Blu-ray Discussion Thread - The One and Only

[quote name='VipFREAK']Which doesn't make a bit of sense from a sellers point of view... Or the consumers point of view...[/QUOTE]Neither one makes sense, though that would require them to invest a lot more in their displays than they'd want to spend. That's why I never believe what I'm seeing at a store will be the "best" picture.

[quote name='gunm']That whole "hz" topic is such a grey area. For one thing, the effect of having the faster refresh on an LCD will depend on the motion-blur smoothing tech per each different manufacturer of TV. Secondly, everyone's brains/eyes will perceive the effect differently. Myself personally, I'll just stick to 120hz Sony Motion Flow because I can kind of perceive a positive effect with those TVs. I can't generally tell shit at 240hz. But that's just my own personal preference. Plasma, of course, would eliminate that whole issue. I'm not sure if my next TV will be Plasma or LED or whatever the new tech will be at that point though.

As for Linkin's personal experience, I'm not sure what would cause the jitter. I think some of the earlier sets did have some tearing or glitching when set to the highest motion compensation settings. Alternatively, the sets could have had those features disable for some inexplicable reason. Most retail demo sets are never calibrated to any kind of optimal viewing from what I've encountered anyways...[/QUOTE]240Hz is just the next evolution of 120Hz technology, and for most people, they can't tell the difference between 120Hz and 240Hz. 60Hz and 120Hz, yes, they can.

If you're looking as plasma as your next set, there's a shrinking number of vendors in that arena, so the prices will probably starting moving upwards. My next set will be non-edge lit LED, though those are in the "oh crap, how much was that TV" prices at the moment. Samsung B8000 series I think is a good example of it, though I need to check to see if they're non-edge lit or edge lit like the B7000 and B6000 series.

[quote name='GizmoGC'] You'd be amazed what titles have bounced around this year. Some of you guys would cry. Studios are really scared to release too many big titles as consumers have a limited amount of money. Apparently, they think next year consumers will just be loaded.[/QUOTE]Please, feel free to depress us.
[quote name='GizmoGC']Ignore dumb posters at fan-based forums. Its 2.0 TrueHD and has better quality over a DVD audio track. (792kbps IIRC)

The only 'better' version would be the Region 2 DVD which has Special Features that Warner refused to license in America. It does have a 5.1 audio track but the film was made with 2.0 (well, 4.0 but its matrixed) in mind. So 5.1 is kinda iffy. The BD is very faithful to how it should look and sound.[/QUOTE]

I'm not sure what you mean by 'fan-based forums' but I am positive I'll b picking this one up regardless. Since we've been getting the shaft as far as getting a good transfer on this, I was hoping for something close to a definitive copy everyone would be happy with.
Some day.
[quote name='shrike4242']Neither one makes sense, though that would require them to invest a lot more in their displays than they'd want to spend. That's why I never believe what I'm seeing at a store will be the "best" picture. [/QUOTE]

Well... going off of Specs can be pretty worthless too... So...
Any word on E.T.?
I am watching it on the HBO family HD channel right now and it looks fantastic (even at 720p).

The only scene that looks odd was the one where the agents searching for the landing party are silhouetted infront of the city's skyline, it becomes very evident that the city light's background is some-kind of a backdrop with lights.
[quote name='h3llbring3r']Any word on E.T.?
I am watching it on the HBO family HD channel right now and it looks fantastic (even at 720p).

The only scene that looks odd was the one where the agents searching for the landing party are silhouetted infront of the city's skyline, it becomes very evident that the city light's background is some-kind of a backdrop with lights.[/QUOTE]

At least a few more years. It's a Spielberg film and he is in the process of prepping Minority Report.
[quote name='GizmoGC']At least a few more years. It's a Spielberg film and he is in the process of prepping Minority Report.[/QUOTE]Nice. That's one I'd certainly want on BR, assuming it's not a fuck-up job like some movies we can mention.
Guns. I hate that retcon nonsense.

[quote name='shrike4242']Nice. That's one I'd certainly want on BR, assuming it's not a fuck-up job like some movies we can mention.[/QUOTE]

Spielberg has a boatload of movies that I'd like to have and this would be a good start.
[quote name='neocisco']Spielberg has a boatload of movies that I'd like to have and this would be a good start.[/QUOTE]Minority Report and AI are ones I'd like on BR, again, assuming it's not a mess in the migration process.

I think, checking IMDB, that I'd want the following on BR:

Minority Report
Schindler's List
Saving Private Ryan
Indiana Jones 1-3
Empire Of The Sun
The Terminal
War Of The Worlds

Though, oddly enough, as I check IMDB, I noticed that there's a remake of When Worlds Collide that he's producing. :whistle2:s Let's hope that's not a mess like When The Earth Stood Still was in last year's remake.
Would being able to get Sleeping Beauty , Bugs Life and the Bolt Super Pack all on :br: for about $72 shipped seem like a good deal for anyone else? I know its hard to find good deals on disney movies , and getting the same items on amazon is about $10 more expensive.
[quote name='shrike4242']Minority Report and AI are ones I'd like on BR, again, assuming it's not a mess in the migration process.

I think, checking IMDB, that I'd want the following on BR:

Minority Report
Schindler's List
Saving Private Ryan
Indiana Jones 1-3
Empire Of The Sun
The Terminal
War Of The Worlds

Though, oddly enough, as I check IMDB, I noticed that there's a remake of When Worlds Collide that he's producing. :whistle2:s Let's hope that's not a mess like When The Earth Stood Still was in last year's remake.[/QUOTE]

Saving private ryan
Indy trilogy
War of the worlds
are the ones I really want and in that order
[quote name='DestroVega']people actually like War of the Worlds? I thought it was Speilbergs worst movie by a mile.[/QUOTE]

worse than THE LOST WORLD or KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL? All of those, plus WAR OF THE WORLDS, were bad.
[quote name='phantomfriar2002']worse than THE LOST WORLD or KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL? All of those, plus WAR OF THE WORLDS, were bad.[/QUOTE]

Isn't his actual level of directing Lost World disputed?...

I have never seen the new Indiana Jones so I can't comment either way on it.

I just know War of the Worlds was a terrible movie, for any director.
Whatever happened to Indy 1-3? I read last year that they had meant to package 1-4 together for Dec. 08 release, or was that only for the SD version?
[quote name='DestroVega']Isn't his actual level of directing Lost World disputed?...

I have never seen the new Indiana Jones so I can't comment either way on it.

I just know War of the Worlds was a terrible movie, for any director.[/QUOTE]

It's one of his worst movies. Most Spielberg fans will tell you that -- and it's right on par with WAR OF THE WORLDS. Jeff Goldblum's mixed-race daughter (who looks nothing like him at all, but that's another matter) karate-chopping a raptor was an embarrassing moment for any director.
[quote name='h3llbring3r']Anyone here have Risky Business?
The reviews for VQ are all over the map is why I ask- oh, that and it's $9 at Best Buy.[/QUOTE]

The reviews all seem to agree that it's a soft picture that shows it's age. For $10, I'd get it (and amazon is PM'ing, too). Loves me some Rebecca DeHornay in her prime...
Gizmo -- you still getting review product from Paramount? None of the Friday the 13th DVDs from this week showed up, nor this week's Blu-rays...did they switch PR people? Seems like we're always the last to know, lol.
I hate when they do this shit...same with LotR. They're releasing the theatrical versions of it in November and who knows on the extended. Thanks for the info though, I am sure I'll end up getting them eventually...gonna try and hold strong though! lol :D
LOTR fans knew that there was going to be a Extended Edition so they waited for that. It's no surprise HP followed suit as it is the next major film to have huge success off a novel. Both movie franchises had their running time cut short for a theatrical release so you just know they were going to be extended editions.
Yeah, but they are doing it again with LotR on bluray lol. Not saying I blame them, I will probably yet again end up buying both, but from everything I have read they have said they will probably wait a couple more years before they release the extended versions of LotR.

As far as Harry Potter, even with the extended stuff, the HP movies leave way way too much out and their extended cuts were not near as much it isn't too big of a deal, I will probably be able to hold out on them.
RE: Spielberg on BD

I would do terrible things to get Minority Report a ___th Anniversary Edition on BD. That movie is amazing.
[quote name='exRounder']RE: Spielberg on BD

I would do terrible things to get Minority Report a ___th Anniversary Edition on BD. That movie is amazing.[/QUOTE]
Yep, right before Tom Cruise started going downhill.
My beef with Animated films on Blu Ray is that it's not like it's ever gonna be bad in the first place. I don't think it's worth it in most cases. Although I do like Wallace and Gromit.
[quote name='zeb06']I hate when they do this shit...same with LotR. They're releasing the theatrical versions of it in November and who knows on the extended. Thanks for the info though, I am sure I'll end up getting them eventually...gonna try and hold strong though! lol :D[/QUOTE]

You must not of gotten that memo that the release for the LotR theatrical box set on Blu has been delayed until 2010.
Watchmen: The Ultimate Cut is now available for pre-order on Amazon (Currently $41.99):
[quote name='VipFREAK']My beef with Animated films on Blu Ray is that it's not like it's ever gonna be bad in the first place. I don't think it's worth it in most cases. Although I do like Wallace and Gromit.[/QUOTE]

Yea I hear you about traditional and computer animation, but wasn't W&G stop-motion animation with plasticine-clay models (and shot on film-stock)?

That is something that could get could get really screwed up when processed, unlike CGI or hand-cell animation. The beauty is in the subtle / minute textures on the clay and evidence of being hand crafted. Some bad film DNR/EE could obliterate what makes those films "charming."
Ugh, I wish that Ultimate Watchen CE was cheaper (or at least was available for preorder from WBshop during that awesome B2G1--it's $38.36 over there right now). Amazon is offerring $5 mp3/DD credit right now though.
so Target has an edition of Wizard of OZ on Blu that isn't 85 bucks? or is there one everywhere? I was under the impression the only way to get the Blu was to buy that huge set.
[quote name='gunm']Ugh, I wish that Ultimate Watchen CE was cheaper (or at least was available for preorder from WBshop during that awesome B2G1--it's $38.36 over there right now). Amazon is offerring $5 mp3/DD credit right now though.[/QUOTE]If the $10 coupon scenario actually pans out, it'll be $31.99 @ Amazon.

If you get it at WBshop, you're paying tax on it, plus you'd have to either pick up another BR, work your way up to $60, or pay for shipping.

The Amazon deal is the best option at the moment, and if the coupon works out, a much better deal.
Kevin Smith fans might find this interesting: iNetVideo has a :br: version of Chasing Amy for $9.99.
Be aware- the Criterion version is on its way in a few months.

Also, if you are willing to pay full MSRP you can get signed ones off of the viewaskew site when they finally do ship.
[quote name='h3llbring3r']Kevin Smith fans might find this interesting: iNetVideo has a :br: version of Chasing Amy for $9.99.
Be aware- the Criterion version is on its way in a few months.[/QUOTE]

Source on an Criterion Blu for Chasing Amy? All I can find is speculation on it being worked on but nothing else.
[quote name='GizmoGC']A Disney version of Chasing Amy arrives in September. Criterion is not working on any edition.[/QUOTE]

WOW never would have thought Disney would put this out however I'm sure their are other things that I would have never associated with them that they did. I read a few months back that Kevin wanted to make another DVD with more content for the anniversary of the movie but Criterion wouldn't let him. In the article he said that Criterion does not double dip. The way it read I thought Criterion would be the one to release it.

Any word on the extras that will be in the Clerks BD? I'm sure the video quality can not be that much greater and to me looks fine the way it is for how low budget it was, but I'm wondering about the extras. Will it have more than Clerks X or just the same ones.
My site is looking for a DVD and (some) Blu-ray reviewer. We've recruited two people from here might as well give it another shot. It would be anywhere from 5-10 movies a month, mostly DVD, but some Blu-ray. If interested send me an e-mail at [email protected] . No PMs, e-mail only as I will forward any on to the head owner.
[quote name='shrike4242']If the $10 coupon scenario actually pans out, it'll be $31.99 @ Amazon.

If you get it at WBshop, you're paying tax on it, plus you'd have to either pick up another BR, work your way up to $60, or pay for shipping.

The Amazon deal is the best option at the moment, and if the coupon works out, a much better deal.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I'd rather buy from amazon myself. I forget, is the coupon a rebate, or is amazon going to give us a code like Snow White?
[quote name='DestroVega']If anyone wants a laugh, read the two polar opposite reviews of the Observe and Report Blu-Ray from these two sites...

Read this one first actually... hilarious back-to-back.[/QUOTE]

That is truly hilarious- has made me groan with many a review. My favorite is Peter M. Bracke calling Reservoir Dogs "mean spirited" and one-starring the film. Terrible beyond words and sadistically funny, nice to see they are keeping up with their high standards of "quality" reviews.
[quote name='gunm']Yeah, I'd rather buy from amazon myself. I forget, is the coupon a rebate, or is amazon going to give us a code like Snow White?[/QUOTE]Not sure. I sent emails to and asking for clarification on it. emailed me back and said the coupon would only be for

Nothing ever came back from about it. My guess is that it's only for and $41.99 will be as cheap as we see it, until we get close to release and we get the usual price warfare from, and

[quote name='h3llbring3r']That is truly hilarious- has made me groan with many a review. My favorite is Peter M. Bracke calling Reservoir Dogs "mean spirited" and one-starring the film. Terrible beyond words and sadistically funny, nice to see they are keeping up with their high standards of "quality" reviews.[/QUOTE]I stopped using's "film review" section of their reviews, since the ones on and are much better. I use their PQ and AQ comparisons against other sites, just their "film review" section of their review has been more than comical in the last few weeks.
bread's done