Borderlands discussion - Is Moxxi hot or not?

I've heard conflicting answers, so would someone please tell me how to get "Made in Fyrestone/ Made in New Haven?"

My friend said he didn't do all of the side missions, he just did the main story but he's got them and said they unlocked as soon as he started a second playthrough.

But when I look online it says you have to do all side missions.

Which is it?
[quote name='CaptainJoel']I've heard conflicting answers, so would someone please tell me how to get "Made in Fyrestone/ Made in New Haven?"

My friend said he didn't do all of the side missions, he just did the main story but he's got them and said they unlocked as soon as he started a second playthrough.

But when I look online it says you have to do all side missions.

Which is it?[/QUOTE]

It's possible it just glitched for him, I'm pretty sure you have to do all the side missions (I got Made in Fyrestone and I did all the missions to unlock that achievement).
Ran into some random npc's along the way, there's actually a few more missions out there that can be done. You tend to miss it because they blend into the environment so easily along with zipping by them in the catch'a'ride.

Sure luck, fighting some spiderants just back peddled me to him.

"oh, hello."

in other news, i graduated from the lvl 31 smg to a lvl 37...
[quote name='CaptainJoel']I've heard conflicting answers, so would someone please tell me how to get "Made in Fyrestone/ Made in New Haven?"

My friend said he didn't do all of the side missions, he just did the main story but he's got them and said they unlocked as soon as he started a second playthrough.

But when I look online it says you have to do all side missions.

Which is it?[/QUOTE]

For me, Made in Fyrestone unlocked as soon as I finished all of the necessary missions. Made in New Haven, however, didn't unlock until I beat the final boss on my first play through. I completed every mission in the game.
What I've heard about the Made achievements is that they're based on a straight count of completed missions, not a checklist of different missions. So, if the achievement needs 20 missions, you could do 10 in your first playthrough, and the same 10 in the second playthrough, and the achievement will unlock because you completed 20 missions total.

For me, Made in New Haven unlocked when I did one of the Tannis missions at the end of the game. Prior to that I had completed every bounty board mission and at least one of the 'extra' ones (Green Thumb).
interesting, mine unlocked where i seemed it should have, though I didn't get Made in New Haven until I beat the game on playthrough 1. Also I didn't discover the Green Thumb until after my 2nd playthrough in which I went back in playthrough 1 and 2 to make sure I knocked it out but by then I had completed the requirements for everything else.

i think they should have put in an achievement for watching all the credits, like they did in splosion man...and one for farming all the prime farm spots.

I wish they put some invisible walls or at least a warning sign near the edges of cliffs. There's a path that is clearly walkable but when you venture a few feet in the direction of what looks to be a path you get the slider's animation and the guardians take your money.

in other news: my friends won't duel me anymore when I play Brick. *snickers*
Does anyone feel a noticeable amount of lag online? Out of the around 5 games I played with 4 people, there was enough lag where the damage numbers would pop up around 0.5-1.0 secs after shooting and I would have to lead my shots even if the enemy was right in front of me.
[quote name='CaptainJoel']Definitely starting a new playthrough. It's the best way to gain level 50. I've been playing with my friend on his second playthrough and it's seriously raised my level.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for that. I'll start a second playthrough once i finish of all the quest.

Cant believe how easy these achievements are, for being a "rpg".

I hope new DLC brings some more bosses. To me, the lack of good boss encounters and the fact that most where easy as pie ruined it's overall epic-ness of the game.
[quote name='Nealocus123']Not to sound pretentious or anything, but I have a level 32 hunter and just got through Old Haven without any [/I]major problems. I pretty much just got a critical strike headshot on everyone and that was all she wrote. Old Haven is the territory where you are first introduced to the soldiers with heavy armor right? You have to go around and put out the smoke signals in the junkyard, canal, roofs, etc?[/QUOTE]

First playthrough, yeah it's a cake walk if your level 32 or higher. But Second playthrough....It's pretty crazy honestly. I just hit 50 and It's like I'm barely hurting these guys. Anybody have a good machine gun with good rate of fire? Mine is about 11 with 165 damage right now.
[quote name='Vulcan2422']First playthrough, yeah it's a cake walk if your level 32 or higher. But Second playthrough....It's pretty crazy honestly. I just hit 50 and It's like I'm barely hurting these guys. Anybody have a good machine gun with good rate of fire? Mine is about 11 with 165 damage right now.[/QUOTE]

I joined a level 50 playthrough 2 game on the last level where all the
are with a level 40 Got my shit absolutely kicked in. I'd be downed with 1 mortar or 2 hits of their little laser beams from the aerial ones.
[quote name='100xp']interesting, mine unlocked where i seemed it should have, though I didn't get Made in New Haven until I beat the game on playthrough 1. Also I didn't discover the Green Thumb until after my 2nd playthrough in which I went back in playthrough 1 and 2 to make sure I knocked it out but by then I had completed the requirements for everything else.

i think they should have put in an achievement for watching all the credits, like they did in splosion man...and one for farming all the prime farm spots.

I wish they put some invisible walls or at least a warning sign near the edges of cliffs. There's a path that is clearly walkable but when you venture a few feet in the direction of what looks to be a path you get the slider's animation and the guardians take your money.

in other news: my friends won't duel me anymore when I play Brick. *snickers*[/QUOTE]
What's the Green Thumb?

I completely agree about the invisible walls. I have had like 5 deaths in co-op from my friend driving me off the edge of the map, and with me being a higher level I lose soooo much money.
In the pond just south of the Middle of Nowhere bounty board, there is a little island with a shack on it. On the SE side of the shack is a guy that will give you the Green Thumb mission.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']In the pond just south of the Middle of Nowhere bounty board, there is a little island with a shack on it. On the SE side of the shack is a guy that will give you the Green Thumb mission.[/QUOTE]
I see now! Thank you, good sir :D
[quote name='reddjoey']Stupid question, has anyone else fallen through a map?[/QUOTE]
I have two or three times now. I've also gotten stuck under things. I'm okay with it, though. It's no where near as glitchy as my Fallout 3 GOTY is.
I just finished up my achievements on this tonight =)

I was debating if I wanted to hang onto it for the DLC or sell it now, think I'm going to sell it now and see how the DLC goes. I might wait for a sale on the DLC or a GOTY release or something like that, have a feeling there will be more a few more DLC packs than the one already announced and I hate spending $30 on downloads.
I can't help but like this game, I've beated in already on playthrough 2, twice but more of my buddies are getting it and starting new mercs in 2 player co-cop, a 3 player co-op, and soon to be 4 player co-op keeps things interesting. granted we fly through the missions placing ppl at strategic points to acquire and hand in early missions still holds it's own with us. It also helps to play in shorter increments.

Hopefully the DLC's will have something similar to fire-fight and/or more multiplayer mini games. There's a few places that have transition devices but they're currently inactive.

As for falling off the map, i understand falling off a cliff but walking along side a cliff and just dying because you stepped too far on a pathway just blows.

As for paying extra for DLC, if it honestly keeps the game fresh and me occupied, I consider it money well spent since a brand new game can cost upwards to $59.99 + tax with less of a rewarding experience.

I hope they make the DLC's a much more challenging experience.
[quote name='CaptainJoel']I have two or three times now. I've also gotten stuck under things. I'm okay with it, though. It's no where near as glitchy as my Fallout 3 GOTY is.[/QUOTE]

OK, I get nervous when I fall through sometimes. It's the third time this week on three different games.
[quote name='reddjoey']OK, I get nervous when I fall through sometimes. It's the third time this week on three different games.[/QUOTE]
I wouldn't really worry about it unless it starts majorly affecting the gameplay. Like, if you were falling through the ground every couple of missions.

I've had it happen two more times since my original post.

[quote name='JolietJake']Can somebody tell me if Tannis eventually dies, i really hate that woman.[/QUOTE]

Nope. Sorry man. The worst she gets is being double crossed and locked in a cell. When you do beat the game you can sell the artifact to her for a decent amount of money but that's about it.
[quote name='JolietJake']Can somebody tell me if Tannis eventually dies, i really hate that woman.[/QUOTE]

But she's such a funny npc! She's like the craziest person in the game. I like T.K. more than her, though.
[quote name='JolietJake']Can somebody tell me if Tannis eventually dies, i really hate that woman.[/QUOTE]

To be fair, that voice recorder really was out to get her.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']

Can't wait! I'd just like to know if Gearbox is raising the level cap. If not, I'll probably hold off on getting my Siren to 50 until the DLC hits.[/QUOTE]
Ditto. Mine's at a reasonable 41 right now. Can't wait for the DLC since I've beaten all the missions on first playthrough.
[quote name='madcyantist']so wait max level is 50? i swore i saw a friend at like 90! i'm only like 30% done with the game but it's great![/QUOTE]

You can hack your save file and go to level whatever. They may have been the case.
Finished my first playthrough last night and got all missions done in New Haven/Fyrestone.

Now I have all Achievements except for leveling up to 40 and 50. :D

I think I may take a little time off of playing it, though.. When I was coming up on the end I was getting bored.
Last night I powered my Siren through to New Haven on the second playthrough, so I could do some chest runs before mopping up the sidequests I'd skipped. Holy God, there is some sweet stuff there. Oranges coming out of the woodwork. I couldn't stop running it because every single time I'd come up with some awesome weapon or class mod (no alien weapons though). The vending machines were on fire too, I got an ammo regen revolver and shotgun from the DOTDs. I kept telling myself "Only one more run, then I'm going to bed" and all of a sudden it's two hours later and my inventory is totally full. :)
finally to lvl 50 with my soldier - and the lvl bar is almost full again... too bad no lvl 51 - for now me hopes! I'm about to start Old Haven.
In defense of the ending...

I Don't really remember much if any of the storyline at all. Just find key to vault and...

That's about it.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned DLC has been announced for 11/24, 800 points.

Can't wait! I'd just like to know if Gearbox is raising the level cap. If not, I'll probably hold off on getting my Siren to 50 until the DLC hits.[/QUOTE]

If you do all the missions on playthrough 2, even before you get towards the end you'll hit 50...if they dont raise the level cap, I'd start another 1st lvl character and work my way to the Island with my buds.

Just in time for the holidays, though I don't think my folks will appreciate bouncing eyeballs and splatter after thanksgiving dinner...I may have to leave the xbox home and bring the wii instead.

[quote name='CaptainJoel']Looks awesome, I hope they have special zombie killing weapons.


Yessssss...zombie repellant called "fiery shotgun." :hot:

[quote name='Ryuukishi']Tannis is great! Definitely the NPC with the most personality. Her journals were a riot.[/QUOTE]

She also currently the only female npc on pandora who isn't horribly scarred. Lilith doesn't count cause more than likely the one controller her is a dood with more gamerpoints than you...Tannis just needs a special friend.
Just finished my first playthrough with a time of 19:52. I spent almost the entire time soloing. By the time I got the game, all my friends were already hyped for MW2 and now that it's out, nobody is playing Borderlands anymore on my friends list. I think I only spent about 2-3 of my hours in co-op. Playing with randoms usually ended up in everyone splitting up.

The ending was meh, all I had to do was stand behind the invincible columns and pelt away. Finished at around level 36 with my Hunter and just been screwing around getting the achievements.

I'll probably start up a Berserker and Siren to get those achievements but focus on leveling my Hunter to level 50.

Hopefully the upcoming DLC will be sick.
IMO, Nine Toes and Sledge were probably the hardest fights in the game. After that, as long as you were doing sidequests, you could easily outpace the rest of the bosses without even meaning to.
The arena fights seems to be at the appropriate difficulty if you do them when you actually get them. Round 2 and Round 3 for both the one in beginning as well as Rust Commons were challenging.

9 toes's fight is challenging, though 9 toes himself didn't seem very tough.

Though the place I died the most and most often was 1st trip to the Dahl Headlands and getting run over and over again. After that, I don't bleed out much any more.
The only place that really gave me any problems was when I fought One Eyed Jack. Other than that, I didn't die until the end.. I got knocked off a cliff. :(
[quote name='CaptainJoel']The only place that really gave me any problems was when I fought One Eyed Jack.[/QUOTE]Ha, I just drove a car into his compound and ran everybody over, the fight was over in ten seconds. :)
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Ha, I just drove a car into his compound and ran everybody over, the fight was over in ten seconds. :)[/QUOTE]
See, I don't know why I didn't think of that! That's just a cool idea!

I did however, think of it when I started my second playthrough!


I've run over ridiculous amounts of people now.
bread's done