Black Teen Shot, Killed By Neighborhood Watch

[quote name='joeboosauce']Wow, why don't you people (with this ridiculous mindset) understand what racism and racial profiling are before you start just throwing it around? My dog!!!! Look up "racial profiling" before butchering it to use to apply to yourself and those who benefit institutionally from white privilege![/QUOTE]

Because an equal society is a society in which discrimination can occur because your skin color is considered "priviledged". Amiright!?
[quote name='Knoell']Because an equal society is a society in which discrimination can occur because your skin color is considered "priviledged". Amiright!?[/QUOTE]

Racial profiling deals with LAW ENFORCEMENT. Get it? Those guys wearing blue uniforms? FBI, etc. Not you, not me. I'm sure the Wikipedia entry could clear this up for you.

Privilege is a fact. It being based on skin color is too. Unless you don't do too much of that reading thing especially on the subject...
[quote name='Knoell']He was probably carrying a gun when he went grocery shopping as well, does that mean he was going to shoot an orange?

Also, have you listened to the 911 call? He says its fucking cold right when he gets out of the car. But I am sure you will discount that as well.

Also for the "they always get away" line. Doesn't he say "these assholes, they always get away"? I am sure out of the what 50 other calls he made in the past year? He was certainly chasing around black people all the time right? Or maybe he meant they always get away because he is screwed up and thinks anyone walking around is suspicious. His history points to the latter.

But again people who don't know what they are talking about, narrowing down, picking a few words here and there, and acting like they put it all together. Most of you are as bad as NBC.[/QUOTE]
:applause:People will hear/see what they want to see and hear to support their argument.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']:applause:People will hear/see what they want to see and hear to support their argument.[/QUOTE]

Oh yes, when Zimmerman was told to stay where he was he must have heard the exact opposite.
[quote name='Msut77']Oh yes, when Zimmerman was told to stay where he was he must have heard the exact opposite.[/QUOTE]

I was waiting for someone to bring this up..

how the HELL is "we don't need you to do that" (what the dispatcher said word for word)

translated to

"Told to stay where he is"

My God. "we don't need you do do that" isn't even a fucking command.
[quote name='GBAstar']I was waiting for someone to bring this up..

how the HELL is "we don't need you to do that" (what the dispatcher said word for word)[/QUOTE]

Was it opposite day?
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']:applause:People will hear/see what they want to see and hear to support their argument.[/QUOTE]

I was getting ready to post this exact thing when I saw your post.:applause: I will just add what was said on that part of the tape has no bearing on this case since even experts can't say 100% what exactly was said.

What gets me is the new term created by the media "white-hispanic". What the hell is that about?
"are you following him?"
"ok we dont need you to do that"

Since it's obviously not a 'command' (not sure why GBAStar thinks that's relevant), it's completely and utterly meaningless. At least to Zimmerman.
[quote name='YendelTrex']I was getting ready to post this exact thing when I saw your post.:applause: I will just add what was said on that part of the tape has no bearing on this case since even experts can't say 100% what exactly was said.

What gets me is the new term created by the media "white-hispanic". What the hell is that about?[/QUOTE]

It was mentioned in an article that someone on Rush's staff found that when Zimmerman was referenced to as a "White Hispanic" by the NY Times it was only the FOURTH time in the publications history that that word had been used.

[quote name='Msut77']Was it opposite day?[/QUOTE]

That's the best you can do? Derp.

Zimmerman was never commanded to stop, stay put, or return to his car. But you can continue to make up stories.
Harping on "white-Hispanic" is more about changing the narrative from "white guy kills black kid" to "another minority(not-white) kills a black kid" so it becomes "this isn't really racist" or "see, minorities can be racist too!" while ignoring that Zimmerman is described as white on the police report, which leads to Zimmerman being treated as a white person and not a Hispanic/Latino person. If you need the last part explained to you, then you have a lot to learn about race and racism in this country.
I'm still floored that people continue to defend Zimmerman. Even discounting the race issue the guy created the situation, plain and simple. Whether he followed him because he wanted to kill him, maim him, or kick some ass, the simple fact is that Martin was minding his own damn business before he was stalked and ended up dead.
[quote name='GBAstar']Zimmerman was never commanded to stop, stay put, or return to his car. But you can continue to make up stories.[/QUOTE]

He wasn't told to do follow him and/or get out of his car nor did the dispatcher even imply it was a correct course of action.

You are making some phony distinction over what was "commanded".

Also, I never believed your mealy mouth BS but it appears as if the mask has completely slipped off.
[quote name='dohdough']

Nothing racist here folks![/QUOTE]

Best part of the whole article:

For the record, Trayvon Martin’s mother is a program coordinator at the Miami-Dade Housing Authority. His father is a truck driver. So neither parent is “dependent” on welfare.

All his training as a firefighter isn't going to be able to put out all the flaming he will (and should) get.

I can already see the backpeddling he's gonna be doing though. "My comments weren't directed at Martin but rather the culture, blah, blah, blah..."
[quote name='GBAstar']
Zimmerman was never commanded to stop, stay put, or return to his car. But you can continue to make up stories.[/QUOTE]

Also, get the fuck out of here with this "he wasn't commanded" bullshit. When you get to the line at the grocery store no one comes over and "commands" you to stand in line, do they? Nevertheless, I hope you don't just butt ahead of everyone and start putting your stuff up on the belt.

"WE DON'T NEED YOU TO DO THAT" is enough of a command that any ADULT of average intelligence should comprehend to mean "don't get out of the fucking car, butt the fuck out of the situation, and let the police do their fucking job."

Staggering that you can defend Zimmerman's actions with such bullshit, meaningless distinctions. You realize how much a stretch that is right? Trying to say "we don't need you to do that" isn't the equivalent of "don't do that"... Astounding.
[quote name='dohdough']Harping on "white-Hispanic" is more about changing the narrative from "white guy kills black kid" to "another minority(not-white) kills a black kid" so it becomes "this isn't really racist" or "see, minorities can be racist too!" while ignoring that Zimmerman is described as white on the police report, which leads to Zimmerman being treated as a white person and not a Hispanic/Latino person. If you need the last part explained to you, then you have a lot to learn about race and racism in this country.[/QUOTE]

I don't get it. Was it about the news making Goerge Zimmerman a white guy or are you trying to tell me it was about making a brown guy brown? However one looks at it saying white-hispanic is stupid.

For the sake of argument lets say the news did it to cover up or implicate white folks or brown folks. Then you are saying that the police report did it to provide cover for a brown guy who looked white to them to make him look MORE white so he wouldn't get in trouble? Is that the same police report that is headed with negligent homicide and the same police department that wanted to charge George Zimmerman? They didn't do a very good covering for the mixed race guy now did they?
[quote name='dohdough']Harping on "white-Hispanic" is more about changing the narrative from "white guy kills black kid" to "another minority(not-white) kills a black kid" so it becomes "this isn't really racist" or "see, minorities can be racist too!"[...][/QUOTE]

So... umm... why bother with the "white-Hispanic" part then? Why not just call him Hispanic? I mean, we don't call Obama white-African or such.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Best part of the whole article:

All his training as a firefighter isn't going to be able to put out all the flaming he will (and should) get.

I can already see the backpeddling he's gonna be doing though. "My comments weren't directed at Martin but rather the culture, blah, blah, blah..."

Also, get the fuck out of here with this "he wasn't commanded" bullshit. When you get to the line at the grocery store no one comes over and "commands" you to stand in line, do they? Nevertheless, I hope you don't just butt ahead of everyone and start putting your stuff up on the belt.

"WE DON'T NEED YOU TO DO THAT" is enough of a command that any ADULT of average intelligence should comprehend to mean "don't get out of the fucking car, butt the fuck out of the situation, and let the police do their fucking job."

Staggering that you can defend Zimmerman's actions with such bullshit, meaningless distinctions. You realize how much a stretch that is right? Trying to say "we don't need you to do that" isn't the equivalent of "don't do that"... Astounding.[/QUOTE]

The dispatcher didn't say Simon says
[quote name='YendelTrex']I don't get it. Was it about the news making Goerge Zimmerman a white guy or are you trying to tell me it was about making a brown guy brown? However one looks at it saying white-hispanic is stupid.

For the sake of argument lets say the news did it to cover up or implicate white folks or brown folks. Then you are saying that the police report did it to provide cover for a brown guy who looked white to them to make him look MORE white so he wouldn't get in trouble? Is that the same police report that is headed with negligent homicide and the same police department that wanted to charge George Zimmerman? They didn't do a very good covering for the mixed race guy now did they?[/QUOTE]

I think you missed the point....
[quote name='RedvsBlue']
Also, get the fuck out of here with this "he wasn't commanded" bullshit. When you get to the line at the grocery store no one comes over and "commands" you to stand in line, do they? Nevertheless, I hope you don't just butt ahead of everyone and start putting your stuff up on the belt.

"WE DON'T NEED YOU TO DO THAT" is enough of a command that any ADULT of average intelligence should comprehend to mean "don't get out of the fucking car, butt the fuck out of the situation, and let the police do their fucking job."

Staggering that you can defend Zimmerman's actions with such bullshit, meaningless distinctions. You realize how much a stretch that is right? Trying to say "we don't need you to do that" isn't the equivalent of "don't do that"... Astounding.[/QUOTE]

Did I miss something? I didn't see anyone defending Zimmerman?

Since we are now going there and it was all started by msut77 "WE DON'T NEED YOU TO DO THAT" is not a command. Just as the cashier saying the same thing at a grocery store when you start bagging your own groceries.

Any "ADULT of average intelligence" would know that is not a command.
[quote name='YendelTrex']I don't get it. Was it about the news making Goerge Zimmerman a white guy or are you trying to tell me it was about making a brown guy brown? However one looks at it saying white-hispanic is stupid.[/QUOTE]
Since you're new here, I'll be nicer than usual.

There are a few things I noticed about your post and the way you framed the argument. If you're talking about ascribing race, does Zimmerman stop being white by having a Peruvian mother? Because you, and many others are using the One-Drop Rule when it comes to labeling him as white-Hispanic/Hispanic/Latino.

I also find it Very interesting that you say that the media was portraying him as white, while in your reality, he's correctly identified as "brown."

Now, pretend I'm even stupider than you might already think and explain to us why "white-Hispanic" is stupid

For the sake of argument lets say the news did it to cover up or implicate white folks or brown folks. Then you are saying that the police report did it to provide cover for a brown guy who looked white to them to make him look MORE white so he wouldn't get in trouble? Is that the same police report that is headed with negligent homicide and the same police department that wanted to charge George Zimmerman? They didn't do a very good covering for the mixed race guy now did they?
It took over a month of public outrage to get him charged and this is after the state DA told the lead investigator to drop it along with many other questionable things that brought a federal investigation into their department and case. So yes, they made a shitty mess of everything.

The Sanford PD didn't exactly try to "cover up" anything like you imply. They simply treated him better because he looks white and has a white name. George Zimmerman isn't Jorge de Carpintero.

It boils down to this: If you look white, you're treated right. If you look black, watch your back.
[quote name='UncleBob']So... umm... why bother with the "white-Hispanic" part then? Why not just call him Hispanic? I mean, we don't call Obama white-African or such.[/QUOTE]
Zimmerman passes the paper bag test. Obama does not. The one-drop rule only applies if it's you don't pass the paper bag test.

I don't know how much more simpler I can explain it to someone that doesn't understand or know about Spanish colonization in the western hemisphere.
[quote name='dohdough']Since you're new here, I'll be nicer than usual.

There are a few things I noticed about your post and the way you framed the argument. If you're talking about ascribing race, does Zimmerman stop being white by having a Peruvian mother? Because you, and many others are using the One-Drop Rule when it comes to labeling him as white-Hispanic/Hispanic/Latino.

I also find it Very interesting that you say that the media was portraying him as white, while in your reality, he's correctly identified as "brown."

Now, pretend I'm even stupider than you might already think and explain to us why "white-Hispanic" is stupid

It took over a month of public outrage to get him charged and this is after the state DA told the lead investigator to drop it along with many other questionable things that brought a federal investigation into their department and case. So yes, they made a shitty mess of everything.

The Sanford PD didn't exactly try to "cover up" anything like you imply. They simply treated him better because he looks white and has a white name. George Zimmerman isn't Jorge de Carpintero.

It boils down to this: If you look white, you're treated right. If you look black, watch your back.[/QUOTE]

My understanding is the term white-hispanic is a made up term of late. Why did you say that I and others are using the one drop rule when labeling him that way? I was not the one that labeled him that way and think it is a stupid label. It has no place and is a made up term as far as I can tell with no historical backing. Also the one drop rule only applies to black not hispanic or white it is solely used for black ancestry or blood not white.

I did not say the media was portraying him as white so you can find it interesting all you want but it was not said. I don't know why they said it and it could be taken different ways by different people and that was my point in my reply to you.

I don't know how I would label him if I was a news person but using a new term or an unconventional one is probably not the direction I would have went.
[quote name='YendelTrex']My understanding is the term white-hispanic is a made up term of late. Why did you say that I and others are using the one drop rule when labeling him that way? I was not the one that labeled him that way and think it is a stupid label. It has no place and is a made up term as far as I can tell with no historical backing. Also the one drop rule only applies to black not hispanic or white it is solely used for black ancestry or blood not white.[/QUOTE]
If you think "white-Hispanic" is a new term, it betrays your ignorance on the matter. Just because it's entered your lexicon recently doesn't mean it's new. It's been used for a long enough time and the simplest I can put it is that people in Spain pass for white. Throw in some history of Spanish colonization in the Americas and fill in the blanks.

I also think it's cute that you want to lecture me on the intricacies of using concepts related to racism when you don't know shit about it. Fyi, the one drop rule applies to more than just black people.

I did not say the media was portraying him as white so you can find it interesting all you want but it was not said. I don't know why they said it and it could be taken different ways by different people and that was my point in my reply to you.
Of course you didn't say it; you just implied it. It's the entire way you framed the question and the way you proposed an argument for "argument's sake."

If you don't understand why they said it, then you're pretty oblivious or willfully ignorant of the case and what's been going on for the last month and a half. Part of the reason why people are using all sorts of combinations of NOT WHITE is because Zimmerman's father mailed a letter to the local newspaper saying that his wife, Zimmerman's mother, is Hispanic, to justify that Zimmerman's motive for killing Martin wasn't racist.

I don't know how I would label him if I was a news person but using a new term or an unconventional one is probably not the direction I would have went.
Yeah, god forbid people learn about the nuances of race in the US.
[quote name='dohdough']If
I also think it's cute that you want to lecture me on the intricacies of using concepts related to racism when you don't know shit about it. Fyi, the one drop rule applies to more than just black people.

Did I touch a nerve?

FYI the one drop rule is specific to black blood. I don't care how you want to twist or spin it. Is this your first time having a discussion? Why are you so angry and mean?

[quote name='dohdough']If you think "white-Hispanic" is a new term, it betrays your ignorance on the matter. Just because it's entered your lexicon recently doesn't mean it's new. It's been used for a long enough time and the simplest I can put it is that people in Spain pass for white. Throw in some history of Spanish colonization in the Americas and fill in the blanks. [/QUOTE]

If it is so common then where does your following PERCEPTION of why it was used come from?

[quote name='dohdough']Harping on "white-Hispanic" is more about changing the narrative from "white guy kills black kid" to "another minority(not-white) kills a black kid" so it becomes "this isn't really racist" or "see, minorities can be racist too!" [/QUOTE]

If mine was place of ignorance on the label white-hispanic the media used in this case then what should we call you ignoring your knowledge you have that is it common. Why are you willfully ignoring what you know is common and twisting it? That is the BIG question here.
Can we get a mod in here to figure out if these rush of new people are all just one joke account. I doubt that the vs forum is the first place people try their hand at in the CAG realm...
[quote name='YendelTrex']Did I touch a nerve? [/quote]
I must've touched one of yours if the only thing you have to argue is that the application of the one drop rule only applies to black people while ignoring or not knowing about it's various applications all over the continent by different colonizing European nations.

FYI the one drop rule is specific to black blood. I don't care how you want to twist or spin it. Is this your first time having a discussion? Why are you so angry and mean?
"Black blood?" You certainly have a way with words.

The etymology of the term is US-centric, but the idea and application precedes the establishment of the US by quite a bit of years.

I've already demonstrated deeper knowledge than you on the subject in our little exchange, so just admit(or not) that you were talking out of your ass about the case and let's move on.

As for my first time having a discussion? I've had this discussion more times than I can count in this forum alone, so it's probably more of an issue of this being a time in which your unchallenged preconceived notions are being challenged by someone that knows a lot more than you about this subject.

If you're going to quibble about literalism, you're not going to have a fun time in vs.

Don't worry, I'll Q_Q myself to sleep tonight for being mean to babby's first racism talk.
[quote name='dohdough']Zimmerman passes the paper bag test. Obama does not. The one-drop rule only applies if it's you don't pass the paper bag test.[/QUOTE]

So... there's a secret cartel of white-centric news media outlets that want to hide the white power agenda and racism in this killing/how it was handled, so they're going to try to label Zimmerman as Hispanic. But he *looks* too white for that, so they're going to use the term "white-Hispanic" - even though the vast majority of Americans would be okay with calling him "Hispanic" - as a way to send secret dog-whistle messages out to other white power racists that non-white folk are bad and kill people - because other white power racists need to be told this or they might forget. Although, if they're pro-white, they're probably happy with the killing, so I guess they're adding the "white-" part on there to rally up support for a fellow mostly-white man who's out killin' black folks. Though most white power groups still tend to from upon mixed race individuals, they'll probably make an exception here.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']

"WE DON'T NEED YOU TO DO THAT" is enough of a command that any ADULT of average intelligence should comprehend to mean "don't get out of the fucking car, butt the fuck out of the situation, and let the police do their fucking job."[/QUOTE]

At the end of the day this right here is pretty much all that matters period. How anyone can justify anything that happens after this is beyond me, people truly cant be this stupid.
[quote name='UncleBob']So... there's a secret cartel of white-centric news media outlets that want to hide the white power agenda and racism in this killing/how it was handled, so they're going to try to label Zimmerman as Hispanic. But he *looks* too white for that, so they're going to use the term "white-Hispanic" - even though the vast majority of Americans would be okay with calling him "Hispanic" - as a way to send secret dog-whistle messages out to other white power racists that non-white folk are bad and kill people - because other white power racists need to be told this or they might forget. Although, if they're pro-white, they're probably happy with the killing, so I guess they're adding the "white-" part on there to rally up support for a fellow mostly-white man who's out killin' black folks. Though most white power groups still tend to from upon mixed race individuals, they'll probably make an exception here.[/QUOTE]
I neither stated or implied that there was a conspiracy. A conspiracy implies that it's done in secret with malicious intent, whereas this framing is done in the open. There doesn't need to be a conspiracy when people openly and willingly gobble up the narrative without any retrospection or introspection.

I've already addressed your points in my last few posts by defining an important part of it's origins while directing you to a subject to increase your knowledge on the subject, so it's hilarious that you ignore them and decide to shitpost because you can't ass yourself into learning about something you are absolutely ignorant about.

So lemme ask you a question: Is Zimmerman white or Hispanic? I don't expect you to answer because you know I'm going to make you look like a fucking moron if you do.

Listen I think we got off on the wrong foot here. Soodemeg was right I think misunderstood what you were initially saying in what I took as a response to my post about the media using the label white-hispanic. I also think you might have misunderstood where I was coming from with my post on that. I simply meant that I thought it was more sensationalism on the media's part to get more viewers and interest. Most people I know are not comfortable with that term or label and viewed it that way also.

If I am wrong then so be it. If someone asked me to describe someone for the matter of identifying them visually I see no problem with saying white if that is their color. I didn't see zimmerman that way and maybe you did not either and that is why you think the initial police report was biased in getting zimmerman a leg up so to speak.

I would be happy to have a civilized discussion with you on other matters such as the one drop rule.
[quote name='YendelTrex']dohdough

Listen I think we got off on the wrong foot here. Soodemeg was right I think misunderstood what you were initially saying in what I took as a response to my post about the media using the label white-hispanic. I also think you might have misunderstood where I was coming from with my post on that. I simply meant that I thought it was more sensationalism on the media's part to get more viewers and interest. Most people I know are not comfortable with that term or label and viewed it that way also.[/QUOTE]
It's nice that you're using your "nice voice" now, but I didn't misinterpret shit. You posted before and are posting now, that the media ginned up the term "white-Hispanic" as if the term hadn't exist for years on official government forms. You literally argued that it didn't exist prior to this case or did I misinterpret you saying this:

[quote name='YendelTrex']My understanding is the term white-hispanic is a made up term of late. Why did you say that I and others are using the one drop rule when labeling him that way? I was not the one that labeled him that way and think it is a stupid label. It has no place and is a made up term as far as I can tell with no historical backing. Also the one drop rule only applies to black not hispanic or white it is solely used for black ancestry or blood not white.[/QUOTE]

edit: What you misunderstood from my post is that the cops didn't do anything special for Zimmerman compared to how police generally treat white people compared to say black people. It has absolutely nothing to do with covering him because they think he's white or can pass for white; it has more to do with them thinking he is white.

If I am wrong then so be it. If someone asked me to describe someone for the matter of identifying them visually I see no problem with saying white if that is their color. I didn't see zimmerman that way and maybe you did not either and that is why you think the initial police report was biased in getting zimmerman a leg up so to speak.
Are you trying to sell me on Zimmerman being a name with Spanish origins? Seriously? Do some Jewish people, Greeks, Italians, French, Portugese, or any nationality that's considered white in the US NOT have varying degrees of darker complexions similar to or even darker than Zimmerman's?

edit2: And no, I do not think that the police report was biased by listing Zimmerman as white because while he may self-identify as Hispanic on his voter registration, being racially categorized is more complex than how you self-identify and more about what people around you categorize you as and how they treat you because of what they think you are.

I would be happy to have a civilized discussion with you on other matters such as the one drop rule.
It can be civilized, but if it'll revolve around you citing its use in the US on black people while ignoring how that policy was applied in the US to non-black people both in law and in the public sphere, then it won't be.

I'd rather you flame me and be critical of mind than pretend to be nice and play dumb.
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[quote name='Soodmeg']Can we get a mod in here to figure out if these rush of new people are all just one joke account. I doubt that the vs forum is the first place people try their hand at in the CAG realm...[/QUOTE]

That's Funny...isn't this entire thread a joke? Does anyone take this thread seriously besides the junkyard dog (dohdough) doing his trained and narrow duty? "Wouldn't you prefer a nice game of chess?"
[quote name='joeboosauce']Racial profiling deals with LAW ENFORCEMENT. Get it? Those guys wearing blue uniforms? FBI, etc. Not you, not me. I'm sure the Wikipedia entry could clear this up for you.

Privilege is a fact. It being based on skin color is too. Unless you don't do too much of that reading thing especially on the subject...[/QUOTE] you can't racially profile unless you are law enforcement now?

Priveledge is all well and fine, but if we are going with racial profiling being an entirely bad thing then tell me what is the difference between these two things.

A black person walking down the street and somebody thinking he is going to rob the gas station.

A white person walking down the street and somebody thinking he is going to insult/injure/murder a minority..

I guess privledge puts white people in the position of being discriminated or racially profiled because they deserve some of the vileness too? Is that what we are going with?

Sounds pretty damn stupid to me.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Can we get a mod in here to figure out if these rush of new people are all just one joke account. I doubt that the vs forum is the first place people try their hand at in the CAG realm...[/QUOTE]

Ive been on CAG a while and dont want to jump in this forum half the time. Every thread turns into the same damn thing by the end of it. One set of the same people arguing with another set of the same people, with a good chunk of it always being about discrimination of some sort.

I dont know how some of you can handle it this much.
[quote name='dohdough']So lemme ask you a question: Is Zimmerman white or Hispanic? I don't expect you to answer because you know I'm going to make you look like a fucking moron if you do.[/QUOTE]

He's half-white, half-Hispanic. For someone following this news story so keenly, you'd think you'd know this.
[quote name='GBAstar']I was waiting for someone to bring this up..

how the HELL is "we don't need you to do that" (what the dispatcher said word for word)

translated to

"Told to stay where he is"

My God. "we don't need you do do that" isn't even a fucking command.[/QUOTE]

Intellectual dishonesty, in the vs. forum!?! This can't be!:roll:

Keep trollin' it up, man.
[quote name='UncleBob']He's half-white, half-Hispanic. For someone following this news story so keenly, you'd think you'd know this.[/QUOTE]
Yet you spent the last two posts bitching about why he should just be labeled as Hispanic and no other variation of the term as evidenced below.:roll:

It must suck so hard for you that there's actually a record of your posts that show a pattern of you being a dishonest sack of shit.

[quote name='UncleBob']So... umm... why bother with the "white-Hispanic" part then? Why not just call him Hispanic? I mean, we don't call Obama white-African or such.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='UncleBob']So... there's a secret cartel of white-centric news media outlets that want to hide the white power agenda and racism in this killing/how it was handled, so they're going to try to label Zimmerman as Hispanic. But he *looks* too white for that, so they're going to use the term "white-Hispanic" - even though the vast majority of Americans would be okay with calling him "Hispanic" - as a way to send secret dog-whistle messages out to other white power racists that non-white folk are bad and kill people - because other white power racists need to be told this or they might forget. Although, if they're pro-white, they're probably happy with the killing, so I guess they're adding the "white-" part on there to rally up support for a fellow mostly-white man who's out killin' black folks. Though most white power groups still tend to from upon mixed race individuals, they'll probably make an exception here.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='YendelTrex']That's Funny...isn't this entire thread a joke? Does anyone take this thread seriously besides the junkyard dog (dohdough) doing his trained and narrow duty? "Wouldn't you prefer a nice game of chess?"[/QUOTE]
I'll take this as acknowledgement of the veracity of my points.
[quote name='dohdough']Yet you spent the last two posts bitching about why he should just be labeled as Hispanic and no other variation of the term as evidenced below.:roll:

It must suck so hard for you that there's actually a record of your posts that show a pattern of you being a dishonest sack of shit.[/QUOTE]

Interesting, but incorrect observation. I asked YOU why the media was labeling him w/H based on your belief that the racist media is trying to make white folks look better. I never had an issue with the w/H label, but it tends to go against your theory when calling him Hispanic would do a better job for the white power hate media.
[quote name='dohdough']Yet you spent the last two posts bitching about why he should just be labeled as Hispanic and no other variation of the term as evidenced below.:roll:

It must suck so hard for you that there's actually a record of your posts that show a pattern of you being a dishonest sack of shit.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='header up top']CAG's "vs. mode": Politics & Controversy - Argue to your cheap ass heart's content on politics and other subjects ripe for argument.
This is place for mature discussion and is NOT a flame forum.[/quote]
This is what makes me laugh most though. Anyone who has had a contradictory opinion to your own(that they should just lock up Zimmerman and throw away the key because he's obviously guilty without having even had his day in court) has been denigrated by your use of various terms that could be considered flaming them. But hey, what do I know, after all I'm just a profiling racist according to you, right?;)
[quote name='UncleBob']Interesting, but incorrect observation. I asked YOU why the media was labeling him w/H based on your belief that the racist media is trying to make white folks look better. I never had an issue with the w/H label, but it tends to go against your theory when calling him Hispanic would do a better job for the white power hate media.[/QUOTE]
Goddamn you're dense.

It has less to do with making white people "look" better than distancing themselves from the narrative that this was a racist killing by a racist white person that racially profiled and killed a black kid. There is no conspiracy or white power "hate" pushing it. All it requires is to play on inherent and subconscious biases that already exist. For those that can hear the dog-whistles, it's an overt confirmation of those biases.

When you argue that labeling him as white-Hispanic is dumb because we don't call Obama white-African, how about you think about an answer and let us know instead of JAQ-ing off all over the place.

For millionth fucking time: Racism DOES NOT REQUIRE HATE.

[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']:lol:

This is what makes me laugh most though. Anyone who has had a contradictory opinion to your own(that they should just lock up Zimmerman and throw away the key because he's obviously guilty without having even had his day in court) has been denigrated by your use of various terms that could be considered flaming them. But hey, what do I know, after all I'm just a profiling racist according to you, right?;)[/QUOTE]
Manslaughter isn't a life sentence and the public arena isn't a court of law. Show me where I said or implied anywhere that he should be locked up for life.

I don't agree with everything myke, clak, camoor, dmaul, msut, or any number of the usuals say, but I don't flame because they make arguments and don't play dumb. If you want to play the "rules" card, you haven't any mature arguments so what's your point?

As for me thinking you're a racist asshole with a healthy dose of xenophobia, you're absolutely right. Evidence of it is woefully apparent in your many posts. If you don't want people to think of you like that, then don't think that way or stop posting it on a public forum and keep that shit to yourself.
[quote name='joeboosauce']Racial profiling deals with LAW ENFORCEMENT. Get it? Those guys wearing blue uniforms? FBI, etc. Not you, not me. I'm sure the Wikipedia entry could clear this up for you.

Privilege is a fact. It being based on skin color is too. Unless you don't do too much of that reading thing especially on the subject...[/QUOTE]

[quote name='dohdough']Goddamn you're dense.

It has less to do with making white people "look" better than distancing themselves from the narrative that this was a racist killing by a racist white person that racially profiled and killed a black kid. There is no conspiracy or white power "hate" pushing it. All it requires is to play on inherent and subconscious biases that already exist. For those that can hear the dog-whistles, it's an overt confirmation of those biases.


Impossible. Your wikipedia quoting jabroni said so himself. Only law enforcement officials can profile like that.
[quote name='GBAstar']Impossible. Your wikipedia quoting jabroni said so himself. Only law enforcement officials can profile like that.[/QUOTE]
Are you arguing that it should be applicable to Zimmerman or are you just trolling? My guess is trolling.

Or you could've put it back in its original context about how knoell said that people were racially profiling Zimmerman by stating that the only reason why some people think he said "fucking coons" was because he is white, while joeboosauce was making the arguments "you can't oppress the oppressors" and "you(a slave) can't tear down the [slave]master's house with his own tools." Those arguments are probably a little too complex for you.

Or maybe you're arguing that Zimmerman merely stereotyped Martin based on his looks since you agree with joeboosauce's technical definition of the concept? I doubt that too.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']:applause:People will hear/see what they want to see and hear to support their argument.[/QUOTE]

Right if this applies to you. You never heard my question before if you endorse Zimmerman seeking an altercation with an unarmed kid.

How about all the cons take a whirl at that seemingly tough question?
[quote name='GBAstar']Impossible. Your wikipedia quoting jabroni said so himself. Only law enforcement officials can profile like that.[/QUOTE]

Hey douche, you can't even attribute correctly that I mentioned that (and sorry it wasn't a quote) and then you think you have the wherewithal to discern a wikipedia entry??? :applause: You know what ignorance is? It's talking about something as if you know what you are talking about and having no understanding of it. That's you on issues of race. It's like white people who try to tell people of color how THEY experience racism. Get off your high horse, out of your ivory tower of privilege.
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I still think that white-hispanic is an idiotic label. Dohdough you seem to not like that I think it is a bad label but yet you go on to say it is because of the one drop rule that people are using that label. The one drop rule (even though it does not apply here) is racist in nature...yes? Then it according to you is a racist label but yet you chastise me for not liking it.

BTW the media is not a government form and we are not in SPAIN!! I don't care what you say it is not a "common" label here in the US and in the media before this.

The New York Times is pretty much responsible for it now.

Here is someone that likes her new york times label..

and here is some good information on identity...

I again will state it for the record I think it is a stupid label and is being thrown around for sensationalism and out of stupidity.

P.S. I was happy to see that you edited and toned down your other response to me.
[quote name='YendelTrex']I still think that white-hispanic is an idiotic label. Dohdough you seem to not like that I think it is a bad label but yet you go on to say it is because of the one drop rule that people are using that label. The one drop rule (even though it does not apply here) is racist in nature...yes? Then it according to you is a racist label but yet you chastise me for not liking it.[/QUOTE]
You have a problem with it because you don't understand it; not because you think it's racist.

I don't have a problem with the term white-Hispanic or labeling him as such. The problem is when he's labeled strictly as Hispanic as if he doesn't pass for white, which he does and was treated as such. I've already said this at least twice before.

BTW the media is not a government form and we are not in SPAIN!! I don't care what you say it is not a "common" label here in the US and in the media before this.
You argued that the term didn't really exist before this case and you are wrong. It being unfamiliar to you is a different issue from it's commonality. I know you don't care what I say because you want to stay in your ignorant little bubble.

I still find it incredulous that if you put up picture of Zimmerman and show his name under it, that you categorize him as being Hispanic. The reason you decided to say that we're not in Spain makes your argument even more laughable is that it highlights how much more stupid you were by saying that you'd think Zimmerman was Hispanic at first glance while ignoring his name, which is impossible to avoid.

The New York Times is pretty much responsible for it now.

Here is someone that likes her new york times label..

and here is some good information on identity...

I again will state it for the record I think it is a stupid label and is being thrown around for sensationalism and out of stupidity.
And the bolded proves my point.

If you were were knowledgable about the issue regarding self-identification and the innaccuracies of racial categorizations, you wouldn't have made several posts trying to prove me wrong while sticking your fingers in your ears when I state some facts.

edit: The NYT is responsible for what?

[P.S. I was happy to see that you edited and toned down your other response to me.
I didn't tone down shit. The edited parts are additions; not rewrites.

I wonder if these people are related:

So do these guys look white or Hispanic to you?
I understand it just fine thanks. I don't like it and still say it was not common place in the media in the US before this case.

LOL @ you saying I am not knowledgeable on the issue of "SELF-IDENTIFICATION".

So what if I don't like the label? (i am not the only one and i have a right to that opinion) Why does that bother you so much?
bread's done