Black Teen Shot, Killed By Neighborhood Watch

Police report..

Oh and clipped this..


"The reason George Zimmerman was not arrested is because his father is a former judge who pulled some strings. "

What is known

Zimmerman's father, 64-year-old Robert Zimmerman of Lake Mary, is a retired magistrate from Virginia. He told WOFL-Channel 35 last weekthat no one involved in the investigation knew about his former job, and he didn't tell them. Magistrates in Virginia are not full-blown judges. They used to be called justices of the peace. They have limited authority and conduct no trials. Some are not lawyers. They typically issue arrest warrants, search warrants and set bail."
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[quote name='Pliskin101']Police report..

Oh and clipped this..

The reason George Zimmerman was not arrested is because his father is a former judge who pulled some strings.
Zimmerman's father, 64-year-old Robert Zimmerman of Lake Mary, is a retired magistrate from Virginia. He told WOFL-Channel 35 last weekthat no one involved in the investigation knew about his former job, and he didn't tell them. Magistrates in Virginia are not full-blown judges. They used to be called justices of the peace. They have limited authority and conduct no trials. Some are not lawyers. They typically issue arrest warrants, search warrants and set bail."[/QUOTE]
Just to see where this goes, although I already know, you ar absolutely correct about Robert Zimmerman being a judge in Virginia. I'm curious as to why it took you so long to post and figure it out when that news hit about a week ago, if not more.

While it might not have had a direct influence on this case, it wouldn't surprise me if having a judge for a father helped to influence his actions to avoid more of a mess with this and other cases.

Which begs the question, if his father didn't have any influence, then why was the case torpedoed?

Oh yeah, and your last two links are worthless.
[quote name='dohdough']Just to see where this goes, although I already know, you ar absolutely correct about Robert Zimmerman being a judge in Virginia. I'm curious as to why it took you so long to post and figure it out when that news hit about a week ago, if not more.

While it might not have had a direct influence on this case, it wouldn't surprise me if having a judge for a father helped to influence his actions to avoid more of a mess with this and other cases.

Which begs the question, if his father didn't have any influence, then why was the case torpedoed?

Oh yeah, and your last two links are worthless.[/QUOTE]

Okay fair enough. I knew some time back. But in post #537 the poster mentioned it but did not say what state. I just thought that it needed clarified.

I agree with your second part. Just because it is out-of-state and the father said it doesn't mean that there wasn't any influence. There might have well been. It will be nice to see the results of the full investigations.

Did you see where I posted that the old prosecutor said the meeting and no communication took place with the chief that night?
So why is the chief off the case and why the prosecutor? What of any was the conflict of interest? Who was the arresting cop of zimmerman when he was arrested for abuse and resisting? I would like to find that out.
Again it will be nice to see the full results of the investigations.

I am throwing this out there as pure speculation...Did you see at the end of the police report where seemingly out of the blue zimmerman states that he was yelling for help? Am I the only one that finds this odd?
[quote name='UncleBob']This is actually pretty amazing. And yet, completely unsurprised by the lack of outcry from some of the regulars on here.

If FAUXNEWZLOL had done something like this, there'd be cries for Bill's head on a stick.[/QUOTE]

agreed :applause:
Yeah...Sherrod never helped that white family because she was prejudiced and Zimmerman didn't racially profile Martin. It's EXACTLY the same thing.
I miss the days when the news just reported the news without opinions. Tweeting someone's address is a crappy thing to do, no matter where you fall on the political spectrum.
[quote name='dohdough']If only Lee had apologized, is covering their relocation expenses, and gave them an additional settlement to try and make things right...

What Lee did wasn't a good use of his celebrity, but I'm still going to play the partisan hack and say that this could've all been avoided if the local cops didn't screw the pooch on this one.[/QUOTE]

You'll get no argument from me on that one, aside from one utter failure of following procedure does not excuse a dick move despite the follow up apology/action on the mover of the dick. Rossanne also makes a dick move. Use twitter to make money with your advertising posts and to let us know about your upcoming whatever, don't use it to advertise the address of someone that you don't personally know just because they are the current cause celebre.
But yes, all could have been avoided had this not been botched worse than the "original" OJ case. It also could have been avoided prior to that had a guy with issues not been allowed to purchase a gun in the first place, or if we didn't have such lax gun laws, etc...

It's not the 1st time they've done this. Think of how many Dateline episodes have had 911 tapes and such. This goes back to may "failling of journalism" (particularly in radio/TV) post in that "getting a scoop" is more important than fact checking or citing a source.
Though it does give an interesting argument to "he did say that, but that's not what he said" which is a game played by both sides of the talking head BS.
[quote name='nasum']RE: NBC
It's not the 1st time they've done this. Think of how many Dateline episodes have had 911 tapes and such. This goes back to may "failling of journalism" (particularly in radio/TV) post in that "getting a scoop" is more important than fact checking or citing a source.
Though it does give an interesting argument to "he did say that, but that's not what he said" which is a game played by both sides of the talking head BS.[/QUOTE]
I still have to say that while NBC's portrayal Zimmerman's 911 was highly disingenuous, media outlets like Fox, Breitbart, Drudge, etc outright lie. Omitting the dispatcher's question doesn't completely misrepresent Zimmerman going after Martin, whereas Breitbart completely misrepresented and reported Sherrod's account of not helping that white family's farm as fact. There's a pretty big difference of scale. Not to mention that NBC and the like are apt to at least half apologize. You can't say the same about the other side.

Although, I don't disagree with your point about the failing of journalism. Regardless of the "liberal media" joke, a vast majority of the media is corporate owned by huge conglomerates.
Just throwing this out there as food for thought...

Was Paterno a pedophile too? Just because he did not do the right thing?

I am not saying that zimmerman IS a racist but if he is proved to be..does one mans actions (zimmerman..sandusky) make someone else's "incompetence" (the DA/police...paterno) the same crime as the accused?

Paterno's incompetence was not right but it doesn't make him a pedophile.
Yet he should have some responsiblity for his actions or lack of.
[quote name='soulvengeance']I miss the days when the news just reported the news without opinions. Tweeting someone's address is a crappy thing to do, no matter where you fall on the political spectrum.[/QUOTE]

I have to say, that day never existed. There's always a bias and the challenge is recognizing the biases that are assumed as"neutral" in our society.
[quote name='dohdough']Just to see where this goes, although I already know, you ar absolutely correct about Robert Zimmerman being a judge in Virginia. I'm curious as to why it took you so long to post and figure it out when that news hit about a week ago, if not more.

While it might not have had a direct influence on this case, it wouldn't surprise me if having a judge for a father helped to influence his actions to avoid more of a mess with this and other cases.

Which begs the question, if his father didn't have any influence, then why was the case torpedoed?

Oh yeah, and your last two links are worthless.[/QUOTE]

It was a suspiciously specific denial.

"because he had called them 48 times in the past two months"

A loony website that can't even get facts straight as seen by the quote above.....if they knew anything at all they would know that was proved wrong weeks ago and they still say it like it's a fact. Yet they still say it as of yesterday??

below is what they should have said ....

Zimmerman called 48-49 times over seven and a half years and the majority of them are to the non-emergency police line.


[quote name='Sc4rfac3']No. His people(Lawyer,brother,friend,etc) coming out and attacking the victim did it for me.
Bottom line a kid is dead. I did stupid shit as a teen but I lived. Nobody deserves to die at 17.
I really don't understand why some people don't get that. If it was their kid they would demand an investigation. They would fight to know what really happened. I think that's what this is all about.[/QUOTE]

Apparently Spokker is the only person who buys the whole yarn. Zimmerman's other defenders are of course only going at it obliquely.
[quote name='Pliskin101']

"because he had called them 48 times in the past two months"

A loony website that can't even get facts straight as seen by the quote above.....if they knew anything at all they would know that was proved wrong weeks ago and they still say it like it's a fact. Yet they still say it as of yesterday??

below is what they should have said ....

Zimmerman called 48-49 times over seven and a half years and the majority of them are to the non-emergency police line.

So, in a nutshell, you are defending a guy who, against the instructions of the 911 operator, sought a conflict and then killed an unarmed boy? Am I right here?
[quote name='joeboosauce']So, in a nutshell, you are defending a guy who, against the instructions of the 911 operator, sought a conflict and then killed an unarmed boy? Am I right here?[/QUOTE]

No you are not right here. I have NEVER defended Zimmerman in the killing of Trayvon. I have only attempted to show the facts as they were and are in this case and to keep it in perspective. Feel free to go through my posts on this thread about this horrible event.
[quote name='Pliskin101']No you are not right here. I have NEVER defended Zimmerman in the killing of Trayvon. I have only attempted to show the facts as they were and are in this case and to keep it in perspective. Feel free to go through my posts on this thread about this horrible event.[/QUOTE]

So, are you condemning Zimmerman for his actions as I mentioned them above?
[quote name='joeboosauce']So, are you condemning Zimmerman for his actions as I mentioned them above?[/QUOTE]

Ask the gentleman to explain what Zimmerman said instead of coon. I am kind of curious if someone has another word that fits. Tell them to justify the LEOs leaking info.
I am pretty sure that people are putting it out as fact on this thread that zimmerman said coon (if you want I will go through the posts and point out who is spreading it as fact). I am not sure if I corrected it then but the bottom line is... that is not a fact. Just as it is not a FACT that he said punk. The fact is it is unclear or known with any high degree of certainty what it was that was said.

Just google cnn or watch it this morning on that specific item. There is no conclusive evidence as to what was really said on that part of the audio on the 911 call.
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I have decided not to respond to knoell or his new playdate until they graduate from pre school. I am still curious as to what the clowns THINK what other word could have POSSIBLY have fit in the context.
[quote name='joeboosauce']So, in a nutshell, you are defending a guy who, against the instructions of the 911 operator, sought a conflict and then killed an unarmed boy? Am I right here?[/QUOTE]
You see, he's not defending Zimmerman's actions per se, just strongly denouncing the Lame Stream Media's attempt to paint Zimmerman as a hood-wearing racist as well as the race baiters that use events like these to further their agendas of highlighting systemic racism and fighting injustice.

Unlike the above parties, he has no agenda and hasn't used this tragedy for political gain. It's just a coincidence that he happens to rally against seemingly left leaning media outlets and well known black leaders instead of Stormfront, Breitbart, and for intentionally publishing pictures of the wrong Trayvon Martin or his character assasination.
[quote name='Msut77']I have decided not to respond to knoell or his new playdate until they graduate from pre school. I am still curious as to what the clowns THINK what other word could have POSSIBLY have fit in the context.[/QUOTE]
You know what's funny? I actually thought I heard "punk," but when his black neighbor came out and said it was "goons," well...need I say more?

I think I should copy your policy though. Good thing DMC HD is keeping me occupied.
[quote name='joeboosauce']So, are you condemning Zimmerman for his actions as I mentioned them above?[/QUOTE]

I IMO think Zimmerman's actions before (stalking/following) led to a conflict where Zimmerman did without a doubt kill Martin. There is no way to justify zimmerman killing martin IMO. If not for those prior actions this never would have happened.
[quote name='mykevermin'][/QUOTE]
The funny thing about that article is that the author focuses more on class privilege and her being a self-identified communist, I can see where she's coming from, but the girl in the video seems to understand far more about race from a critical race theory perspective. While a bit inflammatory and hyperbolic, the girl in the video is describing how semi-class conscious white people tend to co-op social justice movements from people of color. One thing that the author doesn't understand is that standing in solidarity, which is a good thing, is different from appropriating the identity of the victim, which is kinda like going in blackface because after the rally, you're still white and privileged in society.
[quote name='megma42']So, has anyone changed their minds, even a little, about the case based on this thread?[/QUOTE]
I know you're "new" to vs. and judging from your other post, how about you make your point instead of "just asking questions." You'll save everyone a lot of time and frustration.

If you read the thread, then you know that you asked a pointless question.
[quote name='dohdough']While a bit inflammatory and hyperbolic[/quote]

a bit?

which is kinda like going in blackface

How do I describe how I feel about this phrase?

[quote name='dohdough']...a bit inflammatory and hyperbolic[/quote]

Ah, yes. Like that.

I see some of your point, but I also think that abrasive discourse and a perpetual setting of "10" on a 1-10 "how outraged am I?" scale don't accomplish much when it comes to changing minds...and you clearly do not see things that way. Which is why you would consider the source video on "a bit" hyperbolic.
[quote name='dohdough']If you read the thread, then you know that you asked a pointless question.[/QUOTE]

The question makes the point, it is a rhetorical question.
[quote name='mykevermin']I see some of your point, but I also think that abrasive discourse and a perpetual setting of "10" on a 1-10 "how outraged am I?" scale don't accomplish much when it comes to changing minds...and you clearly do not see things that way. Which is why you would consider the source video on "a bit" hyperbolic.[/QUOTE]
Well, Wolf is a bit hyperbolic herself because she doesn't understand the arguments that 13emcha is making. Reducing everything down to class isn't the best way to examine systemic racism and white privilege. There are still disparities in outcomes regardless of economic class. Wolf pretty much denies that white privilege exists and seems to only understand it in terms of having tangible benefits without also including the intangible benefits. For example, white people tend to make more money, which one of the aspects that Wolf focuses on, but they also get less severe punishment for crimes as well, which is another way privilege transcends class. Wolf also drops a strawman about trying to explain white privilege to poor white folk as if they don't benefit from systemic racism. Not to mention that Wolf uses the one-drop rule and ascribes being Latino to him.

Now 13emcha's video is only 3 minutes long, so if someone isn't familiar with Critical Race Theory and white privilege, they're not going to understand 75-80% of what she's saying. It's obvious that the video isn't perfect, but she drops a lot of bombs. These are exactly the same critiques of Tim Wise as a white anti-racist and even he acknowledges those critiques as valid. He's also made the same arguments as 13emcha. These are also the same critiques I've made about the Occupy movement eventhough they try to give marginalized voices a platform in general assemblies.

To be quite honest, I don't see 13emcha as being a 10 on the outrage scale despite her tone because she appears to know what she's talking about and the concept she's talking about is usually taught towards the end of Intro to CRT. There are actually a couple of white scholars that refuse to use CRT as a framework in their research because of the same arguments that 13emcha is making, so instead of studying non-whites, they study whiteness.

edit: Here's another person that says the same thing, but is far less inflammatory in tone.

edit2: I also don't want to imply that you Have to be familiar with CRT, but it can help to break the article and video down.

[quote name='megma42']The question makes the point, it is a rhetorical question.[/QUOTE]
As if we don't have enough people JAQ-ing off in this forum...:roll:
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I see someone has been reading and again echoing the latest google searches on Trayvon Martin case + racism
Repeating is not supreme intelligence or least try to go back a little further you know maybe like page 10 of the search results so it isn't so obvious that the opinions, ideas, stories etc....that are stolen and just being repeated here with a "twist" and put forth as orginal.
[quote name='Pliskin101']I see someone has been reading and again echoing the latest google searches on Trayvon Martin case + racism
Repeating is not supreme intelligence or least try to go back a little further you know maybe like page 10 of the search results so it isn't so obvious that the opinions, ideas, stories etc....that are stolen and just being repeated here with a "twist" and put forth as orginal.[/QUOTE]
What the fuck are you talking about? Be specific.

edit: LOLZ...I know you won't be.:rofl:
[quote name='megma42']The question makes the point, it is a rhetorical question.[/QUOTE]

Believe it or else but we have more than one person here who is literally incapable of arguing something and instead phrase everything as a semi-question until everyone gets tired of their BS.

Don't be one of those people.
[quote name='Msut77']I have decided not to respond to knoell or his new playdate until they graduate from pre school. I am still curious as to what the clowns THINK what other word could have POSSIBLY have fit in the context.[/QUOTE]

Where do I fit into this conversation again?

The silent treatment though...very....preschool? :D
[quote name='Msut77']I have decided not to respond to knoell or his new playdate until they graduate from pre school. I am still curious as to what the clowns THINK what other word could have POSSIBLY have fit in the context.[/QUOTE]

then again that connotation wouldn't make much sense below the Mason Dixon as it relates to hockey.

I'm out of the loop now, is there audio of something?
[quote name='nasum']goon?
then again that connotation wouldn't make much sense below the Mason Dixon as it relates to hockey.

I'm out of the loop now, is there audio of something?[/QUOTE]
He's referring to Zimmerman's 911 call in which he mutters something under his breath after he exits his vehicle to pursue Martin. His BLACK neighbor/friend(important because it proves Zimmerman isn't racist...lulz) said that it was "fucking goons," most people think they heard "fucking coons," and I thought I heard "fucking punk." That same neighbor also said that he heard it straight from Zimmerman's own account, but I think there is some controversy as to the closeness of their relationship.
[quote name='UncleBob']Sounded like "coons" to me, but I'm no expert.

I bet NBC could clear it up for us.[/QUOTE]
Or maybe Stormfront can.:roll:
[quote name='Msut77']Believe it or else but we have more than one person here who is literally incapable of arguing something and instead phrase everything as a semi-question until everyone gets tired of their BS.

Don't be one of those people.[/QUOTE]

OK, since you don't understand what my question meant, I'll explain. I don't think anyone is really going to change their mind about the topic based on the posts in this thread.
[quote name='megma42']OK, since you don't understand what my question meant, I'll explain. I don't think anyone is really going to change their mind about the topic based on the posts in this thread.[/QUOTE]

I understood what you meant.
[quote name='megma42']OK, since you don't understand what my question meant, I'll explain. I don't think anyone is really going to change their mind about the topic based on the posts in this thread.[/QUOTE]
That implies that the different perspectives are on equal footing. I disagree.
As a black man I would just like somebody to show me the proof that this is a racist police department and DA for starters. I think I can safely say most think/know zimmerman killed the kid and his actions caused the event that led to the killing.

As far as the small minority of the same loud voices crying racism they are just that a small portion of black people they do not represent everyone and the numbers are actually quite small for a so-called racist event. That alone shows that most, with the facts at hand, just don't see it that way. Just as the white supremacists that are using this as race bait do not represent all white people.

I find it embarrassing that people like Al Sharpton and that vocal selfish minority who can't let a crisis go by without exploiting it have come out and purport to speak for all of us.

IMO This kind of exploitation serves no purpose to us or white people in stamping out real racism. We can't cry wolf every time before the facts even show that is what it is. Have we learned nothing? This is not the way to move forward and teach.
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[quote name='dohdough'][/QUOTE]

Yeah dude that's not cool either..

I like this comment by the NSM

"The blacks have Al Sharpton and you know the whites have The National Socialist Movement..."

and to be honest neither race should be proud to be "represented" by either.

But either way posting about one group of idiots doesn't make Al Sharpton less of an idiot
[quote name='GBAstar']Yeah dude that's not cool either..

I like this comment by the NSM

"The blacks have Al Sharpton and you know the whites have The National Socialist Movement..."

and to be honest neither race should be proud to be "represented" by either.

But either way posting about one group of idiots doesn't make Al Sharpton less of an idiot[/QUOTE]'re so cute. Why don't you google that group and the guy on the pre-recorded phone interview.
bread's done