CAG Grifball Team's Child's Play Charity Drive! $1612.50 raised to date!

[quote name='HotShotX']Updated the OP again, Summer League opens July 1st, with 1st week of games probably the week after.

We've got work to do. I'll try setting up a couple of days and times where we can scrimmage other teams on a regular basis.


I'll be there tonight.
I'd like to get in on this. I've never really played Grifball, but have always wanted to get in on it. Anyone that has played games with me knows I can be online quite a bit and I was always good at the game times that required me to grab the skulls and run around with them. ;)

I can probably be on late tonight if anyone wants to practice with me a little bit.
[quote name='SoNiC1023']Are there still slots open for the team?[/quote]
Definitely. Stop by practice sometime, we usually get on around 10 PM EST.
[quote name='SynGamer']Definitely. Stop by practice sometime, we usually get on around 10 PM EST.[/quote]
If I can drag myself away from Mass Effect I'll see about joining you guys as well. I had a blast playing Grifball before when the playlist was up, and I'd love to play again.
[quote name='SynGamer']Definitely. Stop by practice sometime, we usually get on around 10 PM EST.[/quote]

Have we even officially begun practice? I know we all got on last night but did we say we were going to start daily practice?
[quote name='Draekon']Have we even officially begun practice? I know we all got on last night but did we say we were going to start daily practice?[/quote]
I don't think we're going to have nightly practices, but we are all usually on around 10 PM EST and if people are on i don't mind playing some GB.
Well, I usually am not on around then unless asked to be (I float on/off randomly and idle a lot while my TV is on a completely different channel). :p

Maybe I should just give you and/or HotShot my AIM so you could message me. Granted I don't think it would minimize any full screen games I'm playing at the time as I always have an AIM window open to prevent that so it doesn't crash and I lose progress.
I think I'd like to play some Grifball with you guys if someone would invite me. I think I'm pretty good at Grifball if the connection's good.
I really like playing Grifball, so I'll shoot you a friend request HotShotX and maybe I can practice with you guys. The only problem is that I don't have a mic, but I can be pretty decent at Grifball :)
I know, but my headset broke and have yet to pick another one up :( I plan on buying one ASAP though, in the meantime, if I play, I can follow orders well :)
Great practice tonight guys. The new plays are pretty effective and we picked them up very quickly in practice, and utilized them against another Legacy team and held our own pretty well, even though we lost.

That One Team went 14-1 last season, so I'd have to say we've made a decent amount of improvement. Let's keep it up.

I had a blast tonight, there were some questionable scores but it was still great. I'm more impressed that were were able to improve the opening launches as quickly as we did...though HotShot needs to stop flying by the enemy ;)
:shock: You guys were more intense than I had anticipated. I had fun, but I realize how much I really need a mic if I want to really play :bomb:
I've posted in the threads of a couple other teams on requesting a scrimmage, and I've got a few replies back so far. For the next week, practice will mostly be scrimmages, and will go for a bit longer, and possibly start earlier (like 9pm EST).

We (Luftwaffe, Legacy Div. 1) will scrimmage you guys if we can find a good time to do it. My other three teammates have pretty varying schedules, so it's hard for us to even practice.
Can people still join? I downloaded the maps and all the stuff I needed awhile back and got a PM, but didn't hear much recently and was out of town for awhile. Even if you guys don't need players I wouldn't mind helping you practice. I think the only thing I haven't done so far is register at the Grifball site.
[quote name='Ultimate Matt X']Can people still join? I downloaded the maps and all the stuff I needed awhile back and got a PM, but didn't hear much recently and was out of town for awhile. Even if you guys don't need players I wouldn't mind helping you practice. I think the only thing I haven't done so far is register at the Grifball site.[/quote]

Matt, come out to Halo Night and Grifball Practice tonight at 10pm EST. We'll run you through a few hoops and see how you do.

Sorry I wasn't on last night, it seems I see messages about playing after I leave for the day. I should be on later this evening though if anyone is around and if tonight doesn't work the next few nights should be good.
Jack posted today on the forums, on how Legacy Playoffs will work:

[quote name='Jack']After a lot of thinking and algebra, I've come to a conclusion of how we'll be doing the playoffs for Legacy.

Divisions 1 thru 11 will have the top 2 teams advance to playoffs, division 12 will have the top 4 teams advance. This gives us 26 teams.

The first runners-up in divisions 1-12 ( 3rd place in divisions 1-11 and 5th place in division 12 ) will go head to head. The six winners of those matches will advance to the first round of playoffs. Original 26 + 6 = 32 teams. A number I can deal with.

If anyone says they had this idea before me, I'll punch your kidneys. Looking forward to the season beginning.

Aside from that, sorry about dropping out early last night, I was very tired and just wanted to get to bed.

Crimson, Syn, Blind, and I just finished up a 3-4 hour Halo 3 session, so we're taking the night off. No official practice, and we're thinking of having practice around 9pm EST from now on to make us more available for scrimmaging.

[quote name='HotShotX']Crimson, Syn, Blind, and I just finished up a 3-4 hour Halo 3 session, so we're taking the night off. No official practice, and we're thinking of having practice around 9pm EST from now on to make us more available for scrimmaging.


That would be a great time.
A reminder that I'm hosting the Tuesday CAG Halo nights until Wubb gets his 360 repaired.

Games start at 9pm EST, bitches. :)

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I don't think we should have any problem defeating Wicked Sensitive Crew next week, as Grifball Noobs beat them 8-1. That One Team is going to be tough though.
I'm heading over to Crimson's tonight, so while there is no official practice under my watch, feel free to tear up the Grifball hopper in my absence.

[quote name='HotShotX']I'm heading over to Crimson's tonight, so while there is no official practice under my watch, feel free to tear up the Grifball hopper in my absence.

Are you guys finally pushing the beds together!? :hot:
If there's still a spot to try out later on, I'll be there. I won't have consistent access to a 360 until 1-2 months from now.
Well I don't speak for the team, but we have practice almost every night at 9:00 EST, so I don't know if it would work out with inconsistent 360 access. However, if you really have your heart set on the team, wait for Hotshot to reply.
Good work last night guys, beating Camp Newbii last night 8-1 was a big boost to our stats, and going 3-6 against That One Team was pretty impressive. Although were currently in 3rd since we're behind GRIFBALL NOOBS by 3 goals, that'll change next week when we beat Wicked Sensitive Crew 9-0 and GRIFBALL NOOBS in another close match.

After GN takes a loss from both That One Team and us, that'll secure us 2nd place in both wins and goals.

Let me know if you guys need some extra people to practice against. I love to play! I have a couple guys who have played with me a couple times. maybe I can round them up for a couple games.
[quote name='TankedGrif']Well I don't speak for the team, but we have practice almost every night at 9:00 EST, so I don't know if it would work out with inconsistent 360 access. However, if you really have your heart set on the team, wait for Hotshot to reply.[/quote]

That's why I'll probably ask again in a month, hopefully when the Jasper 60 GB gets released ;). I was playing off my roommates 360 for a while, but it is currently defunct, and he's too lazy to do anything about it (he rarely used it, and prefers his PS3).

I'm a pretty good forward, I just need to get used to playing with teammates that are actually helpful.
[quote name='G33']I just need to get used to playing with teammates that are actually helpful.[/quote]

Me too. (Kidding.) But yeah, with the season already underway, there's definitely no more room on the team. However, we're certainly up for an extra man or two to help us scrimmage 4v4 over 3v3.

As for next season, we'll see what comes. I'm pretty comfortable running a team of 6 (Ketch not included), and with our A/B Team configuration I think we've been doing considerably well. After the season and playoffs end, we'll see what the status of the CAG Grifball Team is and go from there.

Another reminder that practice is at 9pm EST, and CAGs not on the team are certainly welcome to join us and turn a 3v3 into a 4v4.

And, after practice, perhaps more GTA IV helicopter battles. :)

bread's done