Black Teen Shot, Killed By Neighborhood Watch

[quote name='HaloSucks']well there was this case of some guy who shot a asian kid a couple years back on halloween for walking in his lawn, and the guy got off free using the same ridiculous excuse.[/QUOTE]

Not commenting on this. But I am concerned about the msut777 character calling people and me wanting to hear and go on ALL the evidence and facts a liar.

That person has some serious ISSUES and from their posts to me and just the other few I read may be in need of help in the form of counseling and education.
Well there was also this case down in LI NY, a couple year back too, where a black father shot some guido ( white ), who came to harass this son.
When the guido came with a bat, his dad shot the kid, claimed self-defense ...however was still given 2 - 4years in prison before ..

Don't forget that NJ indian kid who was accused of spying on his white roommie who committed suicide... He going to jail for at least 5 years and getting thrown out of the country

We all know that if you harm a white kid you will get punished one way or another
Justice for Trayvon!

North Miami Beach police said surveillance video shows dozens of high school students demonstrating in the Trayvon Martin case Friday ransacking a Walgreens store.

The incident occurred during a walkout from North Miami Beach Senior High School in support of Martin, 17, who was fatally shot in Sanford. Protesters have been calling for the arrest of George Zimmerman, 28, who has not been charged because he claimed self-defense in the shooting, according to police.
[quote name='Pliskin101']I have not had a chance to go through all the posts yet but I hope you got lambasted for this.

First the "white guy" statement and second the "jumping to conclusions" thing.
Your post alone proves we DO NOT live in a post-racial society as the first thing you did (here anyway) is make it a racial thing.[/quote] want to use a variant on the "you're the REAL racist for seeing/talking about race" argument? Oh're too fuckin much.

I have not watched the video so possibly you got you racist initial view from that? Was there proof on the date of your post that anything about this was racist? From the police department or the shooter?
So if it wasn't Martin being black, are you saying that it's his hoodie that made him suspicious? And if it was because Zimmerman didn't recognize him, does Zimmerman stalk everyone he sees that comes close to his neighborhood?

I should really stop because I can only deal with so many ingrates at a time.
[quote name='Spokker']Justice for Trayvon![/QUOTE]
Way to give context, dick cheese.

Did you watch the video or read the article? Cause it looks like a bunch of kids splintered off from the main walkout and the Vice Principal went in to get them the hell out. If all they did was cause $150 worth of damage, they did a shitty job ransacking the place.

Why don't we just eliminate the need for the juvenile justice system because they're all a bunch of rational actors anyways.

Go fuck yourself.
[quote name='dohdough'] want to use a variant on the "you're the REAL racist for seeing/talking about race" argument? Oh're too fuckin much.

So if it wasn't Martin being black, are you saying that it's his hoodie that made him suspicious? And if it was because Zimmerman didn't recognize him, does Zimmerman stalk everyone he sees that comes close to his neighborhood?

I should really stop because I can only deal with so many ingrates at a time.[/QUOTE]

I didn't say REAL RACIST you might want to read it again and this time for comprehension. In fact I didn't even say the poster was a racist. Try again.

As far as the rest I don't know and neither do you unless you are inside z's head...are you?. So far (what has came out) zimmerman seems like a moron and found just about everything in his neighborhood bothersome and suspicious and worthy of 911 calls and stalking/following. As I said there is absolutely something wrong with this guy from what has come out and he never should have been carrying a gun or been on watch. As far as a racist police department or racist zimmerman and racially motivated killing I highly doubt but as I said I will wait for the ALL the evidence. Read my earlier posts this madman zimmerman will be held responsible to what extent remains to be seen as does ll the facts.

So nice try but my post to the OP was spot on and automatically some people cry racism from the start or get go without knowing everything. Racist? we have yet to find out but "so far" I have seen no proof of that.
[quote name='dohdough'] If all they did was cause $150 worth of damage, they did a shitty job ransacking the place.[/QUOTE]
$150 in damages plus an unquantified amount of theft. It'll take some time to figure out what was stolen when they do inventory. This is in addition to fear and intimidation levied at the customers and workers in the store. But I'm sure this is just a cultural misunderstanding.
Someone taught a few piles of useless afterbirth to type and it apparently wants let us know we can't judge zimmerman because "weren't inside his head" it also wants to tell us that zimmerman is a literal crazy person.

Also somebody did something bad, surely this must be explained by those defending the murdered person and/or all black people.
[quote name='Spokker']$150 in damages plus an unquantified amount of theft. It'll take some time to figure out what was stolen when they do inventory. This is in addition to fear and intimidation levied at the customers and workers in the store. But I'm sure this is just a cultural misunderstanding.[/QUOTE]
Good thing the store has insurance to cover it. Since it's in Florida, I guess one of those terrified customers should shot a few kids and teach the entire group a lesson!

Oh and obviously, suspending black students even more will magically make them better students.
Trayvon isn't the only one whose past is getting felt up. They found out Zimmerman is a registered Democrat. :cry:

He goes on to self-identify as a Hispanic American.

[quote name='dohdough']
Oh and obviously, suspending black students even more will magically make them better students.[/QUOTE]Overlooking poor behavior by young blacks will magically make them better students, however.
yup... some people will cry racist like its going out of style, while the others in order to call someone a racist, you need to provide proof that he has a tattoo of the word, 5 witnesses that confirm he is a racist, his mother making that confirmation and if he had a dog, the dog must also testify to the person racism ...:roll:

However with the facts provide, and his history.. Zimmerman has a very very troubling issue with black people ( since he phone 911 numerous times in the past about blacks ) Racist? probably not... Prone to stereotype? Yes ....Bigot? YES ... Paranoid Bigot? totally yes.

Im pretty sure when that 911 dispatcher told Zimmerman NOT TO DO IT, he probably knew that phone number as the "pest"

And yes, numerous studies on the justice system shows a innate institutionalize racism in our justice system that have yet to be resolved.. Are all police racist? no.... But like any good citizen, the police need to prove their action before we should trust them...not the other way around.

Is racism the same as it was in the past, NO... Today people protect the "group" before "race"...
[quote name='dohdough']Way to give context, dick cheese.

Did you watch the video or read the article? Cause it looks like a bunch of kids splintered off from the main walkout and the Vice Principal went in to get them the hell out. If all they did was cause $150 worth of damage, they did a shitty job ransacking the place.

Why don't we just eliminate the need for the juvenile justice system because they're all a bunch of rational actors anyways.

Go fuck yourself.[/QUOTE]

Well was it justice for the victim? No. But it was disguised as that. This whole thing is getting blown up by the media and radical people and then weak minds and some kids are attaching their cause to it. I hope the black panther thing the cop from new york and these kids is the end of it (the stupidity).

It is sad and horrific that an unarmed child was killed and we have to be level headed and not make this thing spiral out of hand where more innocent people get hurt.

I am glad that the principle and the police have said this (what the kids did) was unacceptable. Because it is. Anyone doing any wrong out of this should be held accountable.
[quote name='Pliskin101']I didn't say REAL RACIST you might want to read it again and this time for comprehension. In fact I didn't even say the poster was a racist. Try again.[/quote]
That's because I'm already 2 steps ahead of you in the argument. If you're saying that the OP's point about not being post-racial is self-fulfilling, then you're implying that it's people like him that keep us from a post-racial utopia because they keep talking about how race still effects us, as opposed to those that have deeply seeded biases against people of color.

As far as the rest I don't know and neither do you unless you are inside z's head...are you?. So far (what has came out) zimmerman seems like a moron and found just about everything in his neighborhood bothersome and suspicious and worthy of 911 calls and stalking/following. As I said there is absolutely something wrong with this guy from what has come out and he never should have been carrying a gun or been on watch. As far as a racist police department or racist zimmerman and racially motivated killing I highly doubt but as I said I will wait for the ALL the evidence. Read my earlier posts this madman zimmerman will be held responsible to what extent remains to be seen as does ll the facts.

So nice try but my post to the OP was spot on and automatically some people cry racism from the start or get go without knowing everything. Racist? we have yet to find out but "so far" I have seen no proof of that.
Or how about you read through the thread because you're like the fifth fucking moron to repeat the same points.
[quote name='Spokker']Trayvon isn't the only one whose past is getting felt up. They found out Zimmerman is a registered Democrat. :cry:

He goes on to self-identify as a Hispanic American.

Overlooking poor behavior by young blacks will magically make them better students, however.[/QUOTE]

so he registered as a Democrat 10 years ago, wow, can't they find anymore recent vote stuff on him

That would make him 18 ... Zimmerman is 28, people change in 10 years
[quote name='Spokker']Trayvon isn't the only one whose past is getting felt up. They found out Zimmerman is a registered Democrat. :cry:

He goes on to self-identify as a Hispanic American.

Overlooking poor behavior by young blacks will magically make them better students, however.[/QUOTE]

but according to the OP it was a white guy and it is all about racism from the top to the bottom.

People need to get a damn grip.
[quote name='Spokker']Trayvon isn't the only one whose past is getting felt up. They found out Zimmerman is a registered Democrat. :cry:

He goes on to self-identify as a Hispanic American.[/QUOTE]
So what? You yourself said many times that Democrats and "liberals" are just as racist as those on the right. Oh wait, you never made that point. Your point was that Democrats and "liberals" are hypocritical racists.

Overlooking poor behavior by young blacks will magically make them better students, however.
Funny, I NEVER ONCE mentioned that. IF anything, I've gone far out of the way to say many times that schools alone cannot solve our social ills or that blaming the parents is any better. Unlike yourself, the champion bootstrapper.

[quote name='Pliskin101']Well was it justice for the victim? No. But it was disguised as that. This whole thing is getting blown up by the media and radical people and then weak minds and some kids are attaching their cause to it. I hope the black panther thing the cop from new york and these kids is the end of it (the stupidity).[/QUOTE]
Kids do things before thinking about the consequences...who knew!

It is sad and horrific that an unarmed child was killed and we have to be level headed and not make this thing spiral out of hand where more innocent people get hurt.
Unlike stonewalling the investigation, which accomplishes a whole lot.

I am glad that the principle and the police have said this (what the kids did) was unacceptable. Because it is. Anyone doing any wrong out of this should be held accountable.
I don't see anyone saying that it was acceptable.
[quote name='DurbanBrown']someone posted that already?[/QUOTE]
He's saying that the racist cartoon is just as racist as the OP because he thinks the OP accused Zimmerman of being a racist.
[quote name='Spokker']Very accurate and insightful cartoon. If I only read the national mainstream stories (CNN, MSNBC, etc.) on the incident, I would be outraged as well.[/QUOTE]

You must be trolling.
[quote name='dohdough']He's saying that the racist cartoon is just as racist as the OP because he thinks the OP accused Zimmerman of being a racist.[/QUOTE]

damn you are stupid. First of all I see you keep trying to incite and also put words in my posts and meaning that is not there.

Also you don't have the balls to respond to me in any other way and when beaten and proven wrong incite and jump onto something else.

What the OP did was wrong and so was the cartoon. But according to you the OP is fine in the ignorance and racial view and ignorant stupid comments they made but when somebody else does it and uses the same ignorant terminology, wrong description and ignorance are wrong.

You seem really confused.

Lets talk ....respond to my responses to you and your bs... lets see if you can have a true debate and intelligent conversation on this whole thing. I bet you can't. You haven't yet.
[quote name='Pliskin101']damn you are stupid. First of all I see you keep trying to incite and also put words in my posts and meaning that is not there.[/QUOTE]
Incite what? You should stick to vocabulary you're comfortable with because it seems like you're punching way above your weight. How about you stop posting vague nonsense and attempt to make a coherent argument backed up by concrete observations that show some depth. You's called debate.

Also you don't have the balls to respond to me in any other way and when beaten and proven wrong incite and jump onto something else.
There you go using that word "incite" again. INCITE WHAT MOTHERfuckER? And what have you proven me wrong about? The only thing you've proven here is that you're an ignorant yokel that can't back up your arguments.

What the OP did was wrong and so was the cartoon. But according to you the OP is fine in the ignorance and racial view and ignorant stupid comments they made but when somebody else does it and uses the same ignorant terminology, wrong description and ignorance are wrong.
What did the OP do wrong and what was wrong about the cartoon? Compare and contrast. Remember that from school? Back up your assertions.

And just so I know I'm pouncing on you for the right reasons, is english your first and/or primary language? This is a serious question and not a troll because your grammar, word choice, and sentence structure tells me that you have difficulties with it. If this is the case, then I'll reply with less vitriol. But until then...

You seem really confused.

edit: As for your edit, you haven't posted anything of substance, so why should I do your work for you?

edit2: Oh, and I've addressed all of your non-points. The fact that you can't understand the arguments I'm making is a problem with your comprehension, not my delivery.
[quote name='dohdough']Incite what? You should stick to vocabulary you're comfortable with because it seems like you're punching way above your weight. How about you stop posting vague nonsense and attempt to make a coherent argument backed up by concrete observations that show some depth. You's called debate.

There you go using that word "incite" again. INCITE WHAT MOTHERfuckER? And what have you proven me wrong about? The only thing you've proven here is that you're an ignorant yokel that can't back up your arguments.

What did the OP do wrong and what was wrong about the cartoon? Compare and contrast. Remember that from school? Back up your assertions.

And just so I know I'm pouncing on you for the right reasons, is english your first and/or primary language? This is a serious question and not a troll because your grammar, word choice, and sentence structure tells me that you have difficulties with it. If this is the case, then I'll reply with less vitriol. But until then...


edit: As for your edit, you haven't posted anything of substance, so why should I do your work for you?

edit2: Oh, and I've addressed all of your non-points. The fact that you can't understand the arguments I'm making is a problem with your comprehension, not my delivery.[/QUOTE]

Thanks I am seeing a pattern here from you. You are just as scary as that other fool. You are inserting things that aren't there and avoiding discussing the matter with any rationale or fact. You wont answer any questions that don't suit your agenda or discuss something that does not fit your propaganda posts.

The fact that you have now lost it and went with steretypes and the english comment only cements it. Your agenda is clear and your propaganda easily seen.

See ya....hopefully not as you scare the hell out of me.
[quote name='Pliskin101']Thanks I am seeing a pattern here from you. You are just as scary as that other fool. You are inserting things that aren't there and avoiding discussing the matter with any rationale or fact. You wont answer any questions that don't suit your agenda or discuss something that does not fit your propaganda posts.[/QUOTE]
HAHAHAH...wut? What's scary about me? How am I not rational? Where am I factually wrong? What are the facts from your perspective? What is my agenda? How are my posts propaganda?

Those are the questions that need to be answered if you want to debate.

The fact that you have now lost it and went with steretypes and the english comment only cements it. Your agenda is clear and your propaganda easily seen.
What stereotypes? That people with improper grammar and poor sentence structure using a particular language generally means that the language they are using is generally not their primary language? It's not like you're using slang or any regional dialect because that would be excused. If you're offended by this as an english-as-a-primary-language person, then you got some fucking problems.

But that's just filler. I want you to tell me what you think my agenda is.

See ya....hopefully not as you scare the hell out of me.
Now explain why. I'll even help you. The first sentence should start like this: I find you scary because ____.
Heard about this on the news earlier, here's the first article that Google pulled up:

NOLA Cop: Trayvon Lived Like A Thug and He Died Like One

New Orleans police officer, Jason Giroir, 35, has been suspended indefinitely without pay for making disparaging remarks about 17-year-old Trayvon Martin online, reports

In response to a comment posted Sunday on on a story about Trayvon, who was unarmed when he was gunned down by George Zimmerman, 28, Giroir said that the 17-year-old deserved to die:

“Act like a Thug Die like one!” he wrote.

Giroir’s wife echoed her husband’s sentiments on the same article:

“He acted like a thug and died like one,” she wrote.

When a commenter said that Giroir’s comments were racist, the veteran did not back down:

“… come on down to our town with a ‘Hoodie’ and you can join Martin in HELL and talk about your racist stories!”

Police Superintendent Ronal Serpas said that he is outraged by Giroir’s comments and that they do not reflect the views of the New Orleans Police Department.

“To say I’m angry is an understatement. I’m furious,” Serpas said.

Giroir was placed on desk duty during a recent investigation after he killed a Black man during a routine traffic stop. Justin Sipp was in the car with his brother, Earl Sipp, when Giroir and two back-up officers claim that Justin opened fire and was subsequently killed. Once the investigation was complete, Giroir was returned to his post in the 8th district.

According to, Giroir’s Myspace page at the time of the shooting raised some concerns about his professionalism:

"Hello, my name is Jason C. Giroir. I have been a New Orleans police officer for almost 10 years. I enjoy my job because I like to make a positive impact in life. Sometimes that means not doing everything by the book. Everyone who knows me understands what I mean.”

news link
[quote name='blindinglights']Sorry I skimmed over the last few pages and didn't see it.

Didn't realize it was old news.[/QUOTE]
Nothing to apologize for. This thread has had massive growth spurts of shitposts. A story like that is easily lost.

edit: I posted it on page 12...less than 24 hours ago. LULZ
Unfortunately, this illustrates a fundamental fact about America. Being African American automatically makes you suspicious in any situation.
[quote name='depascal22']Unfortunately, this illustrates a fundamental fact about America. Being African American automatically makes you suspicious in any situation.[/QUOTE]

Is that North America or South America? Oh wait are you referring to the United States of America?

Is that all the states and all the people too? Or is it just this big bad thing called America?

Do you live in America? Are you suspicious of african-americans (Hyphenated feels idiotic just typing it)? Do you automatically act suspicious? According to you then you would have to answer yes. You said it not me.

and for everyone....

Usually can't stand beck but ran across this and he is right...

Beck Warns: Don‘t Let Radicals Use Trayvon Martin’s Death to Push Political Agendas

Trayvon Shooting Facts Vs. Left-Wing Racism Storyline
Last edited:
[quote name='GBAstar']Nope the "one-drop" rule as has been referred to several times can only be applied when it is self serving to those in the minority[/QUOTE]

If that's the case, judging by Obama's performance as President, he must be albino by now.

[quote name='Clak']This is why classifying people based on skin color is bad,[/QUOTE]

That's an interesting idea. Wonder how we can get everyone on board.

[quote name='dohdough']Good thing the store has insurance to cover it.[/quote]

lol. Nice. Oh, it's okay to steal, Insurance will cover it.

[quote name='dohdough']Funny, I NEVER ONCE mentioned that.[/QUOTE]

lol. Funny, no one EVER ONCE mentioned:
Oh and obviously, suspending black students even more will magically make them better students.

either, but that didn't stop someone from throwing it into the conversation as if it was relevant.
Here's a bedtime story:

On the night of the shooting, Sanford police’s lead homicide investigator in the case had recommended that Zimmerman be charged with manslaughter but was overruled by a state’s attorney, who said there was not enough evidence in light of the state’s “Stand Your Ground” law, according to ABC News.

Not as incompetent as once thought...

Benjamin Crump, the attorney for Martin’s parents, also painted a fuller picture Tuesday of recent events in the teen’s life. He said Martin was suspended from his Miami high school three times over the past year.
Martin was staying with his father’s fiancee in a gated community in Sanford because he had been suspended for 10 days in February after an empty baggie containing marijuana residue was found in his book bag, Crump said.
According to the Miami Herald, a marijuana pipe was listed, along with the baggie, in a school report on the incident.
Martin was suspended four months earlier for writing graffiti on school grounds, the Herald reported. A school police investigator in October said that he saw Martin on a surveillance camera “ hiding and being suspicious” in an area of the school that was off limits to students.
The investigator said that after the graffiti incident, he went through Martin’s backpack, looking for the marker, the Herald reported. Instead, the officer said, he found 12 pieces of jewelry, including wedding bands and diamond earrings. He said he also found a watch and a screwdriver, which he described as a “burglary tool.”

If the shoe fits...
[quote name='Pliskin101']Is that North America or South America? Oh wait are you referring to the United States of America?[/QUOTE]
Racism based on ethnicity is nothing new in North, South, or Central America. There's been a long history of slavery and oppression of indigenous people in this hemisphere since the day Columbus landed in Cuba.

Is that all the states and all the people too? Or is it just this big bad thing called America?
There are people with racist biases in every state, not that it really matters in your context considering that your entire argument is predicated on playing dumb about how most people refer to the United States as simply America. Which makes your little remark about hyphenated identifiers even more hilarious...and your usage itself. Nice to see that you've cleaned up your grammar though.

Do you live in America? Are you suspicious of african-americans (Hyphenated feels idiotic just typing it)? Do you automatically act suspicious? According to you then you would have to answer yes. You said it not me.
Sounds like someone is trying to interject meaning that isn't there.

Usually can't stand beck but ran across this and he is right...
Beck Warns: Don‘t Let Radicals Use Trayvon Martin’s Death to Push Political Agendas

Trayvon Shooting Facts Vs. Left-Wing Racism Storyline
Now why do I find it hard to believe that you can't stand Beck?
lol. Nice. Oh, it's okay to steal, Insurance will cover it.
And the context of my quote? Feel free to add that too.

lol. Funny, no one EVER ONCE mentioned:

either, but that didn't stop someone from throwing it into the conversation as if it was relevant.
Feel free to put my second quote in context too.

And lastly: Go fuck yourself.
[quote name='dohdough']And the context of my quote? Feel free to add that too.[/quote]

Okay, so the context here is that it was mentioned the amount of damage that was done. You poo-pooed that. Then it was mentioned the (unknown) amount of theft that occurred. Then you poo-pooed that.

Feel free to put my second quote in context too.

Like, someone linked to an article were some kids vandalized and stole, then got suspended, and you posted the whole "yeah, being suspended will make you a better student" thing that NO ONE EVER CLAIMED, SUGGESTED or EVEN HINTED AT?

And lastly: Go fuck yourself.
...and no one was surprised.
[quote name='GBAstar']Here's a bedtime story:

On the night of the shooting, Sanford police’s lead homicide investigator in the case had recommended that Zimmerman be charged with manslaughter but was overruled by a state’s attorney, who said there was not enough evidence in light of the state’s “Stand Your Ground” law, according to ABC News.

Not as incompetent as once thought...[/quote]
You're right. They're not incompetent. Officers were fully aware that they were taking Zimmerman at his word, ignoring and coercing witness statements, going with the "Stand Your Ground" law despite it not being applicable as admitted by Zimmerman's own lawyer, the police chief saying that Martin should've acted differently, and at least one cop leaked info on the case. Sounds conspiratorial to me and the department should be investigated for that. Oh wait...they probably are.

Benjamin Crump, the attorney for Martin’s parents, also painted a fuller picture Tuesday of recent events in the teen’s life. He said Martin was suspended from his Miami high school three times over the past year.
Martin was staying with his father’s fiancee in a gated community in Sanford because he had been suspended for 10 days in February after an empty baggie containing marijuana residue was found in his book bag, Crump said.
According to the Miami Herald, a marijuana pipe was listed, along with the baggie, in a school report on the incident.
Martin was suspended four months earlier for writing graffiti on school grounds, the Herald reported. A school police investigator in October said that he saw Martin on a surveillance camera “ hiding and being suspicious” in an area of the school that was off limits to students.
The investigator said that after the graffiti incident, he went through Martin’s backpack, looking for the marker, the Herald reported. Instead, the officer said, he found 12 pieces of jewelry, including wedding bands and diamond earrings. He said he also found a watch and a screwdriver, which he described as a “burglary tool.”

If the shoe fits...
Which is relevant how?
Lemme help you with that.

[quote name='UncleBob']Okay, so the context here is that it was mentioned the amount of damage that was done. You poo-pooed that. Then it was mentioned the (unknown) amount of theft that occurred. Then you poo-pooed that.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='dohdough']Way to give context, dick cheese.

Did you watch the video or read the article? Cause it looks like a bunch of kids splintered off from the main walkout and the Vice Principal went in to get them the hell out. If all they did was cause $150 worth of damage, they did a shitty job ransacking the place.

Why don't we just eliminate the need for the juvenile justice system because they're all a bunch of rational actors anyways.

Go fuck yourself.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Spokker']$150 in damages plus an unquantified amount of theft. It'll take some time to figure out what was stolen when they do inventory. This is in addition to fear and intimidation levied at the customers and workers in the store. But I'm sure this is just a cultural misunderstanding.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='dohdough']Good thing the store has insurance to cover it. Since it's in Florida, I guess one of those terrified customers should shot a few kids and teach the entire group a lesson!

Oh and obviously, suspending black students even more will magically make them better students.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Spokker']Trayvon isn't the only one whose past is getting felt up. They found out Zimmerman is a registered Democrat. :cry:

He goes on to self-identify as a Hispanic American.

Overlooking poor behavior by young blacks will magically make them better students, however.[/QUOTE][/quote]

Like, someone linked to an article were some kids vandalized and stole, then got suspended, and you posted the whole "yeah, being suspended will make you a better student" thing that NO ONE EVER CLAIMED, SUGGESTED or EVEN HINTED AT?
[quote name='dohdough']

[quote name='Spokker']Trayvon isn't the only one whose past is getting felt up. They found out Zimmerman is a registered Democrat. :cry:

He goes on to self-identify as a Hispanic American.[/QUOTE]

So what? You yourself said many times that Democrats and "liberals" are just as racist as those on the right. Oh wait, you never made that point. Your point was that Democrats and "liberals" are hypocritical racists.

Overlooking poor behavior by young blacks will magically make them better students, however
Funny, I NEVER ONCE mentioned that. IF anything, I've gone far out of the way to say many times that schools alone cannot solve our social ills or that blaming the parents is any better. Unlike yourself, the champion bootstrapper.[/QUOTE]

...and no one was surprised.
Yeah, no one is surprised you're lying.
Last edited by a moderator:
[quote name='dohdough']You're right. They're not incompetent. Officers were fully aware that they were taking Zimmerman at his word, ignoring and coercing witness statements, going with the "Stand Your Ground" law despite it not being applicable as admitted by Zimmerman's own lawyer, the police chief saying that Martin should've acted differently, and at least one cop leaked info on the case. Sounds conspiratorial to me and the department should be investigated for that. Oh wait...they probably are.

Which is relevant how?[/QUOTE]

It's relevant because all of the information and photos released of Trayvon the first few weeks after the shooting were all outdated on purpose in the attempt to gather public support.

This past week is the first time we've been given information and insight regarding who 17 year old Trayvon was.

Or is it only good to attack the character of Gerorge Zimmerman?

To be clear calling 911 numerous times and being arrested but not charged of a crime is enough to be labeled an over zealous, paranoid, gun waving cowboy


being suspended three teams in a year, including once for having drug paraphenalia as well as burgalary tools and stolen items isn't enough to be considered a "troubled teen" for lack of better words?
[quote name='Pliskin101']Is that North America or South America? Oh wait are you referring to the United States of America?

Is that all the states and all the people too? Or is it just this big bad thing called America?

Do you live in America? Are you suspicious of african-americans (Hyphenated feels idiotic just typing it)? Do you automatically act suspicious? According to you then you would have to answer yes. You said it not me.

and for everyone....

Usually can't stand beck but ran across this and he is right...

Beck Warns: Don‘t Let Radicals Use Trayvon Martin’s Death to Push Political Agendas

Trayvon Shooting Facts Vs. Left-Wing Racism Storyline[/QUOTE]

The person I was responding to made a blanket ignorant and false statement and called it fact. My sarcasm was intended and my disgust of it hidden. below is their post is again...sad but there it is..

[quote name='depascal22']Unfortunately, this illustrates a fundamental fact about America. Being African American automatically makes you suspicious in any situation.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='dohdough']Lemme help you with that, [/QUOTE]

Ah, I totally get how one gets:

Oh and obviously, suspending black students even more will magically make them better students.


$150 in damages plus an unquantified amount of theft. It'll take some time to figure out what was stolen when they do inventory. This is in addition to fear and intimidation levied at the customers and workers in the store. But I'm sure this is just a cultural misunderstanding.

I swear DD, you're caught up in your own game, you don't even know what you're playing anymore.
[quote name='UncleBob']Ah, I totally get how one gets:


I swear DD, you're caught up in your own game, you don't even know what you're playing anymore.[/QUOTE]

You nailed it pohdough is playing some stupid childish game or is serious about the gibberish and double speak they are spouting. If it is the latter that is disturbing.
[quote name='GBAstar']It's relevant because all of the information and photos released of Trayvon the first few weeks after the shooting were all outdated on purpose in the attempt to gather public support.[/quote]
Which begs the question, gather support for what purpose?

This past week is the first time we've been given information and insight regarding who 17 year old Trayvon was.
Which is largely irrelevant to the case. Martin was not the one that initiated the conflict or the one that killed someone.

Or is it only good to attack the character of Gerorge Zimmerman?
If by attacking the character, you mean revealing history that is relevant to the case, then yes.

To be clear calling 911 numerous times and being arrested but not charged of a crime is enough to be labeled an over zealous, paranoid, gun waving cowboy
Along with the fact that Zimmerman's father was a magistrate judge, which more than likely helped him to avoid felony charges and/or convictions.


being suspended three teams in a year, including once for having drug paraphenalia as well as burgalary tools and stolen items isn't enough to be considered a "troubled teen" for lack of better words?
Being a "troubled" teen is irrelevant to the case for reasons I already listed. Even then, did Martin deserve to be shot and killed by Zimmerman for it?
[quote name='Pliskin101']The person I was responding to made a blanket ignorant and false statement and called it fact. My sarcasm was intended and my disgust of it hidden. below is their post is again...sad but there it is..[/QUOTE]
Your disgust is far from hidden.

So if what depascal22 is asserting is false, how do you explain how do explain the concept of Driving While Black and the persistance of racial profiling?
[quote name='UncleBob']Ah, I totally get how one gets:


I swear DD, you're caught up in your own game, you don't even know what you're playing anymore.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Pliskin101']You nailed it pohdough is playing some stupid childish game or is serious about the gibberish and double speak they are spouting. If it is the latter that is disturbing.[/QUOTE]

Maybe you two should check the link on Spokker's post:
[quote name='Spokker']$150 in damages plus an unquantified amount of theft. It'll take some time to figure out what was stolen when they do inventory. This is in addition to fear and intimidation levied at the customers and workers in the store. But I'm sure this is just a cultural misunderstanding.[/QUOTE]

edit2: I won't hold my breath for an apology or retraction.

edit"3": LOLZ
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