Borderlands Discussion Thread - Game of the Year Edition Available Now!

[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']And why would you want that? That'd suck all the fun out.[/QUOTE]
If the only fun in this game comes from farming bosses for loot, then I should cancel now.
Just got this today. So far I'm thinking "meh," but that's what I thought at the beginning of Fallout too, and I ended up loving it. How log until I get to make some sweet guns?
Well Amazon silently updated my order to shipping on the 4th. We'll see if it sticks! Wish they'd e-mail me about these things, especially since they send me notifications for the dumbest things.
[quote name='seen']Why would you want a physical copy which will require you to keep the disk in at all times?[/QUOTE]
Come on now. How long have you played pc games? ;)
[quote name='Sofa King Kool']Just got this today. So far I'm thinking "meh," but that's what I thought at the beginning of Fallout too, and I ended up loving it. How log until I get to make some sweet guns?[/QUOTE]

Make guns? don't make any weapons, you find them all, whether it be from standard enemies, bosses, weapon cases, or other various things located throughout the world.

The only way I could see some people think this game is boring/lame/whatever, is if they're playing by themselves, which really isn't the way the game is meant to be played. I've been playing with a minimum of two friends the entire game and it's a total blast. I really couldn't ask for more considering I only spent $34 on it. Hell, had I known it'd be this awesome, I gladly would've spent the full $50 on it.
[quote name='Jodou']If the only fun in this game comes from farming bosses for loot, then I should cancel now.[/QUOTE]

Well to be fair the game is very average as a shooter alone. I would say the greatest joy comes from the constant messing around with new weapons. So yes, if that's how you intend to play I wouldn't be surprised if you get bored after then end of your first playthrough.

[quote name='SEH']Make guns? don't make any weapons, you find them all, whether it be from standard enemies, bosses, weapon cases, or other various things located throughout the world.

The only way I could see some people think this game is boring/lame/whatever, is if they're playing by themselves, which really isn't the way the game is meant to be played. I've been playing with a minimum of two friends the entire game and it's a total blast. I really couldn't ask for more considering I only spent $34 on it. Hell, had I known it'd be this awesome, I gladly would've spent the full $50 on it.[/QUOTE]

I believe he's referring to some sort of hex editor to build guns, considering all saves are local.
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']Well to be fair the game is very average as a shooter alone. I would say the greatest joy comes from the constant messing around with new weapons. So yes, if that's how you intend to play I wouldn't be surprised if you get bored after then end of your first playthrough.[/QUOTE]

Indeed. I keep a lot of guns in my inventory just to see how effective they are against different types of enemies. However, It's tough trying to figure out what those phrases in red that some guns have mean. Are they riddles? Do they give that weapon some crazy effect that has a small chance to happen? Haven't quite figured that out yet.

I am LOVING this game. I honestly can't stop playing. Unfortunately, I'm spending half of my time this week at work so I can only play SP which gets a little boring after a while. I've only been able to co-op for a couple of hours so far but it was easily twice as fun.

The UI is a little rough, but it's nothing game-breaking. I've gotten quite used to using the keyboard to navigate through the menus so it's not really annoying at all. The frame rate was kind of all over the place at first, but turning off dynamic shadows and turning textures down to medium helped out a lot. Now it's running fairly consistently at 60fps. How is the game running for the lot of you?

This game so far is exactly what I was looking forward to. It's got some rough spots, but it's still a TON of fun and I plan on playing this for quite some time. Looking forward to DLC.

Speaking of, what would you all like to see in DLC? Things I'd like to see off the top of my head:
-More Zones/Enemies
-Expanded Loot (more weapon companies, more ammo types, etc)
-Storage/Shared Storage
-Level Cap Raise
-More Skills
I am glad to hear people are getting into this, from the previews it looked like I may appreciate the game. Considering there has been nearly nothing but a torrent of praise after its release I may be purchasing this sooner than later.
[quote name='DukeEdwardI']Indeed. I keep a lot of guns in my inventory just to see how effective they are against different types of enemies. However, It's tough trying to figure out what those phrases in red that some guns have mean. Are they riddles? Do they give that weapon some crazy effect that has a small chance to happen? Haven't quite figured that out yet.[/QUOTE]

You're gonna love me.
Yeah, my friend has a revolver that is essentially the same thing...a shotgun. It dominates just about everything.
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']It means projectiles, nice revolver shotgun you've got there :p[/QUOTE]

You're shitting me...that's AWESOME. No wonder why every revolver I've found after hasn't been nearly as good. Usually it takes 6 rounds to take out a fuel tank, but that 75x7 revolver blows it up in one shot. I won't be tossing out those x# guns so carelessly now.

On a side note, I'm taking a break from Borderlands for a couple of days. Don't want to get burnt out on it. Playing Torchlight in the meantime. It's awesome. $20 more than well spent.
[quote name='DukeEdwardI']You're shitting me...that's AWESOME. No wonder why every revolver I've found after hasn't been nearly as good. Usually it takes 6 rounds to take out a fuel tank, but that 75x7 revolver blows it up in one shot. I won't be tossing out those x# guns so carelessly now.

On a side note, I'm taking a break from Borderlands for a couple of days. Don't want to get burnt out on it. Playing Torchlight in the meantime. It's awesome. $20 more than well spent.[/QUOTE]

I know! My 80x12 shotgun with +53% damage, +54% attack speed and 12 round clips hasn't been beat for like 8 levels :bouncy:
My friend and I did some farming on New Haven last night for like two hours just getting tons of good shit. We found a shield that has a base of 1374 capacity and 190 recharge, along with a 40% health increase. We just gotta be one level higher to use it (47).

We also found quite a few nice guns. I got a revolver that does 504 damage and has x4 fire chance. I've also got a shotgun that is 152x12 with 65 accuracy and x4 corrosive.
Been playing this for the past four or five hours. I LOVE FINDING AWESOME NEW GUNS. So addicting.

I think I'm level 14, and my best gun at the moment does 201 damage, though it can't aim worth shit...
I'm wondering how to get some good guns. I have watched a few youtube video's (of boss battles i have won (dont want spoilers). So many people (pretty much every video (in fact every one of the 10 i watched)) have guns that are like 2X better then mine and they (character level) are 2-6 levels lower then me. I also notice 90% of videos are Roland.. so strange when it was released all i saw was the Sniper guy, few Chicks.. So i took the generic guy. Now everybody online seems to be him (sure its just my imagination). But im a bit frustrated on the gun drops.. I'm level 32 and useing a gun I got almost 10 levels before becuase nothing better has dropped. I may be a bit to attached to the elemental guns so dont use the "pure" guns. I do know I have seen a few guns with 50 or so more Dmg, but no bonuse elemental dmg.. (and that elemntal dmg adds up quick!) Guess i follow the age old "farming" style like so any others are.
To all those playing as a Siren:

I'm a little confused by this phasewalking business. What exactly am I supposed to use it for? So far I've really only found it useful for escaping unpleasant situations, that's it. Is there something more to it that I missed or overlooked? Also, I know the console versions of the game just got a patch to make phasewalking "work as intended." Anybody know what they changed and if a PC patch is coming?
[quote name='Sofa King Kool']To all those playing as a Siren:

I'm a little confused by this phasewalking business. What exactly am I supposed to use it for? So far I've really only found it useful for escaping unpleasant situations, that's it. Is there something more to it that I missed or overlooked? Also, I know the console versions of the game just got a patch to make phasewalking "work as intended." Anybody know what they changed and if a PC patch is coming?[/QUOTE]
It's good for escaping, but I primarily use it to sneak right into the middle of a tight enemy group, then daze and deal elemental damage to everyone when I exit. The patch fixed an ability called Phase Strike that increases melee damage during Phasewalk.
[quote name='Sofa King Kool']To all those playing as a Siren:

I'm a little confused by this phasewalking business. What exactly am I supposed to use it for? So far I've really only found it useful for escaping unpleasant situations, that's it. Is there something more to it that I missed or overlooked? Also, I know the console versions of the game just got a patch to make phasewalking "work as intended." Anybody know what they changed and if a PC patch is coming?[/QUOTE]

basicly you do DPS in an area when you "phase" it does pretty good damage to anybody around you, so run in to a group, "phase"... then you have some great speed, you can either get behind the biggest baddie in the group and when you "phase" back in you do dmg (again area) and you can point blank to back of head the big guys a few times before they all -find- you again. With some points in it you can almost outright kill most "baddies" so a few shots will kill um after. its not to hot till its built up a bit, yes to start its just a get out of jail free card really.

I seldom use any of the abilities, i just prefer to head shot um.. amazing how crap i was at that when i started, now i can almost spin and jump shot into a headshot. Rolands regen ammo (with ability mod) is the most usefull for me. his turrent is good for distractions, drop it circle around and kill from behind. Sirens pahse is the next best (to me). i just kite the baddies around, duck into cover while they group up, then walk in and phase (with a little bit of points into the dmg part so I do some) in the center of a bunch. I then get pointed at teh meanest one and when i pop out i generely have my big gun in hadn (have it in had to start) and pop him in the head a few times.. Malchie (however you spell it) is pretty deadly with points in sniper, headshot is insta gib pretty much every time. I find the Tank guy the hardest to play..
Are the system requirements really as reasonable as the box indicates. Judging by those requirements I should be able to run it on the $600 laptop I bought last month.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Are the system requirements really as reasonable as the box indicates. Judging by those requirements I should be able to run it on the $600 laptop I bought last month.[/QUOTE]

It might not look too great, but you should be able to play it. I can only do 8x antialiasing without getting framerate dips, and I had to completely turn off the shadows (though I actually prefer them off anyway) and my laptop was $1000 bucks. Everything else is on the highest setting, though, and I've had no problems.
I'm so torn between getting this now or waiting for L4D2. I'm leaning toward picking up Borderlands tonight for the newer gaming experience, L4D2 is simply fun mindless carnage, and who doesn't like that?
Played the game for the first time last night and while I wasn't blown away, the co-op definitely makes the game. I honestly think I'd be snoozing my way through if not for the MP aspect. Guns are cool, I guess, but I don't like the lack of explanation on stats. They really just throw you in expecting you to understand everything and it will take some real homework to figure out min/maxing weapons. Like base damage could be really high, but then there's modifiers that don't factor into the comparison. That aspect really frustrates me because the game is constantly throwing new weapons at you, which ends up devaluing the time you spend on decisions. It's like 'fuck it, I'll just get something new in five minutes so why bother?'

Maps are so tiny (from what I've seen so far) that once you've done 4-5 quests, you've been everywhere in the zone so backtracking feels tedious especially when you can only track one quest at a time. Really hate having to cycle through them all just to see where the WP's are located.

Overall, it's little things that add up where polish was definitely needed. Having to write your own scripts just to toggle scoping (this is really sad because no FPS I know of forces you to fucking HOLD DOWN right-click when zooming) or edit .ini files just to turn on features that are bare necessities in other games is just piss-poor. It's obvious they ported this from consoles and that they don't 'get' PC gamers at all, especially when they patch console versions first and don't mention a time-frame for a PC update at all. To top it off, I've found out that pirates can play online with ease due to ZERO authentication nor CD keys. This game is so easily hackable that it reminds me of open Bnet Diablo II games.

Bottomline, Borderlands is a mild distraction while you wait for games that will hold your interest into next year.
I'm curious about the multiplayer. I'm having a blast just playing by myself, I can't imagine how fun playing with friends must be. Too bad none of my friends do too much online gaming...
[quote name='Jodou']Played the game for the first time last night and while I wasn't blown away, the co-op definitely makes the game. I honestly think I'd be snoozing my way through if not for the MP aspect. Guns are cool, I guess, but I don't like the lack of explanation on stats. They really just throw you in expecting you to understand everything and it will take some real homework to figure out min/maxing weapons. Like base damage could be really high, but then there's modifiers that don't factor into the comparison. That aspect really frustrates me because the game is constantly throwing new weapons at you, which ends up devaluing the time you spend on decisions. It's like 'fuck it, I'll just get something new in five minutes so why bother?'[/QUOTE]

It may feel like this in the beginning because there are so many weapons that you can use right off the bat, but once you go deeper into the game, you really don't have this problem any more. I've got a level 50 Siren, and I think I've only changed my weapons 2-3 times tops since level 25. You'll find really good stuff and in most cases, wind up sticking with it for awhile.

As for the areas being tiny, I don't really feel that way. Sure, there are a few that are small, but then there are also some zones that are pretty damn big. Again, later in the game you wind up in some pretty large zones.
[quote name='Sofa King Kool']I'm curious about the multiplayer. I'm having a blast just playing by myself, I can't imagine how fun playing with friends must be. Too bad none of my friends do too much online gaming...[/QUOTE]

I'm the same way, I've yet to play with more than 3 people. I honestly like the game better on my own.
They're fun in different ways. It's great to blast through bosses in a group, but for the sidequests I kind of like to be alone and do them at my own pace.
Someone else mentioned this earlier, and now I'm experiencing it. I haven't gotten any good guns in a while. I'm still using guns from two or three levels ago...
[quote name='Sofa King Kool']Someone else mentioned this earlier, and now I'm experiencing it. I haven't gotten any good guns in a while. I'm still using guns from two or three levels ago...[/QUOTE]

2-3? I'm still using guns from 7-8 levels ago. They're just good is all.
Speaking of good, outlasting guns :p

Meet my 700 damage, two shot revolver. It also does one of the 4 elements on every shot (every non-element shot is explosive, otherwise it procs the dot of the other elements)

The only downside is it has no scope, and the iron sights suck :(

Also, I'm using it on my 50 Roland, and not a gunslinger Mord :(

Still, though, it rips level 51 SuperBads to shreds.

Sorry for the awful quality, I zoomed it up a bit because I was using a far smaller font size for the modifers than I should have been (to actually see the 5th modifier on most high level items)

I haven't found anything even remotely comparable =/ If I could just find one with a scope!
[quote name='Rhett']Speaking of good, outlasting guns :p

Meet my 700 damage, two shot revolver. It also does one of the 4 elements on every shot (every non-element shot is explosive, otherwise it procs the dot of the other elements)

The only downside is it has no scope, and the iron sights suck :(

Also, I'm using it on my 50 Roland, and not a gunslinger Mord :(

Still, though, it rips level 51 SuperBads to shreds.

Sorry for the awful quality, I zoomed it up a bit because I was using a far smaller font size for the modifers than I should have been (to actually see the 5th modifier on most high level items)

I haven't found anything even remotely comparable =/ If I could just find one with a scope![/QUOTE]
You know what's sad? I have something almost as good on a level 23 green.


You can't see the base, but it's 107x7. This thing does as much as my sniper rifle close range. Their whole gun generation system is retarded.
I just got this game. Not digging teh radar but I like finding random guns. Is the online co op really awesome or should I just this in?
If I play local co-op with my buddy, and I use my own character, what character would my partner be using? This is on the PS3, btw.
[quote name='thegarageband']I just got this game. Not digging teh radar but I like finding random guns. Is the online co op really awesome or should I just this in?[/QUOTE]

People in this huge thread dedicated to this wonderful, hit game are naturally going to tell you to trade the game in instead of playing it. Hurry, get to GameStop!
Gamespy ID: humidore

damn is it hard to get co-op going...either can't join, it lags, or someone has a shitty mic that they insist on yelling into (in any number of foreign languages).
[quote name='humidore']Gamespy ID: humidore

damn is it hard to get co-op going...either can't join, it lags, or someone has a shitty mic that they insist on yelling into (in any number of foreign languages).[/QUOTE]

I've pretty much stayed to hosting a private server with RL friends. We also use Vent instead of the game's voice chat.

I have to use a little trick to host the private server for them to be able to connect. I have to start a public server, invite one of my friends. Once my friend has accepted and shows up in the lobby, I exit out without ever hitting play game. Then I can host a private server and invite my friends and it works fine.

When my friends aren't on, I'm usually leveling up one of my other ones in Single Player.
Lol, not dropping $10 on something that could have been included on the disc, especially since the PC community ended up with a shitty console port. The patch we're getting is no doubt the same one that has been out for roughly a week now on consoles. What is with these companies and shitting on the PC community lately? These fucks forgot who gave them their start.
Wow, I feel kind of lied to after hearing the PC version was going to be the best, and they were mainly supporting their PC fanbase, but now consoles get the DLC first and we'll probably have to pay.
I half-wonder if the reason we haven't received word on the patch nor word on DLC is because they'll be in the same (free) patch. Though the realist in me finds it more likely we haven't received word of DLC because they don't know how to do paid DLC on PC yet.
They haven't confirmed whether the PC DLC will be later or not, Hydro. We'll find out soon though. PC version still has the best graphics, at any rate!
I just picked this up yesterday. I love it so far. I'm like level 7 or something.
I could really use people near my level to co-op with.
My steam id is justicepope if you feel like joining.
[quote name='eastx']They haven't confirmed whether the PC DLC will be later or not, Hydro. We'll find out soon though. PC version still has the best graphics, at any rate![/QUOTE]

Not with my 4870 not being able to AA the game, it looks so jaggy! D3DOverride or whatever isn't working.
[quote name='Jodou']Lol, not dropping $10 on something that could have been included on the disc, especially since the PC community ended up with a shitty console port. The patch we're getting is no doubt the same one that has been out for roughly a week now on consoles. What is with these companies and shitting on the PC community lately? These fucks forgot who gave them their start.[/QUOTE]

How could they have included it on the disc. Game had to ship cause it had already been delayed by the art change. Takes a long time to print discs, they could have easily started after sending the final build to print. I do agree the PC got a shitty port. Supposedly the patch is fixing the console stuff, plus audio stuff and people hosting being able to change you inventory size, etc. Though it's all stuff we should have gotten with our 6 day delay.

I doubt they'll charge for the DLC considering how easy it is to pirate the game and the fact that those people can play with whoever else owns the game. Even people that payed for the game would just torrent it.
After failing to properly use the soldier, I rolled a hunter and am loving it. Having a good sniper rifle early in the game is definitely worth it.
bread's done