CAG 3.0 Upgrade - News, Updates And Progress - Dark Theme, Feedback are Live - EVERYTHING is Coming Back Soon!

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I don't know if it's intentional, but if you do what used to be "Mark Forums Read" and is now "Mark Community Read >> Mark All as Read" it will take you back to the front page of CAG instead of the front page of the forums as it used to do.

A bunch of server changes happening tomorrow, and it might result in downtime, slowdown, elevated stress levels, loss of hair, and irate tweeting. But, it should be the last block of major interruptions for the foreseeable future.
So does that mean some threads will be recovered?

For example, I posted in a Kmart Animal Crossing deal thread on Monday and it was "gone" a few hours later (including in my post history) but still appeared in forum search result (error when I clicked link) only to not appear in search anymore.

Will 1-5 star ratings return? Also what about some of the CAG info such as month/year signup info under avatar icon instead of having to hover?

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Chiming in again about the mobile site.  Lack of a goto option and page numbers are still a pain, and one odd thing I just realized is if I make a post in a thread, I can't back out of it.  Usually when browsing I'll just hit the back button to get back to the list of topics, going down the list one by one, but if a post is made on mobile, you need to reload the forum, which moves the threads around on you.  I know there are a lot of things that need to be ironed out, just want to make sure that this is at least a medium priority issue.

The new home page is really impressive! I'm really enjoying the "New Releases" section too!

For some reason the site switches from black to white  and back though. I'm sure you guys have heard this a thousand times already but the white is kind of hard on the eyes.

Keep up the great work!!!!

I notice we can't delete our posts now. That's not good. Seems this switch deprived us of more features then we used to have and all it did was change the interface visually.

I used to be able to post a youtube link and it would automatically put the code for it to show in post. Now it shows it as a link again and I see no built in tags for video only images.

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Not sure if this would even be possible but maybe if someone puts [DEAD] at front of their title in a thread then it could go to the graveyard automatically?

Like I said, not sure if it's possible but that would help weed out some of the threads that pop up under the top deals that are dead and taking up space.

Something I just noticed. When using the "Mark Community Read" at the bottom of the forum and then "Mark All As Read", while that works just fine, it then redirects you to the CAG main page instead of the forums.

Not sure if it's supposed to happen that way or if it is a bug.

Great Job....I know you guys are working your tails off with all the changes......

I used to do the max posts per page(used to be 100 I believe......made it easier for me to read in one setting)

Is this gonna be something CAG 3.0 can do? or something that can be implemented???

Thanks again!

Looking good, John! I was not a fan at first, but it's all coming along.

I was wondering how to edit my information like consoles, tags, etc? I don't seem to see an option for it under edit profile. Is it working yet? Or am I just missing it?

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How do I adjust to see 100 replies per page? I was able to on CAG 2.0 and I'm not seeing the option to do on on CAG 3.0. I like that cause it's less pages to check if 100 are on each page. Or did they get away from that?

Thanks gang. 

Site's looking good guys. I know someone asked this several pages back, and I can't remember if I saw an answer. Are getting an option when we edit posts to delete them?

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Stupid request - on the "Content I Follow" screen can you widen the column that shows the name of each thread?  It would be easier to read if we could see the entire name of each thread on one line.  The other 2 columns have way less important information but take up the same amount of real estate.  Keep up the good work.

Your awesome. At first the white was like OMG my eyes.

But then the black came back and so far I like.

My favorite is the Notifications up top that tell you when something you commented on or a topic you made gets a response.

It is awesome.

I tip my hat to you kind sir.

Custom spoilers are broken, as they don't display any text on the button nor can I close them with Chrome. They basically act like spoilers used to on the old site in Chrome.

I don't want to use normal spoilers because they create this long, short box underneath them when closed that just breaks any attempt at having a nice-looking OP.

Custom spoilers are broken, as they don't display any text on the button nor can I close them with Chrome. They basically act like spoilers used to on the old site in Chrome.

I don't want to use normal spoilers because they create this long, short box underneath them when closed that just breaks any attempt at having a nice-looking OP.
On it.

Stupid request - on the "Content I Follow" screen can you widen the column that shows the name of each thread? It would be easier to read if we could see the entire name of each thread on one line. The other 2 columns have way less important information but take up the same amount of real estate. Keep up the good work.
I have the same request. This is the page I spend most of my time on so I can keep track of conversations I'm in (notifications are nice, but too difficult to track) and it's a bit of a mess. I would love to get rid of the column on the left entirely and widen the main column so the thread titles don't look so bunched up.
Custom spoilers are broken, as they don't display any text on the button nor can I close them with Chrome. They basically act like spoilers used to on the old site in Chrome.

I don't want to use normal spoilers because they create this long, short box underneath them when closed that just breaks any attempt at having a nice-looking OP.
[customspoiler="How's this..."]Any better?[/customspoiler]

Much Better.  Can someone help me with how to create custom spoilers?

EDIT: Figured out how to do custom spoilers, but not like the one John did.  [customspoiler='See']See[/customspoiler]

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Custom spoilers are broken, as they don't display any text on the button nor can I close them with Chrome. They basically act like spoilers used to on the old site in Chrome.

I don't want to use normal spoilers because they create this long, short box underneath them when closed that just breaks any attempt at having a nice-looking OP.
[customspoiler="How's this..."]Any better?[/customspoiler]
It's not working for me here. Maybe Youtube videos break it? It would also be nice if you could get rid of the two YT video limit per post.

Hey John! Could we possibly have the option to go back to the old style of quotes? The nested style of quotes gets really convoluted really fast when people keep quoting each other. Thanks.

Custom spoilers work, but it takes a little while for caches to rebuild.

Edit: Caches rebuilt, let me know...

I have the same request as joker. Nested quotes suck.

Hey John! Could we possibly have the option to go back to the old style of quotes? The nested style of quotes gets really convoluted really fast when people keep quoting each other. Thanks.
Easily done, but I'll have to check with Cheapy to see if he wants to keep them nested.

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[customspoiler='Custom Spoilers']They're working for me in this thread, but not in the XBL thread. Maybe it's just a matter of time before they start working there.[/customspoiler]

EDIT: No, they're not working again apparently, but they're working in all the previos posts.  Must be a time thing...

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Tyler's custom spoiler just says "%2$s" on it. It doesn't close either, so it doesn't seem like anything has changed for me. :(
Sweet, a caching bug. The new bbcode for custom spoilers definitely works, but it keeps rolling back back because of this cache issue. Looking into it.

How do we ignore people?  Maybe I'm just blind but I can't find it.

Found it in settings.  I was actually looking for like a button on someones post or something but this works as well.

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