CAG Killzone 2 Game Night [Currently Inactive]

That was a lot of fun. Glad I showed up for a bit. I left so others could get in. If I knew the game name and password ahead of time, I would have created another room, but oh well.

Thanks to Wombat for starting up the game.
Great games as always everyone. As you may have guessed, I'm working on my Sniper Badges today. Just got the notice that I'm in the top 3%. Yay.
after most left, we had a really crappy game where trakan, zewone and ryaend were on the same team gunning for us! talk about game balance. it didnt help that we got pinned down in blood glutch.
[quote name='enufs8d']after most left, we had a really crappy game where trakan, zewone and ryaend were on the same team gunning for us! talk about game balance. it didnt help that we got pinned down in blood glutch.[/QUOTE]

Ouch... thats a pretty rough matchup...
Those Grenade launcher got pretty annoying. I deiced to call it a day after I got Medpacks and Body Count Ribbon(not sure how I got that considering I joined at the end of the match).
[quote name='Soujiro_Seta']yeah i can't get in either got error code -931. Thought I was the only one but I guess not. What a shitty time for it to happen :([/QUOTE]Yeah, I got the same.

[quote name='shinryuu']I think I played too much KZ today. I'll either join late for the CAGcast gamenight or not show up at all. I might just take a break from this game actually. Distracting me from writing two papers due tomorrow. x_x[/QUOTE]Haha, you better go back to writing your papers. ;)

To let everyone know, a 2nd casual clan will be created before Thursday. I have not decided whether I'm going to use another PSN-ID and lead it too (so I can watch over who gets invited), or if I'll leave it up to someone else. If someone on the new casual clan list wants to be a leader, let me know, and I'll let you do it.

A second clan will be created. Right now I made a list of people who will definitely be in the 2nd casual clan. However at the moment, I have not decided whether I'll lead it, or I'll have someone else lead it (if someone from the new list wants to lead a clan, or someone from another clan who isn't an officer already, let me know and it will be yours). Whichever clan you are in is somewhat meaningless (except for some clan battles) because most CAG nights will be open to everyone, just to let people know. I MIGHT change the clan division, just to let some know. Some will be transferred to the new clan. It will be created soon (before Thursday).
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I will have my Valor Cross Guard on tight this week :)

4 Trophies down the drain. Now for a 4 day hibernation.
PSN-ID: pwner18
Headset: yes
Clan Choice: Casual
Time Zone: Pacific
Availability: Weekends, Sunday especially, and some weeknights.
[quote name='Bavgate']We still having that Casual vs Hardcore clan match tomorrow?[/QUOTE]If people agree to the idea, we will.

There is a new rule I will be currently enforcing, due to what I've noticed the past few days. We have been having people register at CAG to just join the clan, who have 1 or less posts. Many joined in March 2009. To be a CAG clan member, you MUST have been already somewhat dedicated to the forum. If you signed up in March 2009, no invite being sent at the moment until everything stabilizes (or at least until another clan is created, which should be soon). We'll be investigating too. This is the case for the current casual and hardcore clan. Why are we doing this? We feel that if someone is truly serious about being a CAG forum member, they should really get to know us a bit better (by playing some games), and by then we could let them be in hardcore or even a clan. We did it with Warhawk and it worked.

Regardless, the current clan situation is kind of a mess (which I apologize for) and plan to fix things up and making everything more clear. Right now, no one will currently be added to any clan (except stakis can be added to the hardcore clan now since he has been with the community for a bit and attended game nights for Warhawk).
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fucking freezing shit is so fucking retarded.

I'm doing awesome and killed a ton of people with my turrets. And than it freezes right when we were about to win and I got a triple kill...

fuck Killzone 2.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']If people agree to the idea, we will.

There is a new rule I will be currently enforcing, due to what I've noticed the past few days. We have been having people register at CAG to just join the clan, who have 1 or less posts. Many joined in March 2009. To be a CAG clan member, you MUST have been already somewhat dedicated to the forum. If you signed up in March 2009, no invite being sent at the moment until everything stabilizes (or at least until another clan is created, which should be soon). We'll be investigating too. This is the case for the current casual and hardcore clan. Why are we doing this? We feel that if someone is truly serious about being a CAG forum member, they should really get to know us a bit better (by playing some games), and by then we could let them be in hardcore or even a clan. We did it with Warhawk and it worked.[/QUOTE]

Ooops well then take my clan request out. I just recently started to listening to CAGcast and I really enjoy the podcast. I thought I could join the community and get to know peps through the killzone 2 CAG casual clan. However, I don't see myself posting on the forums much.
Unfortunately I'm not gonna be able to make the Casual vs Hardcore match tomorrow
Have class tomorrow evening :cry:

If it were on Thursday I could make it though!
There was a round where I snuck up behind zewone and popped his skull from behind with my rifle. Then I had him dead to rights a little bit later, pulled the trigger, and the wall next to my scope sparked with a bullet hole... There are some walls that clip or whatever you call it (extend invisbialy), and I just happen to find one 2 seconds before he shot me dead lol.
Im up for a friendly match between the casual and hardcore clans. Maybe well have a chance seeing as the hardcore clan doesn't have too many members. Oh wait they got RYAend and brolly. Oh shit they got wotcher too. I dont thnk this is good idea...
by the way, what do you guys think are good load outs for clan matches? ive been switching between using 1o medic + repair, engineer and whatever, AND saboteur + c4. i read that the prima guide likes assault's armor + health packs for super hardass to kill and sniper camo + repair for unlimited amino.

i really like boost but i cant fit it into anything. i love to boost into assassination(?) or boost to touchdown. and i can't use the assault's grenade launcher for shit.

and should someone on a squad have tactian so that the squad leader has at least a spawn point?
I use boost and Sabatour together. Well I actually like boost on anything since I'm usually a squad leader or I don't like where the spawn point is and I can get around faster. Especially if I just ran out of ammo and need to get away ASAP to reload and find more.

I use it on my Sabatour to get behind enemy lines and blend in and be a sneaky bastard. It's great for assassination since if you can resist the urge to kill, you can basically walk up to the target and shoot him in the face before they kill you. I highly recommend you shoot all your teammates from now on.

I like the way the sniper is already set up, you have to be really good if you run out of ammo before you die as a sniper. The marking ability allows me to easily see my targets. For the ENG I go with either medpacks or C4 since the shotgun has a short range and you can protect yourself a bit with that. I don't play assault since I don't like the weapons. I did like playing tactican but I hate their secondary ability and there is no way I'm ever going to unlock it to give me the option of changing it.
[quote name='DaMonsta']Ooops well then take my clan request out. I just recently started to listening to CAGcast and I really enjoy the podcast. I thought I could join the community and get to know peps through the killzone 2 CAG casual clan. However, I don't see myself posting on the forums much.[/QUOTE]This does not mean, you will never be in a clan. Basically, I will put newer people on hold for now, but hopefully when the clan situation gets figured out, you all will be invited. What I'm more so looking at is, if someone just registered, I rather they play with CAGs a few times, getting to know us a lot better, then I feel they can receive an invite. We did the same for Warhawk for quite a bit and it worked well. The problem is more so related to the hardcore clan where we didn't have that rule, where I feel its best we did. You did play during the CAGCast match (or one of the matches, I remember), so that's great. :)

Starting Tuesday, some people will be transferred clans, just to mention (new clan should be setup by then). Those I do transfer will most likely get the chance of being an officer, to make up for the inconvenience.
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I'd like to join up for one of the casual groups.

PSN-ID: LordKeegs
Clan Choice: Casual,

Time Zone: East (GMT -5)
Availability: (10pm-12am)
Scouts are fun to play. There were a bunch of times where I was standing perfectly still and enemies would walk right up to and by me without seeing me. Got a few assassination kills that way, sadly, I never made it out alive because the scout run's like that chick in fatal frame :(. Ah well, took one for the team. :)
If you're going to play for the casual clan, please, please, please, state what class you'd like to be for tonights clan match. We're going to need some healers.
[quote name='BostonCollegeFan']If you're going to play for the casual clan, please, please, please, state what class you'd like to be for tonights clan match. We're going to need some healers.[/QUOTE]

I can be a medic for the match tonight . I have most of the secondary skills with the exception of air support and c4 unlocked too so I can be a pure medic or mixed class.
"GIVE THEM NOTHING! TAKE FROM THEM EVERYTHING!" Let go casual clan! I know some already do squad up but for the clan matches, everyone should squad up.
This Casual vs Hardcore sounds like it may be a massacre. I haven't had too much time to rank up and we played a few matches on Saturday night after most of the CAGs left and we got creamed by having the team-balancing put ALL of the high rank people on one team. They proceeded to spawn camp us low-level guys and placed spawn points just outside our spawn. Another thing was I have no idea how they were able to actually sit inside our spawn and not die from our spawn turrets!!! Is this some bug or glitch that allowed them to sit there and live while they pummeled us as we spawned? I literally spawned into a storm of bullets. Definitely not a friendly game. Also, it doesn't seem that many people have headsets or at least only about 5 people I've ever heard talking.

EDIT: BTW, I can show up tonight but not until around 10:30 or 11PM CST which seems to be around the time the majority of the folks stop playing so it may just be a non-issue but I'm up for "friendly" games with whoever sticks around.
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Is there going to be a casual game between now and Sat night? (that starts before 10pm)

And I'll be whatever class people want me to be. Just let me know.
The turrets at the base are no better than regular turrets so if they come in with assault troops, those turrets will barely hurt them, and not at all if they're using boost.

That being said, I've worked on learning all the ways out of the initial spawn camps so if they try spawn camping, I can switch to the tactician with boost skill. That should let me live long enough to get a new spawn point up a little bit away and give us some breathing room.
[quote name='tenchi']The turrets at the base are no better than regular turrets so if they come in with assault troops, those turrets will barely hurt them, and not at all if they're using boost.

That being said, I've worked on learning all the ways out of the initial spawn camps so if they try spawn camping, I can switch to the tactician with boost skill. That should let me live long enough to get a new spawn point up a little bit away and give us some breathing room.[/quote]
This is going to be a dumb question but... what do you mean when you say Boost skill?
[quote name='BostonCollegeFan']If you're going to play for the casual clan, please, please, please, state what class you'd like to be for tonights clan match. We're going to need some healers.[/quote]

I usually play as a medic, so I'll continue to do so for the clan match.
Hey BostonCollegeFan I would have loved to have played last night but it was full.

BTW my class is usually medic and the class that sets up spawn points. (i always choose the classes that avoid the fray of crazy combat)
[quote name='Chibi_Kaji']This is going to be a dumb question but... what do you mean when you say Boost skill?[/QUOTE]

Boost is a skill that is unlocked with the assault class. It temporarily lets them run very fast and regenerates their health. If you use it 10x in match for 8 matches, you can combine the boost ability with other classes.
[quote name='tenchi']Boost is a skill that is unlocked with the assault class. It temporarily lets them run very fast and regenerates their health.[/quote]
AH, thanks. I kept hearing it mentioned but couldn't find out what it was.
I don't know if I will be on tonight. The wife's getting a little annoyed at how much time I'm spending on KZ2. I guess a 10pm start would be better since there's a decent chance she'll fall asleep by then.
[quote name='MiniB0ssBattle']Hey BostonCollegeFan I would have loved to have played last night but it was full.

BTW my class is usually medic and the class that sets up spawn points. (i always choose the classes that avoid the fray of crazy combat)[/QUOTE]

I didn't play last night either, it wasn't an "official" Cag CLAN match so :p
All right, I have fixed the clan situation, but right now we have many new rules which may please and upset people.

For the hardcore clan, after investigating, I've realized somce have signed up for it without playing CAG members already or ONLY have one posts. In order to sign-up for the hardcore clan right away, you have to be registered on CAG for at least 60 days (since some people will sign up just to join a clan, sometimes not really caring about the community itself). The only way you can join the clan earlier is by joining "CAG3", play some games with CAGs first (get better known) and they you can move onto hardcore. If you are a CAG regular basically and want to be a hardcore clan member, you will get in right away. Those who have yet accepted their invites and don't meet the new criteria will most likely have they invite revoke, and will be switched to CAG3.

Here is how the casual clans are split up. One is more so for the CAG regulars, while the other one is more so for those who are brand new to CAG. Ranking doesn't make a difference (if anything, I'd say the people brand new to CAG have a higher average ranking). What gets people into the regular clan is if they have around 50 posts or more, posted some blogs (or got involved with CAG blogs basically), got involved with CAG trading, got involved with donating money to Child's Play, or has been playing various online games with CAGs before. Basically, it's the casual clan for the more established clan. The 3rd CAG Clan (called "CAG3", which is the 2nd casual clan) is mostly for those people new to CAG or haven't been around the community much. I felt it was best to create a clan so some less experienced can get involved with clan management (I plan to appoint many officers to the clan), get to know some newer CAGs, along with get to know other CAGs in games open to the entire forum. Once people start to warm up to the CAG community, you may be transferred clans (like some who are new, but want to go hardcore sometime, can start here). ALL clans will still be considered for clan battles and we will have some clan battles against each other.

Anyway, clan sign-ups are back up. Just say what clan you want to be in and I'll see what I can do. Most who sign up for the casual WILL get put in "CAG3".

Lastly, after re-researching everyone who previously joined the other casual clan, some have been moved to "CAG3", which you can see in the clan list. If you've been moved and would love to be an officer, I will appoint you (it's my way of saying sorry for switching you, but I will give you the chance to have an officer position and take a bigger role).
[quote name='lounges']I wont be able to make it until about 7pm PST tonight, but if the game is still going then count me in.[/QUOTE]The bad news is you are one who might have to move clans (don't worry, there will still be clan battles), but I'd offer you an officer position in it though. However, we'll see.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']fucking freezing shit is so fucking retarded.

I'm doing awesome and killed a ton of people with my turrets. And than it freezes right when we were about to win and I got a triple kill...

fuck Killzone 2.[/quote]
I wish they had the save stats thing that Resistance 2 had, so even if you got a network error or freezing problem, all your progress/points up til' then would be saved :/
I'm confused .. are we doing sign ups again? If so, I guess sign me up for the Casual CAG Regulars.

PSN-ID: Maklershed
Headset: Yes
Clan Choice: Casual CAG Regulars
Time Zone: Est
Availability: Weeknight 8-10pm; Weekend 8-12am
Looks like I'm in Casual 2 since I'm just under 50 posts (for now). Doesn't make much of a difference to me, I just want to enjoy playing the game with some fellow CAG'ers.

Anyway... Thanks, ManaKnight, for organizing all this together. I'm sure it takes a chunk of time out of your day and so far you've been pretty quick to update and send out invites (I'll accept mine when I get home from work today).
bread's done