[quote name='socash11']I'm not convinced by the whole "overhead is considerably more in brick and mortar so we should price higher" argument. Other retailers can pull it off, so why can't GameStop? Paying two high schoolers 8 bucks an hour and renting the smallest space in a minimall can't be considerably more than having two extra people shipping out games from a huge warehouse.
To be honest, I think what's going on is that they know if you're the sort of schmuck who walks into a brick and mortar store and trades in games for cents on the dollar rather than going on eBay, they can probably sucker you into paying a bit more. Whereas if you're shopping online, they have to worry about other online competition and the availability of this other pricing information to that customer segment.
You may be in the same geographic market whether shopping in store or online, but based upon your decision of whether or not to shop online they can discern how well informed you are about pricing and charge accordingly. Sounds like third degree price discrimination to me.
Whoops, my economics is showing.[/QUOTE]
Ahhhh the old "you can get more selling games on ebay than trading into gamestop" routine. We get it now.
btw, I think what you meant to say is your lack of a grasp on economics is showing. Overhead isn't just 2 teenagers in a warehouse vs in a store.
[quote name='Readthepost']With all this talk about online vs B&M prices and the reasons why B&M is more expensive.
Here is something funny....enjoy.
"Online price only"
Eternal Sonata $34.99
Eternal Sonata $29.99[/QUOTE]
ANd yet, nobody is complaining about this price difference. I wonder why. Oh that's right. When it benefits them, there's no reason to complain about failure to read.
edited for quoting fail