD4 is a great example of a good game that runs out of steam really quickly. I can only run and gun for so long before I am bored with it.

Thats why I am excited for R6V2.

I also hate jumping/climbing in almost every game that is not designed for it. FPS are horrid for both. Example why does it take like 5 seconds to climb over a 2 foot wall?
[quote name='Richlough']Games that expect you to replay them over and over , spoon feeding you the content .
Timed games .
Games that grade you .
Games that rely on combo's and their memorization of them .[/quote]

That mostly describes Devil May Cry. I have the same gripes.
When playing Rumble Pit on Halo 3 and you end up with three people on the same console and they team up. It especially chaps my ass when they do it in a game of oddball and hold out till time ends. I just want to extinguish the life of small animals when that happens:bomb:
My biggest pet peeve would have to be escape levels without a timer.

"You have to get out of there now!"

Do I really?
Maybe I'll just wait 5 hours. This place will stay up until the second I leave so who cares?
Playing mass effect just made me think of another one. Though in Mass Effect it does it right.

I hate RPGS that expect you to press the action button on fucking everything. I remember some PS1 days when I would walk around grinding into walls pressing X constantly just so I wouldnt miss something. Because the worst feeling is getting somewhere and realizing that you needed to look in the cup on the desk blended into the back ground back on level 2. Sorry.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Hmm. This is going to spin the thread again. (but the obvious is that he just typed it as a direct response to what I typed but I will give it a go anyway on the off chance that he is legit.)

But I have to disagree. I am not white so I dont know how Brits feel towards them. But Brits never argue with blacks. I played soccer my entire life. So I interacted with more people from overseas than most people. Never had a single problem with any race or culture and that carries to online. Well, guess what? Not to sound like a total dick or anything, but those are your experiences. Everyone has different experiences. I never said Brits argue with blacks. I'm white and I see a lot of Brits online bash me for being American. I also get a lot of Blacks bash me for being white as soon as they start losing a game or I start trash talking as in "you got owned."

Why do white people even feel the need to use the word? Who cares if black people use it. Its not a insult to white people. So why do you feel the need to also say it. Why do they feel the need to say it to me? What if it does insult me? If I was racist, I would hate to be called black. Why do black people feel the need to say cracker? Whenever I'm online in a game I hear black people saying both the word $$$$a and cracka. Cracka isn't an insult to black people. So why do they feel the need to also say it?

I personally rarely ever use it. But I feel its extremely childish for a white persons excuse to say it is "Well he said it.....I want also." I also feel that it is a bit childish for a black person to call me cracker, but hey, who is arguing?

Every culture has a certain way to talk, every culture has certain things that they say or do to each other that is considered harmless but offensive if said by others. Why do black people even use the word $$$$a/$$$$er to begin with? Did they forget what the meaning of those words are? Did they forget where it originated? It's like their insulting themselves. I listen to Mexicans call each other a set of Spanish words that I can only assume are either on the same level or just under what the word $$$$a is for blacks. But I dont feel the need to say them just because they do. Thats also holds up because I am black. Just beacuse I am black doesnt make me feel like I have to use it non stop. Again...I actually rarely use it.

The word $$$$a doesnt come up for whites unless they go out of your way to use it. Again. I have been around a lot of different cultures due to my soccer career. I have heard tons of racial slurs by groups to each other. Never did I feel the need also say them. I simply accepted that its cool for them to say and not me.

Final thought. To me using an obvious hot topic word just because "someone else can" is completely childish. There are more racial slurs in the world than just the N word. There are many words on the same level said to different cultures. Are you now going to make it a point to find and use every one just because that can? To that I would have to say grow up.

Also to start a race war for any reason what so ever makes you a fucking douche bag. Being racist isnt something to just play around in because you want to feel cool. I never said I wanted to be cool. Call me a douche bag, I really don't fucking care. When someone wants to start shit with me, I will start shit with them. I should have said that I don't start racial wars for no reason. They're not even wars, really. Just a joke, but some people actually think your serious. Again, I'm not the one who starts the shit. I just continue it. I mean seriously. How does this sound. "I star race wars on XBL." Yeah but I bet your never said a single word to a anyone other than your friend in real life. There's where your wrong. If you've ever lived in my town and went to my school you would know of how ignorant people around here can get. Anyone from the middle-east is called a terrorist. Spanish people called spics, beaners and all that jazz. White people called crackers. Black people called $$$$ers. I've been called cracker enough in my life and I just retaliate with racial slurs towards them. Again, I really don't care what you think about what I do in my life. And that goes for any race and any person. If you were a black guy starting a race war against whites, or mexicans, or brits, or mulism. Sorry to tell you this buddy, but you're taking the term "race war" too seriously. I hope you know I meant race arguments in a joking manner. Doesn't seem like you did. Racist is Racist. Keep saying that. Just cause I say racial slurs doesn't make me racist. But whatever, you've never met me in person. You've never met my friends. I bet you you're thinking I hang out with white supremacists, don't you?[/quote]

And I'm officially done with the talking of being racist/racial slurs. They happen in every day life. People have to get over them. Even if we do continue this discussion, it'll just keep going around in circles for pages.

Back on to the gaming pet peeves.

After receiving NFS: PS, I just realized that I hate games with shitty achievements. Why would you put stupid achievements such as beat an EA Moderator in an online match when the moderators are rarely ever on?
[quote name='DarkRider23'] After receiving NFS: PS, I just realized that I hate games with shitty achievements. Why would you put stupid achievements such as beat an EA Moderator in an online match when the moderators are rarely ever on?[/quote]

Seconded. There's a completely ridiculous Burnout: Revenge achievement where your forced to have your crash replay in the top 10 downloaded in the world...yeah...okay.
I hate in certain games, I'll be leveling hardcore, just exploring the dungeon. I'll walk into the next room and BAM, a huge bossfight and I haven't saved in several hours. Maybe it's more on my end of things but it's super annoying and stressful because I don't want to lose all the time spent.

Sidequests that take forever and the only thing you end up getting is some crappy weapon you don't even end up using.

I hate the trash talkers online. Now I'm not talking about the "you fuckin suck noob" kind of stuff because when I'm with my friends we love doing that to each other. It's more of those guys whose dick is directly connected to their game of choice (such as COD4). For the most part I play casually, and I end up in last place a couple times. In COD4 there will be some douche bag calling me out, naming all the weapons he killed me with, and overall just being a prick. I mean, I get it. You're good at COD4. I bet your mom is proud.

I also extremely hate when people start singing whatever bullshit happens to be on the radio. Hearing Soulja boy repeated 50 times before the match even starts is really annoying. I also hate those ghetto fucks who suck ass at the game yet continue to talk trash to everyone. Being called a white bitch, or honkey, or cracka is just stupid as well. But I guess with video games all the pieces of shit come out and spew their garbage on race or nationality.

People with shitty mics just suck. Sometimes I wish there was a mute button.

God I mean I understand that it wants to be scary and atmospheric, but this isn't Master can walk fast and run up stairs...
One of my biggest pet peeves is lack of save points. There's nothing worse than dying > < close to a save point, and having to do the entire section over again.
[quote name='chakan']Getting 2/3 of the way through Simpsons and getting a corrupted save file.[/quote]

2/3 of the way through the single-player game or everything including the stats necessary for all the achievements? Because my sister and I blew through the single-player game in a day, it's really not long.
[quote name='DougCL']hosts ending multiplayer matches either right at the start or like 2 minutes in. whats the fucking point? why wold you even start a game if your gunna leave after 30 fucking seconds?[/quote]

Its annoying, but its kinda funny if you're on a winning team and you get credit for a win for your challenges.

I hate voice on any game. I don't use my mic on my 360 and I hate playing WoW and using Ventrilo. People are dumb enough as it is, I don't need to hear how dumb they are too.
bread's done