CAG Buzz - The World Ends With You (DS) Giveaway! Multiple Winners!

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Head Cheap Ass
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14 (100%)
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  1. An upcoming new release title will be featured as a CAG BUZZ topic.
  2. CAGS can view screenshots, special features, and possibly industry rumors!
  3. Three to five questions will be open for comments.
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CAG BUZZ: The World Ends With You (DS)

The story begins as Neku Sakuraba, an unsociable 15-year-old boy, unexpectedly wakes up in the Shibuya shopping district of Tokyo, Japan. While trying to piece together his rude awakening, he receives a strange text message warning him that he will cease to exist unless he accomplishes a certain mission. Although he barely has time to grasp what is happening to him, he commences his assigned task in the mysterious streets of Shibuya.

  • Distinctive modern art style created by a team of artists led by Tetsuya Nomura, world-renowned character designer of the upcoming Fabula Nova Crystallis project which includes Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy Versus XIII

  • Innovative Stride-Cross Battle System allows players to control two characters simultaneously, unleashing special attacks with the stylus
  • Collect a vast array of custom-designed pins, each with a powerful psychic ability that can be activated with the right touch or sound command
  • Customize characters with Shibuya’s coolest fashions and exchange items with other players via Mingle Mode
  • Experience an amazing soundtrack combining a fusion of musical influences from hip-hop to rock to electronica
  • Battle with up to three friends in Tin Pin Slammer, an exciting and fast-paced mini-game, via local wireless connection
  1. What is your first impression of this innovative title regarding gameplay, creativity, and design?
  2. This game's story, character, and design is heavily influenced by Japan's modern culture (food, fashion, music, etc). Would this affect your purchasing decision?
  3. Would you consider this title as unique and catchy compared to other titles currently offered for DS? If not, what other games would you compare this game with?
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1. This game looks like it is using the two screens on the ds very well.
2. If I had only seen the art for the game I would not get it.
3. Yes this game is very unique.
1. The art style somewhat reminds me of Puyo Puyo for some reason, but it looks like it could be fun to play.
2. Yes, positively.
3. Initial reaction is that it handles something like Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword, unless it manages to get even more involved than that.
1: My first impression of this game is that it seems to be an rpg that dwells into the DS's wi-fi ability to bring in trading with friends and even playing portions of the game.

2:I don't mind games taking from cultures foreign to me, I actually enjoy seeing what they like to play and listen to, without having to actually go there.

3:With how the game plays, trading items and playing with others, the only thing I can think that comes close is Pokemon diamond/pearl. They're nothing alike, but they both make great use of the wi-fi ability. With how the game looks, only one game comes to mind, but not on the DS platform.

Most games on the DS always seem to have trouble using the mic properly, at least to me. Does anyone else think this might be a gimp for the game?
1. I've thought this game looked good since it came out in Japan and am glad and somewhat surprised it is getting released outside Japan. As far as my initial impressions I thought the overall setting and look of the game sets it apart from other games.

2. Yes but in a good way.

3. I would have to say no. It appears to set itself apart from other games.
1. It looks like you have to multi-task and push lots of buttons. The artistic design looks colorful and fun

2. I like that it has elements of Japanese culture. I love Shenmue and Yakuza for this reason. Since I will probably never be able to afford to go to Tokyo or Akihabara, this will be a treat for me.

3. I can't think of a title that looks like this on the DS. Contact is a quirky RPG....?
1) Doesn't matter its made by Square
2) Doesn't matter its made by Square
3) Doesn't matter its made by Square

Haha Doesn't matter its made by Square = SOLD!
1. The battle system looks highly entertaining. The art style seems like a great way to liven up the experience.

2. The culture influence seems like it would only boost the experience. Those crazy Japanese and their weird fads...

3. It has it's own unique take on the RPG genre, and it set apart not only on the DS, but all RPGs really.
1. Its impressive, being created by those involved with Kingdom Hearts and from Square. Not to mention IGN's review calls it one of the best games on the DS.
2. Japanese culture has a strong influence on cartoons and videogames, so theres very little reason it would affect my interest in this one.
3. Yes, this title does seem unique and catchy and though I havn't played the two newer Final Fantasies on the DS, I would imagine it changes the gameplay style traditionally found in FF games and makes its own style
1- Really interesting , i've been reading about this game for the las two months (in magazines) and it reminds me of Kingdom hearts , wich is Great!!

2- Oh YEAH!!! in a good way , People (mostly here in the US ) need to open their minds to other cultures and learn about them before criticizing (I'm Hispanic and I've seen it happen ...) I think it's really good having those influences in a video game.

3- Deffinetly UNIQUE and catchy YEAH!! , don't think there's anything close to this game on the DS , and like I said earlier..... reminds me of Kingdom Hearts , (SWEET)!!!!

1. I was interested the second it was showed at the first event it appeared at.
2. I don't really care for Japan's modern culture but I don't hate it either. So no.
3. Now that more information is out, I definitely think it's unique.
1. It looks like a pretty original game. Since it's a new IP, i'm curious on how Square handles the new combat system.

2. It won't for me. I'm pretty much open to any game if it looks interesting.

3. This is actually new to me, I've never seen anything like it. Square's taking a new direction with their games.
1. The creativy and design definitely grabbed my attention, which most DS games have failed to do recently.
2. Yes, seems interesting.
3. Yes, the game has originality going for it. I hope it works out.
  1. Don't know much about the gameplay, but the design is certainly interesting, and seems like a fresh take on a fairly staid genre.
  2. Sure. Always interested in games influenced by other cultures.
  3. Can't say I know of anything similar.
1. The collection element that involves performing certain actions to enable the use of pins sounds interesting, but I hope it doesn't look to silly to perform. It would be quite embarrassing to equip the super-ultra-awesome pin of cataclysm, but the only way to use it's abilities is to quack into the microphone.

2. I guess I am one of those people who is more interested in this game because of it's inclusion of many specifics of modern Japanese culture. However, I am far too cheap to buy a game just on style or content alone unless it has decent gameplay to back it up.

3. I certainly dig the cel-shaded graphics. There are not enough DS games with cel-shaded graphics. Someone should get on that.
  1. The art direction is really neat, but I could expect no less from Tetsuya Nomura. The use of both screens on the DS looks to be really well done with this game.
  2. Japanese culture has an influence on many things I buy like animes, mangas, videogames, etc.. So I guess the answer would be no. Though the use of Japanese culture in this particular videogame looks really interesting. ^.^
  3. I can't name a game that looks like this graphics-wise on the DS. And I can't really say right now if it plays any different from the other Final Fantasys (FFIII and FFCC:RoF) on the DS. Give me a couple minutes with the game and I'll answer this question then. d:
1. I'm having a good feeling about this one, time to charge up the DS.
2. Crazy Japan Sim? Sign me up!
3. My first impression based on these screens are that this could be one of the most unique DS titles to date. Looks like the game could be a mashup of Elite Beat Agents, Jet Set Radio and Senken Densetsu(Secret of mana).
1. The simultaneous use of both screens looks a little too hectic.

2. Probably not, although I do consider stylized visuals a big plus.

3. This definitely looks like a standalone product on the DS. I can't think of any other games on the system attempting what this game has (apparently) accomplished.
  1. What is your first impression of this innovative title regarding gameplay, creativity, and design?
What first got my interest was the title. I was expecting it to be an FPS or action/adventure title. I read the premise and was really anticipating this title! Then I learned it would be an RPG and my interest quickly faded. Since I had browsed it several times on Amazon, it kept popping up on my browsing history. I continued to look into it and was happy to learn that it is a unique title. The gameplay requiring simultanuous use of the dual screens in something I would love to have more games feature; afterall it is called the DS for the Dual Screens. You have your games like New SMB and Mario Kart that only require you to truly use one screen. That's great, but I like to think of my DS as the one with all the cool and unique gameplay ideas. The design looks great, it doesn't fit the mold of your average RPG, dare I say it sort of reminds me a bit of No More Heroes? Yes, if ever so slightly.

2. This game's story, character, and design is heavily influenced by Japan's modern culture (food, fashion, music, etc). Would this affect your purchasing decision?
Not necessarily. I would be more so by the overall design and creativity; it is Japanese influenced as this type of design in games stateside is not seen, so I guess in a way it would.

3. Would you consider this title as unique and catchy compared to other titles currently offered for DS? If not, what other games would you compare this game with?
I'd like to think of it as something besides catchy; that implies that it's "gimmicky," which I hope it's not. I'm looking for something that would offer a unique gaming experience like Hotel Dusk, Phoenix Wright, Trauma Center and Drawn To Life offer. That's not meant to say that it has to be like those aforementioned games, but I'm hopeful that it will offer a style of gameplay I have yet to see. The fact that it looks unlike anything currently out there for the DS is a plus, it certainly has garnered my interest as a result.
  1. It's good to see some innovation in what can be considered a very stagnant genre.
2. Honestly, not really. The innovative design will.
3. It seems to be very unique, but we'll have to wait and see when it comes out!
1. Hmm... a fantasy take on japanese pop emo culture... I am intrigued even though the art style kind of turns me off due to my dislike of Kingdom Hearts
2. Only if I live in japan it would. Other than that I see this as a study on a japanese pop culture group
3. Yes and no. In terms of concept and gameplay it's unique. In terms of setup and functionality it is too much of an action RPG
1. I think it's extremely refreshing to see a Japanese RPG, or any RPG for that matter, take place in a modern setting. It's one of the reasons why Persona 3 is one of my all-time favorite RPGs. Gameplay and design wise, it's also very satisfying to see developers do something different as opposed to the same tried and true formulaic stuff we've been subjected to for the past decade or so.

2. The unique modern-Japanese style of the game is the biggest reason why I'm excited to play it. I'm already a huge fan of Japanese culture so this is a no-brainer for me to purchase.

3. The World Ends With You is one of the more unique traditional games but it's still not as quirky or wierd as some of the other DS titles available such as Electroplankton or Master of Illusion. With that being said, it is still a very unique game in its own right and is more of a unique take on a genre that's already been done such as Elite Beat Agents with rhythm games or Kirby Canvas Curse with platformers.
  1. What is your first impression of this innovative title regarding gameplay, creativity, and design?

    Looks to be pretty ambitious. It'll either be a great game, or a waste of potential. From what reviews are out now, it seems to be the former.
  2. This game's story, character, and design is heavily influenced by Japan's modern culture (food, fashion, music, etc). Would this affect your purchasing decision?

    No, it does not.
  3. Would you consider this title as unique and catchy compared to other titles currently offered for DS? If not, what other games would you compare this game with?

    I looked at some previews for this game last month, and it seemed to be very different than the other games I've seen on the DS. I'll know for sure when it comes out.
1. I really love games that utilize the DS in such a way that the game could ONLY work on the DS, and this is obviously such a title.
2. To some degree, I suppose. It is always interesting to see what is hip in other cultures.
3. Not only is this title unique, it is so unique it is almost scary. I'm not sure I'll be able to deal with the battle system!
1. The gameplay seems intriguing probably the best part is the active time battle. The stylus play could be pretty good also.
2. No. It makes the game unique, but that alone does not make it a good game.
3. Unique yes. Catchy? I don't even understand what you mean by that, so I'd have to say no because it's not something that people can just see and get use to. It's different.
1. My First impression is that it kind of reminds me of River City Ransom redone as an RPG instead of a beat'em up.
2. Yes it would. I'm very interested in Japanese culture and would love to see how well it would lend itself to a game.
3. This title definitely seems unique, almost like River City Ransom mixed with Kingdom Hearts mixed with a dash of pop culture.
  1. What is your first impression of this innovative title regarding gameplay, creativity, and design?
This game looks good. It kind of has that old school feeling that many games lack now.

  1. This game's story, character, and design is heavily influenced by Japan's modern culture (food, fashion, music, etc). Would this affect your purchasing decision?
Not really, but since I am asian this may be interesting for me.

  1. Would you consider this title as unique and catchy compared to other titles currently offered for DS? If not, what other games would you compare this game with?
Yes because you can upgrade you characters a lot. Also the coop is a great feature because you don't see that much in handheld gaming.
1. The game really looks interesting. I applaud Square for making a game that is different from what others are making.

2. Yes. I think it's good to open your eyes and experience how others cultures think and live, although the experience here is limited as this is a video game.

3. This game is unique. If it compares to any games, it would have to be to games like Hotel Dusk and Phoenix Wright in that it breaks the mold .
1. It feels to me square is trying something new, which is quite shocking! It leaves a good impression on me, because they're not pumping out remakes, spinoffs, or more Final Fantasies.

2. It won't affect my purchasing decision because if it's a bad game, I wouldn't care how much Japanese culture the game had.

3. I think the title is very unique but not very catchy.
1. What is your first impression of this innovative title regarding gameplay, creativity, and design?

It looks great.

2. This game's story, character, and design is heavily influenced by Japan's modern culture (food, fashion, music, etc). Would this affect your purchasing decision?

Minimal influence.

3. Would you consider this title as unique and catchy compared to other titles currently offered for DS? If not, what other games would you compare this game with?

Yes. Though it strikes me as a cross between Draglade and Gitaroo Man with a Kingdom Hearts character design.
Thanks Cheapy and GCD, I'd love to win this game. :)

1.) It's very hard to judge gameplay from screenshots and a text summary, but the use of both screens to control two characters is intriguing. As far as creativity and design, Tetsuya seems to have put a lot of effort into making this title look and sound as different as possible from traditional rpgs.

2.) I'm fascinated by modern Japanese culture, and haven't seen a lot of it in video games, so this would definitely be a positive.

3.) This game looks and sounds more unique than most, if not all current DS games. The only game I can think of that uses a similar two-character system is Cookie and Cream, but nothing else on the DS shares the art and music style. I will definitely want to check this game out.
1. The game looks very interesting. While the gameplay does intrigue me it looks as if it can get complicated.

2. I suppose to some extent it might since I enjoy games that give me an insight to other cultures.

3. I would definitely consider this a unique game but I wouldn't classify it as a catchy game since it does not look like a game someone can see and get accustomed to.
What is your first impression of this innovative title regarding gameplay, creativity, and design?
First off it has a great title. Everything about this game looks pretty awesome. I'm not sure how hard it will be to control two screens at once but it's sounding better and better with each article I read
This game's story, character, and design is heavily influenced by Japan's modern culture (food, fashion, music, etc). Would this affect your purchasing decision?
I'm going to say no. The only reason I'm saying this is because if it was the same game set in modern Yugoslavia I'd still be interested. Wihle i"m glad to see a new setting that isn't fantasy based this game just sounds like too much fun in any time period.
Would you consider this title as unique and catchy compared to other titles currently offered for DS? If not, what other games would you compare this game with?
how can you not? THis game is definitly one of the more unique RPGs on the portable system. Probabl one of the more unique games period. I haven't been hyped for a game from Day-1 like thi since Kirby Canvas Curse on the DS and maybe No More Heroes on the Wii.
  1. What is your first impression of this innovative title regarding gameplay, creativity, and design?
Dual screens look awesome, but I hope playing two characters at the same time isn't that tricky. I'm not the young gamer I used to be.
2.This game's story, character, and design is heavily influenced by Japan's modern culture (food, fashion, music, etc). Would this affect your purchasing decision?
I'm kinda an anime nerd on the weekends. From what I've seen of gameplay, I like most of the stylistic choices. The fact that it's Japanese vs. American teenage culture doesn't dissuade me. Although using 'bling' in the context; eek.
3.Would you consider this title as unique and catchy compared to other titles currently offered for DS? If not, what other games would you compare this game with?

There are many many different types of games out for the DS, and I think this game really stands out. From a purchasing point of view, it was one of the few new IPs I was planning on buying for any system this year, at least thus far.

I know this wasn't what you meant, but-

Re: The title: I was really hoping they'd name it 'It's A Wonderful World', because then they'd use that song in the promos, and so everytime it came on the TV, I was hoping it was an announcement for this game. Honestly, 'The World Ends With You' sounds emo and melodramatic, which fits when you consider the overall game, but I don't know if someone who hasn't heard of the game would think it 'unique' or 'catchy.';)
  1. The art style of this game is really unique. It reminds me a bit of Jet Set Radio and Elite Beat Agents, but is different enough to stand out on its own. I like that it's an RPG set in modern Tokyo instead of a more typical RPG setting.
  2. I'm more likely to buy the game because of its modern Japanese cultural influence. My wife and I really want to go to Japan for a vacation sometime, so this game would be a great preview of what it's like to be there (minus the monster battling).
  3. The DS has its fair share of RPGs, but I think this one is unique enough to stand on its own, if nothing else for the art style and for the setting.
1. What is your first impression of this innovative title regarding gameplay, creativity, and design?

I really like the ambitious use of the two screens. I also like the Dance Dance Revolution-influenced combat---I'm a big music-game fan, so I'm very excited by the idea of combat that pulls from that.

And yeah, I'm happy to see Square Enix trying a new IP. FInal Fantasy is great, but I like to see something new. It's especially neat to see an RPG set in the present, as the genre tends to be so overwhelmingly fantasy-based.

2. This game's story, character, and design is heavily influenced by Japan's modern culture (food, fashion, music, etc). Would this affect your purchasing decision?

Somewhat---like any gamer, I have a bit of a thing for J-style. But I'm mostly influenced by the fact that it looks like Jet Grind Radio, one of my favorite games ever.

3. Would you consider this title as unique and catchy compared to other titles currently offered for DS? If not, what other games would you compare this game with?

Definitely, definitely! As far as comparisons: I might compare it to Kirby Canvas Curse for its innovations in DS use, or to Draglade for its musical combat. But really, I can't think of any DS game that I could closely compare it to---and that's a good thing! That's what originality means.
One of my most anticipated games at a less than anticipatory price!

What is your first impression of this innovative title regarding gameplay, creativity, and design?

I was generally surprised it was developed by Square. Way too out there for their usual fare. But that makes it all the more interesting. With a decent learning curve apparently in place for the complex combat system, I'm looking forward to it.

This game's story, character, and design is heavily influenced by Japan's modern culture (food, fashion, music, etc). Would this affect your purchasing decision?

I wouldn't say so... neither positively or negatively, though I suppose it will be interesting to experience a small virtual slice of Japan while playing.

Would you consider this title as unique and catchy compared to other titles currently offered for DS? If not, what other games would you compare this game with?

It certainly seems to be a pretty unique offering on the DS, even though the DS seems to thrive on unique offerings. Definitely something that was built to its strengths and worth checking out.
1. Have heard of the game before, so don't quite remember *first* impression... I like the modern design, and based the screenshots above, I'm intrigued to learn more about the gameplay.
2. It increases my chances of purchasing.
3. Yes. Yay to unique titles on the DS.
1. I really like the look of this game, kinda reminds me of Sega's Jet Set Radio series in terms of design, that's a good thing.

2. It doesn't affect my decision to purchase, but the style & design is nice.

3. Yes, it looks unique, definitely stands out, I'm very interested in this game.
  1. It seems like the flexibiity of the system and unique design will either make this a new classic for SE or the other extreme: will end up being one of those "great games that nobody played".
  2. While personally I am slightly put off by the visual style of the game, the Japanese-influenced content (particularly the music) holds a lot of appeal for me.
  3. I feel like the DS has a variety of interesting/oddball titles such as DQH: Rocket Slime (yes, another Square Enix title), but too games many are stuck with the theme of Pokemon/Mario...its nice to see that TWEWY offers a twist on the RPG genre without losing its polish at the expense of altering the usual formula.
  1. That hopefully Square Enix will work some of its RPG magic for it.
  2. A little, I'd always like to learn more about Japan :)
  3. Yes, I would. This is one of the only games that has tempted me in the past several months.
1. The game looks really flushed out, and I'm really excited about that. Square's non-port DS games are shaping up to be very good, and I hope they keep it up!
2. I love the style, and I love getting to look at this different crazy subculture. Plus, it kinda reminds me of Jet Set Radio, which I am still very much in love with.
3. The title and boxart alone make it pop out among a wall full of cutesy anime DS titles. I don't think TWEWY will have any problem grabbing people's attention.
1. The game looks really cool and looks to use the ds well.
2. No, not at all.
3. Yes, this title looks really unique and fun to play.
1. What piqued my interest first was the title. As I read more details about the game, I was excited to see that it was an action RPG (a genre I enjoy) and the colorful anime style characters and backgrounds looked fun. The battle system seems unique as does the creative utlilization of both DS screens.

2. While I am fascinated by other cultures, the heavy Japanese influence doesn't affect my decision either way to buy this game. I am more interested in an entertaining storyline, battle system, and gameplay. If all those elements are there then I'm happy with just about any cultural influence.

3. From what I've seen so far this does look like one of the more unique DS titles out there. I'm trying to think of other games to compare it to but I really can't come up with any. I like RPG's, but unfortunately don't seem to have enough time to committ to many of them these days. I've had my eye very closely on this game however, and that hasn't happened in quite some time.
  1. I *love* the fact that the game isn't sent in some pseudo-medieval world of magic. Sometimes I get tired of that stuff but still want an RPG experience, you know? That fact coupled with the dual screen battles makes me really interested in the title.
  2. Honestly, I'm more inclined to buy it knowing that it takes place in modern Tokyo.
  3. Although I haven't played The World Ends With You yet, the descriptions of the battle mechanics remind me of Atlus' Draglade. Still, the entire game seems very original and a wonderful addition to the DS library. I'd love to see more games take the standard RPG formula and add twists like this.
  1. Worried about doing touchscreen and button presses, but it has character designs from tetsuya nomura(sp).
  2. Not Really, again I just wanted to buy this because I enjoy tetsuya nomura's work
  3. I'd say the control scheme is interesting, so yeah it should be a different experience.
1) The talent involved alone merits a purchase, however, the combat system makes me wonder how well I can multitask.
2) The fact that it is heavily influenced by Japanese culture is interesting, however, I am now sure how well this would apeal to American audiances as a whole.
3) Unique looks like the best word to describe this game.
1. Well, it art style look pretty cool.

2. Probably would not affect my purchasing decision or not.

3. I'm not sure I play a weird japanese game like this so I don't really have an opinion on this.
  1. What is your first impression of this innovative title regarding gameplay, creativity, and design?

    A) I love it.
  2. This game's story, character, and design is heavily influenced by Japan's modern culture (food, fashion, music, etc). Would this affect your purchasing decision?

    A) Yes, more likely to buy.
  3. Would you consider this title as unique and catchy compared to other titles currently offered for DS? If not, what other games would you compare this game with?

    A) I love quirky titles and unique games , compared to electroplankton, professor layton's curious village, Ace attorney series, Hotel dusk room 215 which i just finished and has a nice payoff
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