[quote name='Allnatural']I feel like I'm potentially killing the golden goose here, but I have to ask. Are these deals actually helping KMart? These games are being sold at what I assume is below the wholesale cost, and it's not as if I'm buying anything else while I'm there (though I do shop at KMart for other things occasionally).
I love these deals, but I feel like I'm ultimately doing a disservice to SHC-Gamer[/QUOTE]
You know, I thought the same thing. But I realized... I've actually found myself going to Kmart as another alternative to my shopping habits. Now instead of not considering Kmart at all, I actually do go into the store. Even if I don't buy anything else.
I think that's really the objective here. Bring Kmart back into the argument. Even if you don't buy there, at least people might start considering them again. Used to, all I did was go Gamestop (used deals and tradeins), Best Buy (coupons, points), Target (clearance), Walmart (clearance), and that's it. Now I do go to Kmart, too. I even found myself shopping for lamps there. I didn't buy any, but I looked.
Isn't that something? I think it may wind up profitable if they're thinking longterm. I think Kmart was very close to being utterly forgotten and then what money would they make?
I think more stores should have direct communication with their customers. I think Twitter's proven that its workable.