CAG Killzone 2 Game Night [Currently Inactive]

[quote name='Razzuel']Haha, I remember you jumping up and down in circles; I was surprised that I was able to take you down even though you were far away—jumping and spinning—and I was using a pistol.[/quote]

I think you headshot me too. :lol:
[quote name='KingBroly']Played a few 6 on 6 matches earlier. It was actually quite slow. It was also boring since it was on that big desert map (Phyrrus Ruin?). was on that map that I got my 8th Quick Draw Ribbon. I don't know what the big deal about the Revolver is (Haven't used it yet), and I don't get why people are complaining about it being hard to get. The hardest one to get has got to be 10 Melee kills 8 times.

I'm also nearing in on the Boost medal. Just 2 to go. I'm wondering how I can combine these abilities with other classes. I haven't figured out how to do that yet.[/quote]

Man, that desert map sucks when you have no tacticians and it becomes Assassination. Run for 10 minutes - die - run for 10 minutes.

Killzone 2's multiplayer is really chaotic, which is probably one of the reasons I like it so much. Most of the encounters feel intense and there are a lot of times where I barely scrape by in killing my opponent. That and the constantly changing game modes keep the game interesting.

I enjoy the changing of the modes during gameplay a lot. But it has the chance of becoming one sided. I rarely see the underdog coming out on top.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Man, that desert map sucks when you have no tacticians and it becomes Assassination. Run for 10 minutes - die - run for 10 minutes.[/quote]

Yup, but luckily I'll never have that problem because I play that map as Tactician a lot. Tactician is REALLY FUN to play as. He's such an evil bastard.
[quote name='Razzuel']I was trying to use the pistol to try and go for that ribbon, but using a pistol is tough; plus it is pretty hard to go up against a guy with a shotgun when you are using a pistol.

I played a handful of pistols-only matches yesterday and they were surprisingly really learn to make sure every shot connects.
To let everyone know, there is a clan battle being setup for Saturday (3/14) evening. I cannot go too much into details yet because I'm still finalizing the situation with the clan leader. I just need to get more info on their skill level, then I'll decide which clan will play them first (if its more middle class people, a casual clan will play them. If they got a lot of high class people, the hardcore clan will play them). I had the discussion with a few on AIM about it.

So just letting everyone know, be prepared. News shall be posted no later than Thursday.
That was really fun last night. It's so much more fun to play with CAGs than PUGs hah! You can really tell when your team is up or down one or two people. I like to see that everyone likes to communicate and everyone is cordial. I think my headset is wonkey though, I need to mess with my settings as I'm not sure anyone could hear me. I'd see my name onscreen while talking but no responses.

Or maybe...Is the voice chat only heard by people in your vacinity? Everyone was ignoring me (lol)? I'll mess with my settings again and see if it works.
[quote name='Keegs']That was really fun last night. It's so much more fun to play with CAGs than PUGs hah! You can really tell when your team is up or down one or two people. I like to see that everyone likes to communicate and everyone is cordial. I think my headset is wonkey though, I need to mess with my settings as I'm not sure anyone could hear me. I'd see my name onscreen while talking but no responses.

Or maybe...Is the voice chat only heard by people in your vacinity? Everyone was ignoring me (lol)? I'll mess with my settings again and see if it works.[/QUOTE]It's hard to hear some talk in the game, so don't worry.
Definitely. Some people come in clear as a bell, others are barely audible. Still, it's better than some games I've played of LBP where people would use their eyetoy...and a full 7.1 surround sound system :lol:
Thanks to everyone that showed up last night. Had some great games. Sorry about the huge map right in the beginning though I have to say, being the only person on the team and in an assassination mission sucks lol. Even though we lost on the radec academy map our team held out pretty well especially on those defend/destroy missions. Great communication between team members there against the other team, especially RYAnd's homing grenade launcher. Definitely one of my favorite games I've played.
Yeah, great games last night. Started off a bit slow but then it filled up nicely.

Reminder to new players: If you're not in a squad, JOIN or MAKE one. The respawn on the squad leader's location is insanely useful!

Also, if your head is near a speaker then your mic is near a speaker. I was a bit annoying when there was at least one person with a mic broadcasting an exactly duplicate of the game audio to everyone.

Lots o' fun. Looking forward to the next time. (gadget, next time!)
[quote name='Beanopolis']Yeah, great games last night. Started off a bit slow but then it filled up nicely.

Reminder to new players: If you're not in a squad, JOIN or MAKE one. The respawn on the squad leader's location is insanely useful!

Also, if your head is near a speaker then your mic is near a speaker. I was a bit annoying when there was at least one person with a mic broadcasting an exactly duplicate of the game audio to everyone.

Lots o' fun. Looking forward to the next time. (gadget, next time!)[/quote]

Was that me? I'm as far back as I can be and I don't have it too loud, but my eye was listing me as almost always talking. In most games I can hear if I'm producing the feedback the feedback though and I wasn't hearing any last night. If so let me know and I'll just turn it off.
[quote name='happy']Was that me? I'm as far back as I can be and I don't have it too loud, but my eye was listing me as almost always talking. In most games I can hear if I'm producing the feedback the feedback though and I wasn't hearing any last night. If so let me know and I'll just turn it off.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, you mic was outputting quite a bit of noise last night (but not the whole time). You may want to look into what sensitivity you have it set to. It may also be just the headset you're using but I doubt it.

I had to turn down mine down when noticed that my mic was transmitting when I breathed. Just try messing with the settings a bit and ask people how it sounds.
Yea Gubermonster it was kicking in a lot, particularly when I joined your squad it was constant. I'm thinking more and more that the ps3's voicechat is just messy in general. Just try tweaking your settings.

I know I have mine turned down really low because I chew gum while playing and it would pick me up gnawing and smacking my gum up haha. I need to find a happy setting because like I said people couldn't hear me at all last night.
Great game! I had a hard time avoiding the missile launcher. Cheapy was amazing in the game we went 7-0. Only 4 deaths but among the top scorers. Looking forward to the next one.
[quote name='Invin']Great game! I had a hard time avoiding the missile launcher. Cheapy was amazing in the game we went 7-0. Only 4 deaths but among the top scorers. Looking forward to the next one.[/QUOTE]

That game was stacked, YO! :D
My team got messed up that game.
Ok, I'll just turn it off, I use the eye as a mic, so some games get a lot of feedback and some don't.

They really need to have a push to talk button in every game (not that I say much anyway)
Okay I'm pumped for Thursday night. Mana, you may put me as active now. I started playing multiplayer this weekend and I love it. I've been playing for hours after work since. I'm up to Master Sgt. now and I should be able to go up a couple more levels by Thursday night.
[quote name='disillusion386']Okay I'm pumped for Thursday night. Mana, you may put me as active now. I started playing multiplayer this weekend and I love it. I've been playing for hours after work since. I'm up to Master Sgt. now and I should be able to go up a couple more levels by Thursday night.[/QUOTE]I'm so sorry, I meant to remove that a while ago. Thanks for letting me know. :)
I have been getting network errors with every other game I play of killzone online. I have also been seeing people use more homo tacticis in this game than I have ever seen in an online game other than auto aim in gta. Im still a rookie but this game online is really failing to impress. At least the one player is cool though. Maybe I will be able to get into it but resistance 2 just seems to be more fun other than the fact that skirmish is flawed and core control is lame.
Sorry for posting in the wrong thread.
How are people using "homo tactics"? I fail to see how anyone could even do that with how much the game modes change the tactics people need to use to win. Unless you join a game with just one mode (which I never do), you really just can't camp in one spot or apply a cheap tactic somewhere the whole game. (at least so far)

One thing I've noticed about the MP is that it really tries to even the playing field through all the maps and game modes out there. The one thing that will most likely decide if your team wins is if you can outplay them, and that's pretty much it.

Leave the option to only play others equal to your rank on until you get to at least the tactician/assault, otherwise you may start viewing others as "cheap". When I got to medic I took it off and got manhandled by cloaked snipers :/
[quote name='tenchi']Thanks to everyone that showed up last night. Had some great games. Sorry about the huge map right in the beginning though I have to say, being the only person on the team and in an assassination mission sucks lol. Even though we lost on the radec academy map our team held out pretty well especially on those defend/destroy missions. Great communication between team members there against the other team, especially RYAnd's homing grenade launcher. Definitely one of my favorite games I've played.[/quote]

HAHAHAHA! :lol: I like that.
PSN-ID: BlueScrote850
Headset: Yes
Clan Choice: Casual (at least until further notice)
Time Zone: EST
Availability: Usually Sunday-Thursday nights

Just got my copy in the mail today. I have played a bit of multi, and I can only imagine how muhc fun it will be with other CAGs.

Oh and TMK, thanks for taking the time and effort to put together all of the PSN gaming nights. Its a huge, thankless task, and you put countless hours into maintaining these threads.
[quote name='BlueScrote']
Oh and TMK, thanks for taking the time and effort to put together all of the PSN gaming nights. Its a huge, thankless task, and you put countless hours into maintaining these threads.
[/QUOTE]Thanks a lot, I appreciate it. :)

Anyway, I plan to sent out more invites and update clan list later tonight.
Ah, finally put in my order for this, so I should have it soon, hopefully before the end of the week.

PSN-ID: neverletthem
Headset: Yes
Clan Choice: Casual, then possibly switching over to Hardcore, depending on how I feel about it
Time Zone: CST
Availability: Depends, usually nights.
I need to marathon this game because it seems like the next time I get on I'll be the only person who still uses just a machine gun and grenades.
[quote name='sotc1988']I need to marathon this game because it seems like the next time I get on I'll be the only person who still uses just a machine gun and grenades.[/quote]

That's a good combination, if not for the fact that I want to get my 8x 5 kills with turrets badge I'd be using the machine gun most of the time still.

(I suck at getting kills with turrets)
[quote name='sotc1988']I need to marathon this game because it seems like the next time I get on I'll be the only person who still uses just a machine gun and grenades.[/quote]

Don't worry man I will be right there with ya. I haven't played this as much as I would like lately, not near as much as most of the CAG Clan.
Camping near the spawn base with bots and turrets that you have made is pretty homo. Guys were on an elevated platform with all the souped up weapons just taking guys out as they respawn. Then you got guys with shotguns just sitting at your spawn base behind the first turn, ug. Having all the better players purposefully go on a team and doing that is considered homo imo. Maybe that doesn't happen if you have a good group of players with you but that wasn't the case. Anywhoo it's a great game, I just need to get better.
Maybe before our match on Thursday we can setup squad's so we can be prepared. Perhaps breaking it up by class per-squad.
Anyway, clan match will be tomorrow, starting at 9pm EST. Hardcore vs. Casual. I will either make it 8 vs. 8 or 12 vs. 12, depending upon how many hardcore members can show (I know it will be very easy to get enough Casual 1 clan members in). I recommend we create up to 3 squads.

I will probably NOT show for the clan battle (since I'm far from being one of the best). I will probably start a 2nd server, which will be for CAGs who could not get in on the clan battle, and those in other clans or not apart of the clan.

On Saturday, around 9pm EST or 10pm EST (depending upon what is chosen), we will be playing Giant Bomb (I've already agreed on a match this Saturday). Their average rank is RIGHT in between our hardcore and casual 1 clan. What I'm looking to do is have them play our casual 1 first for like 1-1.5 hours, then play hardcore later in the night. The game against casual 1 MIGHT not bet any valor, but the hardcore game will. If this does not work out, we will have just one clan play Giant Bomb, while the rest of the clans and others can join a regular CAG night. There WILL be a CAG game Saturday afternoon again open to anyone at CAG.

Once Giant Bomb is done, we'll move to GAF and other forums (for GAF, we'll take a look at all clans and try to have each of our clans play one of their 5-6).
I pitty the guys that have to fight us Casual 2'ers. We are extremely hard-casual-core-ish, man!

Also, Invin won't stop shooting me in the back with the shotgun. Even when I call timeout! :lol:
I should be able to make the game tomorrow. But I really should put a little more time in with the game. I just earned my engineer badge...
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I will probably NOT show for the clan battle (since I'm far from being one of the best). I will probably start a 2nd server, which will be for CAGs who could not get in on the clan battle, and those in other clans or not apart of the clan..[/QUOTE]

So how do we decide on who's going to be in the clan v clan match?

Don't sell yourself short mana. I still have the screencap you sent with you in first place so obviously you at least know which direction to point the gun. :) Besides, The casual clan is about having fun, so if we lose, we lose, as long as we have fun, that's what matters. I had the best game recently playing with bean against RYAend and we got pwned like a red headed step child (2-5 was the result I think) but dang it was a fun game.
[quote name='tenchi'] I had the best game recently playing with bean against RYAend and we got pwned like a red headed step child (2-5 was the result I think) but dang it was a fun game.[/QUOTE]

Once more people rank up, we should have more balanced games or at least more medics to revive people. Great games anyway, just a bit frustrating some of the time (and slow exp growth).
Sorry guys, gotta leave the clan. Bunch of people from my work started one, so I'm going to join that. I will still try to play in the CAG games though.
[quote name='Fragonard']Sorry guys, gotta leave the clan. Bunch of people from my work started one, so I'm going to join that. I will still try to play in the CAG games though.[/QUOTE]That's fine, thanks for letting me know. :)

[quote name='tenchi']So how do we decide on who's going to be in the clan v clan match?

Don't sell yourself short mana. I still have the screencap you sent with you in first place so obviously you at least know which direction to point the gun. :) Besides, The casual clan is about having fun, so if we lose, we lose, as long as we have fun, that's what matters. I had the best game recently playing with bean against RYAend and we got pwned like a red headed step child (2-5 was the result I think) but dang it was a fun game.[/QUOTE]I dunno, to be honest. Maybe first come, first serve. I thought about having everyone send me an email and tell me if they plan to attend (and I'll sort through it).

I always sell myself short. ;)
Just so everyone knows, there is a message tab (I think under the clan menu) that you can read and leave messages for your clan mates. Good way to plan out some things in private. At least it will be once we start using it more... :)
[quote name='NamPaehc']Just so everyone knows, there is a message tab (I think under the clan menu) that you can read and leave messages for your clan mates. Good way to plan out some things in private. At least it will be once we start using it more... :)[/QUOTE]I might just tell everyone to send a PSN message to me in order to see who plans to show up, but I dunno. Not everyone gets on their PS3 daily like me.:lol:
[quote name='Beanopolis']I pitty the guys that have to fight us Casual 2'ers. We are extremely hard-casual-core-ish, man!

Also, Invin won't stop shooting me in the back with the shotgun. Even when I call timeout! :lol:[/quote]

Aw crap. Sorry about that. I couldn't hear anything. I saw you standing in front of a window and thought I saw you move away after I shot (no clue why I attempted to shoot that far with a shotgun) I was pretty excited to find an opponent considering your teammates were so hard to find that game. That explains how I was able to sneak up behind you so easily :lol:
If I'm still able to jump in this..

Headset: Yes
Clan Choice: Casual 2
Time Zone: EST
Availability: Tuesdays and Thursday Nights after 9 or so, Anytime Friday - Sunday
The more I play multiplayer, the more I appreciate the cag games. There is zero cooperation in random games. No one squads up or accepts squad invites. I just finished a game where no less than six people on my team were snipers who did nothing but camp in one spot and didn't help in any of the missions. The rest were too busy trying to get kills with rockets to bother with mission objectives. One of them even wasted a spawn point at his favorite sniper spot! Definitely looking forward to the next cag day/night game.
If anyone was wondering why I haven't played this week its cause I'm at home for the week, and I cant really play killzone with my ps3 hooked up to my TV using a PS1 era RF adapter (ya it works!) the whole screen is one giant brown blob!
[quote name='jdioutkast']If anyone was wondering why I haven't played this week its cause I'm at home for the week, and I cant really play killzone with my ps3 hooked up to my TV using a PS1 era RF adapter (ya it works!) the whole screen is one giant brown blob![/quote]

for some reason...I want a picture of this.
bread's done