CAG Community Award 2007


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Using the above voting system, cast your vote for CAG Community Award 2007.
Which CAG, through his or her actions and contributions, best served the CAG community in 2007?

*This award is new this year, but is a spin off of CAG Hero

Last year's CAG Hero winner:
Well, OK, I'll get this started - marten for his Child's Play raffle prize contributions.
[quote name='io']Well, OK, I'll get this started - marten for his Child's Play raffle prize contributions.[/quote]

I will second that
I wish I could just nominate the whole CAG community for being so generous regarding the Child's Play Charity. A lot of people donated substantial prizes while many more donated money into the pot. I am so proud that we reached over $27k!!! You know what...I am going to nominate the whole CAG community anyway.

My nomination: CAG community as a whole
Speedy again on this one. To go through what he did, and still continue on for us was an amazing feat. I hope his vacation is a good one. :)
the Shipwrecks for doing such a great job with their podcasts in 2007. i love them :)
It's a tie between Speedy and Marten in my book. Speedy for the obvious reasons, especially in reflection of what he's had put upon him from CC. Marten, for his constant give-backs to the CAG community.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']Briansraregames. He donated some stuff to the Child's Play raffle too, plus he is always having give-a-ways on CAG.[/QUOTE]
Count me as another vote for Briansraregames. The weekly contests all through the baseball and football seasons were a lot of fun. A very generous CAG.
Hmmm.VERY tough choice.

I will nominate Speedy, because in terms of the "Cheap Ass Gamer' community, he helped us find the best deals around, and he risked a lot to do it.

Marten, of course, was an all-around great person for donating so much.

And, personally, I also think MSU HITMAN kicks ass for organizing the CAGCLAN!

But yes...My vote is in For SPEEDY!!!!
CAG Community as a whole. The amount of money raised for a community defined as "cheap" astounds me every time I see the graphic. The lofty goal of $10,000 was shattered and it truly is amazing. It would not have been possible without prize donations, monetary donations, and the people who make foster this friendly and useful community to keep users coming back. I nominate everyone who participated in the charity effort.
briansraregames for running the weekly football and baseball contests but I agree that speedy1961 and Marten deserve props for their work as well!
Wow thanks for the nominations! :D I will nominate Speedy and That Damn Dave, who was doing stuff on the 360 board before I started helping him out.
I would have to say Briansraregames. Thanks to him I got a brand spankin' new Guitar Hero II 360 bundle.
bread's done