CAG Buzz - Final Fantasy Crisis Core (PSP) Giveaway! Multiple Winners!

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  1. Story, battle system, Made by Square Enix
  2. Um I guess it's fine? I don't own a PS3, so it really doesn't matter :)
  3. More PSP games! D:< Oh and put 7-9 on the PSN por favor.

  1. List 2-3 key factors and pointers that would affect your decision in purchasing Crisis Core for the PSP (battle modes, gameplay, character development, etc)?
The story would have to stay true to its successor and tie in both games. The battle modes would have to be tolerable, I dont like it when they make a complete change to them and add annoyance and difficulty to it. The price of the game is important as well, and as long as the game is genuinely good I would play it.

  1. There is a possible rumor that the original Final Fantasy VII for PS One will be remade for the PS3. What is your opinion on this and would you support it?
I think it would be cool and I support it. However, Some remakes dont actually go well. If the graphics are updated and a few minor changes are made, fine, but I dont like it when they change a big thing in the game like certain events or leave some out. I like remakes to be as close to the original as can be.

  1. If you could make any suggestions to improve the Final Fantasy series, what would it be?
For the FF series to stick to its roots and its defining elements. I like seeing moogles, chocobos and really tough and crazy looking monsters. I like side quests and mini games as well. I would like the FF series to stay true to the little things it is known for that make an FF game so much cooler and better than other RPG franchises. I would also like to see some more direct sequels to FF games rather than a completely different FF game with new characters and story etc. Though that isnt bad either but I'd like to see some sequels.
1. The most important factor is to gain more knowledge about the FFVII story, which left may things unanswered. Another factor is of course nostalgia, seeing Cloud, Sephiroth, and Aeris again.

2. That would be great but I'm also worried that if Square-Enix remade such a classic, that they would tamper with it and end up hurting some aspects of it.

3. I'd definitely like the story to go back to it's roots in more medieval fashion, instead of going for more futuristic themes.
1. List 2-3 key factors and pointers that would affect your decision in purchasing Crisis Core for the PSP (battle modes, gameplay, character development, etc)?
I'm interested in the game so long as the battles are quick and it's easy to pick-up-and-play since it's on a portable. The graphics look amazing, so I'm not worried about that aspect.
2. There is a possible rumor that the original Final Fantasy VII for PS One will be remade for the PS3. What is your opinion on this and would you support it?
I would definitely purchase this on day one. I played FF7 back when it first came out, but sold it after a few days. I don't have much recollection of it and many people name it as their favorite JRPG so I want to give it another go in HD.
3. If you could make any suggestions to improve the Final Fantasy series, what would it be?
I hope future FF installments continue down the path of battles like FF12 where there weren't any more loading screens and enemies are visible in the gameplay. Story-wise I hope they lighten up a bit - as much as I loved playing FF12, the story was incredibly boring.
1. I would like to see a brand new story arc that only very loosely ties into the original FF VII that also does not require having played FF VII to understand it. I would like more customization of my characters and not have then have fixed roles in my party.

2. If it's simply the same game/story than the original, I would have little interest in it.

3. The turn based combat system that has characterized the Final Fantasy series needs a serious overhaul. If it is to remain turn-based, I would like to see more strategic combat like the Tactics series.
1. Gameplay of course is always a main concern in any game genre but since it uses the name of FF the gameplay must be taken up a notch to seperate itself from the myriad of other games on the market. Character development is the 2nd concern of mine as I am an jRPG fan.

2. I guess I would support it to an extent. I of course was a very big fan of FFVII but if it were just an updated graphics remake then I would probably have little interest other than viewing screenshots online.

3. It seems to me that that spinoffs/remakes/ports are a big thing for the FF series lately. I do applaud this but I would like to see all this effort put into making the NEXT FF game. Of course the stories in all of the FF games are epic in nature and you shouldn't change this but I think there should be ALOT more side stories as the hardcore gamer and to an extent the casual gamer would probably enjoy side stories because it makes the story feel MORE real.
1. I would be crisis core since the storyline finally will be truly understood and you get to see what went on, on zacks side of the story. Also for the advent children graphics. I'm glad to see they're still using the same graphics especially for really good cut scenes. Voice actors are a key, hearing Steve Burtons voice acting for cloud is a must. I am also a hardcore fan of the original ffvii and kingdom hearts series.
2. I believe that making a remake of FFVII would be a good thing and it would be a bad thing
. One reason I believe it would be a good thing is new graphics, voice acting, and maybe a newer style at the battle system. The bad, it could ruin the series. People could dislike the voice acting as much as they hate SonicX. Sometimes theres no need to change the past.
3. Less annoying storys(FFX). Something that has more side quests. More chibi games like FFIII. More of a sense of humor.
  1. Since it's a portable game, I want the of story and game play progression spaced out in smaller chunks.

  2. If they do, I hope they remake more than the graphics, like less grinding, more balanced progression, extra content, etc... If they did this, I'd support it.

  3. I would like to see a game that uses the concept of time travel to vary the settings ala Chrono trigger. It would be cool to see that ground retreaded.
1) the price of the game, how long it takes to beat it, and how replayable the game is.
2) i think that remaking it would be a huge cash cow for square enix and it would sell alot of ps3. i think i wouldn't support it since i already have the original.
3)a way to improve FF would be to keep random encounters out and make monster encounter a ala chrono cross.
1. The fact that is a part of the Final Fantasy series and the battle system seem fair for a portable system.

2. I would like a remake. I may buy a PS3 for FFVII remake.

3. If you could make any suggestions to improve the Final Fantasy series, what would it be? Battle systems, and difficulty. I shouldn't have to grind for hours just to be able to finish the game.
1. Battle system and story would be the most important factors to me
2. I think a quality FFVII remake for the PS3 would be worth making for both SE and Sony
3. Release some FF games on the 360; whether a port of 13 or even some downloads through Live
1) Well I would like to see good character deveolopment so that if I went back to flay FF7 I would see new things or things in a different light because of CC. Also a similar combat system using materia

2) Well if it is a entire remake with a change in plot or story I would be against it. But if it was just a simple graphical update or something along those lines I would be all for it.

3) Mabye take some of your better entries in the series that have room for expansion and expand upon them a bit like FF7 Crisis Core. Mabye a FF8 or 10 side story as they are already pretty close to up to date graphics wise. (Would say FF12 but i'm still finishing that one)
1) a. long story mode (a good 10 hrs) b. character give personality that sets final fantasy apart from final frank 2) VII is my 2nd fav game ever... i support it 100% 3) Get back to its roots (on psp so my formats fd up)
1. Make sure there's enough save points and story has to be good, especially the gameplay. Action RPG is fun.

2. I am expecting it. I really want to play the remake of it. I will definitely buy it.

3. Stop remaking it. ;)
List 2-3 key factors and pointers that would affect your decision in purchasing Crisis Core for the PSP (battle modes, gameplay, character development, etc)?

  1. the battle system
  2. thats is on the psp so i can play it anywhere
  3. yay we can revisted most of FF7!
  4. Aeris!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is a possible rumor that the original Final Fantasy VII for PS One will be remade for the PS3. What is your opinion on this and would you support it?
id love it and i fully support it! why not remake this classic for all to see? the updated graphics and uncompress audio would be killer on my HD tv!! and this will also benifit all those who can not afford, dont have the hardware, or who are turn off by the graphic to play the game. This and Chrono Trigger needs to be revised and remade now!!!!!!!!!

If you could make any suggestions to improve the Final Fantasy series, what would it be?
its good the way it is. however, add in date sims (FF7) and more mini games. hehe more sexy girls!:D
  1. I love Action RPG's, so the battle system is a plus. While I never really got into the original FF7, I've always thought the setting is really neat, and seeing it in Crisis Core's beautiful graphics will be killer.
  2. I love the idea. Like I said earlier, I love the setting, and that matched with the ps3's power would make for one amazing game. It would give me a reason to finally finish FF7, too.
  3. I'd enjoy one that was heavy on exploration and featured a Turn Based Strategy battle system. It seems like a weird mash up, but I believe it would work.
  1. A few things that would influence my purchase include the battle system, how well the story ties in with FFVII and the music.
  2. I'd totally support a remake of FFVII. Hopefully this would include a lot of new content, such as new side-quests, new materia, new enemies and maybe another playable character or two.
  3. Focus more on story and gameplay, less on graphics. I felt like FFX focused too heavily on the implemenation of technology, not on quality gameplay. For FFXII, the gameplay was there, but the story was lacking. In the future, I'd like to see the gameplay and story come before everything else. IMO, the last game in the series to get both close to perfect was FFVIII.
1. I would like to see further development of character story lines that tie in well with Crisis Core. Innovative battle system that involves the gamer more instead of just selecting option from a menu and watching the action play out.

2. This doesn't really interest me too much. I enjoy Final Fantasy games, but I don't consider myself a fanatic, which I believe is the type of person this would appeal to more.

3. I think a Puzzle rpg with the Final Fantasy name on it would/could do well. Think Puzzle Quest, but with different mechanics and some innovation.
1. nothing is more important then character development. the characters are what drive a game to be good. without characters and knowing how they feel in the game, there is no real connection and no drive to play a game. so from hearing about how well the characters are played out in this game, i would definitely be interested in this game.
then there is the battle system. without a battle system (turn-based or action) there is no excitement.

2 i would love a remake of ff7. if it did come to the ps3 that would push me to actually purchase the ps3.

3 one improvement i would say is get rid of very low lvl enemies once you hit a certain lvl mark. like if you are like lvl 20, you shouldnt be put in battles with lvl 10 or belows. its just a waste of time and is very annoying.
1) I would like an improved translation over the originals, also tons of sidequests never hurt.

2) If any game needs to be remade it's FFVII. A new translation alone would justify a purchase. If FFVII is remade on the PS3, I will name my children after support characters.

3) The one thing the Final Fantasy series really needs to do is go M rating and really increase the maturity of the content. Blood and gore FTW.
1) I'm most excited for the KH-style battle system, the story, and the music (Ive already downloaded the album.

2)This would be a major PS3 system seller to me. I'd definately support it.

3) To start making darker storylines and deeper characters.
Don't know if it is too late for me to enter. but might as well try.

1. the first key factor would be to expand upon the original Final fantasy 7 storyline, which was great. The other main factor would be my desire to have a quality game from square for my psp. The library is expanding but i still need more games to play on it.

2. I would definately support this game being remade. technology has come a long way since ps1 and I want to see it in work.

3. My main thing that could improve the game for me would be to include a screen that has the full body of text on it rather than having to read through several speech bubbles. though that option is not really great it does help it not get tedious when certain parts come up and all you do is press the x button cause your tired of reading the story in 2 line parts.
1) Battle system has to be interesting. Turnbased or not does not matter to me as long as it is interesting. Also, stay away from the random battles. Hate those.

2) I would not support a remake of FFVII on PS3. Would much rather see a continuation of that storyline or a new storyline but with those characters.

3) I already mentioned staying away from random battles. But also a mature storyline with multiple story paths based on your decisions would be great. Something similar to "The Witcher" on the PC.
  1. List 2-3 key factors and pointers that would affect your decision in purchasing Crisis Core for the PSP (battle modes, gameplay, character development, etc)?

    Having never played a final fantasy game before and not really knowing what too expect I would probably base my purchase on what other say about game mechanics and just the general "funness" off the game.
  2. There is a possible rumor that the original Final Fantasy VII for PS One will be remade for the PS3. What is your opinion on this and would you support it?

    As I said I've never played FFVII or any FF game but I have always wanted to try FFVII. I would definately purchase a PS3 remake of FFVII

  3. If you could make any suggestions to improve the Final Fantasy series, what would it be?

    I could not really recommend any changes as I've never played one
1. The connections to FFVII and the battle system.
2. Definitely would buy it since I never finished FFVII.
3. Focus on new entries to the series and not on the remakes and spinoffs. Do offer the older games on PSN, VC, or XBLA.
1. List 2-3 key factors and pointers that would affect your decision in purchasing Crisis Core for the PSP (battle modes, gameplay, character development, etc)?
A) First would be the game's replayability. In respects to other PSP games that are simply fun to play over and over (Lumines, E3, Pirates, Loco Roco, etc... games that lack the depth, but are just damned fun).. how much does Crisis Core stand up to that? One of the successful aspects of the handheld market is the growth of simplistic & fun "pick up and play" games. WarioWare set a precedent that has brought us some good "ole fashioned" enjoyable games.. portable fun in a sense, that you can put down and pick back up at a moment's notice. A second point would be game storyline, if the user's interest is captured and retained

2. There is a possible rumor that the original Final Fantasy VII for PS One will be remade for the PS3. What is your opinion on this and would you support it?
I would only support it if it received a major combat system overhaul. SquareEnix has become one heck of an egotistical corporation in their software development. Look at games that have obvious demand, such as a true Chrono Trigger sequel. They're sitting on money. However, the company believes they can sell whatever crap they sling our way. For every Dragon Warrior or FF, there are a few mounds of crap that rarely exceed mediocrity as they experiment too deeply with their IP's. I mean.. a Mana game with a vine whip? The diversification idea worked well with Einhander/Vagrant Story, Brave Fencer, Parasite Eve, etc.. now they have gotten lazy.

Random battles, limitless inventories, and completing the game (remember.. originally 4 discs, with a revivable broad in a pink dress casting a Holy Summer's Eve spell to stop a meteor). They cut alot of the intended game out to get it out to retail ASAP.. so a complete remake would be necessary. However, a complete ground up remake of FF VI, a virtual console release of Seiken Densetsu III, etc.. I'd be more open to that.

3. If you could make any suggestions to improve the Final Fantasy series, what would it be?
Lose the numbering of each title. If they are kept, they should use version #'s at the most.. example, Final Fantaxy v. 13.0
Time for a character design overhaul. The effeminate character thing is getting overdone.
Remember a good story. FFVI was written well. Chrono Trigger (not a technical FF game, but close enough) was written well. XII seemed half assed.
Lose the traditional genre mainstays.. never use random battles again, actually innovate in something more than CGI (God of War innovated gameplay. Katamari added something new. Portal turned the FPS upside down. Playing RPG's can get very exhaustive if the theme of each game stays the same).
Support online media distribution through the consoles of older titles, instead of milking the same game 5 times on different platforms for high MSRP
-List 2-3 key factors and pointers that would affect your decision in purchasing Crisis Core for the PSP (battle modes, gameplay, character development, etc)?

The battle system looks interesting, like a mix between Kingdom Hearts and traditional turn based, so I might wanna try that out. I played FFVII a long time ago so this game would be a nice refresher plus I think it gives a lot of backstory.

-There is a possible rumor that the original Final Fantasy VII for PS One will be remade for the PS3. What is your opinion on this and would you support it?

Personally I don't think it should happen since the original one is a classic. But honestly.. I would not mind if it was remade and I would definitely pick up a copy.

-If you could make any suggestions to improve the Final Fantasy series, what would it be?

Stop making online games lol. and stop pulling your ideas from the first 3 Star Wars movies :p
  1. List 2-3 key factors and pointers that would affect your decision in purchasing Crisis Core for the PSP (battle modes, gameplay, character development, etc)? Gameplay would b the #1 factor of play, action RPG versus turn-based rpg. I prefer action rpg. Continuing story line would be another factor along with graphics. It looks to be a goodlooking game.
  1. There is a possible rumor that the original Final Fantasy VII for PS One will be remade for the PS3. What is your opinion on this and would you support it? I would only support it and purchase it if extensive additional levels and content were included. Remaking just for the sake of profit to capitalize on a classic game isn't a way to treat fans. But to supplement a great classic game would be ok.

  2. If you could make any suggestions to improve the Final Fantasy series, what would it be? Ease of jumping into a convoluted, comlicated story would be my best suggestion. Summarize the story thus far in certain titles and making it acessable.
1) First and foremost, I'd like very little reference to the cast from FF7, besides the obvious interaction you'd have to have with Cloud and Sephiroth. I want new characters to meet.
I don't really care what sort of game Crisis Core is, be it SRPG or real-time action, just as long as it isn't another JRPG. It would smack too much of playing FF7 again.

2) There will be an inevitable remake of FF7, as Square is going down the line (currently at 4 on the DS). I don't really see it coming for the PS3. While it is sure to sell out, Square has too much on their plate at the moment. I'm sure plenty of people view the game with retro goggles, but if you seriously think back to the game, it is not that fun. The graphics and presentation definitely sold the game. There would have to be a complete, mammoth overhaul for it to pass for today's RPG standards, and to match the dreams of the equally collective mammoth fanboy hard-on there is for it. Saying that, I wouldn't mind a remake, but it would have to change a lot about the game for me really want to trudge through it again.

3) I'd hate to say to try some new things, because since it's Final Fantasy, there are certain conventions and expectations that the fanbase desires. If you stray too far from the formula, there will be a backlash. Unfortunately (or fortunately), Square is stuck there. Beyond progressing the graphics, music, and voice acting, I'd like the games to take a more mature tone. Not bloody, gory mature, but complicated and depressing things.
****SPOILERS FOR FF6**************
FF6 was pretty amazing to me at the time, since the second half of the game was almost like the heroes lost. The world was totally messed up, and you had to somehow band back together and fix things. Not to mention the whole Celes attempted suicide thing (or Cid dying if you didn't tend to him correctly). I hear Lost Odyssey goes down this path, and I'd like to see more of it.
1. I want an intriguing battle system - something I won't get sick of using. I want lots of key story ties to FF7.
2. If FF7 is remade for :ps3: I am all for it, and I would definitely buy it. It was one of the best RPG's ever (arguably #1), and to see it run on PS3 would be awesome.
3. Avoid the online MMO genre. FF should stick to what it does best - classic RPG gameplay. Therefore, to improve it the developers should keep trying to twists to the battle/level up system. Keep focusing on great storylines and cinematics to draw the player into the world.
  1. Were it turn based, and more similar to the RPG gameplay found in the rest of the series.

  2. Maybe, but only if it's merely a graphical overhaul for the most part.

  3. Go back to the style of gameplay found in FF6.
  1. List 2-3 key factors and pointers that would affect your decision in purchasing Crisis Core for the PSP (battle modes, gameplay, character development, etc)?
1. I would want the story to be somewhat detailed. A lot of the FF fans have been waiting years upon years for a backstory preqel to the FF7 universe and a backstory would be nice. This game seems to be aimed at FF fans and non alike but it should be more detail oriented.

2. I enjoyed the fighting in ffxi actually. It was a decent and refreshing change from standing there unable to move or do anything. I feel like FF is taking a step in the right direction and I would like to see this incorporated into the psp game as well.

  1. There is a possible rumor that the original Final Fantasy VII for PS One will be remade for the PS3. What is your opinion on this and would you support it?
    I believe that FF7 should be remade for the ps3 because a lot of us have been waiting for this as well. It was one of the best games, if not the best game on ps and i think bringing it to ps3 will be a big step up. they could showcase the game the way it should be shown. 3d graphics, beautiful cgi, and even speech would help out the game. i think its time for a refresher and now is a perfect time while all of the other ff projects are getting released. I would support it 100 percent.
  1. If you could make any suggestions to improve the Final Fantasy series, what would it be?
Character development. It seems lately the character development has been lacking. I remember playing FF VI and IV for the super nintendo and even with pixelated graphics you could feel for the characters. You felt their every emotion and it tied to yours. With the newer ff's, more along the lines of FFX and FFXII it seems like the character development is somewhat bland and you don't really experience their feelings and emotions as much as previous entries.
1. Gameplay is a must for me, if its just the same ol push the x button then no thanks...Also not a big fan of those random battles...Im hoping the story/characters are interesting enough to keep playing as its usually the most important part of playing RPG game...

2. I dont have a problem them remaking FF7 if its cheap...I haven't played it since i beat what 12 or so years ago, so i wouldn't mind playing it through again...I hope they add something a little new though instead of just updated graphics...

3. Im more into the old medieval type settings, not a big fan of the future type fantasy games...Also instead of an rpg, why not a beat-em up action game like Guardian Heroes...Oh & another Tactics game wouldn't hurt :)
1) I would buy FF7:CC if there are no random battles and the story is good.
2) I do support the remake for PS3.
3) No random battles, but some people like it :p.
1. List 2-3 key factors and pointers that would affect your decision in purchasing Crisis Core for the PSP (battle modes, gameplay, character development, etc)?

For me it's going to be gameplay/battle modes. Since this is a spinoff I'm not too concerned with everything else.

2. There is a possible rumor that the original Final Fantasy VII for PS One will be remade for the PS3. What is your opinion on this and would you support it?

I do not support it. I want the FFVII remake to be :wii:. Since I don't have or ever plan to buy a PS3. That's just way too much money for a system and only game to draw me in. Why not? FFI-VI are all on the GBA. I can't think of a reason why it shouldn't make it to the :wii: even if they don't upgrade anything I'd be happy with that.

3. If you could make any suggestions to improve the Final Fantasy series, what would it be?

Take a look at what they did before VII and give me the best of that. I don't want men who look like women who look like men. Screw your overly intricate hair physics. Make half the characters bald. Except Cid. I dig Cid.
[quote name='TLPRIME']3. I think a Puzzle rpg with the Final Fantasy name on it would/could do well. Think Puzzle Quest, but with different mechanics and some innovation.[/quote]

I could almost take that to mean you consider Puzzle Quest void of innovation.
1. Has to have a good story. And gameplay wise?...I hate it when it turns into a grind. At that point it's useless to play.

2. I've wanted one ever since I've heard of the PS3, but that's changed. I played FF7 again a couple months ago, and I think the game might have been slightly overrated. I remember that game for breaking the "cinematic" barrier, but I guess the game and story weren't as epic as I remember. If I were to pick PS3 remakes...I would much rather have a remake of FF6 or Shadow of the Colossus.

3. I think it's the never ending milking of one franchise is what they need to change. Don't get me wrong...I am interested in Crisis Core and Final Fantasy 7, but I think they might be taking it too far. My interest in this is fading. For example...It's like a show you used to really like getting renewed to the point where the show isn't good anymore. If we get more games like "Dirge"...ugh...I'll look elsewhere for my RPG fix.
  1. Story, bottom line! The reason I've loved Final Fantasy for so many years are it's captivating story lines and vast worlds. It's also the reason I loved Final Fantasy 9 so much, possibly one of the best stories ever told by a video game. Gameplay may come in a close second, but as long as it stays true to the turn-based style that I love along with a few extra features possibly. Third, more chocobo ridin'!
  2. I have never played FFVII so I would be for certain to play it on the PS3! I also wouldn't mind a remake of the ORIGINAL Final Fantasy, the same story and characters on a next gen console would definitely get my money!
  3. This is hard because, there's not much that needs improvement. If I had played X, XI, or XII, I might know a little more about which direction the series has been heading the last couple of years. So long as it sticks to its roots, I'm okay with that.
1) Easy save system because it is a portable system. Lots of extras to keep the game going.

2) I beat that game years ago and I do not really care to play it again. I don't mind if they remake it but I probably wouldn't buy it.

3) Put a shirt that covers the lead characters whole upper body unless the lead is a female then make her topless.
  1. Character development, gameplay, storytelling.
  2. I would definitely buy it if FF7 were remade for the PS3. It has a strong story and there are many new game players out there that have never played it and avoid it due to the dated graphics.
  3. No one plays FF games for the innovative gameplay, it's all about stories and character development. Focus on that instead of new gameplay gimmicks.
1. List 2-3 key factors and pointers that would affect your decision in purchasing Crisis Core for the PSP (battle modes, gameplay, character development, etc)?
-No random battles
-Easy save points
-Great story

2. There is a possible rumor that the original Final Fantasy VII for PS One will be remade for the PS3. What is your opinion on this and would you support it?
-Absolutely! Long overdue, IMHO

3. If you could make any suggestions to improve the Final Fantasy series, what would it be?
-Save game anytime! (Do away with save points, go back to the old way which worked best)
-Strengthen sidequest storylines
1)Fighting method (turn based vs action RPG, etc.), storyline and how close it resembles FFVII, character development (is it based more on the action or the story?)

2) Absolutely, I've been craving a FFVII remake for years and would love nothing more than the same game remade with todays graphical capabilities

3) I've always love turn based over this newer action RPG method that they now seem to be using, I'd love to see them go back to FFVII like method of fighting
List 2-3 key factors and pointers that would affect your decision in purchasing Crisis Core for the PSP (battle modes, gameplay, character development, etc)?

If it was like Dirge of Cerebrus, then I would have to pass. I wish we could play as more than one character.

There is a possible rumor that the original Final Fantasy VII for PS One will be remade for the PS3. What is your opinion on this and would you support it?

I want it, but only if it's just an enhanced version. I wouldn't want a complete overhaul of the battle system (except make it harder and add new materia).

If you could make any suggestions to improve the Final Fantasy series, what would it be?

This real-time-action-oriented shit needs to go. I hate the FFXI battle system. Please start turning back the clock.
1. Solid gameplay is a must. Hopefully the story stands well enough on its own, since I don't know the FFVII story first-hand...

2. I would love a remake! It may seem like more cashing in, but it would give "younger" players like me who missed the original a chance to experience it, and with prettier graphics. :)

3. I can't think of anything glaring off the top of my head, honestly. I personally have enjoyed the recent changes (i.e. in FFXII) and don't care too much for the older games. And as for the "milking", I feel that if you don't like it then just don't play the remakes/spinoffs/etc. Simple. As long as the main franchise is good quality, I'm satisfied.
1: Less or no random battles - they are the scourge of the JRPG. Decent character development system - more Sphere Grid than materia. Decent side-games a la the card games in PS1-era Final Fantasies.
2: I'd certainly be intrigued, but I'm not convinced that FF7 has aged all that well. Any remake would have be remade from the ground up, rather than just reskinned.
3: I was impressed by the quality of the spoken dialogue in FFX - more of the same please. Less of the crappy spinoffs (yes Chococbo Tales, I'm looking at you) - they just devalue the IP.
1) It would be story and gameplay. Those thing are the most important thing in a game for me.
2) It would be really cool and I would support it if I had a PS3.
3) DLC and more side mission.
1) I want to be immersed in a game. So music, character personalities, and story are all a must. I want to feel like I'm watching a movie but also being able to participate in it as well. To feel that my actions have consequences and move the story in a certain way.

2) Square-Enix would be missing out on a lot if they didn't do this. I own the original FFVII and can't stand playing it. It just looks too terrible. From everywhere I read it seems like 95% of the fans would support it as well. If you see that people want something you should make it. Don't give us a PS3 demo of a game everyone wants and then tell us your not going to produce it. Yes Sony I'm calling shenanigans. Personally I'd only support it if the story remained the same. Yes extra bosses and bonus dungeons are ok, even some extra enimies, just don't take away from that original awe of the PS1 version.

3)Skippable cutscenes with a section in the menu to watch them at your leisure and remakes of the later installments. And stop giving us crappy exclusives or spinoffs like a mobile version of Before Crisis. It's a phone! Casual games nothing else. You don't need or have the greatest platform control layout for it.
1) I am excited for the storyline and the action battle mode element
2) I think a fully revamped FF7 would be ridiculously awesome, the story could remain exactly the same but the graphics all spectacular
3) FF needs more TACTICS. I also wish it had weapons you could build like in Vagrant Story or Dark Cloud
1. I want it to connect really well with the original PS game. I also want a battle system that doesn't get repetitive, and stays fresh the whole game.

2. It might very well make me buy a PS3 just for it. I am really in support of a remake, as long as they don't add horrible voices.

3. Occasionally go back to the roots with more traditional gameplay, but with new twists. Storyline as well should always be of huge importance and worked on extensively.
1) NO random battles, easy character leveling (no weird board games please to raise my levels please,) good voice acting.

2) I can't say I do. It would be nice to see the fanbois shut up, but then again it would be great to see them left wanting more. No real interest, but maybe a remake is worth looking at.

3) Copy western game design. Also no more weird you boy crap characters.
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