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Release Date: October 20, 2009 (October 26, 2009 for PC)
Not a GFWL title (won't have achievements).
Character classes (character descriptions taken from an IGN interview with Randy Pitchford):
1) Roland (Soldier) - "There is Roland, the soldier. He's an expert with all weapons, though he prefers shotguns and assault rifles. He can deploy a shield turret that can be upgraded throughout the game. He can also buy other skills and augmentations that befit the soldier class."
2) Mordecai (Hunter) - "Mordecai is the hunter. He's agile and is equipped with a sword as a melee weapon. He's expert with sniper rifles. He has a pet Bloodwing, which is, like, a hundred times more deadly than even the best trained falcon. He can send that thing at enemies to rend them apart. The Bloodwing can get tougher and grow in skill too as you play the game."
3) Lilith (Siren) - "Lilith is a Siren, which is a mysterious, mystical type that has been touched by alien technology. She has strange powers such as the ability to Phase Walk, which is kind of like when Frodo puts on the ring, except that when she takes it off she can kill everything around her with a shock-wave like nova effect. She's awesome."
4) Brick (Tank/Bruiser) - "Finally there is Brick, who is the tank bruiser of the group. He's just as comfortable smashing you to a pulp with his fists as he is blowing you to bits with a heavy rocket launcher. Among other traits he can improve and grow, he has the ability to go into a berserker blood rage which makes him super powerful at close range with his meaty fists."
2) Mordecai (Hunter) - "Mordecai is the hunter. He's agile and is equipped with a sword as a melee weapon. He's expert with sniper rifles. He has a pet Bloodwing, which is, like, a hundred times more deadly than even the best trained falcon. He can send that thing at enemies to rend them apart. The Bloodwing can get tougher and grow in skill too as you play the game."
3) Lilith (Siren) - "Lilith is a Siren, which is a mysterious, mystical type that has been touched by alien technology. She has strange powers such as the ability to Phase Walk, which is kind of like when Frodo puts on the ring, except that when she takes it off she can kill everything around her with a shock-wave like nova effect. She's awesome."
4) Brick (Tank/Bruiser) - "Finally there is Brick, who is the tank bruiser of the group. He's just as comfortable smashing you to a pulp with his fists as he is blowing you to bits with a heavy rocket launcher. Among other traits he can improve and grow, he has the ability to go into a berserker blood rage which makes him super powerful at close range with his meaty fists."
Engine: Unreal Engine 3
E3 Trailer:
7/24/09 Trailer:
Character Trailer:
The Making of Borderlands Webisodes:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Gametrailers: Gameplay Montage
Gametrailers: Punching Skags Gameplay
Gametrailers: Split Screen Gameplay
Gametrailers: Menus Gameplay
Gametrailers: Mad Criticals Gameplay
Gametrailers: Arid Hills Gameplay
Gamespot: Skags Attack Gameplay
Gamespot: Customize Gameplay
Gamespot: Help Gameplay
IGN: Building Assault
IGN: Street Battle
Joystiq: Watch a Co-op Killing Spree Through Borderlands
GiantBomb: Borderlands Quick Look
IGN: Borderlands is for Real Gamers
Gametrailers: Windmill Camp Gameplay
Gametrailers: Headstone Mine Gameplay
Gametrailers: Lost Cave Gameplay
Gametrailers: Skagzilla Gameplay
Gametrailers: Co-Op Shootout Gameplay
E3 Trailer:
7/24/09 Trailer:
Character Trailer:
The Making of Borderlands Webisodes:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Gametrailers: Gameplay Montage
Gametrailers: Punching Skags Gameplay
Gametrailers: Split Screen Gameplay
Gametrailers: Menus Gameplay
Gametrailers: Mad Criticals Gameplay
Gametrailers: Arid Hills Gameplay
Gamespot: Skags Attack Gameplay
Gamespot: Customize Gameplay
Gamespot: Help Gameplay
IGN: Building Assault
IGN: Street Battle
Joystiq: Watch a Co-op Killing Spree Through Borderlands
GiantBomb: Borderlands Quick Look
IGN: Borderlands is for Real Gamers
Gametrailers: Windmill Camp Gameplay
Gametrailers: Headstone Mine Gameplay
Gametrailers: Lost Cave Gameplay
Gametrailers: Skagzilla Gameplay
Gametrailers: Co-Op Shootout Gameplay
87 bazillion guns. 4 player co-op. Colors.
This is one of my must-buys for the holiday season. Along with Dragon Age and Modern Warfare 2. I love Diablo and Titan Quest and this is that...in first person...in the future...with guns. What's not to like?
And I know the art style is going to be a hot topic. It is on every other Borderlands board. I just hope it stays civil and we avoid stupid, shallow posts like "the new art style looks like a cartoon and it sucks!"
EDIT: I'm going to be posting previews/videos/interviews from other sites from here on out. Since randy Pitchford seems to do a lot of these, I'm just going to call him 'RP'.
May 22, 2009
IGN: Pre-E3 2009 - We Head Into the Borderlands
-Pre E3 interview with RP that covers some of basics of borderlands (character classes, amount of guns, change of art style, etc)
June 4, 2009
Gamespot: Borderlands E3 Demo - Skill Trees, Mad Loot and a Slick New Art Style
-Reporting on a demo they saw, a lot of little info (post #8 for highlights)
July 28, 2009 - TONS of new previews/interviews today!
GiantBomb: We Played Borderlands
-Hands-on impression.
GiantBomb: Randy Pitchford on Borderlands
-Video interview with RP. Discusses the process in changing the art style, story, guns and co-op.
Gamespot: Hands-On Impressions
-Some interesting things came up (post #27 for more about that)
G4TV: Borderlands Gearbox's CEO Randy Pitchford Interview
-Video Interview with RP. Discusses process in changing art (again), role playing aspects, co-op, Brothers in Arms series, Samba De Amigo and Aliens: Colonial Marines
Strategy Informer: Borderlands Preview
-Postive Hands-on impression. Most interesting details discussed in post #27.
GamePro: Borderlands Hands-On - GamePro Roundtable
-Round table discussion. Praises and gripes.
Destructoid: Preview
-Impressions from a hands-on. Praises and gripes.
VideoGamer: Borderlands Hands-On Preview
MTV Multiplayer: 'Borderlands' Has 3,166,880 Different Weapons
Kotaku: Borderlands Preview - It Shoots Rockets!
1UP: Borderlands Preview
Gamespot: Randy Pitchford Interview (video)
-Another interview with RP. A lot of the same stuff that's been said before today.
Gametrailers: Executive Producer Interview
-Interview with same info.
IGN: Gearbox on Borderlands' Graphic Cover
-Interview with RP explaining the box art.
Gametrailers: GC09 Randy Pitchford Interview
-Interview with RP with new gameplay spliced in
Gamespot: Updated Hands-On - Exclusive Look at Shooting, Gaining Levels and Exploring the Wasteland
Games On Net: Reader Interview - Randy Pitchford
Kotaku: Borderlands Is An Exhilirating But Oddly Hollow Experience
Shacknews: Borderlands Impressions (Plus Five New Videos)
Gametrailers: Borderlands Preview
Gamespot: Borderlands Preview
GiantBomb: Borderlands' Big Baddies - The Crimson Lance
GameInformer: In Borderlands, The Struggle to Survive is Easier With a Friend
Destructoid: How F'ing Metal is Borderlands?
MaximumPC: Randy Pitchford Talks Borderlands, Piracy and Why He Doesn't Trust Valve
TeamXbox: Borderlands - Know Your Heroes
Gamespot: Borderlands Updated Hands-On - High Level Gameplay
IGN: Pre-E3 2009 - We Head Into the Borderlands
-Pre E3 interview with RP that covers some of basics of borderlands (character classes, amount of guns, change of art style, etc)
June 4, 2009
Gamespot: Borderlands E3 Demo - Skill Trees, Mad Loot and a Slick New Art Style
-Reporting on a demo they saw, a lot of little info (post #8 for highlights)
July 28, 2009 - TONS of new previews/interviews today!
GiantBomb: We Played Borderlands
-Hands-on impression.
GiantBomb: Randy Pitchford on Borderlands
-Video interview with RP. Discusses the process in changing the art style, story, guns and co-op.
Gamespot: Hands-On Impressions
-Some interesting things came up (post #27 for more about that)
G4TV: Borderlands Gearbox's CEO Randy Pitchford Interview
-Video Interview with RP. Discusses process in changing art (again), role playing aspects, co-op, Brothers in Arms series, Samba De Amigo and Aliens: Colonial Marines
Strategy Informer: Borderlands Preview
-Postive Hands-on impression. Most interesting details discussed in post #27.
GamePro: Borderlands Hands-On - GamePro Roundtable
-Round table discussion. Praises and gripes.
Destructoid: Preview
-Impressions from a hands-on. Praises and gripes.
VideoGamer: Borderlands Hands-On Preview
MTV Multiplayer: 'Borderlands' Has 3,166,880 Different Weapons
Kotaku: Borderlands Preview - It Shoots Rockets!
1UP: Borderlands Preview
Gamespot: Randy Pitchford Interview (video)
-Another interview with RP. A lot of the same stuff that's been said before today.
Gametrailers: Executive Producer Interview
-Interview with same info.
IGN: Gearbox on Borderlands' Graphic Cover
-Interview with RP explaining the box art.
Gametrailers: GC09 Randy Pitchford Interview
-Interview with RP with new gameplay spliced in
Gamespot: Updated Hands-On - Exclusive Look at Shooting, Gaining Levels and Exploring the Wasteland
Games On Net: Reader Interview - Randy Pitchford
Kotaku: Borderlands Is An Exhilirating But Oddly Hollow Experience
Shacknews: Borderlands Impressions (Plus Five New Videos)
Gametrailers: Borderlands Preview
Gamespot: Borderlands Preview
GiantBomb: Borderlands' Big Baddies - The Crimson Lance
GameInformer: In Borderlands, The Struggle to Survive is Easier With a Friend
Destructoid: How F'ing Metal is Borderlands?
MaximumPC: Randy Pitchford Talks Borderlands, Piracy and Why He Doesn't Trust Valve
TeamXbox: Borderlands - Know Your Heroes
Gamespot: Borderlands Updated Hands-On - High Level Gameplay
The following lists displays who is getting Borderlands and for what system in the hopes of some friendly, honest trading, co-op killing goodness when the game is released. So let us know system you're getting it on and I'll add your name here (if you want, no pressure).
DukeEdwardI (Steam Login: notsofatmike, Steam ID: DukeEdwardI, Gamespy ID: Queenzors)
Hydro2Oxide (Steam ID: Hotdinosaurs, Gamespy ID: Shmagm)
TLPRIME (Steam ID: ?, Gamespy ID: ?)
Rhett (Steam ID: ?, Gamespy ID: ?)
Guerilla (Steam ID: ?, Gamespy ID: ?)
cgarb84 (Steam ID: AceFan84, Gamespy ID: AceFan84)
Lokki (Steam ID: ?, Gamespy ID: DeathTrip07)
csalzman (Steam ID: Ubersoldat, Gamespy ID: csalzman)
udabenshen (Steam ID: udabenshen, Gamespy ID: ?)
basilofbkrst (Steam Login: Soclairian, Steam ID: Soclairian, Gamespy ID: kender4hire)
eastx (Steam ID: EastX, Gamespy ID: EastX)
soliddragon (Steam ID: FearOfPop, Gamespy ID: SolidDragon?)
Prock (Steam ID: ProckU, Gamespy ID: ?)
Jam424 (Steam ID: skydivejam, Gamespy ID: ?)
Seh (Steam ID: ?, Gamespy ID: ?)
Salamando3000 (Steam ID: Salamando3000, Gamespy ID: Salamando3000)
eswat (Gamespy ID: pkarpiak)
Hydro2Oxide (Steam ID: Hotdinosaurs, Gamespy ID: Shmagm)
TLPRIME (Steam ID: ?, Gamespy ID: ?)
Rhett (Steam ID: ?, Gamespy ID: ?)
Guerilla (Steam ID: ?, Gamespy ID: ?)
cgarb84 (Steam ID: AceFan84, Gamespy ID: AceFan84)
Lokki (Steam ID: ?, Gamespy ID: DeathTrip07)
csalzman (Steam ID: Ubersoldat, Gamespy ID: csalzman)
udabenshen (Steam ID: udabenshen, Gamespy ID: ?)
basilofbkrst (Steam Login: Soclairian, Steam ID: Soclairian, Gamespy ID: kender4hire)
eastx (Steam ID: EastX, Gamespy ID: EastX)
soliddragon (Steam ID: FearOfPop, Gamespy ID: SolidDragon?)
Prock (Steam ID: ProckU, Gamespy ID: ?)
Jam424 (Steam ID: skydivejam, Gamespy ID: ?)
Seh (Steam ID: ?, Gamespy ID: ?)
Salamando3000 (Steam ID: Salamando3000, Gamespy ID: Salamando3000)
eswat (Gamespy ID: pkarpiak)
aheineken (XBL: WRXKayaker)
maxin2boobles (XBL: maxim2boobles)
eastx (XBL: EastX)
tokitoki50 (XBL: MrBryson)
carbontiger (XBL: CarbonTiger)
Irukandji (XBL: Jon G and Jamie?)
SageBilly (XBL: Dark Knight OWN?)
JustAim (XBL: ADHDeath)
Guerrilla (XBL: ?)
maxin2boobles (XBL: maxim2boobles)
eastx (XBL: EastX)
tokitoki50 (XBL: MrBryson)
carbontiger (XBL: CarbonTiger)
Irukandji (XBL: Jon G and Jamie?)
SageBilly (XBL: Dark Knight OWN?)
JustAim (XBL: ADHDeath)
Guerrilla (XBL: ?)
Count (PSN: MGO_Count)
raizanillusion (PSN: FujiwaraDashing)
refusedchaos (PSN: refusedchaos)
raizanillusion (PSN: FujiwaraDashing)
refusedchaos (PSN: refusedchaos)
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