Black Teen Shot, Killed By Neighborhood Watch

[quote name='HaloSucks']No ... cause why is it that the GOV'T who is suppose to UPHOLD the LAW get to decide if they want a dead or alive warrant against someone..

but when citizens do it themselves when they feel a injustice has been done, it is not ok...

The gov't should set the example, not be the hypocrite..
You also do know that the gov't now have the right to murder any american citizen it views dangerous without a trial or hearing right?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='GBAstar']

Again I have said many many many times that the death of Trayvon Martin is a tragedy; as is the shockwave of irresponsible journalism that has stemmed for this incident that has allowed people such as yourself to paint George Zimmerman in the same light as Osama bin Laden.[/QUOTE]

Do you HONESTLY believe or can even justify the right to MURDER someone when another person isn't even ARMED..

Not to mention the fact that the fight was instigated due to HIS own stupid irresponsible actions?

Its like you throwing the first punch and when some punch back, you shoot them because he might be a little bit stronger then you
[quote name='GBAstar']:roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll:[/QUOTE]

Don't know if you are being sarcastic or you are really clueless to the LAW that is on the books now regrading the right that the gov't can now kill any citizen if they deem them a threat

[quote name='dohdough']Actually, we know about a lot of things that happened that night. Wanna know how? Zimmerman's 911 call, the location of the 7-11, and witness accounts in the media.

Do you include ignoring the above facts in that category?

Martin's previous indescretions have absolutely no bearing on why he was stalked and pursued by Zimmerman, whereas previous behavior addresses WHY Zimmerman stalked and pursued Martin.

Depends on the type of loaded question you're asking.[/QUOTE]

No witnesses have come out in the media. I've seen one interview but the person was standing behind his door. He said Martin attacked Zimmerman. I'm not going to claim this witness as credible because everyone knows the media loves ratings. The other witness account were supposed to have been leaked by law ebforcement. Once again anon sources aren't credible to me. Out of all these reports including one that is supposed to be a 13 year old none have said Martin was attacked by Zimmerman.

Martin's prior actions do matter because he cannot testify. If the kid has a past with anger it helps corroberate Zimmerman's story. If the has never been in trouble & Zimmerman said he attacked him it would raise more questions.

Not a loaded question just curious what people will do if no charges are filed.

I hope most of you realize at best he'll get convicted of manslaughter.
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[quote name='soulvengeance']If this kid was such a "thug" or "gang member", wouldn't he have been carrying himself?[/QUOTE]
No cause you see, wearing "thug gear" gives them super saiyan-negro strength and speed. You have to be especially careful when it's in or on their teeth because it's OVER 9000!!!111!!ONE1

[quote name='GBAstar']Was it responsible, and was it hateful for the "New Black Panthers" to put a $10,000 bounty on George Zimmerman's head and state they are seeking "eye for an eye" justice?

It's a very simple question that I've asked numerous times and it has yet to be answered.[/QUOTE]
Is it more or less responsible than the way the police handled the case? Do they commision bounties on a regular basis? Are the New Black Panthers a mainstream organization with mainstream acceptance?

[quote name='GBAstar']I'm not saying he was; I don't think I've ever described Trayvon as such but if he was everything he was "originally" described to be then why not release RECENT pictures of him instead of the one where he is like 12 years old?

Why not tell RECENT stories about him instead of stories where he is 12 years old?[/QUOTE]
Why does it matter to YOU? And what is accomplished by revealing every mistake the kid made as a teenager especially when millions of kids have done the exact same thing? The only thing you're advocating for is victim-blaming.
[quote name='GBAstar']Was it responsible, and was it hateful for the "New Black Panthers" to put a $10,000 bounty on George Zimmerman's head and state they are seeking "eye for an eye" justice?

It's a very simple question that I've asked numerous times and it has yet to be answered.[/QUOTE]

Were you the same person who was trying to shoehorn Al Sharpton into this group as well (when you mentioned it earlier)?
[quote name='HaloSucks']Yup except I ain't as stupid as you are to think, you are justify to murder someone when another isn't even armed...

The real fact is that this self-proclaimed cop wannabee took it upon himself to instigate a fight and then murder someone when the other person chose not to take crap..

So you think its cool to eye people until someone confronts you and use that as a excuse to shoot them dead...[/QUOTE]

First, I'm not justifying anything other than due process.

Second, if you knew me you would know I am oppossed to ccw licenses.

I'm from Tx & live in Fl now. It's easier to get a ccw license here than in any other state.

Like I said you don't know what happened that night nor do I. You're just a bandwagoner who will turn posing in a hoodie into the new planking.
[quote name='mykevermin']Were you the same person who was trying to shoehorn Al Sharpton into this group as well (when you mentioned it earlier)?[/QUOTE]

No, I never grouped Al Sharpton in with the New Black Panthers.

I was the person who referenced Al Sharpton's desire to see "civil disobedience" and then I linked to a story about the type of "civil disobedience" (i.e. 8 people dying) that stems from Mr. Sharpton's antics.

Is it more or less responsible than the way the police handled the case? Do they commision bounties on a regular basis? Are the New Black Panthers a mainstream organization with mainstream acceptance?

Again all I'm looking for is a simple answer (yes or no). You can deflect all you want... I'll be the first to admit the police mishandled several key aspects of the case.

Why does it matter to YOU? And what is accomplished by revealing every mistake the kid made as a teenager especially when millions of kids have done the exact same thing? The only thing you're advocating for is victim-blaming.

I'd like to see fair media reporting. I'd like to see responsible activism. People are focusing too much energy or finding George Zimmerman and seeking "eye for an eye" justice and not enough energy on what killed Trayvon (an idiot with a gun).

Last I knew "racism" wasn't tangible enough to kill someone. A gun however can.
[quote name='silentevil']No witnesses have come out in the media. I've seen one interview but the person was standing behind his door. He said Martin attacked Zimmerman. I'm not going to claim this witness as credible because everyone knows the media loves ratings. The other witness account were supposed to have been leaked by law ebforcement. Once again anon sources aren't credible to me. Out of all these reports including one that is supposed to be a 13 year old none have said Martin was attacked by Zimmerman.[/quote]
There are at least four accounts of the incident reported to the media and at least 6 911 calls. There's a neighbor that claims coercion, an alleged girlfriend that was on the phone, another neighbor that said he saw Zimmerman being beaten by Martin, and Zimmerman. We can safely assume that there was a struggle, this is not contested and it doesn't matter who swung first because Zimmerman stalked and pursued Martin.

Martin's prior actions do matter because he cannot testify. If the kid has a past with anger it helps coberrate Zimmerman's story. If the has never been in trouble & Zimmerman said he attacked him it would raise more questions.
Was this before or after Zimmerman stalked him and got out of his car to pursue him? Or maybe you should just go back a couple pages and check out the map of Martin's walk back from 7-11. Collate that with the 911 call and let's see what you come up with.

Not a loaded question just curious what people will do if no charges are filed.
Saying that it isn't a loaded question doesn't make it so. The entire way you frame your argument is evidence of this. How about you indentify the people you're talking about.

I hope most of you realize at best he'll get convicted of manslaughter.
Which would come after the fact of being arrested and charged with a crime like a number of people have been advocating instead of letting this guy get a pass from the cops like he has been.
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Dohdough, a little OT, and I promise I'm not trying to bait you...

but do you believe people are racists by nature or due or because of their environment?
[quote name='GBAstar']No, I never grouped Al Sharpton in with the New Black Panthers.

I was the person who referenced Al Sharpton's desire to see "civil disobedience" and then I linked to a story about the type of "civil disobedience" (i.e. 8 people dying) that stems from Mr. Sharpton's antics.[/QUOTE]

See, that to me says you have an agenda to prove. This is a classic Glenn Beck strategy - to use the absolute worst to say that another person's message is wrongheaded or shouldn't be considered.

You malign Al Sharpton for preaching "civil disobedience" when people who agree with his cause ignore what he says. That's pretty tacky, particularly when taking an incident and painting the group with it.
[quote name='silentevil']First, I'm not justifying anything other than due process.

Second, if you knew me you would know I am oppossed to ccw licenses.

I'm from Tx & live in Fl now. It's easier to get a ccw license here than in any other state.

Like I said you don't know what happened that night nor do I. You're just a bandwagoner who will turn posing in a hoodie into the new planking.[/QUOTE]

No one is against due process..

I think more people are outrage at how the police just "brought" the word of Zimmerman...

And people are outrage that a guy who on the 911 tape basically took it upon himself even after being advised not to, to possibly instigate this tragedy ..

I could care less that Martin was black, and maybe one day he might "deservingly" get shot.. But in this case, he did NOT deserve what came to him.

Also Zimmerman has a HUGE past in calling up 911 and reporting black people in his neighborhood like black people are a rare species or something to him
[quote name='GBAstar']There is a major difference between "confronting" someone and as witnesses have described, bashing their head off the ground and punching them in the face.

Just as it's not okay to "murder" someone because you assume they are a thug it's not okay to resort to violence because someone is eyeing you.

Again I have said many many many times that the death of Trayvon Martin is a tragedy; as is the shockwave of irresponsible journalism that has stemmed for this incident that has allowed people such as yourself to paint George Zimmerman in the same light as Osama bin Laden.[/QUOTE]

We don't know why Martin confronted Zimmerman, and we don't know how violent that confrontation really was. Zimmerman apparently had visible injuries, but I don't think that he went to a hospital.

IMO, the police don't know why Martin fought with Zimmerman. Did Zimmerman try to detain Martin? Did he show Martin his gun or tell Martin that he had one? Maybe Zimmerman attempted to punch Martin, but Martin quickly got the upper hand?

With so many unanswered questions, how could the police just accept Zimmerman's story and let him go?
[quote name='dohdough'][quote name='silentevil']No witnesses have come out in the media. I've seen one interview but the person was standing behind his door. He said Martin attacked Zimmerman. I'm not going to claim this witness as credible because everyone knows the media loves ratings. The other witness account were supposed to have been leaked by law ebforcement. Once again anon sources aren't credible to me. Out of all these reports including one that is supposed to be a 13 year old none have said Martin was attacked by Zimmerman.

Was this before or after Zimmerman stalked him and got out of his car to pursue him? Or maybe you should just go back a couple pages and check out the map of Martin's walk back from 7-11. Collate that with the 911 call and let's see what you come up with.

Saying that it isn't a loaded question doesn't make it so. The entire way you frame your argument is evidence of this. How about you indentify the people you're talking about.

Which would come after the fact of being arrested and charged with a crime like a number of people have been advocating instead of letting this guy get a pass from the cops like he has been.[/QUOTE]
You're quoting someone in a forum as fact. Should I take that serious? Quoting someone in a forum is worse than quoting anon witnesses.

My question is simple. If no charges are filed because witnesses come forward what are people going to do?

I'm basing my hypothetical question on a possible outcome. I'm just curious what the reaction would be.
[quote name='mykevermin']See, that to me says you have an agenda to prove. This is a classic Glenn Beck strategy - to use the absolute worst to say that another person's message is wrongheaded or shouldn't be considered.

You malign Al Sharpton for preaching "civil disobedience" when people who agree with his cause ignore what he says. That's pretty tacky, particularly when taking an incident and painting the group with it.[/QUOTE]

Which is somewhat my point; if you can't be an activist and lead in a fashion where your followers are disobeying "civilly" then perhaps your not fit for the job.

This goes for black, yellow, brown, white whatever.

My "agenda" is that this whole situation has been reported irresponsibly (sans facts) and it has led to the potentional of other tragedies occuring. Increasing the tension in what is already a tense area IMO is not responsible.
it's still inherently unfair to hold Al Sharpton responsible for the actions of others. Particularly when Sharpton preaches *nonviolence*.

If you incite someone else to violence, however, then you'll find more agreement with me. I feel like we're revisiting the Gabby Giffords discussion and you keep bringing up false equivalency. Blaming someone who preaches peace because someone who agrees with their viewpoints did not use peace as a tool? That's silly (to say the absolute least).
[quote name='HaloSucks']No one is against due process..

I think more people are outrage at how the police just "brought" the word of Zimmerman...

And people are outrage that a guy who on the 911 tape basically took it upon himself even after being advised not to, to possibly instigate this tragedy ..

I could care less that Martin was black, and maybe one day he might "deservingly" get shot.. But in this case, he did NOT deserve what came to him.

Also Zimmerman has a HUGE past in calling up 911 and reporting black people in his neighborhood like black people are a rare species or something to him[/QUOTE]

The police investigated & turned it over to states attorney's to determine if the stand your ground law applies here. Zimmerman was banged up there are witnesses. Most people leave the scene when they shoot someone.

I'll say one more time you were not there you cannot say who started the fight. I do know asking someone what they are doing is not instigation.

The whole he was black so he may have gotten shot any way is lost on me. I'll assume sarcasim or you're trying to be funny. Either way you're an idiot.
[quote name='silentevil']
You're quoting someone in a forum as fact. Should I take that serious? Quoting someone in a forum is worse than quoting anon witnesses.[/QUOTE]
The 7-11 Martin went to isn't a controversial fact. The locations that Zimmerman mentions in the 911 aren't controversial facts. Zimmerman stalking Martin by car and then pursuing Martin on foot is not a controversial fact. We can safely assume many things based on the location of the 7-11, the geography of the neighborhood, and locations mentioned in the 911 call, such as the most probable path Martin took from 7-11 to get back to his father's place.

My question is simple. If no charges are filed because witnesses come forward what are people going to do?

I'm basing my hypothetical question on a possible outcome. I'm just curious what the reaction would be.
Fine. Here's my hypothetical then: if Zimmerman skates, then the people of this country will realize how deeply seeded racism has corrupted our institutions and will begin a wave of major social reforms to remove this cancer from our society. The country will then be safer for white people everywhere.
[quote name='silentevil']The police investigated & turned it over to states attorney's to determine if the stand your ground law applies here. Zimmerman was banged up there are witnesses. Most people leave the scene when they shoot someone.

I'll say one more time you were not there you cannot say who started the fight. I do know asking someone what they are doing is not instigation.

The whole he was black so he may have gotten shot any way is lost on me. I'll assume sarcasim or you're trying to be funny. Either way you're an idiot.[/QUOTE]

Is it normal procedure in Florida for police to let someone go when they claim they acted in self-defense after they shoot an unarmed person in the street?
[quote name='silentevil']The police investigated & turned it over to states attorney's to determine if the stand your ground law applies here. Zimmerman was banged up there are witnesses. Most people leave the scene when they shoot someone.[/quote]
AHAHAHA...even Zimmerman's lawyer said that Stand Your Ground doesn't apply here.

I'll say one more time you were not there you cannot say who started the fight. I do know asking someone what they are doing is not instigation.
No, but stalking and then chasing someone down IS. Funny how yo ukeep ignoring that.

The whole he was black so he may have gotten shot any way is lost on me. I'll assume sarcasim or you're trying to be funny. Either way you're an idiot.
Then how do you explain Martin being targeted by Zimmerman?
What I find so fascinating about this whole thing is how quickly we jumped to Zimmerman being a stone cold killer. Guy's a jerk, no doubt about that. New shit coming to light tries to paint the victim as an unsavory character to justify his death. That's kinda some lame BS right there.

How realistic is this verion compared to others:
Z follows M, confronts him in an antagonistic manner, M shoves him or whatever because he's being wrongly accused (standing his ground one could even say), Z falls and gets an owie thus making a scene to justify eventually shooting M.
There's no good guy or bad guy in that, just two people acting foolishly in a highly charged situation. Which is pretty much how any and all fights start anyways. Had Z just swallowed his wounded pride and moved on, there'd be no story.

Assuming that Z finally found his opportunity to take out a black kid and acted upon it with gusto is just jumping to a conclusion that serves our purposes of painting good guys and bad guys like everything is some western movie with character archetypes that need to be fulfilled. How about they're both just regular dudes who could have solved their altercation in a much better way?
[quote name='GBAstar']Dohdough, a little OT, and I promise I'm not trying to bait you...

but do you believe people are racists by nature or due or because of their environment?[/QUOTE]
Environment. I have this morbid curiousity about where you're going with this.

[quote name='GBAstar']Which is somewhat my point; if you can't be an activist and lead in a fashion where your followers are disobeying "civilly" then perhaps your not fit for the job.

This goes for black, yellow, brown, white whatever.[/quote]
Not everyone follows Sharpton and he doesn't speak for every single black person in America?

My "agenda" is that this whole situation has been reported irresponsibly (sans facts) and it has led to the potentional of other tragedies occuring. Increasing the tension in what is already a tense area IMO is not responsible.
Oh, you mean like how the cops fucked up the case so badly that the top cop had to fall on his sword?
[quote name='dohdough']AHAHAHA...even Zimmerman's lawyer said that Stand Your Ground doesn't apply here.

No, but stalking and then chasing someone down IS. Funny how yo ukeep ignoring that.

Then how do you explain Martin being targeted by Zimmerman?[/QUOTE]
Zimmermans lawyer hasn't said anything about the case because there isn't one yet. If there is one they wouldn't post it in the media. Doing so would allow the prosecutor to plan accordingly.

I said in my 1st post here he shouldn't have approached Martin and I just posted asking someone what they're doing isn't instigating a fight. It is implied he approached Martin because he couldn't of asked if he was a mile away.

He wasn't targeted. You make it sound like he was out lookng to shoot the first black guy he saw. Martin was an unknown to Zimmerman. Three street community it appears everyone knows everyone.

You yourself said Zimmer is overzealous. How you know that I don't know, but if he is overzealous isn't safe to assume he would have call the cops on/approach anyone else he believed didn't belong there?

Also I have a question about your answer to my question.

So if witnesses came forward & backed Zimmermans account of things it's because they're racist?
[quote name='nasum']What I find so fascinating about this whole thing is how quickly we jumped to Zimmerman being a stone cold killer. Guy's a jerk, no doubt about that. New shit coming to light tries to paint the victim as an unsavory character to justify his death. That's kinda some lame BS right there.

How realistic is this verion compared to others:
Z follows M, confronts him in an antagonistic manner, M shoves him or whatever because he's being wrongly accused (standing his ground one could even say), Z falls and gets an owie thus making a scene to justify eventually shooting M.
There's no good guy or bad guy in that, just two people acting foolishly in a highly charged situation. Which is pretty much how any and all fights start anyways. Had Z just swallowed his wounded pride and moved on, there'd be no story.

Assuming that Z finally found his opportunity to take out a black kid and acted upon it with gusto is just jumping to a conclusion that serves our purposes of painting good guys and bad guys like everything is some western movie with character archetypes that need to be fulfilled. How about they're both just regular dudes who could have solved their altercation in a much better way?[/QUOTE]

I agree that, at first, this was most likely two people acting foolishly in a highly charged situation. Zimmerman probably is just a regular guy, but he made a horrible error in judgment when he decided to end a fist-fight with his gun.
[quote name='nasum']What I find so fascinating about this whole thing is how quickly we jumped to Zimmerman being a stone cold killer. Guy's a jerk, no doubt about that. New shit coming to light tries to paint the victim as an unsavory character to justify his death. That's kinda some lame BS right there.[/quote]
I don't recall seeing anything that paints Zimmerman as a stone cold killer, but as a perversely overzealous self-appointed neighborhood watch captain that's a wannabe cop.

How realistic is this verion compared to others:
Z follows M, confronts him in an antagonistic manner, M shoves him or whatever because he's being wrongly accused (standing his ground one could even say), Z falls and gets an owie thus making a scene to justify eventually shooting M.
This is possible and if factual, then Zimmerman loses his right to self defense if Martin was the one standing his ground, especially in the light of being stalked.

There's no good guy or bad guy in that, just two people acting foolishly in a highly charged situation. Which is pretty much how any and all fights start anyways. Had Z just swallowed his wounded pride and moved on, there'd be no story.
I don't know if it'd be a story, but if Zimmerman walked away, the cops would already be on their way and I think we can safely assume that Martin would've been arrested for assault and battery, which would then be settled in court as if black males are treated fairly in the system.

Assuming that Z finally found his opportunity to take out a black kid and acted upon it with gusto is just jumping to a conclusion that serves our purposes of painting good guys and bad guys like everything is some western movie with character archetypes that need to be fulfilled. How about they're both just regular dudes who could have solved their altercation in a much better way?
There's a distinction between hating black people and thinking most of them are probably criminals.
[quote name='dohdough']I don't recall seeing anything that paints Zimmerman as a stone cold killer, but as a perversely overzealous self-appointed neighborhood watch captain that's a wannabe cop.

This is possible and if factual, then Zimmerman loses his right to self defense if Martin was the one standing his ground, especially in the light of being stalked.

I don't know if it'd be a story, but if Zimmerman walked away, the cops would already be on their way and I think we can safely assume that Martin would've been arrested for assault and battery, which would then be settled in court as if black males are treated fairly in the system.

There's a distinction between hating black people and thinking most of them are probably criminals.[/QUOTE]

All good points, but it's hard to deny that, initially, Z was being painted as a scoundrel of sorts.

I think it's hard for anyone not on talk radio to assume that Z didn't instigate this in some way shape or form. It's going to be pretty interesting from a legal standpoint to see how this all plays out.

As for M getting arrested for assault and battery, debatable but probable, but then you'd have two people in the system and it'd make for an even better debate about fairness within the justice system. Given that Z would have to go through for the instigation. In hockey parlance he'd get an extra couple of minutes...

Well yeah, but I don't think anyone has been calling Z the brightest bulb in the pack.
[quote name='silentevil']Zimmermans lawyer hasn't said anything about the case because there isn't one yet. If there is one they wouldn't post it in the media. Doing so would allow the prosecutor to plan accordingly.[/QUOTE]
"Craig sonner stand your ground" in google yields this:

Feel free to read it...or not, since facts don't matter to you.

I said in my 1st post here he shouldn't have approached Martin and I just posted asking someone what they're doing isn't instigating a fight. It is implied he approached Martin because he couldn't of asked if he was a mile away.
Yeah, being stalked by an unknown person in an suv can't be construed as threatening at all. Do I have that right?

He wasn't targeted. You make it sound like he was out lookng to shoot the first black guy he saw. Martin was an unknown to Zimmerman. Three street community it appears everyone knows everyone.
You think it's reasonable to assume that anyone you don't know should be categorized as suspicious?

And if it's a 3 street neighborhood, this flies in the face of Zimmerman's account of being attacked while looking for a street sign after doing nightly patrols for 2 years WHILE ALSO BEING ABLE TO IDENTIFY HIS LOCATION WHILE DRIVING IN HIS CAR DURING THE 911 CALL.

You yourself said Zimmer is overzealous. How you know that I don't know, but if he is overzealous isn't safe to assume he would have call the cops on/approach anyone else he believed didn't belong there?
His history as the self appointed captain of the neighborhood watch that was verfied from all the 911 calls he's made in the last 2 years along with a report on what happened at their neighborhood meeting on March 1st.

One of the main rules of the Neighborhood Watch program is to observe and report; not to engage. There's more to it in this case, and I'm extremely curious if you can catch it.

Also I have a question about your answer to my question.

So if witnesses came forward & backed Zimmermans account of things it's because they're racist? depends? What kind of stupid question is that?
this goes back to my pet peeve of racism encapsulating prejudice. I think you can have certain prejudices without being actively racist. Like, Z could have a prejudice that black teens are criminals because that attitude is based on his stereotype. As long as he doesn't act on it then he isn't doing anything actively racist.
Of course it would appear in this case that he did act on it, so this is only for illustration.

Let's use a less charged example. I think most rodeo clowns are probably pill poppers too. I'm not trying to oppress rodeo clowns and they're existence (whether or not they're pill poppers) doesn't really do much of anything with my daily activity. I'm not walking around seeking out rodeo clowns to fuck with, to the contrary I do my best to avoid them. Clowns are scary.
[quote name='nasum']All good points, but it's hard to deny that, initially, Z was being painted as a scoundrel of sorts.[/quote]
I've been following the story since before it went viral and he was mostly portrayed as a wannabe cop that was probably racist. I can't remember anyone painting him as a low down dirty racist bastard with a history of violence until the arrest and domestic violence thing came up.

I think it's hard for anyone not on talk radio to assume that Z didn't instigate this in some way shape or form. It's going to be pretty interesting from a legal standpoint to see how this all plays out.
I agree, it'll be very interesting, but I don't see how it'll play out as anything other than Zimmerman walking.

As for M getting arrested for assault and battery, debatable but probable, but then you'd have two people in the system and it'd make for an even better debate about fairness within the justice system. Given that Z would have to go through for the instigation. In hockey parlance he'd get an extra couple of minutes...

Well yeah, but I don't think anyone has been calling Z the brightest bulb in the pack.
Hard to disagree with you here.
Good to see how police views certain people:
NEW ORLEANS - A New Orleans police officer who was placed on desk duty while under investigation has now been suspended for posting a comment on a local television station's website about the fatal shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. Photos: Trayvon Martin
Officer Jason Giroir, a member of the New Orleans Police Department for 13 years, was already under investigation for a March 1 shooting that left one man dead and two officers injured after he made a traffic stop. Giroir made online comments that caused Police Superintendent Ronal Serpas to suspend him without pay.
Giroir identified himself as a New Orleans Police Department employee when he wrote, "Act like a thug die like one!" in response to a WWL-TV article about a rally supporting Martin.
Serpas announced Monday that Giroir has been suspended indefinitely without pay. "To say that I'm angry is an understatement," Serpas said. "I'm furious."
According to the CBS affiliate, Mayor Mitch Landrieu issued a statement "wholeheartedly" supporting Serpas' action against Giroir, and adding, "The people of New Orleans and my administration will not tolerate this reckless and offensive behavior. I condemn his statements in the strongest of terms."

You think FL police ain't bias....
[quote name='nasum']this goes back to my pet peeve of racism encapsulating prejudice. I think you can have certain prejudices without being actively racist. Like, Z could have a prejudice that black teens are criminals because that attitude is based on his stereotype. As long as he doesn't act on it then he isn't doing anything actively racist.
Of course it would appear in this case that he did act on it, so this is only for illustration.

Let's use a less charged example. I think most rodeo clowns are probably pill poppers too. I'm not trying to oppress rodeo clowns and they're existence (whether or not they're pill poppers) doesn't really do much of anything with my daily activity. I'm not walking around seeking out rodeo clowns to fuck with, to the contrary I do my best to avoid them. Clowns are scary.[/QUOTE]
There's a difference between racism on an individual and systematic level. You avoiding them doesn't really matter that much. Now if there were a million people like you avoiding them, you start seeing all that avoidance culminating into systemic discrimination that takes the form of segregated ghettos and lack of socio-economic opportunity. This doesn't require active hate, just simple discrimination.
[quote name='HaloSucks']Good to see how police views certain people:

You think FL police ain't bias....[/QUOTE]

Throwing Florida, let alone all police officers under the bus because an individual LEO in New Orleans, Louisiana (it's not in Florida) is an idiot and perhaps a racist doesn't bode well for your intelligence.
[quote name='GBAstar']Was it responsible, and was it hateful for the "New Black Panthers" to put a $10,000 bounty on George Zimmerman's head and state they are seeking "eye for an eye" justice?

It's a very simple question that I've asked numerous times and it has yet to be answered.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='dohdough']
Is it more or less responsible than the way the police handled the case? Do they commision bounties on a regular basis? Are the New Black Panthers a mainstream organization with mainstream acceptance?

dohdough I see you like to answer questions with questions. Why are you avoiding so much?

Anyway to answer your questions dohdough .....YES LESS RESPONSIBLE AND it is idiotic and sick, don't know, and HELL NO!!

To answer gbastar's question NO it was not responsible and yes it is HATEFUL. That is not justice.
[quote name='GBAstar']Throwing Florida, let alone all police officers under the bus because an individual LEO in New Orleans, Louisiana (it's not in Florida) is an idiot and perhaps a racist doesn't bode well for your intelligence.[/QUOTE]

Thats funny, since its so a "one-time" thing to you, how come there is so many cases that can be found from just a google search..

Or do your intelligence not allow you to see a systemic problem present ...
[quote name='Pliskin101']dohdough I see you like to answer questions with questions. Why are you avoiding so much?

Anyway to answer your questions dohdough is idiotic and sick, don't know, and HELL NO!!

To answer gbastar's question NO it was not responsible and yes it is HATEFUL. That is not justice.[/QUOTE]
Responsibility falls on those with the most power to make things right. Comparing the ability of the New Black Panthers to seek justice to the local cops is a mindboggling false equivelance. Your answers to my questions is exactly why gbastar is operating on a flawed premise.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']The New Black Panthers are like a couple dudes strong. I'm not entirely sure they have that kind of money.[/QUOTE]
But but...they promised a million dollars by the end of the week!
[quote name='dohdough']Responsibility falls on those with the most power to make things right. Comparing the ability of the New Black Panthers to seek justice to the local cops is a mindboggling false equivelance. Your answers to my questions is exactly why gbastar is operating on a flawed premise.[/QUOTE]

I am not sure why the bounty was brought up. But what I do know is that ,if true, what the black panthers have done is wrong and disgusting. For anyone to try to say it is alright or try to excuse it because of another preceived wrong is total crap. Call it what it is a wrong by an idiotic group the black panthers if they did do it.

As far as comparing the police department to the black panthers well as I already said.

This whole thing is becoming much more than what it is. We all need to quit lumping this into our own beliefs paranoia etc etc. I for one am waiting for ALL the evidence to come out before calling a police department corrupt and worse than what the black panthers have done. I also am waiting to hear ALL the evidence before making up my mind.

I can pretty much think though but may be corrected in the future when all the facts come out that this is not a hate crime was not a cold-blooded murder and not a cover up or a racist police department. So far it looks like an idiot did not know what he was doing was following a kid and the kid got scared rightfully. There are and WAS investigations going on and I will wait.

It is sad and wrong and the Z guy is a moron at the minimum and needs to be held responsible to an extent the extent of that responsibility will be and is being determined.

All the hate and jumping to conclusions and hate crime stuff though needs to end before this thing gets out of hand. Any wrong done after the fact needs to be addressed a well.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']The New Black Panthers are like a couple dudes strong. I'm not entirely sure they have that kind of money.[/QUOTE]

sure they do holder will give it to them...
[quote name='Pliskin101']I for one am waiting for ALL the evidence to come out before calling a police department corrupt and worse than what the black panthers have done. I also am waiting to hear ALL the evidence before making up my mind.

No you aren't.
[quote name='Msut77']No you aren't.[/QUOTE]

Thank you for your well thought out, detailed and lenghty response :roll:. You have given me so much to ponder. :roll:

Oh wait....:roll::roll:
[quote name='Pliskin101']Thank you for your well thought out, detailed and lenghty response :roll:. You have given me so much to ponder. :roll:

Oh wait....:roll::roll:[/QUOTE]

There is zero doubt people "waiting to make judgement" are full of shit.

Your "holder" comment is also proof you are a fucking clown.
Maybe some people are just jealous that nobody will ever stand up for them, if they end up being a victim to some overzealous fat bastard
[quote name='Msut77']There is zero doubt people "waiting to make judgement" are full of shit.

Wow you are exactly the jumping to conclusions and prejudiced type of moron that is making this thing more than what it is. People like you are scary. Your prejudice and ignorance is astounding.

As far as the holder thing it was about the black panthers and I am glad you found amusement in it because that is how it was meant.

EDIT: and again thank you for responding with such intelligent and well thought conversation. I am amazed.

edit2 : Nevermind I see I am responding to the idiot (you) of this thread. I went through some of your posts here and it is clear that what I said above the edit is sadly true. You have some serious issues.
[quote name='joeboosauce']I saw the burglar thread and thought this warranted a post. WHO DA SHAF-FU thinks we live in a post-racial society??? Blows my mind. And I wonder WHY the white guy wasn't arrested... When was the last time you heard of a white guy shot for holding skittles and an iced-tea? This is equality in America.[/QUOTE]

I have not had a chance to go through all the posts yet but I hope you got lambasted for this.

First the "white guy" statement and second the "jumping to conclusions" thing.
Your post alone proves we DO NOT live in a post-racial society as the first thing you did (here anyway) is make it a racial thing. I have not watched the video so possibly you got you racist initial view from that? Was there proof on the date of your post that anything about this was racist? From the police department or the shooter?
[quote name='Pliskin101']Wow you are exactly the jumping to conclusions[/QUOTE]

I have stated this before, one side of the story was shot dead.

The cops botched the handling of the crime scene to put it mildly.

Anyone says they are waiting for "all the evidence" is just a liar.

Your insipid comment about holder affirmed your true colors.
well there was this case of some guy who shot a asian kid a couple years back on halloween for walking in his lawn, and the guy got off free using the same ridiculous excuse.
[quote name='HaloSucks']well there was this case of some guy who shot a asian kid a couple years back on halloween for walking in his lawn, and the guy got off free using the same ridiculous excuse.[/QUOTE]

Clint Eastwood in Gran Torino?
bread's done