CAG Lose It weight loss challenge.

[quote name='opterasis']Started day 1 today, and damn I thought my lungs were going to explode, but I made it through, I decided to take it easy today since it was the first day, I followed all the jog/walk cues, but I turned around at the half way alert, I'm glad I did, an extra 3 miles would have been rough.

As far as weight loss goes, Today marks 21 days, and I'm down to 187 from 203.[/QUOTE]
Great job! It get's easier.

But perdition(troy is right too, so keep it consistent.
I am falling apart. Last week I got poison ivy working in the yard which is extremely annoying. It is all over my arms and legs and itches like crazy.

Then on Tuesday (a week ago) I started experiencing a dull pain in my left hip that ran all the way down my leg through the calf. Something is wrong with my sciatic nerve (I think). Every time I sit still for more than 10 minutes I feel pain when I stand up and start moving (which goes away after a minute or two of walking).

Yesterday, I got sick. Basically I'm a mess and I haven't been to the gym or worked out since last Friday (trying to rest the sciatica, which does feel better). The cold has caused me to eat like crazy since my nose and throat only feel right when I'm eating for some reason. Ugh. What a disaster. The plan is to go to the gym tomorrow but I might have to lay off Insanity for a while and stick to the treadmill and elliptical. This is total bullshit.
Jeez, you're falling apart javery. I hate poison ivy, it's such a nuisance. Along with the sciatica and cold, I'd definitely skip insanity for a bit.

I've now been under 180 for three months. I'm 172 right now, I hope I can keep right around this weight.
Does anyone else do rock wall climbing? I switched gyms last week and they have one of the never ending ones and I've been using it. Pretty awesome workout plus it's a fun change from what I'm used to. The only question I have is, are there some kind of special shoes that make it less painful for your feet? I've tried 3 different pair of shoes (running, cross trainers, plain old sneakers) and none of them have been very comfortable stepping on the hard plastic grips.
Bulking is...well, working. I really need to get in the Bod Pod to get an accurate body fat % (well, fairly accurate). Then I can calculate my macros better than what I'm using now.

Had started taking in about 2,500 cals a day and I still didn't seem to putting weight on. Upped to 3,000 calories this week. I'm up to 165 pounds. Lifts have been great so far during the bulk, which I guess is what I'm most concerned with.
Bulking is working for me too. I ate Chinese food and a pizza over the weekend and haven't worked out in 5 days. Oh yeah, I had some ice cream last night for the first time in I don't know how long. I feel disgusting.
Down to 235, added some fruits and the occasional Larabar into my diet. After eating meat and vegetables for a couple months, Larabars taste as advertised. Holy moly. Still well under 100g of carbs, but I'm hitting 50g a day fairly regularly. Going to ride a bike/take the dog for more walks to counter the increase in carbs. Still wish I could play basketball again, but until I have surgery on the ankle that isn't happening.
OK, so I took this week off due to sickness and my body falling apart. I should be good to go on Monday morning. I almost got out of bed this morning but I wasn't feeling 100% (more like 80%) so I decided that a few more days off wouldn't kill me. I just need to double-down from now until Halloween to catch up.
[quote name='Javery']Bulking is working for me too. I ate Chinese food and a pizza over the weekend and haven't worked out in 5 days. Oh yeah, I had some ice cream last night for the first time in I don't know how long. I feel disgusting.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Javery']OK, so I took this week off due to sickness and my body falling apart. I should be good to go on Monday morning. I almost got out of bed this morning but I wasn't feeling 100% (more like 80%) so I decided that a few more days off wouldn't kill me. I just need to double-down from now until Halloween to catch up.[/QUOTE]

On the plus side, if you were overtrained, the time off helped you out.
Any recommendations for whew protein WITH creatine from amazon or target? I got a few gift cards I want to use. any help would be appreciated. Lost 5 lbs in 3 and a half weeks =D
[quote name='Feeding the Abscess']Larabars taste as advertised. Holy moly.[/QUOTE]

Is that a good or bad holy moly? I think they're fucking outstanding. Also, Kind Bars are astonishingly good. I try to avoid too many kinds of bars b/c they're mostly repackaged candy bars, but those two are excellent brands. I also dig Clif Bars in the White Chocolate Macadamia Nut flavor.
I love Clif Bars. Crunchy Peanut Butter and White Choc. Macadamia Nut ones are the bomb! I eat them at work for breakfast. I also love Erin Baker's Breakfast cookies on The Oatmeal raisin and caramel apple ones are awesome. I need to order some.
[quote name='Feeding the Abscess']On the plus side, if you were overtrained, the time off helped you out.[/QUOTE]

We will see... I'm 3 for 3 this week in workouts but Insanity kicked my ass this morning. I've also noticed my clothes are slightly tighter. I am re-motivated though and I'm switching up the routine with some running and elliptical as well as continuing Insanity. I think I was overdue for a change in routine.
Anybody have some good protein rich drink supplement suggestions?

I'm looking to go lean and taste is going to be a factor. I've had Cytomax Muscle Milk the past few months, but I wanted to seek out other options and switched to VRX Protein Rush since it has more protein and less fat per serving, plus the strawberry blend is delicious IMHO. I'm thinking of seeking out a 2 pound tub of powder mix, but I haven't fully committed just yet.
[quote name='mykevermin']Is that a good or bad holy moly? I think they're fucking outstanding. Also, Kind Bars are astonishingly good. I try to avoid too many kinds of bars b/c they're mostly repackaged candy bars, but those two are excellent brands. I also dig Clif Bars in the White Chocolate Macadamia Nut flavor.[/QUOTE]

Good. The only reason I touch Larabars is because they generally have 2-4 ingredients, all of them actual food.
[quote name='ced']Anybody have some good protein rich drink supplement suggestions?

I'm looking to go lean and taste is going to be a factor. I've had Cytomax Muscle Milk the past few months, but I wanted to seek out other options and switched to VRX Protein Rush since it has more protein and less fat per serving, plus the strawberry blend is delicious IMHO. I'm thinking of seeking out a 2 pound tub of powder mix, but I haven't fully committed just yet.[/QUOTE]

I'm taking Gold whey ON (chocolate), syntha 6 (chocolate) and micronized creatine powder (ON) You mix one scoop of gold,one scoop of syntha 6 and the creatine in a shaker with milk and water. I've found this to be really tasty. The Gold was giving me a bad after taste by itself.
Not really... I did Insanity and then about 25 minutes into my run on the treadmill right after that I threw up - full mouth. It was so gross and I'm gagging just thinking about it. I had to choke it back down although some did leak out down my chin so I had to use my towel. Thankfully, I hadn't had anything to eat since around 7:30 the night before so it was mostly water. Ugh.
Gross! I did that one time, fortunately I was running around the High School track and just let it loose. Unfortunately, I got caught doing it and was made fun of.
Haven't made a post in here in a while. I hope everyone is continuing their progress. :)

Small update: Been working hard and back on supplements. Staying around 175 because it's easier on my back. Actually went down to 170 after cutting a little water weight. Just working on building mass and definition. Went back on protein supplements because I've had trouble putting on weight. My OTC stack is Animal Flex, Animal Pak, Myodex, Creatine Ethyl Ester, Combat Powder, and Hydroxycut Hardcore Elite. Went through a bunch of supplements to find stuff that works in my biology. Feeling good and lean. And cold, so very cold. Good thing I still have a little belly fat, as, otherwise, I would be freezing in freakin' 78-degree weather.
[quote name='Chase'] My OTC stack is Animal Flex, Animal Pak, Myodex, Creatine Ethyl Ester, Combat Powder, and Hydroxycut Hardcore Elite. Went through a bunch of supplements to find stuff that works in my biology.[/QUOTE]
Honestly man, do you really need all that? A balanced diet will give your body everything it needs.
[quote name='Chase']Haven't made a post in here in a while. I hope everyone is continuing their progress. :)

Small update: Been working hard and back on supplements. Staying around 175 because it's easier on my back. Actually went down to 170 after cutting a little water weight. Just working on building mass and definition. Went back on protein supplements because I've had trouble putting on weight. My OTC stack is Animal Flex, Animal Pak, Myodex, Creatine Ethyl Ester, Combat Powder, and Hydroxycut Hardcore Elite. Went through a bunch of supplements to find stuff that works in my biology. Feeling good and lean. And cold, so very cold. Good thing I still have a little belly fat, as, otherwise, I would be freezing in freakin' 78-degree weather.[/QUOTE]
Freezing at 78? I was walking around in a t-shirt and hoodie in the mid 40's when I was a lean 125. At 78, I would be sweating my balls off.:lol:
[quote name='Allnatural']Honestly man, do you really need all that? A balanced diet will give your body everything it needs.[/QUOTE]

Yes. And, with experience, I disagree with the latter half of your statement.
dang sean, you're looking much bigger! (also, your fiances hair is much longer. my wife did the same thing when we were doing our pre wedding everything then came home a few weeks later and I didn't recognize her new haircut lol).
Haven't had a chance to check in a while. I managed to get down to 188 so I'm almost down 15 pounds. Still would like to get to 160/165, considering I'm 5'9.

The weight machine has been a blessing. Ive been working out about 25-30 minutes a day 5 days a week on it. While I haven't lost as much weight in the last week or two, I've noticed my clothes are starting to get looser and need to buy a new belt.

Thankfully I still have 8 months until the wedding!
Nice work, Sean! :applause:

[quote name='blindinglights']Chase, where are you from? 78 degree weather is warm, borderline hot. I would be sweating depending on the humidity.[/QUOTE]

I live in Las Vegas. 75 is pretty cool over here. I guess my Colorado conditioning to cold is now gone. :cold:
NYCC is over...think I'll need a day or two for my legs to resume normal functionality and then back to work. Only made it down to 256 before the show (I was sick for about 2 weeks leading up to it).
Didn't have access to weights yesterday so I did a push up workout...450 push ups later and my upper body hates me today. It may not seem like much, but when your mixing up the types of push ups it really works you.
Dang, Sean - you've gained 4 inches of height since the first, pic, too! ;)

I'm down to 184-5 about now. I think I may try to lose about 10 more total, but
- I'm really happy with my progress overall, since I was about 225 this time last year.
- My body fat is around 12.5%, so while there's still some to lose, I think going below 175 would be, as the kids say, cray-cray.
Thanks guys. I haven't been as good going to the gym as I'd like. I've been losing sleep ever since we got our puppy 4 weeks ago. My fiancé works nights so its usually me waking up with her.

Still go twice a week so that's better than nothing.
[quote name='seanr1221']Thanks guys. I haven't been as good going to the gym as I'd like. I've been losing sleep ever since we got our puppy 4 weeks ago. My fiancé works nights so its usually me waking up with her.

Still go twice a week so that's better than nothing.[/QUOTE]

Puppies can be killer on sleep schedules. Months ago, I found and took in a stray. Very obedient and doesn't pee/poop in the house. But, this morning, she broke my sleep two times in the night, and probably had some affect on my recovery from yesterday's workout. Felt sluggish in my morning workout—even with preworkout supplements.

And I've fallen in love with kettlebells. Very versatile and effective. That is all.
I'm also a fan of kettlebells; great way to change things up.

Edging closer and closer to the 170 pound mark. I feel terrific these days. Glad this thread continues to strive on.
Nice to see all the positive results still pouring in! You should all be proud of what you've accomplished.

As for me, I'm still maintaining...I've kicked the cardio habit mostly and have actually spent more time lifting than roadwork (Yes, I still HATE it). Put on 5 lbs (195 now), but it's a good 5 lbs. I feel great.
Great job guys, I've gained so much weight over the years in High School. I weighed 155 in 9th and went down to 137. My sophomore and junior year is when I started to gain weight but maintained a 160. My senior year is when it killed me, towards the end, I weighed 185 and over the summer I lost 10 pounds and kept around 175-178 and now over this week I weigh 172. I just need to stop eating food I don't need.
I'm still going... not so strong... but still going. I stopped with the Insanity about 2 weeks ago and it is noticeable. I've gained a little weight (187) but it's not like I've been sitting on my ass - I've just been running exclusively. I need to refocus on my diet which I've been lazy with since football season started.

I'll probably start up Insanity again in about another week - I think I was burned out. It has been unusually difficult to get out of bed in the mornings and I've been extremely tired. Feels like I got hit by a ton of bricks when my alarm goes off so I've been sleeping an hour later which still leaves me time for a 35 minute run before I have to go to work. Not sure if I'm just old or tired or both. I've also been very stressed out recently both at home and at work.

83 LIFTED WEIGHTS!!!!!!!!!

Javery, I know what you mean. I was completely burned out on my normal lifting, it became a chore just to go through the motions. I'm trying to mix it up as of late. My whole body is still sore from my push ups :(
[quote name='perdition(troy']WEIGHTS!!!!!!!!1!!

83 LIFTED WEIGHTS!!!!!!!!!

Javery, I know what you mean. I was completely burned out on my normal lifting, it became a chore just to go through the motions. I'm trying to mix it up as of late. My whole body is still sore from my push ups :([/QUOTE]
How are you setting up your sets? I alternate between 3-5 sets to failure and sets of 50 to failure.
I haven't checked this thread in a while, but next Friday marks my 30th birthday, and right around 2 months on my diet. I'm right around 173 lbs, down from a starting weight of 203ish 2 months ago, and down 55ish from January of 2011. I haven't been working out much other than chin ups every other day, although I plan on working out more seriously since I have a goal of completing a Warrior Dash and Spartan Sprint in Sept. of next year. I know I've got a long way to go, but for once in my life, I've actually got the motivation to do it.

Nice job opterasis. I bet you feel great.

I'm back in the saddle again... I started up Insanity (again) yesterday and I'm actually sore for the first time in a long time (not really sore but I can feel something). My most successful period was really watching my diet and doing Insanity M-W-F and running once on the weekend so I'm going back to that - the problem is once I get going I feel like I can do more so I start working out on Tuesdays and Thursdays and then I inevitably burn out.

I'm glad the cold months are here so I can really focus on staying in shape instead of there being an excuse to pig out every weekend at the beach or whatever. I figure by Christmas I'll lost the ~10 lbs. I've put on over the last 2-3 months and be ripped up again.
Thanks blindinglights.

Javery, I do, I feel amazing. I've never had this much energy. I've never WANTED to get out of the house and go for a hike, or look forward to a day where I'm going to do as many chin ups as I can. It's a great feeling.
I changed my regime to 1 hour of biking 4 times a week, and an "improved" diet of no regular soda and better choices when getting fast food. I have cut down to 179 lbs, down from 196 a mere two months ago. I'm pretty stoked to be down to a weight I haven't seen since in at least 6 years (31 now). On my 5'7" frame, there's definitely more to be lost.
bread's done