CAG Lose It weight loss challenge.

Guess I gonna use the new year to start another attempt to lose weight (no illusionary New Year's resolutions, some real shit.) (2)

Damn I'm getting old. I took a month off from running and I'm paying for it now. So sore. I'm also going to do another (modified) round of Insanity for the next 2 months to try and jump start things. I've been slipping over the last 12 months. It is getting tougher and tougher to get up in the morning though.
well, with one of our family cars out of commission, I have been having to carpool with the wife to and from work... which has kept me from the gym and other workouts more than I would like, because honestly, when I get home, I want to rest, not get back out and drive out of the way to the gym, but early part of the year the gym is slam packed with all the damn new years resolution members that NEVER last... pretty sad.. when you have to use an excuse like the new years to get your ass up and do something, you are destined for failure. I myself saw myself get to a higher weight I had ever been, and was embarrassed at how I looked at the water parks last summer, it started soon after... I was around 185 but have always liked to run, but the extra weight put stress on my joints and heels

Fast forward to the new year, I still eat things I want to, cut down a lot on sweetened drinks as I drink water mostly. I was around 158 this morning, which is a good weight for me to run in, I fit easily into my size 30 jeans again and all at the age of 40. I am also much more religious in trying to keep track of how much I eat through my fitbit force app on my phone

Been doing nice long sunday runs every week, generally between 8-11 miles. I generally am wearing an extra 5-7 lbs just in gear when I step out

I'm going to start doing curls again so it'll be easier to carry around a new partner in crime. Just need to find a good lower back exercise to help with a front carrier.

Any tips from the CAG fitgroup dads?
I'm going to start doing curls again so it'll be easier to carry around a new partner in crime. Just need to find a good lower back exercise to help with a front carrier.

Any tips from the CAG fitgroup dads?
Deadlifts. Just make sure you have good form or you'll mess your back up.
Deadlifts. Just make sure you have good form or you'll mess your back up.
Yeah good form will be fairly easy to get down if you just go light until comfortable though. Look up videos. Practice the motion at home in front of a mirror with an imaginary bar if you need to. Use a mirror at the gym.

Always drive from your heels. Tighten your abs, keep your back staight, chest out. If you put your chest out and contract your abs you should maintain good form. Abs are your body's natural Wright lifting belt
Been stuck in the 170-175 range for a bit, but not that i'm hitting the gym hard or anything. Planning on a few 5ks come April/May, so getting ready for that should drop a few extra lbs.

I would kill to be 175!  I'm around 195 right now and looking to get down in that range.  Insanity this morning went pretty well - way better than last week.  I'm on track...

I would kill to be 175! I'm around 195 right now and looking to get down in that range. Insanity this morning went pretty well - way better than last week. I'm on track...
It was tough for me when I first tried it too. I finished two cycles of it for my initial cut. Got down to 195 by Halloween. I've been bulking since then though and am up to 225. I'll start shaving off the fat beginning March for the summer though, can't wait!
I did Insanity for almost a year and a half (Feb 2011 to summer 2012) and then kind of stopped and just ran on the treadmill to "maintain" but over time I've been putting back the weight a little at a time (maybe 1.5 lbs. per month?).  I'm not in horrible shape but no where near my peak in 2012, which I'm going to try and get back to.  I got a copy of T25 - I think once I get back down I'm going to use that to maintain - 25 minutes is nothing and I'm sure it is way better than just running on a treadmill.

I did Insanity for almost a year and a half (Feb 2011 to summer 2012) and then kind of stopped and just ran on the treadmill to "maintain" but over time I've been putting back the weight a little at a time (maybe 1.5 lbs. per month?). I'm not in horrible shape but no where near my peak in 2012, which I'm going to try and get back to. I got a copy of T25 - I think once I get back down I'm going to use that to maintain - 25 minutes is nothing and I'm sure it is way better than just running on a treadmill.
Let me know how that is. I tried insanity, but I couldn't maintain an hour every day. 25 minutes seems a lot more manageable.

The secret to insanity is to not follow the recommended schedule.  I was doing it 3-4 days a week (and mixing in other stuff) and it was more than enough to see really good results.  I just don't have the energy to do the full 6-day-a-week schedule for 2 full months plus work 12 hours a day plus keep up with my 3 kids.  This morning I did an insanity workout and then "ran" on the elliptical for another 20 minutes to cool down.  Not too bad.  Once school is over I'll be able to stay at the gym a little later in the morning and do a little more.  That's probably right around the time I'll be trying T25.

Well it's been 2 full weeks of this nonsense.  I feel much better although I'm quite sore (I haven't been sore in years) and a giant pussy.  I can barely do 10 pushups!   I also didn't get through a single insanity video without stopping or not being able to keep up.  Oh well, I'll be better next week - I'm looking forward to the 2 days off.

The first thing - I used to be able to do a ton of them but my arms feel like they are going to fall off right now. I think I'll need another 2 weeks before I feel like I'm completely back in the groove.
The weather is killing me.  Wednesday I can't go to the gym and now this morning everything is closed from the weather.  Ugh.

I really wish people would stop blaming sugar or [insert food/ingredient] for weight gain. Some people on YT keep saying that sugar/processed foods make you gain weight, but I keep telling them that it's the surplus of calories that causes you to pack on the pounds. But no no no, they keep going " u r stupid. junkfood makes you gain weight because it is processed"

People even thumbed up their comment.


I really wish people would stop blaming sugar or [insert food/ingredient] for weight gain. Some people on YT keep saying that sugar/processed foods make you gain weight, but I keep telling them that it's the surplus of calories that causes you to pack on the pounds. But no no no, they keep going " u r stupid. junkfood makes you gain weight because it is processed"

People even thumbed up their comment.

Calories might be what ultimately makes you gain weight, but junk food certainly doesn't go your body any favors.

At home workouts:

Mostly body weight exercises, but they do have some workouts with free weights

Nice. I sort of set up a workout area in my basement where I can put my iPad and watch workout videos. I got some of those interlocking mats to jump up and down on too. It is so freaking cold down there though right now. I have a little space heater but it doesn't do much. Anyway, excuses, excuses... Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to either get to the gym or do something in the basement. This morning we had another 3 inches of snow and I had to get to work early so I didn't workout again. Ugh.

Nice. I sort of set up a workout area in my basement where I can put my iPad and watch workout videos. I got some of those interlocking mats to jump up and down on too. It is so freaking cold down there though right now. I have a little space heater but it doesn't do much. Anyway, excuses, excuses... Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to either get to the gym or do something in the basement. This morning we had another 3 inches of snow and I had to get to work early so I didn't workout again. Ugh.
I can definitely relate, we got some 7-8 inches yesterday and today and it's freezing! Thankfully working out warms you up pretty quickly, it's mainly that first hump that's hard to get over.

If you guys want free protein powder samples email BSN and Cytosport.

I got some syntha 6 samples and muscle milk samples. MM vanilla creme is the best vanilla I've had.

so I started a new job about 6 weeks ago and one of the benefits is an onsite gym that if you 10 times a month is free.  I joined mainly to keep up my cardio but am also looking to start building some muscle mass with a program designed for working out 2-3 times a week.  I'm 5'11" and about 140 lbs.  Any particular programs, routines, etc you guys can recommend?  It's been probably 3 years since I had a regular workout routine so I'm way out of the loop!

So those who liked Insanity should try out Focus T25. It's another workout from Shaun T. It's 5 days a week for 25 minutes each day. No pausing, straight cardio. It's fun though and I recommend it, especially if you don't have much time during the day to work out. 

The wife just did Day 1 of T25 and said it was pretty good.  I'm going to give it a shot.  Insanity just isn't sticking like it did the last time.  I don't know if I'm just older and can't keep up or what the deal is but I am really struggling.  I used to pop out of bed at 5AM and now I fight my stupid brain every morning.  It's not like I'm not getting enough sleep either it's just that when I do Insanity by the time 4PM rolls around I stop thinking straight. I've got a lot of stress at work though and the 3 kids take a lot out of me so it's probably a combination of everything.

Started cutting weight 7 weeks ago. Down 14lbs. Gonna keep it going until May then it's bulk time again. Having good results so far

And here's me recently compared to my picture in the OP

Hey guys! Long time member, first time poster (in this thread heh). Anywho about 5 months ago I decided to quit my unhealthy lifestyle. Well actually for the past couple years I've been dieting off and on with some success but recently I've really cracked down and the pounds have been coming off at a nice pace.

In September-October last year I decided to get a scale to "see the damage" more or less and was very discouraged by the result. I weighed 333 pounds... I mean I've always been overweight but recently it's gotten really out of hand. Well now I weigh 289 pounds! I've been really dieting the right way and excersing regularly. 30-60 minutes, 5 days a week.

According to various websites, my ideal weight is 167-187 so I have a ways to go, but I'm optimistic and determined so I know I'll be able to get there in due time.
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so I started a new job about 6 weeks ago and one of the benefits is an onsite gym that if you 10 times a month is free. I joined mainly to keep up my cardio but am also looking to start building some muscle mass with a program designed for working out 2-3 times a week. I'm 5'11" and about 140 lbs. Any particular programs, routines, etc you guys can recommend? It's been probably 3 years since I had a regular workout routine so I'm way out of the loop!
Wow, 5 11 and 140... I hadn't been that weight myself in about 15 years plus... Good luck with the weight gain, I remember gaining a lot quickly from that point, I worked out religiously... It's every bit as hard to lose weight as it is to gain quality weight

But like many I had slacked in recent years due to some heel problems, took one day being embarrassed at Schlitterbahn water park to get me in gear, my top weight was 185, I'd never been near that before being someone who has ran marathons. Fast forward about 9 months later, weighed 157 this evening, fit into my size 30 jeans easily. No more heel pain

I eased into it, slowly dropping bad habits like most of my soda drinking etc... Those who try too much at one time, especially when they are really overweight will flame out quickly... All them resolution gym members who are finally not showing up so I can enjoy the gym again lol...
The wife just did Day 1 of T25 and said it was pretty good. I'm going to give it a shot. Insanity just isn't sticking like it did the last time. I don't know if I'm just older and can't keep up or what the deal is but I am really struggling. I used to pop out of bed at 5AM and now I fight my stupid brain every morning. It's not like I'm not getting enough sleep either it's just that when I do Insanity by the time 4PM rolls around I stop thinking straight. I've got a lot of stress at work though and the 3 kids take a lot out of me so it's probably a combination of everything.
Let me know how it goes please if you can, my hubby was interested in it. As he's gotten older (he's 33 now) he's had a hard time and wants to get back to his pre-relationship weight so he's been looking into all kinds of stuff
I'm ready to join the health revolution. My heaviest was 335; now i'm 315. Taking my usual walks to/from the bus stop (about a mile or so; make it in about 20 minutes; including a couple stop lights..4 days a week). But, i'm slowly trying to increase my physical activity and decrease my intake of crap. (There would be days; when i could drink a 2 liter of mountain dew like it's more along the lines of a 20 oz bottle)

Seeing that my ideal weight range is 190-210ish (6'1 large frame), right now i'd settle for 270.  Right now i'm really looking for a good quality bike, so i can go back to bike riding (at least the bus supports a bike, so getting to and from would be a lot quicker)

If i can/remember; i'll try to post updates. To all my fellow CAGs, good luck :)

Still 180 here.  Lifting four days a week.

I need to sure up my diet, hit the Bod Pod, and do a super slow cut.  I don't plan on being out on the beach this year, else I'd go for shredded.

With the help of this thread I went from ~310lbs down to 220lbs at my lightest. Some of you may remember the pics.

Sadly since then I have lost a job to outsourcing, opened a small business, watched said small business fail, lost my house and moved 800 miles to live with my parents again. Currently sitting at 270 lbs and I am terrified of my mother's southern cooking. LoseIt! did wonders when I made all my own meals, but it's hard to track what others prepare for you.

I just got a $20/month for 6 months deal at Gold's Gym. What motivators are out there these days? Should I jump back into calorie counting?

How's everybody doing? 

I managed to sort of maintain where I've been for the past year or so.  I creeped up to about 205/206, but am back down to 199.  I started T25 last week and it's been pretty good except for the pushups, which still give me trouble because of my elbow surgery a few years ago.  

Got down to about 170lb in the summer, but after the Bahamas i creeped back up to about 177. 174lb now and looking to get down to 165lb. Have some weekly 1lb challenge with a friend that started at 177, so im kinda on track (month later)

Still in the 180's.  Probably around 12-14% bodyfat.

I'm ready for a slow, clean bulk as it gets colder.  Will help that I'm getting married in a couple weeks, and my fiance cooks more than I do.  (I run and grab something too often.)

Congrats man!

Yeah, it's tough for me food wise too since we have access to the school cafeteria where my wife works.  It's basically a buffet every night for dinner.

I'm at my worst. I shot up to 290lbs.

I was down to 195 lbs. 6 years ago and then the gluttony demons came back.

I am doing group workouts at my gym as it motivates me to dig deeper. Is it a good or bad thing to take out my frustrations (ie. getting flaked on, shot down by potential dates, getting snubs for special occasions, etc. and it's all because [which I believe that's why] I'm fat) and use it to work out harder and stronger?

I recently invested in a Trek Fitness/Hybrid Bike. Right now, I am driving half way and biking the other half to work on some days. I hate the saddle though as it hurts my ass. You think getting a wider, cruiser like saddle will allow me to pedal faster?

My diet sucks though. What can you recommended for a "meat and potatoes/rice" guy to get the healthy stuff in me?

If all else fails, I'm considering weight loss surgery next year. Anyone here or someone they know had it? I am most likely considering the gastric sleeve as it's the most effective and reversible. 

We have a friend who had gastric bypass surgery, he's always been big (since I've known him, he might have been skinny in school, but I don't know as he was my husbands friend so I met him later) and we haven't seen him in about a year and he's super skinny now. I didn't even recognize him, they had to tell me who he was.

My cousins husband also had it done. However he's had the procedure done two times. The first time after a few months his body ended up rejecting it and he had to go to hospital. The second time which was about a year ago everything took. He's lost a tremendous amount of weight. The only thing with him though is his body sort of feels like a deflated balloon. The extra skin I guess?

They both seem a lot more energetic now

Hope this helps
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I'm at my worst. I shot up to 290lbs.

I was down to 195 lbs. 6 years ago and then the gluttony demons came back.

I am doing group workouts at my gym as it motivates me to dig deeper. Is it a good or bad thing to take out my frustrations (ie. getting flaked on, shot down by potential dates, getting snubs for special occasions, etc. and it's all because [which I believe that's why] I'm fat) and use it to work out harder and stronger?

I recently invested in a Trek Fitness/Hybrid Bike. Right now, I am driving half way and biking the other half to work on some days. I hate the saddle though as it hurts my ass. You think getting a wider, cruiser like saddle will allow me to pedal faster?

My diet sucks though. What can you recommended for a "meat and potatoes/rice" guy to get the healthy stuff in me?

If all else fails, I'm considering weight loss surgery next year. Anyone here or someone they know had it? I am most likely considering the gastric sleeve as it's the most effective and reversible.
Have you tried counting calories? I'm not a nutritionist or a health expert, but I've done some reading on losing weight and what most people recommend is to calculate your TDEE and then eat about 20% below that. Keep track of everything you eat using myfitnesspal or similar app so you can see how you are doing. When you log your food, it will tell you the percentage breakdown for protein, fat, and carbs. A popular goal to set is 40% carbs, 30% fat, 30% protein.

The myfitnesspal forums are really helpful and if you go into the success stories section you'll see people who have dropped over 100 pounds without having to resort to surgery. Here's the link:

Good luck man, you've already taken the first step, now just keep going.

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I'm at my worst. I shot up to 290lbs.

I was down to 195 lbs. 6 years ago and then the gluttony demons came back.

I am doing group workouts at my gym as it motivates me to dig deeper. Is it a good or bad thing to take out my frustrations (ie. getting flaked on, shot down by potential dates, getting snubs for special occasions, etc. and it's all because [which I believe that's why] I'm fat) and use it to work out harder and stronger?

I recently invested in a Trek Fitness/Hybrid Bike. Right now, I am driving half way and biking the other half to work on some days. I hate the saddle though as it hurts my ass. You think getting a wider, cruiser like saddle will allow me to pedal faster?

My diet sucks though. What can you recommended for a "meat and potatoes/rice" guy to get the healthy stuff in me?

If all else fails, I'm considering weight loss surgery next year. Anyone here or someone they know had it? I am most likely considering the gastric sleeve as it's the most effective and reversible.
Good luck. Definitely keep at it!

Gonna post a wall of I'm throwing it in a spoiler tag!

My fiance's sister had the lap-band for a couple years. Last year, it slipped and she decided to go a different route. I think she went with a sleeve gastrectomy (sp.?) a couple weeks ago. I believe she's had success with the Lap-Band, and, her surgery went great as far as the second one goes. They are extremely pricey though!

I'm a "meat and potatoes" guy too. If you love your meats, look into the leaner cuts. Skinless chicken breast is probably the best meat you could/should be eating. Such a great protein. If you like your beef, learn to use a 93/7 (or better). Yes, 80/20 tastes much better, but, you get used to a leaner one. Pork loin chops are pretty lean. Turkey is great also. For steaks, sirloins and round steak are your lowest calorie cuts.

Potatoes are not a bad food. It's when you pile on the extras that make them bad. I use some non-stick cooking spray, cut up several potatoes into fries, and bake them in the oven. I portion them out so I have a few days worth, because, I love fries. I only use a small amount of sour cream if I'm eating a baked potato. Sweet potatoes are also great for you, as long as the extras are limited.

Counting calories is really the way to go. I'd say if you don't have that rigid of a structure, weighing foods and estimating calories are your next best bet. I have a couple food scales in my kitchen, and you wouldn't believe how far off you will be by eyeballing or guessing on portions. (Cereal is a good example. If you fill a bowl to the brim with cereal, as I can/do, you'll weigh it and see it's likely 3-4 servings of cereal!)

I've been an avid fan of the Bod Pod system. You go in, they give you your weight and it shows a very close/accurate bodyfat %. That will help greatly in making a decision as to how many calories you need to eat in a day. You'll also get what is your estimated RMR caloric number. That's the number of calories your body uses in a day (while doing nothing, basically). It's how much your body would use up just to continue living. You then go a little bit under that (15%-20% deficit) in calories, and you will absolutely lose weight.

Good luck!

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I think I might be getting older finally. I weighed myself after about a year or two and saw I had gained twenty pounds from the usual weight I've come in at over the years. I don't get it since my eating habits have not changed in years nor has my level of activity. But taking my shirt off and looking myself over it's disheartening to see I have gained enough where it shows physically. I'm guessing at least part of this might be because I'm getting older and thus my metabolism is finally starting to slow down.

I'm not going nuts in the changes yet since most will immediately set themselves up on a fail diet which ends in them starving themselves but I'm looking to change a few things off the bat. One, I drank nothing but soda so I've already quit that. It's something I've wanted to get off for years and seriously is like cutting out smoking or something else addicting if you've been using it a lot but I'm drinking pretty much nothing but water. It sucks but I'm getting used to it and hope that alone will help me. I'll start looking at healthier eating habits next since in truthfulness I didn't eat a whole lot but the stuff I did eat wasn't super healthy either. I got a gym membership through a friend so I intend to start there once I take care of my eating/drinking changes.

bread's done