Borderlands Discussion Thread - Game of the Year Edition Available Now!


62 (100%)

Release Date: October 20, 2009 (October 26, 2009 for PC)

Not a GFWL title (won't have achievements).

Character classes (character descriptions taken from an IGN interview with Randy Pitchford):
1) Roland (Soldier) - "There is Roland, the soldier. He's an expert with all weapons, though he prefers shotguns and assault rifles. He can deploy a shield turret that can be upgraded throughout the game. He can also buy other skills and augmentations that befit the soldier class."
2) Mordecai (Hunter) - "Mordecai is the hunter. He's agile and is equipped with a sword as a melee weapon. He's expert with sniper rifles. He has a pet Bloodwing, which is, like, a hundred times more deadly than even the best trained falcon. He can send that thing at enemies to rend them apart. The Bloodwing can get tougher and grow in skill too as you play the game."
3) Lilith (Siren) - "Lilith is a Siren, which is a mysterious, mystical type that has been touched by alien technology. She has strange powers such as the ability to Phase Walk, which is kind of like when Frodo puts on the ring, except that when she takes it off she can kill everything around her with a shock-wave like nova effect. She's awesome."
4) Brick (Tank/Bruiser) - "Finally there is Brick, who is the tank bruiser of the group. He's just as comfortable smashing you to a pulp with his fists as he is blowing you to bits with a heavy rocket launcher. Among other traits he can improve and grow, he has the ability to go into a berserker blood rage which makes him super powerful at close range with his meaty fists."

Engine: Unreal Engine 3

87 bazillion guns. 4 player co-op. Colors.

This is one of my must-buys for the holiday season. Along with Dragon Age and Modern Warfare 2. I love Diablo and Titan Quest and this is first the future...with guns. What's not to like?

And I know the art style is going to be a hot topic. It is on every other Borderlands board. I just hope it stays civil and we avoid stupid, shallow posts like "the new art style looks like a cartoon and it sucks!"

: I'm going to be posting previews/videos/interviews from other sites from here on out. Since randy Pitchford seems to do a lot of these, I'm just going to call him 'RP'.

May 22, 2009
IGN: Pre-E3 2009 - We Head Into the Borderlands
-Pre E3 interview with RP that covers some of basics of borderlands (character classes, amount of guns, change of art style, etc)

June 4, 2009

Gamespot: Borderlands E3 Demo - Skill Trees, Mad Loot and a Slick New Art Style
-Reporting on a demo they saw, a lot of little info (post #8 for highlights)

July 28, 2009 - TONS of new previews/interviews today!
GiantBomb: We Played Borderlands
-Hands-on impression.

GiantBomb: Randy Pitchford on Borderlands
-Video interview with RP. Discusses the process in changing the art style, story, guns and co-op.

Gamespot: Hands-On Impressions
-Some interesting things came up (post #27 for more about that)

G4TV: Borderlands Gearbox's CEO Randy Pitchford Interview
-Video Interview with RP. Discusses process in changing art (again), role playing aspects, co-op, Brothers in Arms series, Samba De Amigo and Aliens: Colonial Marines

Strategy Informer: Borderlands Preview
-Postive Hands-on impression. Most interesting details discussed in post #27.

GamePro: Borderlands Hands-On - GamePro Roundtable
-Round table discussion. Praises and gripes.

Destructoid: Preview
-Impressions from a hands-on. Praises and gripes.

VideoGamer: Borderlands Hands-On Preview

MTV Multiplayer: 'Borderlands' Has 3,166,880 Different Weapons

Kotaku: Borderlands Preview - It Shoots Rockets!

1UP: Borderlands Preview

Gamespot: Randy Pitchford Interview (video)
-Another interview with RP. A lot of the same stuff that's been said before today.

Gametrailers: Executive Producer Interview
-Interview with same info.

IGN: Gearbox on Borderlands' Graphic Cover
-Interview with RP explaining the box art.

Gametrailers: GC09 Randy Pitchford Interview
Interview with RP with new gameplay spliced in

Gamespot: Updated Hands-On - Exclusive Look at Shooting, Gaining Levels and Exploring the Wasteland
Games On Net: Reader Interview - Randy Pitchford

Kotaku: Borderlands Is An Exhilirating But Oddly Hollow Experience
Shacknews: Borderlands Impressions (Plus Five New Videos)

Gametrailers: Borderlands Preview

Gamespot: Borderlands Preview

GiantBomb: Borderlands' Big Baddies - The Crimson Lance

GameInformer: In Borderlands, The Struggle to Survive is Easier With a Friend

Destructoid: How F'ing Metal is Borderlands?

MaximumPC: Randy Pitchford Talks Borderlands, Piracy and Why He Doesn't Trust Valve
TeamXbox: Borderlands - Know Your Heroes

Gamespot: Borderlands Updated Hands-On - High Level Gameplay

The following lists displays who is getting Borderlands and for what system in the hopes of some friendly, honest trading, co-op killing goodness when the game is released. So let us know system you're getting it on and I'll add your name here (if you want, no pressure).
DukeEdwardI (Steam Login: notsofatmike, Steam ID: DukeEdwardI, Gamespy ID: Queenzors)
Hydro2Oxide (Steam ID: Hotdinosaurs, Gamespy ID: Shmagm)
TLPRIME (Steam ID: ?, Gamespy ID: ?)
Rhett (Steam ID: ?, Gamespy ID: ?)
Guerilla (Steam ID: ?, Gamespy ID: ?)
cgarb84 (Steam ID: AceFan84, Gamespy ID: AceFan84)
Lokki (Steam ID: ?, Gamespy ID: DeathTrip07)
csalzman (Steam ID: Ubersoldat, Gamespy ID: csalzman)
udabenshen (Steam ID: udabenshen, Gamespy ID: ?)
basilofbkrst (Steam Login: Soclairian, Steam ID: Soclairian, Gamespy ID: kender4hire)
eastx (Steam ID: EastX, Gamespy ID: EastX)
soliddragon (Steam ID: FearOfPop, Gamespy ID: SolidDragon?)
Prock (Steam ID: ProckU, Gamespy ID: ?)
Jam424 (Steam ID: skydivejam, Gamespy ID: ?)
Seh (Steam ID: ?, Gamespy ID: ?)
Salamando3000 (Steam ID: Salamando3000, Gamespy ID: Salamando3000)
eswat (Gamespy ID: pkarpiak)
aheineken (XBL: WRXKayaker)
maxin2boobles (XBL: maxim2boobles)
eastx (XBL: EastX)
tokitoki50 (XBL: MrBryson)
carbontiger (XBL: CarbonTiger)
Irukandji (XBL: Jon G and Jamie?)
SageBilly (XBL: Dark Knight OWN?)
JustAim (XBL: ADHDeath)
Guerrilla (XBL: ?)
Count (PSN: MGO_Count)
raizanillusion (PSN: FujiwaraDashing)
refusedchaos (PSN: refusedchaos)
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I think this game is gonna be awesome, and I actually like the art style.

However, I do have wonder exactly how many guns will be in the game. I am sure they have put quite a bit in, but how many of them will actually be unique? I mean do they have like 50 small variations of the same pistol? Or 50 very unique pistols?
[quote name='darthbudge']I think this game is gonna be awesome, and I actually like the art style.

However, I do have wonder exactly how many guns will be in the game. I am sure they have put quite a bit in, but how many of them will actually be unique? I mean do they have like 50 small variations of the same pistol? Or 50 very unique pistols?[/QUOTE]

I imagine this will be much like PSO, which is also why I'm going to get it for console. It'll have it's increasing tier of weapons (So like pistol 1, 2, 3... 9, or shotgun, or assault rifle, or sniper etc.) and then rare drops that are special.

*EDIT: On further research, it turns out they're just procedurally generated, like Diablo.

Love that they put in splitscreen, something games are really starting to lose touch with.
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Yeah, if this game actually gets good reviews, I might double dip and get the PC and 360 versions.

EDIT: Is this game gonna be on Steam?
[quote name='darthbudge']Yeah, if this game actually gets good reviews, I might double dip and get the PC and 360 versions.[/QUOTE]

I was actually considering doing this, that would all depend on if there is excellent support or mod support for it.

As for being on Steam, Valve usually holds their cards to their chest on whether games are going up or not. You probably won't know until preorders are going on. However, considering 2K's collection is up there and Gearbox games are up there (Not to mention they've done some work for Valve before), I'd say it's a safe bet.
I have become very interested in this game over the last few months. The change in graphics are what got me more interested, the old look was bland, generic, and boring IMO. I am going to wait on some feedback on this one before I make up my mind but it if it similar to Diablo II and plays well then I will most likely pick it up.
[quote name='cgarb84']I have become very interested in this game over the last few months. The change in graphics are what got me more interested, the old look was bland, generic, and boring IMO. I am going to wait on some feedback on this one before I make up my mind but it if it similar to Diablo II and plays well then I will most likely pick it up.[/QUOTE]

I'm with you on that one. I was interested before, but the art style change was the thing that piqued my interest even more. The old style looked just like any other shooter. Now it just looks like Crackdown and Fallout3 had a baby. Which I like.

As for whether or not I'll get it for 360 or PC, i'll probably end up getting it on PC. I usually like my "loot" and FPS games on PC anyway. Besides, I have a feeling i'll have more fun if i'm sitting in my office chair while playing Borderlands. Maybe it's cause I haven't had a PC game to be tied to for a week (or more) since fallout 3. And I think this might remedy that. This and Dragon Age.

But it's my hope that Gearbox optimizes this well and doesn't include some shitty DRM (disc checks are ok though). Can anybody comment on if Hell's Highway was a good port or not?
Gamespot: Borderlands E3 2009 Demo - Skill Trees, Mad Loot and a Slick New Art Style

This preview did a good job explaining things I think a lot of people might be curious about:

1) Game will have a good amount of humor e.g. creature names like "Mutant Midget Psycho"
2) 20-30 narrative missions, 130-140 side missions and "untold number of outposts, caves, and other uncharted nooks to explore."
3) There will be 3 acts with a transitional sequence in between each act. The landscape will be different in each act.
4) Elite monsters will not be called elite, but "badass"
5) Will use the standard loot labeling color system e.g. gray = common and purple = rare
6) You can set the options for who gets the loot in co-op games e.g. first come first serve or random dice rolls
7) Your game can be public or private
8) There will be "high tech lamp posts" where you can summon vehicles. You can then customize the vehicle to your liking (the colors anyway, maybe more).
9) Will feature a day/night cycle.

I thought this paragraph did a great job explaining the soldier's skills and the ways you can use them:
"You'll travel through Borderlands as one of four characters. Each one has a general class (tank, soldier, and so on) and three unique skill trees. Although some of the skill trees will provide familiar skills and attribute boosts, others are a bit more unexpected. Take the soldier, for example. The main skill tree will let players become proficient with assault rifles, able to use more damaging ammo types (fire, electric, explosive), and grant them the ability to create automatic turrets. The medic skill tree, on the other hand, will change that offensive turret into a healing turret. Players standing near it will get healed, and it has a chance to revive players when they fall in combat. The medic soldier can also load healing bullets into his or her various guns, and the healing power will parallel the firearm power. So a submachine gun will spray constant health from short range, a shotgun will deliver a larger health blast, and a sniper rifle shot from up on the hillside can replenish most of your health in one critical shot. The tactical possibilities here are substantial, especially if you are taking advantage of the two-, three-, or four-player Cooperative mode (two-player spilt-screen mode will be included)."

So yeah, this game has got quite a bit of meat to it. I'm going to do my best to post more previews/interviews/videos in this thread so you'll only have to come here to stay up to date. No promises though :)
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If this comes on Steam, I will definately get it for PC. If not, then I will just get it for 360.

I am so glad I just ordered my new Quad Core system for all these new PC games. Plus I will finally get to play Crysis!
I had been looking forward to this, but honestly, this new art-style is a massive turn-off.

Super-exaggerated character features look odd especially compared to the old designs, the cel-shading on animals and characters clashes with the environment and background, and the entire feel of the game has been changed, imo, with those few visual changes and the trailer's vibe.

I will be watching this closely and, depending on the release method, may partake in a fully featured demo to at least try it.
I can see where you're coming from crystal. The earlier art style had kind of a serious vibe and look to it and they did a complete 180 what with the new concept art style and humor vibe. Which works just fine for me, but I can see it completely turning some people away like it did with you.
I've posted an interview with Randy Pitchford that IGN did right before E3 in the OP. In it he talks about the basics of Borderlands, but there are still a few interesting tidbits of info in there.

Oh, I also discovered somewhere that Borderlands uses the Unreal Engine 3. So my confidence in an optimized PC version is now slightly higher.
Game looks pretty interesting. I might just pick up the PC version, since I find it easier to play co-op on that platform with PUGs. Maybe I'll pick it up for either the PS3 of 360 if I really like it.
Found a great video (via featuring 8 minutes of gameplay! It's in Italian though, so I had no idea what they were saying. It's definitely the best video demonstrating what the gameplay will be like. Well, the gunplay anyway. I don't think they got into the skill trees or the skills themselves.
I agree with you mostly Hydro. TBH, the first time watching, I didn't really notice or care about the AI. I watched it again and took notice of it. For the most part, dudes seem to just stand around or run around in a small area just waiting to get shot. I saw a couple of guys crouching behind cover, but those instances were few and far between.

While i would be more than happy to see some improvements to the AI, I can't say that I'd be bothered that much if the AI was the way it is in that video. In a game like this (where the focus is killing dudes and collecting loot), AI doesn't really play much of a part (to me). I view this game kind of like Diablo or Titan Quest, but it's in first person. The AI wasn't exactly the main draw of those games.

Plus there seem to be A LOT of enemies on screen at once firing from all directions. When the focus of the game is to just own bitches and collect their loot, it doesn't bother me that all of those midget/giant/normal dudes aren't the brightest crayons in the box.
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']Disc versions of the BiA series had some pretty awful DRM IIRC, here's to hoping it lands on Steam.[/QUOTE]

Just because it's on Steam, doesn't mean that the awful DRM won't be there. It may be taken off, but it might be taken off either.
@Duke, I also had a similar feeling but I was also put off by the thought that bosses will be equally as stale. I'd also hope the 'Badass' enemies have improved AI.

[quote name='mogamer']Just because it's on Steam, doesn't mean that the awful DRM won't be there. It may be taken off, but it might be taken off either.[/QUOTE]

The BiA series had it taken off so that's what I'm basing it off. Though I suppose it lies with the publisher and AFAIK 2K Games Games (Heh) had no additional DRM software on Steam
@Hydro, Good point. I too would like more of a challenge when facing off against supposed "badass" enemies. We'll find out in October.
This game almost seems like the love child of Fallout 3 and Diablo II, which certainly gets my interest seeing as how those are 2 of my all time favorite games. The aspect of Diablo II that made it so popular for so long (tons of people still play it) was the loot, which Borderlands seems to make a priority.

I just hope the 'loot' is more than just guns. I'm talking body armor, melee weapons, helmets, boots, gloves, accessories, etc. If they incorporate all of that, this game has the potential to have Diablo-esque replay value.
[quote name='aheineken'] I just hope the 'loot' is more than just guns. I'm talking body armor, melee weapons, helmets, boots, gloves, accessories, etc. If they incorporate all of that, this game has the potential to have Diablo-esque replay value.[/QUOTE]

A lot of people have been wondering about that and so far Gearbox has remained silent. I know that there are grenades and shields that can be picked up, but I haven't heard or seen anything about armor and armor pieces.

I know you can customize your character's colors and all of that, and while that's nice, it's not the same as decking your character out in armor. Remember what a high level barbarian looked like in Diablo 2? Yeah, I want that level of badassery in this game.
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Gamespot: Hands-on Impressions

Gamespot also had a hands-on today. A few interesting things came up:

1) Will have a loot sweep option. Hold a button (X on the 360) and sweet across a group of loot to grab it all.
2) Will have "dog leg" zones that act as instances you can farm over and over again for more loot.
3) Difficulty will be scaled depending on how many players there are.
4) Experience, Cash and ammo will be distributed evenly among the group (regardless of contribution unfortunately :cry: )

Also, apparently Gearbox has decided to leave out the "round robin" option for weapon drops. Now it's just "first come, first serve." Even on the super rare weapons. There's also no option to inspect other players in your group. Gearbox told Gamepsot, "it's all part of the plan to help foster the intended value of the game's items and keep players coming back for one more boss."

Ugh, that's going to get messy when playing with strangers. I was going to play with friends only anyway, but if your friends aren't online and you have to play with strangers, it has the potential to get real nasty:

"Who picked up the rare???"
"It wasn't me!!!! (I totally picked it up but I'm going to play innocent and blame somebody else!) It must have been so-and-so!"

Still really looking forward to the game, but that kinda sucks.

EDIT: Strategy Informer: Borderlands Preview

Some more interesting tidbits came out of this preview posted today:

1)Has a system called "Fight for your Life." This works kind of like Left 4 Dead's system as in when your health is drained, you drop to one knee and wait for someone to come and revive you. What's different is when you kill your attacker, you get a "second wind" (a regenerative health boost) and you continue fighting due to your own awesomeness.

Also found a bit that I was curious about:
"The remaining members Roland, Brick and Mordecai each possess medical, aggressive and increased combat capabilities respectively, with each given their own specific skill tree to develop. Playing with these characters counts towards your overall level, so your character is always persistently upgrading between each game mode the entire time you play."
I wonder if that means the characters you aren't playing also gain a level/stat point when the character you are playing gains a level?
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This looks awesome; I hope my PC can play it. I don't really know how to compare or gauge system specs, but my laptop can play Crysis on medium-high settings, so I kind of just go from there...
I've just started reading previews and watching videos for this game in the last few days but I'm starting to get pretty excited for this game. As someone else said, Diablo 2 and Fallout 3 are the two games that come to mind when I see footage of this game, and there is nothing wrong with being compared to those games.

One of the best parts of Diablo 2 is never knowing what weapons or items you were going to find. The idea of hundreds of thousands of weapons is alone enough to get me heavily interested in this. Plus Gearbox is a good developer.:whee:
Whew! Lots of previews/interviews to sort through today! But it's good that people have finally gotten their hands on it and a lot of the impressions are very postive. Here's a list of pros and cons I've come up with today based on what I've read:

-Great controls. Call of duty-esque feel.
-People were really digging the graphics (art style).
-A lot of "it was over too soon" feelings.
-Gun generator does not disappoint. Very distinct weapons.
-Classes special abilities are fun to use (turret, phase walk, etc).
-Coop works really well.

-Few rough edges in visuals.
-A few cases of identical weapons with minor stat differences (reload speed, fire rate, range, etc)
-Loot is a little cumbersome to pick up. Have to be looking directly at it and press a button.
-A lot of stuff people are still curious about (inventory? armor?)
-So far a lot better than Hellgate: London and Too Human.

Found a post on the official Borderlands forum from Mikey Neuman (MikeZ) "the guy who can get things, if you wanna know about borderlands," regarding armor:

"Armor" in Borderlands can be broken down into one of two schools of thought.

Statistics and Visuals. It's all represented, just probably not in the traditional sense you're thinking of.

We have a very robust system for upgrading your character in ways that are not weapons. You can upgrade:

-Class Mod

All of these added together provide the same ability to customize your character as a traditional RPG, albeit in a slightly simplified matter. A shield is basically what keeps you alive, but with thousands upon thousands of them around, you're sure to find some that do really interesting things (faster recharge, higher capacity, do damage to enemies, light **** on fire, make you breakfast, etc.)

In addition there are class mods which do all matter of crazy things. Class mods are specific to Hunter, Siren, Besersker, Soldier, and can affect any number of things. Some buff your existing skill tree stats, some increase individual skills as well as well as Co-Op skills (i.e. stand next to Mordecai and your accuracy goes way up!) Some do crazy stuff like multiply the number of bullets you fire each time you fire your gun... the list goes on. I'm just listing off the crap I've seen-- and there's no way I've seen all of it.

Artifacts are another type of collectible gear. These are rare, and they can have really insane effects. The one I have on my Bloodwing right now actually blows people up on contact... it's crazy. And hilarious. And everyone loves a bird that can blow people up. That's the only one I'll spoil... Artifacts are the super happiest drop you'll find in Borderlands.

And as for visuals. We separated the visual customizations of the characters from the gear upgrades to allow people to look how they want without affecting their gear. Like in some games... you end up looking like a total dork just to get the stats you need. Not so in Borderlands. The characters can be customized and re-customized at any New-U station around Pandora.

I think I answered that to the best of my ability. Please refrain from eating the chairs.



Yes, there are tons of shields that protect against certain types of damage. Some protect against multiple, some are all purpose. This is represented visually in the game, so you know if you're trying to light some fool on fire that is protected from that, you can switch and electrocute him into marshmellow goo.


I didn't mention grenade upgrades (which are plentiful and hilarious) or ammo upgrades for all of the ammo types...

It sounds like a cool system. A little bummed about the lack of visual customization, but it's small potatoes, IMO. Perhaps the color customization will be enough. Those artifacts sound awesome though.

Hope this info is helpful to any of those who were wondering about armor/shields/etc.

EDIT: ANOTHER post from MikeZ about customization:

The New-U stations are being shown off everywhere people are playing the game. I think it would be a safe bet to reel in your expectations a little bit about the visual customization, though.

Bummer. Oh well. It makes sense though. I hated looking like a clown reject during the first 50 levels of WoW.
Rock, Paper, Shotgun: RPS Interogation - Randy Pitchford vs The Fans

RP answers questions from the community. Here's an interesting question regarding the difference between the console and PC version.

Pasmith: Should we buy the Xbox or PC version of Borderlands? What, if anything, is different between them.
"It’s tough. It’s very tough, I’ll tell ya. On one level I do like sitting on my couch with the surround sound and the wireless controller, on the other level I mean you will not get a better-looking image than in the PC version of the game. And when you’re playing a first-person shooter, the mouse and keyboard interface is still the best way to go. It’s a tough thing. At work I play the PC version, because I’m in an office setting, my computer’s in front of me, I’ve got a nice monitor and when I play at home I do play on the couch with my 360. But the PC version destroys all the console versions in terms of the image fidelity – assuming you have the hardware for it."
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I like what they're going for but it comes off as honestly, one of the worst cover arts I've seen. It looks like a comic book, but not a very good one.
Added the boxart to the OP (thanks darthbudge). Also PC Borderlands will NOT have achievements as it's not a GFW title. This is a good thing IMO since GFWL hasn't done anything good for me.
To be honest, I had never heard of this game until yesterday when I read the article about the cover art (which I think is terrible due to the suicide reference). Just now is the first time I actually read anything about it, and cover aside, I'm actually interested in the game since it seems very similar to PSO and Diablo 2. Will definitely be keeping an eye on it, though I can't imagine purchasing it until Steam has a sale on it.
[quote name='fatmanforlife99']I tested this game for the 360 at their studio, It's not that great of a game tbh.[/QUOTE]

Elaborate. Now. Every detail.
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']Elaborate. Now. Every detail.[/QUOTE]

Hahaha. I just dont believe its a good game. Plot is pretty fucking stupid, some dumb fucking enemies, weapons are not that bad ass. The FPS/RPG mix is not really implemented that well. IDK just overall a horrible IP, should of sticked with the marine game they were making.
[quote name='fatmanforlife99']Hahaha. I just dont believe its a good game. Plot is pretty fucking stupid, some dumb fucking enemies, weapons are not that bad ass. The FPS/RPG mix is not really implemented that well. IDK just overall a horrible IP, should of sticked with the marine game they were making.[/QUOTE]

:roll: What a buzzkill you are.
[quote name='fatmanforlife99']I tested this game for the 360 at their studio, It's not that great of a game tbh.[/QUOTE]

You seem sort of too stupid for this to be true.
How do you figure that zewone? I would really like to know what you mean by that.

Since their headquarters are in Plano, Texas about a 20 min drive from where I live, it's pretty plausible. So Idk why you come in here saying I am too stupid. nothing but a troll.

To duke, sorry dude, the guy wanted the details. Just trying to save you 40-50 bucks.
I've lost most interest in it when I learned it was FPS. Fatman's summary is a final nail in the coffin for me. If it gets very high reviews I may reconsider though.
bread's done