CAG Gaming Group - Call of Duty 4 Thursdays

[quote name='Matt Young']*Joins the party*

I'll be on in 30 minutes! I can't miss wrestling.[/quote]

I gotta take the dog for a walk and I'll be on in about 30 minutes.
[quote name='poisonedpawn45']Holy crap this mass C4 stuff is hilarious, can't wait to see those videos[/quote]

That was fucking funny:lol:
Bahaha... nicely captured, Khondor. It was hilariously glorious fun pogoing on the heads of people. ;) :mrgreen:

And sorries to Coax and co.(ax). My game froze or the game froze or something, and considering I wanted to be offline by 11 p.m., I just powered off my 360. :whistle2:( Bah!
Its cool. We all pretty much disbanded after you left as I was incredibly sleepy.

I wish I had a camera to record the view I had when I was crouched down and all of you were circled around me pointing your pistols at my face. It really was like some weird kind of porn.
i had fun ... had a couple of high scoring matches.
Even was on the opposite team of CAGs at one point.

I was only planning to play if the new maps came out... it didnt and i still played even tho i have some essays to write.... all well.
[quote name='Khondor'][/QUOTE]

What kind of gay shit is this? This ain't even as cool as our January video that ragekod took of us jumping out of the map.

Let alone you guys go on at nonexistent times. I had my system on until a little past 9pm EST with only one person on my list playing the game. I then come to this thread and maybe 5 people reply about playing last night, with video of like 12 people jumping in Old School Hardcore like some Halo fanboys.

Man no wonder why CheapyD and Wombat have moved onto RSV2.
I wanted to get in some CAG games, but they were full. By the time Simon DI and chasemurata invited me, I was in a party of 6. Simon messaged me back when I told him this, but Chase and the others didn't. Meh. new maps in 4 hours!
This is my favorite, with the group photo at the end.
Cant wait to see the picture Simon

Good times last night. Who'd have thought you could have so much fun NOT playing a game. Thanks for the videos, Khondor- it's pretty eerie when everyone stops jumping and runs to the edge of the roof seemingly unprompted, and the random knifing during the group photo was priceless.
wait, wait...that is what you guys were doing last night? Maybe I'm glad I couldn't get an invite to that. I'm sure it was a "you had to be there" kinda thing.
Bah youtube blocked at work :( I'll have to check those out when I get home.

It was definitely a you had to be there moment, but it was really funny. This was after we had already played for a while also.
But there was honestly no point to it. You guys were in a common to get to spot. You have to be creative like me and ragekod:

Good vids Kondor.
[quote name='OneGoodBurp']Good vids Kondor.

Nice Pic, i like how you can only see my gamertag

By the way, the new maps are up everyone.
Try this link to see some of the saved (unedited) clips from last night's CAG session. You should be able to click on the image/video and get an option to save the file for local viewing. I’m just testing this online sharing site out for the first time. The pics & vids both came from my camera. The pictures didn't turn out well as I hoped. I deliberately turned off the flash setting, but forgot to bump up the ISO setting, so everything's a little blury.

[quote name='OneGoodBurp']Try this link to see some of the saved (unedited) clips from last night's CAG session. You should be able to click on the image/video and get an option to save the file for local viewing. I’m just testing this online sharing site out for the first time. The pics & vids both came from my camera. The pictures didn't turn out well as I hoped. I deliberately turned off the flash setting, but forgot to bump up the ISO setting, so everything's a little blury.[/quote]

:lol: The overgrown grenade vids are fucking hilarious :lol:
[quote name='OneGoodBurp']Try this link to see some of the saved (unedited) clips from last night's CAG session. You should be able to click on the image/video and get an option to save the file for local viewing. I’m just testing this online sharing site out for the first time. The pics & vids both came from my camera. The pictures didn't turn out well as I hoped. I deliberately turned off the flash setting, but forgot to bump up the ISO setting, so everything's a little blury.[/quote]

HOLY SHIT, this stuff is awesome!!!!!!

Khondor, good stuff on yours as well!!!

I'll have the shit up very soon, guys, I promise!

That's honestly the most fun I've ever had in any game....I am not exaggerating.

My face and tear ducts were hurting for hours from all the laughing/crying....especially that grenade on overgrown!
Wow... I wish I was there the other night to witness the "CAG Go Boom at Overgrown"... Which in the future I will be referring to as the CAG Mass Genocide.
Wow you guys really did it this time. :applause:I missed out on a whole week of CAG COD4 nights cause I'm in the blazing hot sun here in Arizona. I'm having a wonderful time here though and I will be back on Monday night to get back on for some insane action with the boys. :D
I'm a sad panda for having missed out on all the fun festivities while out of town.....I'll post my Sesame Street Live pics soon to retort (sorry guys there was no video allowed :)
Seems like I missed out on the fun Saturday. Khondor sent me an invite, but I got a host error the first time. Then I got the pop up notification that says "Khondor wants to play" or whatever two more times, but both times there was no actual invite message. Strange.
[quote name='craven_fiend']I am going to try to be on, probably going to be fairly late, around 10ish ET[/QUOTE]

I rarely see you on ANY game, much less COD4, and I've had you on my friend list for years, LOL.

I am not sure if I'll be on tonight. My sleep schedule got even more fucked by double XP, and I've had days of sleeping from 1 PM to 10 PM and the like. Stayed up all night last night and all day today in an effort to get to sleep at a decent time and wake up in the morning, so I may not be conscious.
[quote name='Matt Young']I rarely see you on ANY game, much less COD4, and I've had you on my friend list for years, LOL.[/quote]

Yeah, I am very hit or miss with work and family stuff. Most of my gaming is generally done between the hours of 4-6pm ET, when my son is down for a nap and my wife is studying or napping with our son.

As for tonight, since I took tomorrow off, I should be on for atleast a little bit, hopefully around 10ish ET.
[quote name='craven_fiend']Yeah, I am very hit or miss with work and family stuff. Most of my gaming is generally done between the hours of 4-6pm ET, when my son is down for a nap and my wife is studying or napping with our son.

As for tonight, since I took tomorrow off, I should be on for atleast a little bit, hopefully around 10ish ET.[/QUOTE]

When did you get married and have a kid?

*head explodes*
I got to say that was quite an emotional ending there, and I'm going to miss Simon
D I and his funny games and laughing at my bad jokes, it was hilarious tonight as well, I'll never have that much fun playing with lag ever again.
[quote name='Ragekod']Wow you guys really did it this time. :applause:I missed out on a whole week of CAG COD4 nights cause I'm in the blazing hot sun here in Arizona. I'm having a wonderful time here though and I will be back on Monday night to get back on for some insane action with the boys. :D[/quote]

Blazing hot? It's actually cool right now. ;)

Sucks I haven't been able to play, school is kicking my ass right now and I just don't have the time.
[quote name='xcoax']I too am going to miss Simon. Without him its just a bunch of dudes playing Call of Duty 4.[/quote]

Siiiiiiiimon! :cry:

I will also miss the Simon. He really made it enjoyable and hilariously-sexy. What is gaming without the sexy? Not gaming, I'll tell you that. This sucks. :whistle2:(
bread's done