CAG Gaming Night- Halo 3- First Night: Friday, 9/28. 9:00 PM EST

I'm in!

Gamertag: Vergenc3

However, I won't be there tomorrow since I'm covering a shift. I'll be there next Friday though!
I dont know if I'll make it this week, USF vs. WVU game is on Friday night, but Ill def be there next time

Gamertime: Afedock
I'd be interested in participating in this as well. Although I'm fairly certain I won't be able to play this weekend since I have friends coming into town who are amped about playing Wii. So Friday night will be a Wii Party for me.

My gamertag is Gator Juan
Hey, I'll throw my name in Just in case. I won't be able to do anything this weekend though. Though next week for sure.

Mad B Man
I'd like to join in, but I'm on the west coast, and I usually can't play until 9 PM PST. If anyone else is still up by that time, I'm game.

I'm also interested in co-op play. As soon as I'm done with the campaign mode, it's something I'd like to try again on Heroic and Legendary. And collect the skulls while we're at it.

I'd like to join, but I'm very inexperienced with FPS multiplayer (the last one I really got into was Goldeneye for the N64) so I apologize in advance if I do things against unwritten rules. I'll be there at 9.
GT: Cagnazzo

edit: i may be a bit late, around 10 or so
Count me in...though I probably won't be on until closer to 10 or 11 EST. Gamertag: three star king

(warning...I'm not very good)
Well i would appreciate it if we could get a party going. I dont mind hosting. Id like everybody to test out my new map i created. I created it using High ground and i sorta went the WW2 way of normadny beach sorta!
I'd like to sign up. Won't be on until after 10:00pm EST though depending on how long you guys are going to be playing.

GT - QuantamPulse
I'm in. I just got back from geting a live card today. So I will put it in when I get a chance and will have gold again.

Gamer Tag is shazo
Kinda off topic based on the OP but still Halo 3 CAG Gaming related.

Was wondering if there were others out there who wanted to do a Legendary Difficulty 4Player Co-op
Any one mind helping me get the famine skull? I just want to have to kill 2 hunters on my own again. That was a bitch the first time. If some one wants to i will be on around 8 or 9 central time.
i would love to beat this on Legendary...just beat it on normal today...but i am also up for whatever other modes

edit: Jedi1979 is my gamertag
bread's done