CAG Grifball Team's Child's Play Charity Drive! $1612.50 raised to date!

Am I too late to register for the 2008 Fall Grifball Season? I'll put down my info.

CAG Name: Phish2112
XBL Gamertag: Phish2112
Preferred Team: Rookie
Preferred Position: Trick Runner, Team Captain

I'm an awesome Trick Runner as long as I'm with people who'll give me good cover. I know all the Grifball plays, and I have an even temper so I don't freak out. I like to have fun with Grifball. When I don't have the ball I usually have my team keep the blockers off me so I can slip in with the sword and take down Griff
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[quote name='Phish2112']
Preferred Position: Trick Runner, Team Captain[/quote]


Psst, Syn. He can't be worse than HotShot, can he?
I don't want to take anyone's spot. I just want to get into a team so we can push our way up to the Championship. If you need a Runner, you've found one. If you don't need a Captain, that's fine, I'm still a good Runner.
[quote name='Draekon']Uh-oh.

Psst, Syn. He can't be worse than HotShot, can he?
I think anyone's better than HotShot -Syn[/quote]
Our Rookie team isn't looking too good. Not many people consistently showed up for try-outs.
I love that though. Start grinding our way to the top. At least see what I can do, everyone say's I'm damn good, but I dunno how that stands up to competition standards.
[quote name='Phish2112']I don't want to take anyone's spot. I just want to get into a team so we can push our way up to the Championship. If you need a Runner, you've found one. If you don't need a Captain, that's fine, I'm still a good Runner.[/quote]

I was just messing around. I don't mean anything by it really. :p

This weekend is the Grifball hopper, so try shooting us a friend request (HotShot, Syn, and/or I). We're playing fairly often while it's still here. Which I believe it's gone sometime Monday.

After that we're mostly on early nights around 9PM EST on occasion as the fall league hasn't started yet. So far we've only set a couple actual meeting dates as it's the off season right now.

We're on right now though if you want to hop on with us. Don't know how long we're going to be on for though. Maybe an hour or so from this post.
I just started playing Grifball, and it's some badass stuff. I'll look for some of you guys the next time a practice is supposed to occur, and see if I can help a team win some games. I think I'm best at clearing a path for the ball carrier (blocker), and I can make some good runs also.
Just watched some of the videos and this looks pretty good. I am interested in trying it out. Sense i have never played before it might take awhile to get use to. I hope you guys wouldn't mind giving me a chance to try and play.

My gamer tag is Rockys12
Sorry about the lack of activity between this thread and XBL. I'll be messaging all of the interested rookies soon to set up a meeting time and get the basics down.

only played grifball twice, managed to score on my first ever carry though, and three other times during the second round. If only I had more time available to me in the evenings... I would love to get involved in CAG Grifball
Next practice for both Rookies and Veterans will be on Wednesday, 9pm EST. We're going to see if we can get the rookies a couple of scrimmages against other teams.

Ok, for those who have yet to read the latest news on, the Official Fall League has been canceled in favor of using the time to improve the league, and start on time for Winter League in late November.

Now, with that being said, is hosting an "Underground Fall League" for veterans and rookies alike in the downtime. While it will not have any affect on your status in the Official League, this is a great opportunity to take on many rookies until then and develop as a team.

That being said, let's get together Wednesday night at 9pm EST, to get some scrimmages in as well as get you guys a chance to scrimmage other teams.

The next few practices will involve 4 of you working together as a team and running plays without the guidance of a veteran telling you what to do.

The vets will always be there for guidance and assistance, but the best way to get you guys improving fast will be to get you all to communicate and schedule practice beyond the hosting of the vets. We'll help pair you up with some of the teams we know, and though they might consistently beat you, you will improve much, much faster.

Remember, Wednesday at 9pm EST.

[quote name='SynGamer']And by communicate, we mean actually using your mics! You know who you are, shy ones :D[/quote]


[quote name='HotShotX']Remember rookies, we've got practice tonight at 9pm EST.


Same message, different day.

I quickly whipped up something for kicks:
[quote name='dastly75']I quickly whipped up something for kicks:

So now we have phishes and this...If anyone can remember what phish wanted it to be called.

We had some good games tonight also.
[quote name='rockys12']So now we have phishes and this...If anyone can remember what phish wanted it to be called.

We had some good games tonight also.[/quote]

I wonder if we can get together an image of a Giraffe in Spartan armor holding a bomb.

Either way, glad you hear you guys are playing online. Keep it up.

Also, CAG got their official league arena approved by the league map maker (NOKYARD), and is available for download from his file share (if it is edited from now on, it will have to be resubmitted for approval, so don't edit it) :)

I'll update the OP of this thread with some pictures, and probably upload the court to my file share.

[quote name='Phish2112']Mine was Cheap Ass Gears. I'm working on a logo. It'll be done.... eventually.[/quote]

I'm pretty sure we can ask jakehoss (who made the original CAG Grifball Emblem) to make you guys an emblem once you all vote on a Team name.

So far I've heard Giraffes, and Gears, any others?

Cheap Ass Guys? Cheap Ass Gunmen? Cheap Ass Guilt? Cheap Ass Guardians? Cheap Ass Gas? Cheap Ass Genitals? Cheap Ass Giants? Cheap Ass Ghosts? Cheap Ass Globetrotters? Cheap Ass Gameboys? I'm just throwing them out there, I think they're all great, so pick one. ;)
[quote name='sj41']Cheap Ass Guys? Cheap Ass Gunmen? Cheap Ass Guilt? Cheap Ass Guardians? Cheap Ass Gas? Cheap Ass Genitals? Cheap Ass Giants? Cheap Ass Ghosts? Cheap Ass Globetrotters? Cheap Ass Gameboys? I'm just throwing them out there, I think they're all great, so pick one. ;)[/quote]

I say Gunmen, Guardians, and Ghosts make it to the second round, and Cheap Ass Guilt gets the "raised eyebrow of the day".

phish where have you been????? have you been downloading to much of something?
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[quote name='HotShotX']I say Gunmen, Guardians, and Ghosts make it to the second round, and Cheap Ass Guilt gets the "raised eyebrow of the day".

~HotShotX[/quote]Haha, it was all just random G words. I think I like Gunmen the most. Anybody else?

[quote name='SkeletonBrute']how about cheap ass grifballers, makes sense[/quote]You obviously don't understand our way of thinking.;)
[quote name='G33']Cheap Ass Gophers. Or if we're just keeping the acronym, Cross-eyed Angry Gophers :cool:[/quote]

Nah, we are maintaining the "CAG" and "Cheap Ass" portions of the name. Teams will be different by what their G is. Looking over the dictionary, I'm going to pump out a few suggestions:


I personally find Giganticide suiting: "To kill a giant".

[quote name='rockys12']any chance of a highlight reel from this weekend?[/quote]

Possibly. No official talk of it but I'm pretty sure some of the community members might be willing to throw something together.

[quote name='HotShotX']Possibly. No official talk of it but I'm pretty sure some of the community members might be willing to throw something together.


Totally submit my epic lunge.
we really do need to pick a name. How bout we take every name listed here and every name we could want and throw them into a hat and pick one?

oh and btw i watched the lunge and i must say it was nice.
I got it! Cheap Ass Genocide! And I've been gone thanks to this new job which keeps me there from 6pm-2:30am so I have to do that. Also, I'm really fucked up right now, and I think it's because of that I find this funny, Cheap Ass Gnuts.
Ok guys, I've gone through the last two pages of this thread and picked out 12 potential teamnames. I've taken just about every name suggested by the rookies, and a few suggested by the Veterans. They are as follows:


What I want the rookies to do (sorry Vets, no voting rights for you), is to PM me your 1st-5th picks from that list, in order of highest pick to lowest pick.

There will be 3 rounds of voting, cutting the list from 12, to 6, to 3. Each round you will rank your preference of 5, to 3, to 2. Your top pick will hold the heaviest weight, and your bottom pick the lightest. Whichever picks earn the most voting weight make it to the next round, until we have a winner.

PM me your choices asap, as soon as I have the votes of all 5 rookies, I will make another post with updated results.

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not going to be here Saturday after about 11:30., won't be able to make the bumrush on that day. I can help you guys warm up but won't be able to play in it.
Round 2 of voting for the CAG Rookie Team Name is here!

Out of a potential 20 voting weight (Kauaiian chose to abstain from voting in the 1st round, but has submitted his three 2nd round picks), the 6 semi-finalists are as follows:


Of these 6, PM or IM me your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd picks. Top 3 make it to the final round, and previous round weights do not carry over.

Final Round of voting for Rookie Team Name!

The 3 finalists are:


PM me your 1st and 2nd pick as soon as possible. Also, I've pmed fellow CAG jakehoss to see if he would be willing to create an official Team Emblem for the winning team name. He is the one who created this emblem for Cheap Ass Gamer:


Also, and just as important as the team name, is the voting for Rookie Team Captain. I could select the Captain myself, but I believe that would be unfair because I am not present in your communication when you play and have not seen who seems to take on the leading role in games.

As such, you will select your Team Captain from amongst yourselves. They can play just about any position, and while they might not necessarily overrule the calls of the ball carrier, they must be capable of rallying the team, handling registration functions, and communicate with me and other Captains for the purpose of scrimmages, updates, etc.

Captain voting will operate the same as team name voting, but with two changes:

1. It will only take 2 rounds.
2. You cannot vote for yourself in the 1st round.

So, in addition to your teamname votes, send me your 1st & 2nd choice for Team Captain from among the following choices:

Kauaiian Ninja

bread's done