BRINK - The Next Generation of FPS Coming May 10th 2011

[quote name='preston181']

Next, the sound is vomit inducing and will irritate the heck out of you. When you shoot for a long time, or are next to an explosion, the sound mutes out. At first, I thought my 360 or television was having issues. Nope, it's intentional. It is so irritating.
wow I must admit I never heard any sound that made me want to vomit, you may have some sort of sensory pathology you may want to get that checked out

The gameplay is crap. You play the solo and multiplayer thru one interface. Missions are sorted by faction, with a separate list for each. You select a mission, and it sets the game up. A brief audio description is played during the unusually long loading screen, and that's it. The objectives are highlighted in a traced cutout, usually representing a terminal or door you have to do something with.
You can use the mission wheel, which is like the ability wheel from Dragon Age, to see, select, or change objectives. This is awkward.
awkward how? I'll admit I didn't use the mission wheel when I played but was it awkward to just not be moving or to take your hand off of analog? personally I find it awkward to switch to the underbelly on CoD.... is this a common feeling

Throwing grenades is also awkward: you have to select the grenade with the left directional arrow, followed by tapping the right bumper. Aiming the grenade is a shot in the dark, and half the time you don't see the explosion and the damage is crap.
well they designed the game to not have instant kills where you toss a grenade and get a guaranteed kill, personally I didn't find it that hard to throw grenades and I got used to it after my first few attempts

Downing enemies is basically like having "last stand" mode from Call of Duty turned on 100% of the time. Getting downed sucks and happens frequently. You can hold out for a medic who almost never comes. If he does, you are thrown a hypo and must revive yourself by holding down the left thumb stick. Also awkward. Alternatively, you can respawn after 15 seconds, WAYYYYYY back at the beginning of the stage.
that sucks that they changed the respawn time [it was 5 or 10 when I played at the Brink event] I don't know why they changed it from pressing x to pressing in the stick but I don't see why that would be so awkward... having the choice to revive means that if you're in a bad spot then you aren't FORCED to revive, I didn't even know you could shoot at that stage but it's pretty simple to off an enemy when they're down especially since it's not a 1 shot one kill game

Character abilities, like the soldier's resupply are also handled by holding down the left thumb stick. The fact this game even needs separate character classes is beyond understanding. It's so irritating having to chuck ammo out to teammates, or frequently micro-managing fallen teammates with the medic. The gameplay is a mess.
ummmm isn't a class based shooter supposed to be class based? isn't the point to make you work together to succeed? in CoD when you run out of bullets you have to get a new gun.... but having a teammate toss you ammo instead is beyond understanding? being able to be revived without going back to base camp is beyond understanding?
When I played I enjoyed tossing my teammates ammo [besides that weird magnetic attraction thing that happens] and working together for the cause

Online play, (public matches) is so laggy that it was unplayable, so I can't really say much about it.

The character setup and weapon customization is great though. If only the rest of the game was this functional and easy to use, Brink might have actually of been a good game. Sadly, these parts are really the only things I actually liked about the game.

In closing, I'm glad I only rented Brink. I would give it a 3 out of 10, and only that high of a score because of the interfaces and because I respect Bethesda and id games as two of my favorites. I just hope Rage isn't as big of a disappointment that this game was.[/QUOTE]
I'm a bit confused by your impression, were you looking forward to this game or did you pick it up on a whim? I can see why you had issues with it especially the online if it's as laggy as they say but I think you're being kind of harsh
I only played two matches, but this is the gist of what I Tweeted here a bit ago:

1. Graphically, it's a bit bit ho-hum.
2. Gameplay is "meh". Not bad, not good. Just "meh". This could change when I'm able to put a bit more time in.
3. I personally think that the damage values need to be fixed. It feels like everything, for the most part, just doesn't do enough damage. In fact, here's my exact Tweet about that:

The damage done by weapons and grenades is pretty weak. If Bin Laden lived in Brink's world, he'd be Swiss cheese and still have a pulse.

8v8 matches were lagtastic, but the 5v5 matches I played in were actually rather smooth. I just really hope that Splash Damage can give some good post-release support for the game and not just chalk it up as a loss. I really want to like this game. Honestly.
So i caved last minute and pre ordered from amazon for release date delivery. Saw the quick look on giant bomb that night and really fucking regretted it. Then when I got my hands on it and went into my first game there was no sound...and on top of that the textures looked like they were vomiting. I turned my xbox off and went outside.

But if anyone wants to play shoot me a friend request. I want to give this game a fair chance tomorrow.
(Gamertag is same as my name)
I have played about 1.5 hours
I believe that qualifies as a preliminary review.

Graphics- I like the cell-shading with high contrast. Honestly though anyone can look that up on youtube let's get real

Story- What is there a story here? I think it got wet and burned (Tried to allude to spash damage in case u missed it)

Teamwork/Multiplayer- Yeah that almost works (kind of like the situation at the roast of Donald Trump). The real problem here is that bots don't usually complete objectives and the objectives are defended really easily. If you're interested to see it in action check out QL: Brink.
Let me also say the spawns oh GOD!

Correction of other reviews- Joystiq is wrong. Going to the objective is not 100% of the time the best move. says they can beat COD on veteran and struggled with this on easy. I am calling some BS on that shit. Veteran COD is hard.

Conclusion: Man that game looks good from afar...

Oh Btw: sense I did get it at $45, (a lot for me) I am not giving it back if anyone wants to play send me a request
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What I wonder is how it relates to Unreal Tournament 3. There it's Epic, the studio that started with intelligent bots, so with the objective gameplay with UT3, if you know, are the bots better or worse in Brink. Some people say the bots are really good, Gamesradar's review, others say you need real people for any chance of playing and winning.
[quote name='Spybreak8']What I wonder is how it relates to Unreal Tournament 3. There it's Epic, the studio that started with intelligent bots, so with the objective gameplay with UT3, if you know, are the bots better or worse in Brink. Some people say the bots are really good, Gamesradar's review, others say you need real people for any chance of playing and winning.[/QUOTE]

The bots don't compare to UT3/UT in general, but they do complete objectives, and support you (for the most part, sometimes they tend to put themselves over you due to the danger of nearby enemies). Pathfinding is pretty good, and they aren't "super bots" that automatically know where you are 100% of the time.

Played for 8 hours straight lastnight, the latter half being online. After we switched hosts (the original host was in Canada), there was pretty much no lag. This was 5 people against bots, though. Hella fun.

Brink was definitely overhyped, but I'm still enjoying it (as with Homefront). The gameplay feels like a much more modern Quake Wars (or Enemy Territory). The forced team-play is also pretty fun and awesome.

I think everyone should give it another serious go, though. It takes getting used to, but it can be really fun. Everyone I played with last night said it was amazing and quite enjoyable. (that's not to say that everyone will like it, but it's such a difference from CoD or Halo that I think it deserves attention)

Definitely worth playing if you put any serious time into Quake Wars or ET. Very reminiscent gameplay of those two. (almost too similar...)

Oh, and fuck Be More Objective #2. :hot:
[quote name='Deadpool']I love it and shall be playing a long time as I do with Shadowrun![/QUOTE]

Contrary to that I liked both Shadowrun and UT3 and Brink gave me a very poor first impression last night.

I joined some friends playing the campaign against hard bots and they were destroying us. I would die so quickly that it took me a long time to figure out what the hell was going on in the game. This was with a very strong group of guys that dominate every game they play and were already up to level 20+.

After that we switched to competitive. It took awhile to get into a game that wasn't a slideshow. Once we did I feel sorry for the people that got matched up against us. It was very easy for us to completely spawn trap a team and just kill them repeatedly until time ran out. Eventually people would leave and the bots that filled their spots were worthless. On one map the other team would literally just die within a few seconds of spawning every time.
There's supposed to be a patch pretty close to release that is supposed to fix a number of the glaring issues. Supposed to hit on release day, though as that's come and gone, it may be a little longer before it shows up.

Article about Brink on 360, which mentions the upcoming patch (and tears it a new one in the process):

Article about the PC version of Brink (more forgiving):
Got my Amazon "Psycho Pack". I downloaded it but I dont see it showing up in the game (I don't see any of the items in the customization options). Am I missing something? Thanks in advance.
I am curious about the psycho pack also. I just got it in an email and haven't done anything with it yet.
Sometime today I may give this another shot.
As far as the other comment goes about the bot difficulty. That is why I said to go to and go to the quick look/review.
It appears as you level the bots get harder. It is difficult to say for me because it seems like the fucking lag consumes several matches and ppl are shooting at air a lot, When your in those matches the bots destroy you ofcourse. This is more of a SP thing and I only played 2 matches on easy (lost both with like 1 second left!!!!!!!!!!!!!). That seems to be the problem in the last minute your team gets overrun and you waisted 20 minutes of defending an area.
Pyscho pack is when you first make your character, choose different options, you have to make a new character to use most of the psycho stuff.

I cant get enough of this game.
[quote name='serenitygod']I got the code to work and made a new character, but I don't see the options do I need to install the code somewhere first or something?[/QUOTE]

Haven't used mine, but depending on the code... (Amazon = Resistance, Walmart = Security) Make sure you're checking the proper side. (hit Y on the character screen)
My Top 5 Favorite Things About Brink:

#1 the SMART movement system. I love it. Once you get past the learning curve, it's fantastic. I've gone back to other FPS games (CoD:BO, MW2, Halo: Reach, BF:BC2, Homefront) and none of them give you the satisfaction of being about to traverse around a battlefield like you get in Brink. Well, Crysis 2 is probably the closest you can get to that sensation. Lag issues aside and despite the occasional disappointment when you don't flow over an obstruction(s) as you'd wish you had (sometimes it's just because I wasn't pressing the SMART button anymore or miss timed a jump), the movement system is pretty ground breaking for future FPS games. I hope many other game titles take notice.
#2 the objectives that you are given in the game are not your typical, capture the flag, assault (bomb), or deathmatch. They are many objectives (primaries and secondaries) all involved in one game and for the most part they work really well together. I only wish that there were more maps and more options for Multiplayer. The idea behind this objective based game is very creative and enjoyable.
#3 has to do with how they created character depth through a 4 class system mixed with a 3 body type system. It works pretty well in the game. I enjoyed creating a Heavy character, a Medium character, and a Light character.
#4 relates to the customization options found in this game. I enjoy customizing my characters, their looks, their abilities and their weapon loadouts.
#5 deals with map layout which I think is pretty strong. At first because there isn't a map layout in your radar it can be difficult to figure out where you are trying to head, but as you get familiar with the map, you begin to recognize that there is a nice layout to every part of it.

My Top 5 Problems w/ Brink:

#1 this game suffers from pretty ugly Lag online, but I think it's appropriate to assume that that will be addressed pretty quickly.
#2 the game currently lacks long-term replay-ablility. The fact that the Campaign is the Multiplayer and the Multiplayer is the Campaign means that after you've finished unlocking everything and completing the story for both factions you'll lose reason for coming back to the game in the future. Also, the Multiplayer is somewhat limited in its offering too.
#3 the computer AI is a bit screwy at times. Sometimes the AI is helpful at other times its outrageously aggravating.
#4 the story isn't very good. The atmosphere and idea is all there, but Splash Damage failed to create a real compelling story around it and didn't really build any great characters to help it along.
#5 has to do with the party system. Basically, it's awkward. It is not intuitive nor easy to use in any way.

Currently, I'd give this game a 7 out of 10, but if they provide affordable DLC to expand the replay-ability then this score could easily move up to a 7.5 or maybe even an 8 although this is assuming they will address the Lag and the AI issues ASAP.
Since the day 1 patch added texture loading off of disk caching, I wonder if clearing your HDD cache would help anyone having texture loading issues. I know I'm not having any issues, but it's just a suggestion for anyone complaining about terrible graphics.

[quote name='Bethesda Blog']We’ve now put up our first game update on the Xbox 360, which went live at launch. It addresses several of the issues raised in some of the early US reviews of the game and brings with it some major improvements.

Most importantly, this update significantly reduced texture loading times thanks to improved hard-drive caching. It also improves client prediction when playing online – in other words, you’ll experience much less “rubber banding” in multiplayer. We’ve also fixed several issues that could lead to the game freezing, and resolved an issue where Brink would insist on playing all of the training videos rather than just the introductory one.

If you’ve not yet got the update, simply restart the game while your Xbox is connected to the internet.

We’ve also been getting new reports of lag when playing online, especially in matches with lots of human players. We’re all huge multiplayer fans here at the office and we know how important a lag-free online experience is. We’re urgently investigating this issue and seeing what we can do to improve things in that area. Stay tuned.
[quote name='Draekon']Since the day 1 patch added texture loading off of disk caching, I wonder if clearing your HDD cache would help anyone having texture loading issues. I know I'm not having any issues, but it's just a suggestion for anyone complaining about terrible graphics.[/QUOTE]

^ This worked for me
[quote name='eLantern']
My Top 5 Problems w/ Brink:

#1 this game suffers from pretty ugly Lag online, but I think it's appropriate to assume that that will be addressed pretty quickly.

Honestly, this is inexcusable. Splash Damage really screwed up here. Releasing a multiplayer-centric game with bad netcode just blows my mind.
[quote name='BingoBrown']Honestly, this is inexcusable. Splash Damage really screwed up here. Releasing a multiplayer-centric game with bad netcode just blows my mind.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. If you're focusing 99% on the multiplayer side of things, then the connection had better be stable. Brink's online connection quality is just putrid.
@soodmeg or whatever your name was.

I have only played it with the patch. The lag is really bad still and in some games unexcusably bad. IDK about graphical changes because I updated immediately.
Grenades - The developer diaries specifically mention that they did not want grenades to be overpowered. Grenades are designed to flush enemies out (hence why they knock you down) so that your team mates can finish them off. They specifically wanted to avoid annoying one hit kills, so it is difficult to be killed in one shot.

The game is fun, but it really should not be full priced. $39.99 would have been a better price.
[quote name='eLantern']My Top 5 Favorite Things About Brink:

#1 the SMART movement system. I love it. Once you get past the learning curve, it's fantastic. I've gone back to other FPS games (CoD:BO, MW2, Halo: Reach, BF:BC2, Homefront) and none of them give you the satisfaction of being about to traverse around a battlefield like you get in Brink. Well, Crysis 2 is probably the closest you can get to that sensation. Lag issues aside and despite the occasional disappointment when you don't flow over an obstruction(s) as you'd wish you had (sometimes it's just because I wasn't pressing the SMART button anymore or miss timed a jump), the movement system is pretty ground breaking for future FPS games. I hope many other game titles take notice.
#2 the objectives that you are given in the game are not your typical, capture the flag, assault (bomb), or deathmatch. They are many objectives (primaries and secondaries) all involved in one game and for the most part they work really well together. I only wish that there were more maps and more options for Multiplayer. The idea behind this objective based game is very creative and enjoyable.
#3 has to do with how they created character depth through a 4 class system mixed with a 3 body type system. It works pretty well in the game. I enjoyed creating a Heavy character, a Medium character, and a Light character.
#4 relates to the customization options found in this game. I enjoy customizing my characters, their looks, their abilities and their weapon loadouts.
#5 deals with map layout which I think is pretty strong. At first because there isn't a map layout in your radar it can be difficult to figure out where you are trying to head, but as you get familiar with the map, you begin to recognize that there is a nice layout to every part of it.

My Top 5 Problems w/ Brink:

#1 this game suffers from pretty ugly Lag online, but I think it's appropriate to assume that that will be addressed pretty quickly.
#2 the game currently lacks long-term replay-ablility. The fact that the Campaign is the Multiplayer and the Multiplayer is the Campaign means that after you've finished unlocking everything and completing the story for both factions you'll lose reason for coming back to the game in the future. Also, the Multiplayer is somewhat limited in its offering too.
#3 the computer AI is a bit screwy at times. Sometimes the AI is helpful at other times its outrageously aggravating.
#4 the story isn't very good. The atmosphere and idea is all there, but Splash Damage failed to create a real compelling story around it and didn't really build any great characters to help it along.
#5 has to do with the party system. Basically, it's awkward. It is not intuitive nor easy to use in any way.

Currently, I'd give this game a 7 out of 10, but if they provide affordable DLC to expand the replay-ability then this score could easily move up to a 7.5 or maybe even an 8 although this is assuming they will address the Lag and the AI issues ASAP.[/QUOTE]

Thank you. Someone that has sense. I just got this game yesterday through Gamefly and I played from 9 until 12 last night, just on the single player campaign. There IS a learning curve but the game is fun regardless. The only thing I would have to say is that there is replayability with this game, all FPS game with multiplayer have replayability. The only down side is that the maps don't diversify so much that you feel it is stale. I can see this being completely awesome with a bunch of friends or just people that know how to communicate. I would give this (so far) a 7 out of 10 as well.

The only thing that baffles me, is the that the guns seem to feel the same. All the AR and SMG feel the exact same. I do hope they add more variety of guns to give more options as (as far as I know) there is only 2 shotguns... That makes a sad panda.

I don't see any issues with the graphics so I am not sure what other people were either expecting or experiencing that would cause this sort of feedback. The main thing with me is, it's still a brand new game and people jump on the bandwagon to bash it into the ground. Mainly because it's not something they expect. Give something new a try and have an open mind. You just might like it.
This game is pretty fun.
My thoughts:
Too much lag online. I should learn my lesson and not buy MP games that have no beta. They are always broken.

I like how everything can be played as MP either coop or competitive.

Cheevos seem easy if you are a whore.

I would give it a 7/10. It should have released at $40. I think it would be a good weekend rental for most people.

I hope to finish it up this weekend and trade it in on Monday. I already locked in my $31 TIV with Amazon.
I stilll cannot use it resistance security whatever. I made several characters and none can use the damn pack.

Also, now that I have played it for about 5 hours I am ready for a more complete review.
lag was just bad on day 1. I am having minimum rubber-banding now.
I still don't even understand the story. I honestly don't even understand what the resistance wants. If they wanted to leave the arc why the fuck don't they just get on a boat and leave? Especially sense SP is hard the story comes in pieces and it's hard to put them in the right order.
I am giving it an overall
for further details consult my preliminary review.
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Thought I'd bring a couple things back into light:


Hold LT, and hold left or right on the D-Pad to lean left or right.

More XP

Use the wheel to manually select an objective you intend on completing, and you'll gain extra XP for doing it. This is as opposed to simply letting it automatically designate objectives, or doing objectives that aren't your main.
Ahh, that's cool that they are releasing the first DLC (in June) for free to the public. I went online today and I don't think that could be playable for anyone. I didn't get a download yet for the game, which they said would fix it (partially). After playing more, I could definitely see this being a very fun team based game, possible close to TF2 but not surpassing it. I have got 3 stars on 2 of the missions but the 3rd star mission for tower defense is just pissing me off. It takes too long to recapture the command post after the enemy goes in and takes it over in less time... somehow. Then again, I am doing it solo. The add ons for the guns are getting better, but I still hope they make the guns more diverse in patches/dlc. I can't tell much of a difference at the moment with the way it is.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Man, I really want this game....maybe with the 20 bucks off coupon from LA Noire I will get it.[/QUOTE]

I would say wait awhile, the price will most likely drop quite fast.
[quote name='RedBeardRaven'] I have got 3 stars on 2 of the missions but the 3rd star mission for tower defense is just pissing me off. It takes too long to recapture the command post after the enemy goes in and takes it over in less time... somehow. Then again, I am doing it solo. [/QUOTE]

Good luck with that one man. From what I understand, you have to do all three ranks on solo for the achievement.

I switched my body type to heavy, bought light and medium turret on the engineer class and used the gotlung minigun with an smg for my alt. Use the turret and leave a mine right next to the station. I also tried the other two heavy machineguns, and the one with 100/100 ammo worked really well for the two waves of the third round. I did this at level 11, the promptly reset my skills (which costs a level) because I main medic/soldier when playing online and the engi ability points were wasted.

Hope that helps.
[quote name='Kreutz']Good luck with that one man. From what I understand, you have to do all three ranks on solo for the achievement.

I switched my body type to heavy, bought light and medium turret on the engineer class and used the gotlung minigun with an smg for my alt. Use the turret and leave a mine right next to the station. I also tried the other two heavy machineguns, and the one with 100/100 ammo worked really well for the two waves of the third round. I did this at level 11, the promptly reset my skills (which costs a level) because I main medic/soldier when playing online and the engi ability points were wasted.

Hope that helps.[/QUOTE]

Right on. Thanks for the advice. I just finished all three of Bring More and Parkour challenges. I just did the 1st Escort challenge and it was... interesting.

All finished on solo so far. Will be going for the rest tonight.
anyone going to do a Brink clan? I will if you want. I have 0 friends on my 360 now so I guess I am the most obvious choice (I think the limit is still 100 right)?
I just finished playing for the night. However, feel free to add me if you'd like. While I am not interested in a clan, I much perfer human players to bots in this game.
Well, I just finished all of the challenges on all 3 stars. I must say the Escort challenge was the most difficult due to the placement of the repair bot when it gets downed. You could have upwards of 12 enemies coming at you at one time.

If anyone is looking for tips on these two I would suggest to ALWAYS be behind the repair bot for cover. In the beginning, place a landmine (if you have two... lucky you) in front of the respawn door directly in front of the repair bot. The respawn door on the right will be void right after the repair bot passes it (less than 10 seconds if you can kill them). After that, just try and camp the spawn doors as much as possible. If you can get to the last stretch (3 respawn doors with up to 4 enemies spawning out of each) by 5 minutes you should be okay. Don't worry about the 2nd command post, there is no point to it besides your time. I would highly suggest getting the Gear Head ability for the Engineer as you can put mines and Sentry Guns up fast. Try to always put Sentry Guns up in a position that will make it a distraction more so than a leverage point. (The go down fast when you die, the same with the repair bot.) Lastly, pick your primary and secondary weapon as SMG/AR with at least 25 round clip and upwards of 150 total carrying capacity.

For the Tower Defense challenge. My best piece of advice is to put a Sentry in a specific spot and spawn camp each door as best as possible. There is a set of stairs directly out of your respawn, follow that directly across and an "L" junction and place the Sentry there facing toward the command post. Keep a land mine directly in front of the Command Post and pop a cap in the respawning bastards. When you get to the 3rd wave (3 respawn doors) you WILL most likely die. When coming out of your respawn just toss frags at the Command Post and pop anyone trying to take it. Pick off any stragglers on the ground level and rush to the Sentry Gun to camp there. (Unless you are running out of time.)

After finding this position for the Sentry it took me less than 3 tries to get the completion, and eventually the achievement.

Now, I will be trying to complete the campaign untill I feel more comfortable at dealing with the sea of lag that online consists of.
Just need to get to level 20 and buy the satchel charge for soldiers for my last two achievements.
I really am loving this game except for the lag problems. I would love to get a game going with a few Cags if possible. Gamertag : Ramo Z

I have a psycho pack code I would like to trade for either the Spec Ops pack or the Doom pack. If anyone is interested just PM me.
thanks guys I have had fun... I only have 2 friends with a 360 and they are like avid pc gamers so they never really play. This community is good for play-friends.
bread's done