Per shrike4242's post in the iPhone and iPod Touch Games Sale thread, creating a thread for everyone to post their Apple Game Center IDs. I'll work on keeping it up to date daily. I spend a lot of time at the computer so it'll be easy enough.
Information on Game Center:
Compatible Devices (requires iOS 4.1): iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPod touch 2nd Generation, iPod touch 3rd Generation, iPod touch 4th Generation, iPad (4.2.1 iOS required)
CAG Name - Game Center Name
2DMention - Beefy Hits (pleas send message in request that you are a CAG)
Admiral Moo - HPGR_Thrawn
AdvOfJet - QuantamPulse
alison - helloalison
anarchyburger - Anarchyburger8t8
Big St3ph3n - BigSt3ph3n
BlueLobstah - scurker
BREVITY - Brevity
Brother Daz - Brotherdaz
CagGrenade - rrickman9
cgh312 - Caesar312
CheapyD - CheapyD
chrisp - vchrisp
Chrono Gear - Chrono Gear
Cimpy101 - Cimpy101
clockworkgreen - Bigwinnerx
CouRageouS - courageous
crunchberries - crunchyberries
crunchewy - crunc is
cycophuk - cycophuk
dallow - dallow
Darknuke - Darknuke
Darknyss - Darknyss
dougstill -Ruben Rybnik
EastBayAnt - EastBayAnt
eliter1 - eliter1
elkanich - Big Daddy Elk
FriskyTanuki - Lord Crashington
garbagge59 - garbagge59
gbpackers94 - gbpackers994
GodlyOne - The GodlyOne
Hostile - Hostile
viiral - Gametaisen
icebeast - SinOfHeart
iKilledChewbacca - iKilledChewbacca
Immortal fWd - Immortal_11
Jek Porkins - RedSix66
jimbach13 - Jimbach13
JMEPO - DaftMan
joebootoo - joebootoo
JP - Valen Korde
knightsdwn - KnightsDwn
Kush - MKush
Liveforlaughs76 - ShutUpMcKee
luan87us - luan87
macontosh2000 - macontosh2000
Malik112099 - Malik112099
mattvander - vandercrew
maxim2boobles - maxim2boobles
microcuts777 - MicroCuts7
Miranda - MeRandDuh
mkernan - mkernan
nightmare452 - nightmare452
omega999 - Ate-Bit
orntar - orntar
o0achilles0o - AchillesPDX
Papa Neorev - Papa Neorev
porieux - DethBoxx
PrarieD0G - PrarieD0G
Pure Apathy - Pure Apathy
RAMSTORIA - ramstoria (please send me a PM on CAG before adding via GameCenter)
RavenousBear - RavenousBear
RelentlessRolento - RelentlessRolento
Romis - Captnstryker
ryanflucas - ryanflucas
Sage30 - Sage30
Salamando3000 - salamando3000
SaraAB - SaraAB87
seanr1221 - SeanR1221
shadylane - shadylane310
Shimrra - Shimrra
SirDiealot - Quicksilver86
SpazX - Mucon7
Stello - ArchStelllo
tacohouse - Yoolen
TeamSwish - Teamswish
teddybass - slainet
tenchim86 - tenchim86
TheHammerGod - Matesamo
Thomas96 - Thomaticus
twigg - twigg
Viol8tor - Viol8tor Mode
ViolentLee - ViolentLee
Viva Las Vegas - ARSE TO GOB
Volt1up - hawxed
whizzups - Whizzups
WormFOODx - Syranth
xX Afraid V2 Xx - BeyondReality x
yukine - ratzombie
CAG Name - OpenFeint Name
AdvOfJet - QuantamPulse
clockworkgreen - Bigwinnerx
Chrono Gear - Chrono Gear
crunchewy - Crunc
cycophuk - cycophuk
Darknuke - Darknuke1987
Darknyss - Darknyss09
EastBayAnt - EastBayAnt
eliter1 - eliter1
elkanich - BigDaddyElk
gbpackers94 - gbpackers94
Hostile - HostileFire
iKilledChewbacca - iKilledChewbacca
joebootoo - joebootoo
JP - ValenKorde
Malik112099 - Malik112099
maxim2boobles - maxim2boobles
microcuts777 - microcuts777
mkernan - mkernan
orntar - orntar
Papa Neorev - Neorev
PrarieD0G - PrarieD0G
porieux - DethBoxx
RelentlessRolento - Rolento
Romis - Captnstryker
ryanflucas - ryanflucas
SaraAB - SaraAB87
Spanky - Spanky4G63
viiral - Gametaisen
tenchim86 - rseng86
ViolentLee - ViolentLee
Volt1up - hawxed
CAG Name - Plus+ Name
AdvOfJet - QuantamPulse
clockworkgreen - Bigwinnerx
Chrono Gear - ChronoGear
crunchewy - Crunc
cycophuk - cycophuk
EastBayAnt - EastBayAnt
eliter1 - eliter1
elkanich - Big Daddy Elk
Hostile - Hostile
iKilledChewbacca - andrewcarey93
joebootoo - joebootoo
JP - ValenKorde
Malik112099 - Malik112099
microcuts777 - MicroCuts7
mkernan - mkernan
orntar - orntar
PrarieD0G - PrarieD0G
RelentlessRolento - Rolento
ryanflucas - ryanflucas
tenchim86 - tenchim86
CAG Name - WordsWithFriends Name
clockworkgreen - Bigwinnerx
Chrono Gear - Chrono Gear
crunchewy - Crunc
EastBayAnt - EastBayAnt
joebootoo - joebootoo
microcuts777 - MicroCuts7
mkernan - mkernan
ryanflucas - ryanflucas1
tenchim86 - tenchim86
CAG Name - Agon Name
clockworkgreen - Bigwinnerx
Chrono Gear - ChronoGear
Hostile - Hostile
Malik112099 - Malik112099
CAG Name - Crystal Name
clockworkgreen - Bigwinnerx
Hostile - HostileFire
Malik112099 - Malik112099
PrarieD0G - PrarieD0G
CAG Name - GameLoft Name
clockworkgreen - Bigwinnerx
Malik112099 - Malik112099
Information on Game Center:
Compatible Devices (requires iOS 4.1): iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPod touch 2nd Generation, iPod touch 3rd Generation, iPod touch 4th Generation, iPad (4.2.1 iOS required)
CAG Name - Game Center Name
2DMention - Beefy Hits (pleas send message in request that you are a CAG)
Admiral Moo - HPGR_Thrawn
AdvOfJet - QuantamPulse
alison - helloalison
anarchyburger - Anarchyburger8t8
Big St3ph3n - BigSt3ph3n
BlueLobstah - scurker
BREVITY - Brevity
Brother Daz - Brotherdaz
CagGrenade - rrickman9
cgh312 - Caesar312
CheapyD - CheapyD
chrisp - vchrisp
Chrono Gear - Chrono Gear
Cimpy101 - Cimpy101
clockworkgreen - Bigwinnerx
CouRageouS - courageous
crunchberries - crunchyberries
crunchewy - crunc is
cycophuk - cycophuk
dallow - dallow
Darknuke - Darknuke
Darknyss - Darknyss
dougstill -Ruben Rybnik
EastBayAnt - EastBayAnt
eliter1 - eliter1
elkanich - Big Daddy Elk
FriskyTanuki - Lord Crashington
garbagge59 - garbagge59
gbpackers94 - gbpackers994
GodlyOne - The GodlyOne
Hostile - Hostile
viiral - Gametaisen
icebeast - SinOfHeart
iKilledChewbacca - iKilledChewbacca
Immortal fWd - Immortal_11
Jek Porkins - RedSix66
jimbach13 - Jimbach13
JMEPO - DaftMan
joebootoo - joebootoo
JP - Valen Korde
knightsdwn - KnightsDwn
Kush - MKush
Liveforlaughs76 - ShutUpMcKee
luan87us - luan87
macontosh2000 - macontosh2000
Malik112099 - Malik112099
mattvander - vandercrew
maxim2boobles - maxim2boobles
microcuts777 - MicroCuts7
Miranda - MeRandDuh
mkernan - mkernan
nightmare452 - nightmare452
omega999 - Ate-Bit
orntar - orntar
o0achilles0o - AchillesPDX
Papa Neorev - Papa Neorev
porieux - DethBoxx
PrarieD0G - PrarieD0G
Pure Apathy - Pure Apathy
RAMSTORIA - ramstoria (please send me a PM on CAG before adding via GameCenter)
RavenousBear - RavenousBear
RelentlessRolento - RelentlessRolento
Romis - Captnstryker
ryanflucas - ryanflucas
Sage30 - Sage30
Salamando3000 - salamando3000
SaraAB - SaraAB87
seanr1221 - SeanR1221
shadylane - shadylane310
Shimrra - Shimrra
SirDiealot - Quicksilver86
SpazX - Mucon7
Stello - ArchStelllo
tacohouse - Yoolen
TeamSwish - Teamswish
teddybass - slainet
tenchim86 - tenchim86
TheHammerGod - Matesamo
Thomas96 - Thomaticus
twigg - twigg
Viol8tor - Viol8tor Mode
ViolentLee - ViolentLee
Viva Las Vegas - ARSE TO GOB
Volt1up - hawxed
whizzups - Whizzups
WormFOODx - Syranth
xX Afraid V2 Xx - BeyondReality x
yukine - ratzombie
CAG Name - OpenFeint Name
AdvOfJet - QuantamPulse
clockworkgreen - Bigwinnerx
Chrono Gear - Chrono Gear
crunchewy - Crunc
cycophuk - cycophuk
Darknuke - Darknuke1987
Darknyss - Darknyss09
EastBayAnt - EastBayAnt
eliter1 - eliter1
elkanich - BigDaddyElk
gbpackers94 - gbpackers94
Hostile - HostileFire
iKilledChewbacca - iKilledChewbacca
joebootoo - joebootoo
JP - ValenKorde
Malik112099 - Malik112099
maxim2boobles - maxim2boobles
microcuts777 - microcuts777
mkernan - mkernan
orntar - orntar
Papa Neorev - Neorev
PrarieD0G - PrarieD0G
porieux - DethBoxx
RelentlessRolento - Rolento
Romis - Captnstryker
ryanflucas - ryanflucas
SaraAB - SaraAB87
Spanky - Spanky4G63
viiral - Gametaisen
tenchim86 - rseng86
ViolentLee - ViolentLee
Volt1up - hawxed
CAG Name - Plus+ Name
AdvOfJet - QuantamPulse
clockworkgreen - Bigwinnerx
Chrono Gear - ChronoGear
crunchewy - Crunc
cycophuk - cycophuk
EastBayAnt - EastBayAnt
eliter1 - eliter1
elkanich - Big Daddy Elk
Hostile - Hostile
iKilledChewbacca - andrewcarey93
joebootoo - joebootoo
JP - ValenKorde
Malik112099 - Malik112099
microcuts777 - MicroCuts7
mkernan - mkernan
orntar - orntar
PrarieD0G - PrarieD0G
RelentlessRolento - Rolento
ryanflucas - ryanflucas
tenchim86 - tenchim86
CAG Name - WordsWithFriends Name
clockworkgreen - Bigwinnerx
Chrono Gear - Chrono Gear
crunchewy - Crunc
EastBayAnt - EastBayAnt
joebootoo - joebootoo
microcuts777 - MicroCuts7
mkernan - mkernan
ryanflucas - ryanflucas1
tenchim86 - tenchim86
CAG Name - Agon Name
clockworkgreen - Bigwinnerx
Chrono Gear - ChronoGear
Hostile - Hostile
Malik112099 - Malik112099
CAG Name - Crystal Name
clockworkgreen - Bigwinnerx
Hostile - HostileFire
Malik112099 - Malik112099
PrarieD0G - PrarieD0G
CAG Name - GameLoft Name
clockworkgreen - Bigwinnerx
Malik112099 - Malik112099
Last edited by a moderator: