Black Friday Riots


9 (100%)

Black Friday shoppers trampled in New York -

Couldn't figure out if the video could be embeded

raw footage below

"CNN) -- Several Black Friday shoppers eager to get great holiday deals were trampled Friday morning as they surged through store doors in North Buffalo, New York.

CNN affiliate WIVB had a camera inside the Target and captured the drama. People at the front of their line were pushed to the floor when doors opened. The commotion and screams drew additional store staff to sort the crowd out.
One shopper, bent over in pain, continued into the store.

Keith Krantz told WIVB that he was pinned against a metal door support and was shoved to the ground. Shoppers went over him until staff pulled him to safety. "At that moment I was thinking I don't want to die here on the ground," he said."

The guy at 1:17 suppressed his pain with the thoughts of HDTV's and 3 dollar appliances. Also check out the guy crawling in the back ground...looks like an aftermath of some explosion.
Cluster fuck of Stupid...

Funny the two fatass got the most hurt. Scratch that... They're ALL fatasses.

Once again, every year I'm glad I don't bother with this kind of garbage.

Finally, No sympathy here.
[quote name='VipFREAK']Cluster fuck of Stupid...

Funny the two fatass got the most hurt. Scratch that... They're ALL fatasses.

Once again, every year I'm glad I don't bother with this kind of garbage.

Finally, No sympathy here.[/QUOTE]

lol, maybe if there were less fatasses people would have fit through the door easier. Also why wasn't that cop who arrives 30 seconds in, there at opening?

-Also check out the first guy in, fastest power walker ever.
That video made me so sad. I never understand how these tramplings happen. Do you just get a whole wad of people who don't give a crap about anyone to squeeze through a small space?
[quote name='utopianmachine']That video made me so sad. I never understand how these tramplings happen. Do you just get a whole wad of people who don't give a crap about anyone to squeeze through a small space?[/QUOTE]
Pretty much. It's probably one of the most sickening sights. Next to people yelling "jump" to someone on an overpass or tall building. Seriously, it's grotesque to see 'humanity' behave this way.

Life is about all the people you meet and helping those around you. It's not about freaking STUFF. And trust me, I love stuff.

Portable turnstile gates placed at the entrance with security before and after the gate to ensure an organized process. It's more fair too... I mean fuck being first in line when a whole horde gets to come in the same time you do.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']This is why stores have Loss Prevention departments, boys and girls. Unless I own the store and it's coming outta my pocket if someone is stealing shit, I'm not gonna lift a finger to stop someone from doing so.

Even then, that's what insurance is for.:D[/QUOTE]
I doubt any employee is even supposed to touch someone stealing, usually store policy. I'm sure the guy felt like he did the right thing, but if he grabbed the guy like it seems, the stabbing could be construed as self defense as the marine isn't law enforcement.

But anyway, this is why I got to target when they opened, and stood back and waited to get in. Even then some fat kid was shoving me, wanted to elbow the little fucker. Best way to stop this will be for stores to start getting sued by those who get hurt, then they'll start organizing these sales better, with better crowd control. Until then the stores won't give a fuck.

edit- Also, "don't run please". :rofl:
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I can't say I feel any sort of sympathy for those nearly trampled in the crowd (appliances aren't worth your life) nor the would be hero who got stabbed placing his life at potent risk to nab of all things a shoplifter (see the former for more details...)? Sad. It's called a few police officers/store security and a god damn rope. How hard is it to force everyone in a single line and keep them there? Even the local Walmart had it down to a f*cking science last year. Everyone walked not stampeded like water buffalo into the store come opening because they had no say in the matter. Anyone who did try to run and copped a fit either got thrown out by security, shaped up after being thoroughly embarrassed verbally by management who weren't taking shit from anybody, or forced to wait until the crowd cleared.

Hell... the other stores didn't have to bother with that mess because they weren't letting anyone line up outside period.
Local target set up the carts close enough to the store that it both blocked people from cutting in line and forced those in line to walk single file, looks like that store said fuck it bum rush the door.
I hope NOBODY feels bad for that guy

I watched that video on another site. I'm going to point out three things that ruined it for me.

1) The guy stood in line for 8 hours. That's a regular work day. Da hell are you doing standing in line for 8 hours??? Ain't nothing that important to stand in line for 8 hours..FOR FREE! TO BUY SOMETHING!

2) The guy gets trampled. He screams in pain. He's obviously hurting....and he limps on to the TV section. Yep. That's what he does! If I got trampled...I'm cussing someone nearby me out AND demanding them bring me what I came there for. I'm not limping to electronics...

3) He says he went over there to look for his brother. What does that say about his brother??? I know my brother would have been there to either pull me up or to fight whomever walked over me. His....allegedly dipped on out to buy what he had to and never seemingly turned around looking for him. ???????

Anyone who feels sorry for that guy is crazed in the mind too! He's a lunatic. He's the guy who braves a crowd for free food. He's the guy who would probably do stupid contests like holding their breath the longest to win free tickets to a concert. He showed his true colors that day.

He didn't call for help...a sensible woman did.

He's the typical consumer-crazy American that retailers and companies depend on.
[quote name='Theenternal']Also why wasn't that cop who arrives 30 seconds in, there at opening?[/QUOTE]

I don't blame him... There's a reason the Refs don't get right involved in a hockey fight. lol

[quote name='TheShepherdSauce']

Portable turnstile gates placed at the entrance with security before and after the gate to ensure an organized process. It's more fair too... I mean fuck being first in line when a whole horde gets to come in the same time you do.[/QUOTE]

Sorry to burst your bubble but... 1. That's Taiwan or whatever, they are smart enough not to "camp out" in front of a store and not fatasses too. 2. If you put those here you'll just have EVEN MORE injured (or dead) people because they will create even MORE of a big fat cluster fuck of stupid trying to be first into the store...
Funny part is, I went out on Black Friday to the local Target about 9:00am, hours after they opened and they still ahd plenty of TVs lining the aisles. Same with Best Buy. If it wasn't a "you must have a ticket" item, they had plenty. I once got in line about 10 or 11 years ago to get my dad a scanner at Best Buy back when they cost 300-400 dollars and it was on sale for 200. Orderly line, no pushing, friendly customers. Times they have changed!
Invariably, there's going to be three groups of people at these Black Friday affairs: the people that want a deal, people that want to be first and the people that will cut a bitch to get what they want. These groups will undoubtedly overlap when you get a horde of people that fill the trifecta in that Venn diagram, shit goes down and it goes down bad.

[quote name='TheShepherdSauce']
Portable turnstile gates placed at the entrance with security before and after the gate to ensure an organized process. It's more fair too... I mean fuck being first in line when a whole horde gets to come in the same time you do.[/QUOTE]

Who wouldn't respect and obey a fair process? Only an asshole, Croker. Unfortunately, there are plenty of them at these events.
We allowed only 200 people in our store on Black Friday, and limiting the influx of people, so we didn't have the entire line entering at once. Took 3 hours to get people in, but nobody got trampled, checked into carts, or anything. Mission Achieved.

Funny thing was, that the people who were in after like 8am were grumpier/pissier than the people who waited 3 hours in freezing rain to get into the store.
[quote name='TheShepherdSauce']

Portable turnstile gates placed at the entrance with security before and after the gate to ensure an organized process. It's more fair too... I mean fuck being first in line when a whole horde gets to come in the same time you do.[/QUOTE]
Umm... People would be annihilated if they were being shoved into those things. For the most part, they're only as efficient as the people who use them... and the masses are ME FIRST, GIMMEGIMME mode on Black Friday.

Imagine if there were turnstiles in that video. That would be a huge mess.
Retailers eat up this type of thing and lack the crowd control they need. Customers don't give a damn about their own safety or others safety, they just want to be the first to get this or that. I'm glad that I have never had the desire to waste my time sitting outside in the cold for hours and risk being badly hurt by idiots that don't know how to shop calmly.
I've never though about it, but black Friday in warmer climates is probably so much more enjoyable. I mean if you're in an area where it's like 60 at night right now, that wouldn't be too bad. Beats freezing your ass off anyhow.
The thing is that retailers DO NOT GIVE A fuck about this. All they care about is the end of the day sales figures. It looks like retailers are slowly extending black friday sales to 2 to 3 days. All it will take is a major lawsuit against one of these retailers for a trample death during black friday and that's it... no more 5 am specials. Heck i've seen at least 2-3 cops at every best buy I went to these past two days...and at least 15 at the walmart.
I am actually glad Wal Mart was open 24/7 on thursday night- black friday. It allowed me to walk into the store before the 12:01 video game deals went live without worrying about being trampled and allowed me to sit back and watch the madness happen. I actually just waited like 6 minutes until the people were done looting the video games and the $10 box was completely clear. Painless experience for me actually.

I would never camp hours for something and I would never go to a big retail store at opening like best buy because in all seriously most people don't give a fuck, they only care about deals where apparently they think it's ok to stop being civilized.
I just love it when these idiots tell other people "Because it's fun/crazy to do it!" as their reason for waiting that early for the bf deals. If you look at the quality of the products being sold at the discounted can find them cheaper else-ware OR just wait a few more weeks then bam... bf sale price 3 weeks later :) This always happens.
Target had enough of those 8 dollar blu rays for me to just walk in and walk out at 5pm yesterday. Did I get trampled? NOPE... Everyone usually clears out by 10-11am anyways.

Best deal for me was Step Brothers for 8 bucks on blu ray at target!
There is nothing in Target or any similar store worth waiting 8 hours for, even if it was free. Those people are pathetic.
2am on Friday, I was curled up in bed with a couple of blankets, the CAG Cast, and my girlfriend. I might not have saved $50 on a TV, but I still made out better than anyone in that video.
[quote name='Clak']I've never though about it, but black Friday in warmer climates is probably so much more enjoyable. I mean if you're in an area where it's like 60 at night right now, that wouldn't be too bad. Beats freezing your ass off anyhow.[/QUOTE]
Unfortunately that is NOT where I live, so unless I knew for certain that a couple really hot MILF's were gonna get into a knock down, drag out catfight that included ripping each other's clothes off you couldn't pay me enough to stand in ANY line on or before Black Friday.

I've done the standing in a BF line and I've done the same dealie but standing in line for tickets for a WCW show when they were still around and I would not recommend doing either when it's so much easier to just point, click and ship anymore.:applause:
[quote name='Brak']
Imagine if there were turnstiles in that video. That would be a huge mess.[/QUOTE]

I am imagining it right now, and the flips they're doing are spectacular.
oh and for those who do this shit for a 200 dollar laptop...99% of those fools don't research them properly before buying them. It's a "You get what you paid for" deal. I am glad the ads leak early and with some research people can find out how good they are. Every time I hear someone say "Oh I wish I was in line for that 200 dollar laptop.." I tell them do you really want to spend 200 dollars on something very slow and won't meet your usage needs and probably won't last a year anyways?
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Unfortunately that is NOT where I live, so unless I knew for certain that a couple really hot MILF's were gonna get into a knock down, drag out catfight that included ripping each other's clothes off you couldn't pay me enough to stand in ANY line on or before Black Friday.

I've done the standing in a BF line and I've done the same dealie but standing in line for tickets for a WCW show when they were still around and I would not recommend doing either when it's so much easier to just point, click and ship anymore.:applause:[/QUOTE]
I did one time at Best Buy a few years back and swore I never would again. I ended up sick for a week afterward, which is no surprise considering how cold it was.
[quote name='ITDEFX']oh and for those who do this shit for a 200 dollar laptop...99% of those fools don't research them properly before buying them. It's a "You get what you paid for" deal. I am glad the ads leak early and with some research people can find out how good they are. Every time I hear someone say "Oh I wish I was in line for that 200 dollar laptop.." I tell them do you really want to spend 200 dollars on something very slow and won't meet your usage needs and probably won't last a year anyways?[/QUOTE]
What's even funnier is that now Big Lots has an ad out where they're advertising $177 laptops, which are probably factory refurb crap that'll last 6 months, yet a TON of people will buy those and be pissed in 3 months when they realize what a piece of shit it is.
[quote name='Clak']I did one time at Best Buy a few years back and swore I never would again. I ended up sick for a week afterward, which is no surprise considering how cold it was.[/QUOTE]
I only did it once with an ex gf at Circuit City, once for myself at a Best Buy and last year for a buddy and his sister at the same Best Buy.

All three times it was bitterly cold out and at least two of those times people were trying to shove their way into the store like that Target video above. Since most stores put items from their ads up on the net anymore for the same price it's just so much less hassle to sit in a nice warm house and wait till midnight and just get what I want and be able to sleep in on BF.
Maybe it's just my experience but I have been to Black Friday 3 times and everyone was very nice. People where sitting around having conversations and sleeping. No one tried to cut in line or run in the store when the doors opened. This year I stayed home and bought stuff at Amazon so I didn't have to deal with the cold.
bread's done