Blink Bundle Megathread | 12/09 - 12/16: Hidden Gems Bundle 3


55 (100%)
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Hmm well, that sucks. Blink doesn't look to be really on the ball either, so my hopes aren't high there. We shall see. 

In the meantime, Casey needs to start up a Peon Bundle thread. (most tragic name for a bundle ever?)

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Hmm well, that sucks. Blink doesn't look to be really on the ball either, so my hopes aren't high there. We shall see.

In the meantime, Casey needs to start up a Peon Bundle thread. (most tragic name for a bundle ever?)
On the bright side, the expectations will be so low that no one will be disappointed.

I can already tell you it will suck.  I have nothing personal against the little d00der but he spends weeks... I don't want to say 'hyping' but pondering and expounding and pontificating and then we get some tepid collection of games.  I understand at this point we're scraping the bottom of the barrel for indie games and Blink/Peon/Whoever isn't going to attract the same developer crowd that Humble will but, holy shit, just release the bundles instead of having a month of build up.

I'm guessing that Casey had some philosophical differences with others at Blink regarding bundling tactics.  I wouldn't see him pushing a free key offer, for example.

The Peon Bundle will probably be more like what he was advocating earlier -- higher quality, rarely-bundled games at a higher price.

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I'm guessing that Casey had some philosophical differences with others at Blink regarding bundling tactics. I wouldn't see him pushing a free key offer, for example.

The Peon Bundle will probably be more like what he was advocating earlier -- higher quality, rarely-bundled games at a higher price.
we have that.. it is called the Humble Bundle with less webgame trash and more indie gems WITH LOWER PRICE

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we have that.. it is called the Humble Bundle with less webgame trash and more indie gems WITH LOWER PRICE
The Humble Shitty German Simulators That Everyone Laughs At Bundle begs to differ with you. Or the Humble Hey The One Dollar Tier Is Jpegs You Can Get Off The Internet Isn't That Great? Bundle.

I'm not saying they don't ever have good games anymore, but their standards aren't what the used to be. Then again that's par for the course when you're constantly running 3 or 4 bundles at any given time.
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The Humble Shitty German Simulators That Everyone Laughs At Bundle begs to differ with you. Or the Humble Hey The One Dollar Tier Is Jpegs You Can Get Off The Internet Isn't That Great? Bundle.

I'm not saying they don't ever have good games anymore, but their standards aren't what the used to be. Then again that's par for the course when your constantly running 3 or 4 bundles at any given time.
Yes, there were a few incidences where Humble bundle were crap but I would say the majority of Humble bundle stands head over 90% of the shovelware indie bundle out there in term of quality & value (unless you know a bundle site that offer better, I am all ears). Where else can I get AAA game i.e. Arkham Asylum for less than 50 cent except at Humble bundle?

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Yes, there were a few incidences where Humble bundle were crap but I would say the majority of Humble bundle stands head over 90% of the shovelware indie bundle out there in term of quality & value (unless you know a bundle site that offer better, I am all ears). Where else can I get AAA game i.e. Arkham Asylum for less than 50 cent except at Humble bundle?
A few? No, the majority of Humble is trash. The good bundles are rare. Arkham Asylum was...about a year ago so that tells you how often Humble has good bundles. Most of the other time it is overpriced and repeats.

A few? No, the majority of Humble is trash. The good bundles are rare. Arkham Asylum was...about a year ago so that tells you how often Humble has good bundles. Most of the other time it is overpriced and repeats.
I can second that. A year ago I was eating up just about every bundle they put out and even BTAing quite a few. This year I get about one a month if that and have only BTA once. To be fair though I have picked up 4 of their dollar tiers this month.

A few? No, the majority of Humble is trash. The good bundles are rare. Arkham Asylum was...about a year ago so that tells you how often Humble has good bundles. Most of the other time it is overpriced and repeats.
the late Square Enix bundle was pretty decent.. I also like the recent Japan bundle. Very good value for excellent indie games

These last two humble bundles have had only a couple of repeats for me so they've been good enough. But even though I've only been buying Humble bundles for a few months, I've noticed that the prices seem to be rising for the BTA tier.

So if you're new Humble is good because you won't have repeats, but it sucks because you missed the glory days.

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Even with the repeats, many of the recent humbles have had a great selection. What's been killing the value for regulars is the constant repeats and ridiculous price tiers (at least compared to the old humble). They've finally figured out that their main demo is going to majorly consist of newbies and people that likely still believe that humble is the only bundler out there, so they really don't need to pander to the more "hardcore" deal jockeys.

Well those higher btas is relatively new since they experimented a while back with various ways to manipulate the bta. Because intentionally manipulating the average to be higher in no way defeats the purpose of having an average. Nope. No siree.
A few? No, the majority of Humble is trash. The good bundles are rare. Arkham Asylum was...about a year ago so that tells you how often Humble has good bundles. Most of the other time it is overpriced and repeats.
groupees>indiegala>Bundlestars>humble > blinkbundle died > other not name royale> indie royale> faltity diaper wait im

I think I would actually take Fatality's diaper over some of the bundles some of those sites have been putting put lately.
With the last update from facebook, is should not be allowed to force poeple to like a page to get something in exchange... even so, I don't know if Facebook will take that out before they have no more keys available.
I'm not certain, but I thought that the rule doesn't come into effect for another couple of months.

It will automatically spam your facebook & twitter
I knew it'd do twitter with it asks for app auth permission, but it I can't find anything on my facebook account relating to it.

I'm guessing that Casey had some philosophical differences with others at Blink regarding bundling tactics. I wouldn't see him pushing a free key offer, for example.
As I've said before, the main Blink site looks pretty dodgy (in both design and function.)

The Peon Bundle will probably be more like what he was advocating earlier -- higher quality, rarely-bundled games at a higher price.
The name suggests the opposite though: peonbundle makes me think of a bundle targeted at "peons", which I think would be something like IG or the average Humble (with loads of repeats and/or an inflated price.)
groupees>indiegala>Bundlestars>humble > blinkbundle died > other not name royale> indie royale> faltity diaper wait im
I can't take this seriously, only because of the volume of noise to signal that comes out of Groupees.

Oh look, here's a bunch of music you don't give a crap about. It's the foundation of this bundle!

Then there's the "Oh, here's a bunch of drm free stuff that looks like it was churned out as a project for an undergrad programming class. Give us a dollar".

Sometimes they do well. Sometimes there's some nice bonuses. But those crap bundles really hurt their average.... especially when they're not at all consistent about average or good bundles.

Considering that Indie Gala can be counted on for a big pile of mediocre for $2 ever morning that sometimes produces a gem, that really helps their average, and sometimes their main bundles turn over some good stuff too.

Bundle Stars is even less consistent than groupees, but typically the only bad thing you'll hear about their bundles is that they're so full of repeats... that makes them less valuable to long term bundle buyers, but for a newbie who could jump right on those reboot bundles? That rockets their average higher than indiegala or groupees.

Humble is still the big dog. Noone else gets the AAA stuff in the amount and with the frequency they do. Yes, the recent change to "fixing" average and lots of mobile bundles hurt their average... but none of the other sites are going to get an EA bundle. Or a Square Enix Bundle. Or a Deep Silver bundle.

Looking at it as if it were a baseball team:

Indie Gala is your lead off hitter. It will behave in a consistent mediocre way, but it will put the ball on the ground an more often than not hoof it out to first base.

Bundle Stars bats second. When it's hitting, it doesn't always hit as consistently, but when it does hit, you get what you want. Again, all it has to do is get a base hit, and we're thrilled.

Groupees hits third. Sometimes it can air out the ball and we'll get more than we expect out of it... but all we ever want out of it is to sure that it doesn't bat into a double play. If it gets on base, great. If it doesn't no worries.

Humble Bundle is the clean up hitter. We always want it to go yard. But when you're always swinging for the fences, it's not abnormal to have a low batting average.


Bundle Stars is even less consistent than groupees, but typically the only bad thing you'll hear about their bundles is that they're so full of repeats... that makes them less valuable to long term bundle buyers, but for a newbie who could jump right on those reboot bundles? That rockets their average higher than indiegala or groupees.


Looking at it as if it were a baseball team:

Indie Gala is your lead off hitter. It will behave in a consistent mediocre way, but it will put the ball on the ground an more often than not hoof it out to first base.

Bundle Stars bats second. When it's hitting, it doesn't always hit as consistently, but when it does hit, you get what you want. Again, all it has to do is get a base hit, and we're thrilled.

Groupees hits third. Sometimes it can air out the ball and we'll get more than we expect out of it... but all we ever want out of it is to sure that it doesn't bat into a double play. If it gets on base, great. If it doesn't no worries.

Humble Bundle is the clean up hitter. We always want it to go yard. But when you're always swinging for the fences, it's not abnormal to have a low batting average.
I have to agree with your take on Bundlestars and newbies. I've actually liked them a lot because I've been able to pick up a lot of stuff I've missed out on. Also, they're pain-free to deal with.

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I can't take this seriously, only because of the volume of noise to signal that comes out of Groupees.

Oh look, here's a bunch of music you don't give a crap about. It's the foundation of this bundle!
I think this is why they exist in the first place.

Greetings everyone! This is Jim from Blink Entertainment. I'll be here to answer your questions from now on.

I read some rumors here that Blink Bundle is going to shut down now Casey is no longer with us, but that is obviously far from the truth. We've been quiet lately as we had to do some restructuring within the company. The changes you can expect is, that we will launch quality bundles more often with well received games, while also preparing to launch our store.

I know that a lot of you are avid bundle purchasers and collectors, and I believe you will be quite pleased with the games within the upcoming bundle sale, which is expected to launch within a week.

The rare times I buy from bundle affiliated stores only I ever use them to buy Steam keys anyway so eh.

I will say though that getting people to buy a single game from a site known for bundles is a tough sell. The casual gotta-have-it-now buyers really aren't the ones who would stumble into a store like that, and the deal hunters will always assume it will get bundled eventually even if they deny it.

To add onto the last two posts, I feel like bundle stores cannot compete with steam sales. At best their sale prices match a past steam sale price and it is rarely the all time low for that said game. Not to mention the fact that when that said game goes on sale on steam, many of us then get it for even lower from a russian distributor. I go even one step further and get steam gift cards for cheap (like pay $40 for a $50 GC) and then convert those to TF2 keys to trade with a russian distributor. So when it is all said and done I am getting that said game for a fraction of the price of what a bundle store can offer me.

To add onto the last two posts, I feel like bundle stores cannot compete with steam sales. At best their sale prices match a past steam sale price and it is rarely the all time low for that said game. Not to mention the fact that when that said game goes on sale on steam, many of us then get it for even lower from a russian distributor. I go even one step further and get steam gift cards for cheap (like pay $40 for a $50 GC) and then convert those to TF2 keys to trade with a russian distributor. So when it is all said and done I am getting that said game for a fraction of the price of what a bundle store can offer me.
Games are getting region locked to prevent this.

But some aren't willing to go lenghts to do this.

Well even Russians and such aside, there's still the cards and Steam wallet money we get from that so as far as buying non-bundled games go, if it's between Steam and somewhere else on sale for the same price and I have Steam wallet money, I'm going to buy on Steam.

I mean I guess other sites, like Greenman, can always do their own store credit promotions but still, I just feel like bundle sites work best for selling bundles. *shrug*

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No store can compete with regional pricing differences. Having more venues and competition for digital purchases is good. With more people skipping bundles in favor of stuff like tremor, a la carte purchasing with competitive pricing could be successful.

Or it could be galastore.
I just feel like bundle sites work best for selling bundles. *shrug*
I feel the same. I've never bought a game from a bundle store for the very reasons you all have listed.

All the same, I realize people must be doing it because bundle sites keep making stores. I also suppose it gives the indie guys a chance to have sales in the spotlight since Steam seems to be in love with running sales on mostly the same games over and over and...

Soo... recap. Yay more quality bundles. Meh store. Carry on.

I think the only I've bought from is the humble store. Well maybe I did a Desura purchase or two as well. If they have Steam keys i'm slightly ok with it....otherwise nah. Too many DRM free segmentation of purchases is never a good thing.

I feel the same. I've never bought a game from a bundle store for the very reasons you all have listed.

All the same, I realize people must be doing it because bundle sites keep making stores. I also suppose it gives the indie guys a chance to have sales in the spotlight since Steam seems to be in love with running sales on mostly the same games over and over and...

Soo... recap. Yay more quality bundles. Meh store. Carry on.
yes dont they arena wars is on sale 4 time and others lol where sale on the little guys anymore i want my wish list to be plunge so i cna have less game wishlist

So far confirmed in this bundle.

Riptide GP2

Real World Racing

The Maker's Eden


Aces Wild: Manic Brawling Action!


I'm interested in seeing the rest. If there is a rest.

Well I'll buy it for sure if whether or not there is more.  Riptide, RWR, and Continue look the most interesting but it looks like a great lineup.

bread's done