Black Teen Shot, Killed By Neighborhood Watch

[quote name='Pliskin101']As a black man I would just like somebody to show me the proof that this is a racist police department and DA for starters. I think I can safely say most think/know zimmerman killed the kid and his actions caused the event that led to the killing.

As far as the small minority of the same loud voices crying racism they are just that a small portion of black people they do not represent everyone and the numbers are actually quite small for a so-called racist event. That alone shows that most, with the facts at hand, just don't see it that way. Just as the white supremacists that are using this as race bait do not represent all white people.

I find it embarrassing that people like Al Sharpton and that vocal selfish minority who can't let a crisis go by without exploiting it have come out and purport to speak for all of us.

IMO This kind of exploitation serves no purpose to us or white people in stamping out real racism. We can't cry wolf every time before the facts even show that is what it is. Have we learned nothing? This is not the way to move forward and teach.[/QUOTE]

Still no answers?

Thanks for the response GBA
[quote name='dohdough']'re so cute. Why don't you google that group and the guy on the pre-recorded phone interview.[/QUOTE]

Look prior to you posting that video I didn't know anything about these fools.

I'm not saying Schoep or the NSM is better or worse then Al Sharpton.. what I'm saying is that they both are guilty of hate mongering. They both are guilty of being wrong.
Let's put it this way dohdough...

While I don't support Zimmerman's actions I support his right to a trial.. not a lynching or street justice (New Black Panthers) but a trial which it looks like he'll get sans the grand jury.

However if I did come out and support him unconditionally and even offered to foot his legal bills and pay his way through school afterwards and it turned out he was a racist piece of shit wouldn't I have some explaining to do?

Or maybe I wouldn't... seeming how Crystal Mangum (the prostitue from the Duke Lacrosse Scandal) has done nothing but commit felonies and kill her ex boyfriend in the years since getting unconditional support from Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson (who offered to pay her way through college regardless if she fabricated her story) and yet has either stood up and apologized to the Lacrosse team?

No because they are grade A pieces of shit who profit from being hate mongerers just as I'm assuming the NSM does.

it just strikes me as odd that you'll agree the NSM is "bad" but yet you haven't condemned any of Sharpton's actions.
[quote name='GBAstar']Look prior to you posting that video I didn't know anything about these fools.[/quote]
I've known about this particular group and what they were doing for at least a week. You'd be surprised at how much you actually know about these fools. In matter of fact, I bet you know more about this group than you know about Al Sharpton.

I'm not saying Schoep or the NSM is better or worse then Al Sharpton.. what I'm saying is that they both are guilty of hate mongering. They both are guilty of being wrong.
So did you look them up or what? I'm guessing you didn't cause if you did, then you'd know better than to make that comparison.
[quote name='dohdough']I've known about this particular group and what they were doing for at least a week. You'd be surprised at how much you actually know about these fools. In matter of fact, I bet you know more about this group than you know about Al Sharpton.

So did you look them up or what? I'm guessing you didn't cause if you did, then you'd know better than to make that comparison.[/QUOTE]

Just through wikipedia.. neo-nazi this protest that.. 400 members nation wide...

Do you think they'll accomplish anything? I may tend to downplay this type of movement because I don't think anyone buys into neo-nazi shit anymore except young scared kids who spent too much time idolizing Edward Norton in American History X.

I live in a predominately white state and as the younger generation replaces the older generation this shit you think that white people harbor (blind hate towards blacks) is dying out.

Eventually you'll have to find someone else to be angry at.
[quote name='GBAstar']Let's put it this way dohdough...

While I don't support Zimmerman's actions I support his right to a trial.. not a lynching or street justice (New Black Panthers) but a trial which it looks like he'll get sans the grand jury.[/quote]
Funny that you mention that because those scary black people "using the situation for their own agendas" happen to be calling for the justice system to hold him accountable. Not to mention that you've been shitting up the thread with contrarian nonsense about Martin being a "thug" and ignoring facts based on actual evidence like Zimmerman's 911 call. Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's rain. You've been shitting up this thread more than others.

However if I did come out and support him unconditionally and even offered to foot his legal bills and pay his way through school afterwards and it turned out he was a racist piece of shit wouldn't I have some explaining to do?
Actually no. That would be in line with your posts in this thread.

Or maybe I wouldn't... seeming how Crystal Mangum (the prostitue from the Duke Lacrosse Scandal) has done nothing but commit felonies and kill her ex boyfriend in the years since getting unconditional support from Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson (who offered to pay her way through college regardless if she fabricated her story) and yet has either stood up and apologized to the Lacrosse team?
How about you explain the order of events. All you're interested in is victim blaming. A vast majority prostitutes aren't prostitutes because they like it and a great number of them are victims of sexual abuse prior to that line of work. Not that you know anything about it either.

No because they are grade A pieces of shit who profit from being hate mongerers just as I'm assuming the NSM does.
So you DIDN'T look them up! Why am I not surprised.

it just strikes me as odd that you'll agree the NSM is "bad" but yet you haven't condemned any of Sharpton's actions.
I'm going to let you figure this one out on your own.
[quote name='GBAstar']Just through wikipedia.. neo-nazi this protest that.. 400 members nation wide...[/quote]
You just compared Sharpton to literal Nazi' overtly racist white supremacist group. One that is doing armed patrols in Sanford that a news station described as a "civil rights group."

Do you think they'll accomplish anything? I may tend to downplay this type of movement because I don't think anyone buys into neo-nazi shit anymore except young scared kids who spent too much time idolizing Edward Norton in American History X.
Stormfront has how many members? How many mainstream politians parrot the same rhetoric?

I live in a predominately white state and as the younger generation replaces the older generation this shit you think that white people harbor (blind hate towards blacks) is dying out.
Blind hate isn't disappearing and casual racism has been taking it's place at a rapid rate. I've said this a billion times: overt racism isn't the only way racism exists. Just because you consistently ignore it doesn't make it non-existant.

Eventually you'll have to find someone else to be angry at.
HAHAHA...racism isn't going away in any of our lifetimes. Only a priviliged delusional man-child would think that.
[quote name='dohdough']Funny that you mention that because those scary black people "using the situation for their own agendas" happen to be calling for the justice system to hold him accountable. Not to mention that you've been shitting up the thread with contrarian nonsense about Martin being a "thug" and ignoring facts based on actual evidence like Zimmerman's 911 call. Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's rain. You've been shitting up this thread more than others.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I've never called Martin a thug. If you want to interpret my post as me insuinating that he was a thug then fine.

The point I was trying to make from page 1 was that it was irresponsible of the media to plaster papers and websites with pictures of Trayvon when he was ~ 12 years old and for the POTUS to say that if he would of had a son he'd look a lot like Trayvon when he had no goddamn idea what Trayvon looked like and I can guarantee you that if Obama had a 17 year old son he would have looked nothing like Trayvon when he died.

Infact I'd bet a majority of the people who follow this story have no idea what 17 year old Trayvon looked like.

Do tattoos and gold teeth and a hoodie make you a thug? I won't answer that but I'll agree it doesn't mean you should be shot and killed.

Speaking of hoodies you read this one yet?

Maybe Geraldo was onto something...
[quote name='Msut77']GBA you realize you sound like you make this up as you go along right?[/QUOTE]

Please enlighten me as to what "I'm making up" and although it may be challenging please do so in more then three sentences.
[quote name='GBAstar']Please enlighten me as to what "I'm making up" and although it may be challenging please do so in more then three sentences.[/QUOTE]

You are like a creationist, you start with your conclusion and work you way back.

14 year old girls have tatoos nowadays are they thugs?

Also, did Martin actually have gold teeth? They look like the fake grills you get from supermarkets for 50 cents.

wtf is wrong with FOX :
[quote name='Msut77']You are like a creationist, you start with your conclusion and work you way back.

14 year old girls have tatoos nowadays are they thugs?

Also, did Martin actually have gold teeth? They look like the fake grills you get from supermarkets for 50 cents.

FYI, wtf is wrong with FOX \:[/QUOTE]

It's illegal in many states to get a tatoo (legally) if you're under 16 but I'll play along...

How many tatoos and of what nature? Are they rocking a grill? Have they been suspended from school three or more times in the last year?

I spent several years in Waterbury and New Britian CT. I know of many 14 year old girls that were thugs... and gang affiliated
[quote name='GBAstar']Correct me if I'm wrong but I've never called Martin a thug. If you want to interpret my post as me insuinating that he was a thug then fine.[/QUOTE]
How else should I interpret pictures of a black kid with a grill, stories about him having an empty weed baggie, and citing racist sources? You didn't come right out and say it, but it comes out as clear as a bell just like one of your statements in this very post.

The point I was trying to make from page 1 was that it was irresponsible of the media to plaster papers and websites with pictures of Trayvon when he was ~ 12 years old and for the POTUS to say that if he would of had a son he'd look a lot like Trayvon when he had no goddamn idea what Trayvon looked like and I can guarantee you that if Obama had a 17 year old son he would have looked nothing like Trayvon when he died.
You're ignoring the fact that if it wasn't for the uproar, this case would've been buried and was well on it's way considering the actual evidence of the police actions in this case.

If you can't accept that black men get a super raw deal in this country, then obviously you're not going to get that statement. The problem is you.

Infact I'd bet a majority of the people who follow this story have no idea what 17 year old Trayvon looked like.
Yeah...literal and figurative resemblance are the exact same thing.

Do tattoos and gold teeth and a hoodie make you a thug? I won't answer that but I'll agree it doesn't mean you should be shot and killed. SHOULD answer that.

Speaking of hoodies you read this one yet?

Maybe Geraldo was onto something...
I know you think you're being cute, but you really just come off as a racist asshole.
[quote name='GBAstar']Please enlighten me as to what "I'm making up" and although it may be challenging please do so in more then three sentences.[/QUOTE]

Be careful "the hive" can't understand (or accept) individual thought and reasoning.
[quote name='GBAstar']It's illegal in many states to get a tatoo (legally) if you're under 16 but I'll play along...[/quote]

So is underaged drinking (and pot smoking) but that doesn't make the millions of white kids who do that thugs does it?
I just found irrefutable proof that GBAstar is right about Martin being a thug. Pic was taken about a week before the shooting.

[quote name='Msut77']So is underaged drinking (and pot smoking) but that doesn't make the millions of white kids who do that thugs does it?[/QUOTE]

Is drinking alcohol and smoking weed considered thug behavior?

Damn my street credibility just shot up.
[quote name='GBAstar']Is drinking alcohol and smoking weed considered thug behavior?
Damn my street credibility just shot up.


Apparently only doing it while black.
Can anyone provide me with full speeches of the great Martin Luther King jr's words in a public forum without paying a royalty? I find it disturbing that a great man's words that were spoken out of peace and equality became a matter of copyright and greed. Was this his dream? Was it only meant for people who can pay? I never realized the BS until I tried to teach my children his vision and looked to books and other media to showcase a great man and great theology only to find that I can only get clips and media bytes and it wasn't due to the media machine but from his own family's greed. Why is it even a holiday when we don't have access to the full extent of his message?

Want to talk censorship? His message is only for those that can pay it was truly only a PPV dream.

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[quote name='GBAstar']How many tatoos and of what nature? Are they rocking a grill? Have they been suspended from school three or more times in the last year?[/QUOTE]

This is relevant to the shooting in what way, exactly?
[quote name='Pliskin101']Can anyone provide me with full speeches of the great Martin Luther King jr's words in a public forum without paying a royalty? I find it disturbing that a great man's words that were spoken out of peace and equality became a matter of copyright and greed. Was this his dream? Was it only meant for people who can pay? I never realized the BS until I tried to teach my children his vision and looked to books and other media to showcase a great man and great theology only to find that I can only get clips and media bytes and it wasn't due to the media machine but from his own family's greed. Why is it even a holiday when we don't have access to the full extent of his message?

Want to talk censorship? His message is only for those that can pay it was truly only a PPV dream.

I don't think you're very concerned about King's legacy beyond that "I have a dream" snippet of his speech. If you think I'm a radical with an agenda, he's Malcolm X...or perhaps you're ignorant of how he was labeled a radical, communist, and marginalized while he was alive.

For someone that trots out personal responsibility and "handouts," you sure do act pretty damn entitled and expect handouts for yourself.

Btw, his speeches and writings are all over the internet in it's entirety. Your inability to find them is your problem, not King's estate.

edit: I notice that all your posts keep disappearing. If you're going to keep deleting your posts, why bother posting at all.
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I have a dream that Malcolm X will someday receive his due praise and acknowledgement. The guy empowered blacks, the impoverished, and generations of Americans. Turn the other cheek is a wonderful principle, but when the other side isn't letting up, you need to defend yourself by any means necessary. Malcolm was a moral, good man, especially after his break from the dishonorable Elijah Muhammad. Great, great American hero, who is too often discounted as a racist, hate-mongerer. A real pity. Down in Berkeley they have Malcolm X elementary school, murals of the guy.

Can you imagine the ignorant debate that would occur if someone wanted to have a Malcolm X elementary school in Oklahoma?
[quote name='berzirk']I have a dream that Malcolm X will someday receive his due praise and acknowledgement. The guy empowered blacks, the impoverished, and generations of Americans. Turn the other cheek is a wonderful principle, but when the other side isn't letting up, you need to defend yourself by any means necessary. Malcolm was a moral, good man, especially after his break from the dishonorable Elijah Muhammad. Great, great American hero, who is too often discounted as a racist, hate-mongerer. A real pity. Down in Berkeley they have Malcolm X elementary school, murals of the guy.

Can you imagine the ignorant debate that would occur if someone wanted to have a Malcolm X elementary school in Oklahoma?[/QUOTE] know, for a second, I thought you were being sarcastic! But you're absolutely right. People forget that there were literal lynch mobs and sundown/sunset towns where black people were killed without any consequences.
[quote name='dohdough'] know, for a second, I thought you were being sarcastic! But you're absolutely right. People forget that there were literal lynch mobs and sundown/sunset towns where black people were killed without any consequences.[/QUOTE]

Yah, I'm 100% sincere in my admiration and respect for Malcolm. After learning more about him and his life, I underwent some major lifestyle and philisophical changes.
[quote name='Pliskin101']No you are not right here. I have NEVER defended Zimmerman in the killing of Trayvon. I have only attempted to show the facts as they were and are in this case and to keep it in perspective. Feel free to go through my posts on this thread about this horrible event.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='joeboosauce']So, are you condemning Zimmerman for his actions as I mentioned them above?[/QUOTE]

You deleted your responses and I haven't been on the past few days so can you repost your answer to my last question?
[quote name='berzirk']I have a dream that Malcolm X will someday receive his due praise and acknowledgement. The guy empowered blacks, the impoverished, and generations of Americans. Turn the other cheek is a wonderful principle, but when the other side isn't letting up, you need to defend yourself by any means necessary. Malcolm was a moral, good man, especially after his break from the dishonorable Elijah Muhammad. Great, great American hero, who is too often discounted as a racist, hate-mongerer. A real pity. Down in Berkeley they have Malcolm X elementary school, murals of the guy.

Can you imagine the ignorant debate that would occur if someone wanted to have a Malcolm X elementary school in Oklahoma?[/QUOTE]

People who see Malcolm X as a racist hate-monger have not understanding of context, history, and lot of things. The context of the hate-filled racist American society which he, his family, and blacks had to endure. Yes, he should have loved whites after his childhood.

The people who think of him in this way are eager to believe in the racist "(unjustified) angry black man" stereotype. No, no justification for anyone to be mad at whites... Not at all... NEVER! NO!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!
[quote name='DurbanBrown']if zimmermans got any supporters here.... you can donate and help a brother out![/QUOTE]
HAHAHAHA...yeah, he's the REAL victim here. Zimmerman clearly had a life-changing event happen to him. It's not like he did anything. You can tell that he's repentant...especially showing a picure of a vandalized multicultural center with graffiti saying "Long Live Zimmerman"...or the picture that's still on his website from that guy that burned Korans.

I honestly wouldn't have gone as far to say that Zimmerman and his father were racist before, but after the website, Fox appearances, and Holder letter that references "To Kill A Mockingbird," fuck these racists.

[quote name='mykevermin']Dad's a federal magistrate? He's okay financially.[/QUOTE]
His father lives in the nice area next to Sanford, so yeah, I'm sure they're fine. Although, I think it's telling that they're openly courting the support of those with "sumpremacist" leanings if you get what I mean.
Heard his lawyers don't want to represent him anymore especially after the ewebsite. Guess they didn't stand their ground.
George Zimmerman's father:
"I never foresaw so much hate coming from the President, the Congressional Black Caucus, the NAACP, every organization imaginable is trying to get notoriety or profit from this in some way, but there’s so much hate."

If this fool calls what Obama (or anyone else) is saying as "hate," he needs that cozy little bubble called white privilege popped. People like this are the biggest pussies. He's obviously never had to deal with real hate speech. Imagine he had to deal real hate speech, let alone real racism? The guy would be paralyzed.
[quote name='slidecage']anyone know why they just keep showing the kid as 12 year old picture why not show him what he looked at 17 instead of 12 all the time[/QUOTE]
Because the younger pics don't make him out to look like a 'gangsta' since I believe one of the ones showing him at 17 showed him wearing a 'grill' in his mouth.

They're trying to make him out to be the poor lil innocent kid and Zimmerman as the big, bad, evil 'white'(actually half Hispanic as you can tell from some of the pics) guy who shot and killed this poor kid who was just minding his own business.

Or at least that's what Jesse Jackson/Al Sharpton/whatever other nosey know-it-alls want you to believe.

I still do NOT understand how this has become such a national case with so much media attention. There are hundreds(thousands) of other murders in this country on a yearly basis with fishy circumstances surrounding them. I guess the news media needed another 'tragedy' to bring up ratings?
sort of shocked if this was really a HIGH crime area they wouldnt have video cameras posted

you know for a FACT you will never know what really happened 100%

its just sad that two people lives are over

one is dead and one will never come out of this the same
Exactly. Moreover with all of the usual suspects involved now(Sharpton and crew), there's no way in hell Zimmerman can EVER get anything that could be considered a fair trial. Not unless the jury were comprised of people who live in Alaska and have never owned tv's or radios.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Because the younger pics don't make him out to look like a 'gangsta' since I believe one of the ones showing him at 17 showed him wearing a 'grill' in his mouth.?[/QUOTE]

Actually, that was a picture of another guy with the same name in a blatant attempt at character assassination on the victim.

There's an actual picture of Travon from about week before the shooting a page or two back.
[quote name='Purple Flames']Actually, that was a picture of another guy with the same name in a blatant attempt at character assassination on the victim.

There's an actual picture of Travon from about week before the shooting a page or two back.[/QUOTE]

Do your research... you are wrong. The picture of the kid with gold teeth is Martin. The picture of the kid flicking off the camera is NOT Martin.
[quote name='slidecage']anyone know why they just keep showing the kid as 12 year old picture why not show him what he looked at 17 instead of 12 all the time[/QUOTE]
How about this one. It was taken about a week before he was killed.

[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Because the younger pics don't make him out to look like a 'gangsta' since I believe one of the ones showing him at 17 showed him wearing a 'grill' in his mouth.[/quote]
Not to mention the one of the WRONG Trayvon Martin that went around that was started by the fine folks at fucking Stormfront.

They're trying to make him out to be the poor lil innocent kid and Zimmerman as the big, bad, evil 'white'(actually half Hispanic as you can tell from some of the pics) guy who shot and killed this poor kid who was just minding his own business.
Martin WAS innocent and did nothing to deserve being killed by Zimmerman. So he had an empty baggie that had weed in it. Big fucking deal. Millions of people smoke weed and aren't gunned down on the streets with bag of skittles and some iced tea. And no you can't tell Zimmerman is half LATINO from his pics. That only came out after his father sent a letter to the local newspaper. What the fuck do you think Martin was doing that night?

But hey, it's not like Zimmerman has a history of violence with the police, got fired from jobs for being too aggressive, has a history of domestic violence, sent letters to neighbors telling them to look out for black men, called 911 an inordinate amount of times, or any other number of things that led Zimmerman to racially profile Martin, follow him, and ultimately killing him.

Or at least that's what Jesse Jackson/Al Sharpton/whatever other nosey know-it-alls want you to believe.
You mean unlike Stormfront that used false images, the right wing media that propogated them, or the actual Nazi's currently doing armed patrols in the neighborhood? Give me a fucking break.

I still do NOT understand how this has become such a national case with so much media attention. There are hundreds(thousands) of other murders in this country on a yearly basis with fishy circumstances surrounding them. I guess the news media needed another 'tragedy' to bring up ratings?
Or maybe because the cops tried to sweep it under the rug and Zimmerman would've walked if not for the uproar? You know what happens with most murders? They get prosecuted and the cops usually don't fuck around with it.

[quote name='slidecage']sort of shocked if this was really a HIGH crime area they wouldnt have video cameras posted

you know for a FACT you will never know what really happened 100%

its just sad that two people lives are over

one is dead and one will never come out of this the same[/QUOTE]
Yeah, but the one that's still alive is the one that killed the other. That's totally the same thing amirite?:roll:
[quote name='Purple Flames']Actually, that was a picture of another guy with the same name in a blatant attempt at character assassination on the victim.

There's an actual picture of Travon from about week before the shooting a page or two back.[/QUOTE]
I didn't know since I've been avoiding the nightly news and trying(in vain) to skip over the articles about this story in the newspaper due to all of the over coverage of it. I mean, I do feel bad because someone lost their life, but again it's one killing out of hundreds/thousands.
[quote name='dohdough']Martin WAS innocent and did nothing to deserve being killed by Zimmerman. So he had an empty baggie that had weed in it. Big fucking deal. Millions of people smoke weed and aren't gunned down on the streets with bag of skittles and some iced tea. And no you can't tell Zimmerman is half LATINO from his pics.[/QUOTE]
None of us were there, so we can't say for certain if the victim acted aggressively or not towards Zimmerman.

As for not being able to tell that Zimmerman is half Hispanic from the pics, I guess I'm the only one that noticed he's a lil more 'brown' in one of the pics released of him? But I guess you'd say that makes me a 'racist' for pointing that out, right?
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']None of us were there, so we can't say for certain if the victim acted aggressively or not towards Zimmerman.[/quote]
Did you listen to or read the transcript of the 911 call? We know for a fucking fact that Martin did nothing to provoke Zimmerman into following him into the community. The incident didn't start when Zimmerman said he got beat within an inch of his life, which looks to be bullshit from the perp-walk videos, but when Zimmerman started following Martin. Even if Martin attacked Zimmerman, it would be in self defense because he allegedly knew he was being followed from the testimony of his girlfriend that he happened to be on the phone with the entire time.

You're doing a lot of white knighting here.

As for not being able to tell that Zimmerman is half Hispanic from the pics, I guess I'm the only one that noticed he's a lil more 'brown' in one of the pics released of him? But I guess you'd say that makes me a 'racist' for pointing that out, right?
Maybe because it's racist? Especially since Florida is known as The Sunshine State? As in there's a lot of sun, it's hot, and people usually have tans? Or maybe not every white person is as pale as a ghost? Or maybe not every Latino has a darker complexion? Do you really think that your statement is a legitimate argument for this ethnicity?
[quote name='dohdough']Did you listen to or read the transcript of the 911 call? We know for a fucking fact that Martin did nothing to provoke Zimmerman into following him into the community. The incident didn't start when Zimmerman said he got beat within an inch of his life, which looks to be bullshit from the perp-walk videos, but when Zimmerman started following Martin. Even if Martin attacked Zimmerman, it would be in self defense because he allegedly knew he was being followed from the testimony of his girlfriend that he happened to be on the phone with the entire time.

You're doing a lot of white knighting here.[/quote]
:lol: Yep. That's me. Because I care(not really) about this case because of all of the oversaturation of media coverage. It's like OJ 2.0. I'm just waiting for Geraldo to do a profile on George Zimmerman on Faux News and get a virtual hard-on for keeping this case going for his ratings for years to come like he did with OJ. I mean, it is tragic that a young man lost his life. But no amount of outside interference is going to get the D.A. in FL to suddenly file charges on Zimmerman unless they feel they're warranted.

Apparently since they haven't done so as of yet they do NOT feel it is appropriate to file. Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty in this country? But like I said before, good luck if Zimmerman gets charged, since he will NEVER be able to get a fair trial ANYWHERE with all of the media coverage that this case has received.
Maybe because it's racist? Especially since Florida is known as The Sunshine State? As in there's a lot of sun, it's hot, and people usually have tans? Or maybe not every white person is as pale as a ghost? Or maybe not every Latino has a darker complexion? Do you really think that your statement is a legitimate argument for this ethnicity?
I never said I was a PC person. Matter of fact, I kinda pride myself on not feeling I have 'label' people as -American and just speaking plainly as to what I feel I see. That's the problem with Amerika anymore. People sugar coat everything to not hurt other people's feelings or not be politically incorrect.

But because I said the guy looks Hispanic in his mugshots or some of the photos they've released of him that's suddenly not true because you say it isn't? How about the fact that they've said his mother was from Peru originally? Not to mention the fact that Zimmerman lists himself as Hispanic on his voter registration forms?

On voter registration forms, George Zimmerman identified himself as Hispanic, as did his mother. His father, Robert, listed himself as white on voter registration forms. Zimmerman's mother, Gladys, is originally from Peru.
bread's done