CAG Lose It weight loss challenge.

I'm 5'7" and I started at 232.  I'm at around 200 now and want to get down to around 170-175.  It's not hard as long as you keep up with it.  I lost most of it by just watching what I eat and counting calories.

That said, I was in Georgia for 4 days this past week and I must have gained 5 pounds from all the delicious fried food :lol:

I'm 5'7" and I started at 232. I'm at around 200 now and want to get down to around 170-175. It's not hard as long as you keep up with it. I lost most of it by just watching what I eat and counting calories.

That said, I was in Georgia for 4 days this past week and I must have gained 5 pounds from all the delicious fried food :lol:
I hear you. I need to motivate myself and get it going. I've become quite lethargic as of late.
Nevermind. Just googled it. Any recommendations? I tried insanity and it damn near killed me. I truly want my metabolism kick started as my stamina at work is severely lacking.
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I'd recommend a Tabata workout for cardio. 

Simple 4-minute workout:

Sprint for 20 seconds, jog for 10 seconds. 

Repeat for four minutes.

A "sprint" is 100%; your fastest running possible.  It will suck, especially if you're out of shape.  Your sprints will get considerably slower within the four minutes, but, every sprint has to be 100%.

If you can't handle four minutes, maybe start with two minutes and work your way up to four.  You can actually do these with a number of exercises, as long as the 20 seconds bits are 100% all-out.

Does anyone here have a favorite optimum nutrition protein flavor? As someone whos been drinking double rich chocolate for 6 years I want to switch it up. Maybe cookies and cream. Any thoughts I saw ice cream flavor and hoped it tasted like the muscle milk ice cream but didn't want to take a $55 gamble.

Does anyone here have a favorite optimum nutrition protein flavor? As someone whos been drinking double rich chocolate for 6 years I want to switch it up. Maybe cookies and cream. Any thoughts I saw ice cream flavor and hoped it tasted like the muscle milk ice cream but didn't want to take a $55 gamble.
I've tried a few:

Cookies & Cream - Very rich and not exactly the same flavor as the ice cream, but it's still pretty good I think and a great treat after a workout.

Mint Chocolate - BY FAR my favorite, tastes almost exactly like Girlscout Thin Mint cookies ^_^

Double Chocolate - Just for comparisons sake I also thought this was pretty good, but I didn't like it enough to get it again.

Vanilla Ice Cream - Not terrible, but probably my least favorite of the ones I've tried. Also smelled a bit like chemicals in the container, though I couldn't taste it.

Just in case you didn't know, you can buy all these flavors and a lot more off Amazon for cheaper (compared to stores near me at least) in smaller sizes if you want to try different flavors more often (I get the 2LB containers, which is usually between $25-$30). I thought ordering food online was a bit ridiculous at first, but I've yet to find somewhere that offers the amount of variety and prices amazon does ^_^

Yeah I always buy from amazon. Its 53 for a 5 lb tub. I remember BACK IN MY DAYS! I used to be able to buy a 10 lb bag from for $50. The good ol days. I'll try cookies n cream then thanks dawg.

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Sometimes there's a coupon hovering around for a percent off a vitamin shop. My last 5lb tub of protein cost me less than $45, not too shabby. As Gunm said though prices have certainly skyrocketed. Oh well I only use shakes when I can't hit my protein macros from whole foods anyway. I always prefer the chocolate, especially if its mixed with milk instead of water and a little peanut butter. It's a lot if calories though if you're going for a deficit probably best to use water. Didn't really care for cookies and cream myself. Then again I used casein not whey for cookies and cream. Dunno if there's a taste difference there.

Also, just dropping in. I'm 5'8" 137 pounds or so. 11-12% bodyfat. Three years ago I started, I got down from a disgusting muscle less 175 to 155 in less than 4 months.Not a huge drop but I also added a lot of noon muscle. I got down to about 150 and stayed there for a long time. Within the past half year though or so I really went into overdrive with dieting and working out. I used to work out, now I train. Im in the best shape of my life. Good body composition, strongest, and fastest I've been, better than average cardio. Seem to hit a wall with strength gains though. Wish my bf% was a bit lower but I like alcohol too much.

I'll post some pictures soon

Hey Ninja Squirrel! I remember we had a small back and forth a few months back about adding weight. Mass gains. Making any progress with that? Can't say that I have, then again I don't think ive upped my calories enough. Been kinda hesitant to start though because I drink on the weekends and I like to sustain a bit of an extra deficit during the week to kinda average my drinking days out. Feel like I need to only eat well if I'm going to shoot for adding weight. Think I can but I want to fine tune my regimen and craft the perfect diet in terms of macros and calories before I start full swing. Gotta soon though, l feel like I'm nearly as strong as I'm going to get at this weight
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Hey Ninja Squirrel! I remember we had a small back and forth a few months back about adding weight. Mass gains. Making any progress with that? Can't say that I have, then again I don't think ive upped my calories enough. Been kinda hesitant to start though because I drink on the weekends and I like to sustain a bit of an extra deficit during the week to kinda average my drinking days out. Feel like I need to only eat well if I'm going to shoot for adding weight. Think I can but I want to fine tune my regimen and craft the perfect diet in terms of macros and calories before I start full swing. Gotta soon though, l feel like I'm nearly as strong as I'm going to get at this weight
Not a whole lot of progress no, but I think I'm finally starting to get somewhere. I've been doing a new routine and getting some great strength gains (well, not that great but better than the none I was before), and have upped my calories to 3000 or right around there a day. I'm not positive how much I'm gaining each week, as a lot of it seems to be water weight from the increased calories, but I at least the scale is going up (sounds crazy to be saying this as a good thing lol) instead of down. I'm at 162-165 depending on the time of day, and my current goal is to bulk up to around 180, then cut back down to 170 or 10-12% BF (ultimately I think I'd be all set if I could manage to get both of those, but we'll have to see).

Great job on your progress BTW, that's some impressive work right there :applause:

Not a whole lot of progress no, but I think I'm finally starting to get somewhere. I've been doing a new routine and getting some great strength gains (well, not that great but better than the none I was before), and have upped my calories to 3000 or right around there a day. I'm not positive how much I'm gaining each week, as a lot of it seems to be water weight from the increased calories, but I at least the scale is going up (sounds crazy to be saying this as a good thing lol) instead of down. I'm at 162-165 depending on the time of day, and my current goal is to bulk up to around 180, then cut back down to 170 or 10-12% BF (ultimately I think I'd be all set if I could manage to get both of those, but we'll have to see).

Great job on your progress BTW, that's some impressive work right there :applause:
Ive been doing a heavy amount of reading and research. Sometimes you have to wade through an inordinate amount of crap before you reach anything good. If you're getting stronger it can't all be water weight, so good job there. It is very gradual to gain, that's a lot of what ive read and have been told. I try not to subscribe to conventional wisdom when it comes to fitness though.

Look up Jason ferruggia and his book muscle gaining secrets. Ive read over it and it makes a lot of sense. He stresses progressive overload through heavy weights and low reps. He emphasises heavy and hard training over a crazy amount of volume and insists that many people tend to overtain. The science is a bit lacking and most of his evidence is anecdotal and works for his clients but it is in line with actual research I have read. He includes workout sheets too of course caloric needs still need to be worked out but he provides a baseline calculation for it. Im sure you already know this but the most accurate BMR calculation comes from katch mcardle calculation. Add up to 20% calories from that. That was long winded, sorry.

I think you will get your goal weight but Dammit if it isnt hard. Can I just say I love these types of threads and discussions? I love seeing all these people work towards these really challenging goals. Everyone is in a different spot but the end goal is mostly the same. Never lose sight of your fitness goals people. You will get there if you stay the course. Do yourself a favor though and give your gym sessions your all. Grind, grind, grind. There will come a point where you feel BAD for NOT going to the gym if you're not already there. Even on bad days though, force yourself there. You may surprise yourself. Ive had some of my best days going in feeling horrible
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Ive been doing a heavy amount of reading and research. Sometimes you have to wade through an inordinate amount of crap before you reach anything good. If you're getting stronger it can't all be water weight, so good job there. It is very gradual to gain, that's a lot of what ive read and have been told. I try not to subscribe to conventional wisdom when it comes to fitness though.

Look up Jason ferruggia and his book muscle gaining secrets. Ive read over it and it makes a lot of sense. He stresses progressive overload through heavy weights and low reps. He emphasises heavy and hard training over a crazy amount of volume and insists that many people tend to overtain. The science is a bit lacking and most of his evidence is anecdotal and works for his clients but it is in line with actual research I have read. He includes workout sheets too of course caloric needs still need to be worked out but he provides a baseline calculation for it. Im sure you already know this but the most accurate BMR calculation comes from katch mcardle calculation. Add up to 20% calories from that. That was long winded, sorry.

I think you will get your goal weight but Dammit if it isnt hard.
thanks for the tip, I will have to give that a look sometime. The thing is though that my current routine actually is rather high volume, and I think that just works better for me. I tried a long rest/high weight routine for a bit and didn't notice any gains (and possibly lost a bit of strength somehow, though that could have just been in my head since I wasn't keeping as good of track as I am now). I hadn't tried that specific calculator though, but I'm not entirely sure it's right about me since it says my BMR is in the 1700-1800 range, which would mean I'd be gaining about two pounds per week on my current diet (I'd been eating between 2700-2900 the past month or two and my weight was almost the exact same). I'm gonna stick with 3000 for a bit and see how that goes. Worse case scenario I gain some fat and have to spend a few weeks doing crazy cardio to burn it off, best case I gain some muscle without too much fat and get closer to my goal. Chances are I will plateau before I reach 180, but trial and error is the easiest way to figure things out I've found :)

And yes it is so very hard, not only to figure things out, but just eating all the freaking food in and of itself!

I am checking in, too.

I've been toying with the idea of entering a bodybuilding competition.  It'd have to be a large show, with the various weight classes represented...because I'd be in a smaller weight class.  :lol: 

I'm right at 161 pounds (5'10") and I'm around a 6.8% bodyfat.  Leanest I've ever been so far; getting pretty damn vascular.  I've got a bit left around the lower abs area to lose and that'll likely get me to around 155-158 pounds. 

My next pic will be on 9/3; my birthday.

Update: I'm down to 193.8 as of yesterday morning.  I'm not keeping track of calories or working out, so I'm not really sure how I'm doing it.  The only thing is I've been mindful in picking what I eat, and I don't eat as much.  We went out for lunch to a Tex Mex place on Sunday and I only ate half of my portion and really didn't have much to eat the rest of the day.  I would have eaten that whole thing plus had a full dinner a couple of years ago.

What is that?

They have HIIT workouts as well. Love their videos :bow:

Does anyone here have a favorite optimum nutrition protein flavor? As someone whos been drinking double rich chocolate for 6 years I want to switch it up. Maybe cookies and cream. Any thoughts I saw ice cream flavor and hoped it tasted like the muscle milk ice cream but didn't want to take a $55 gamble.
Mocha cappuccino is the one i've liked the best from ON. Please stay away from "delicious strawberry" and "caramel toffee fudge" :puke:

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Dropping back in after four months. Wanted to be around 170 by now... Weighed in at 176 this morning. Not too bad I suppose. Stopped working out for like a week because of my schedule so if you take that into account I might have gotten there by now. Besides that though, I'm a lot better physically. My mile time is almost 3 minutes faster (I did have a lot of room to improve though lol) and I went from a 33 to 31. I've become significantly better at pickup basketball games due to better endurance now. (Was always solid fundamentally) Gonna start incorporating weights soon.
Got in the Bod Pod again today.

160 pounds, 5.9% bodyfat.

Gonna start practicing men's physique posing with a trainer and start trying to find a local show to compete in.

Got in the Bod Pod again today.

160 pounds, 5.9% bodyfat.

Gonna start practicing men's physique posing with a trainer and start trying to find a local show to compete in.
Wow man, that's awesome! Good luck!

I dropped another 0.6 pounds this past week so I'm down to 193.2. I can't believe I've lost almost 40 pounds in the past couple of years, but it feels great.

Haven't posted in a long time.

I had a herniated disk that I'm still nursing back to normal. It was caused by overtraining. I was doing heavy Deads and high rep Deads one day, heavy squats and high rep squats another. I was also introducing power cleans on my Deads day and high rep pendlay rows on my bench day.

Needless to say, waaaaay too much volume and I injured myself. Spent a month in physical therapy and now I just have light back discomfort instead of shooting lower back pain that traveled into my leg and made my toes numb.

Unfortunately I can only dead and squat 50% of what I used to but I'm slowly working back up.

Here's a progress picture update.

Left is from the start of this thread at 175lbs right is today at 205 pounds

Man that sucks about the injury, hope you get fully back on the saddle soon, I'm sure it takes a lot to do any lifting after getting hurt like that (or at least I know I would). For now I'd say just rest easy until you're fully recovered, you don't want to accidentally hurt yourself again lifting before you're fully healed. Either way props for the dedication, and hopefully this is the first and last time something like this happens. As the saying goes, we fall down so we can pick ourselves up again ^_^

Man that sucks about the injury, hope you get fully back on the saddle soon, I'm sure it takes a lot to do any lifting after getting hurt like that (or at least I know I would). For now I'd say just rest easy until you're fully recovered, you don't want to accidentally hurt yourself again lifting before you're fully healed. Either way props for the dedication, and hopefully this is the first and last time something like this happens. As the saying goes, we fall down so we can pick ourselves up again ^_^
Yup, it sucks because I was working towards competition numbers, and now I can't even compete. My own damn fault for rushing things. I have a much more solid, stable program now.

I do a hybrid of 5/3/1 for bench and overhead press and I'm sticking to 3x5s on deadlifts and squats, adding 10 pounds a week.
Sucks to hear about your injury, Sean.  I injured my ankle early in the year, and, it took months to fully heal.  I hated having to start over/dial back a lot of leg-related lifts.

Doing a Men's Physique NPC show November 16.  Nerves are slowly creeping in, heh.

Workouts are still four nights a week, with HIIT on two of my non-lift days.

Calories are 2200 a day; 35% Protein, 20% Fat, 45% Carbs. 

I will (hopefully) be sitting at 5% bodyfat or so by show time.  I don't want to lean out *too* much, as then I'll get penalized.  Trying to nail down my carb intake for maximum vascularity.  I am naturally veiny, and, high carb days make veins *everywhere*.

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Well I've been back at it for a month after taking about 2 months off - I went on vacation and got a nasty foot infection.  I couldn't even walk and it got pretty bad.  The antibiotics took about 2 weeks to get things back to normal and then I just couldn't bring myself to the gym.  I feel pretty good now though.  I'm going to start a cycle of Insanity probably next Monday with the goal to be 100% back by Christmas.

First Men's Physique show is this Saturday! Not nervous (yet). I'll definitely post up a pic or two.

Haven't weighed in this week, because I've been super low-carb. The numbers would likely look silly.

Carb up begins tomorrow! BRING ON CARBS! :)
First Men's Physique show is this Saturday! Not nervous (yet). I'll definitely post up a pic or two.

Haven't weighed in this week, because I've been super low-carb. The numbers would likely look silly.

Carb up begins tomorrow! BRING ON CARBS! :)
Goodluck buddy :D

Haven't posted in a long time.

I had a herniated disk that I'm still nursing back to normal. It was caused by overtraining. I was doing heavy Deads and high rep Deads one day, heavy squats and high rep squats another. I was also introducing power cleans on my Deads day and high rep pendlay rows on my bench day.

Needless to say, waaaaay too much volume and I injured myself. Spent a month in physical therapy and now I just have light back discomfort instead of shooting lower back pain that traveled into my leg and made my toes numb.

Unfortunately I can only dead and squat 50% of what I used to but I'm slowly working back up.

Here's a progress picture update.

Left is from the start of this thread at 175lbs right is today at 205 pounds

Bring up dem delts and you'll be an official beefcake. How much were you limited in shoulder work because of the herniated disc?

Anywho, for my own stuffs, I was down to about 205 in early August. Added an extra meal (usually chicken and a sweet potato or something similar), back up to 220. Think I'll just keep eating clean and let my weight do what it's going to do. If my ankle ever heals I'll start playing basketball again and probably end up dropping 10 or so pounds. If it doesn't heal, I'll start riding a bike or something.

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I've been hovering in the 170-175lb area for a while now.

I got this nasty looking bruise on my forearm this week. Don't recall slamming it against anything though. I'm Wondering if I blew up a vessel when doing curls the day before or something like that. ..
First Men's Physique show is this Saturday! Not nervous (yet). I'll definitely post up a pic or two.

Haven't weighed in this week, because I've been super low-carb. The numbers would likely look silly.

Carb up begins tomorrow! BRING ON CARBS! :)
Best of luck!

Bring up dem delts and you'll be an official beefcake. How much were you limited in shoulder work because of the herniated disc?

Anywho, for my own stuffs, I was down to about 205 in early August. Added an extra meal (usually chicken and a sweet potato or something similar), back up to 220. Think I'll just keep eating clean and let my weight do what it's going to do. If my ankle ever heals I'll start playing basketball again and probably end up dropping 10 or so pounds. If it doesn't heal, I'll start riding a bike or something.
My strict ohp dropped pretty badly because I couldn't stabilize my back on the lift. I also had a hard time doing any seated shoulder work :/

Just a couple days ago I squatted 225. Should be deadlifting 275 in a couple weeks. Not bad considering I couldn't squat the barbell without pain 6 months ago.

Small steps :)
You ever try zercher squats?

So here's my story I was a fat fucking pig until last year when I saw myself on a scale in shock I did something about it and in a year and almost 6 months time i've managed to lose 150 lbs legit without lapband or steroids. I'm also able to run a mile in under 8 mins not bad considering I'm 230 and plan to be >220 by the end of december

Thank you.

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Did not place as high as I would have hoped at the show.

It's time to slow/clean bulk.  My long-term goal:  200 pounds.  (That's with a low bodyfat, not something like 10+%.)

Here's a few pics from the night before the show, and some at the show. 

I'm a pale white guy everyday; it was awesome seeing muslces with a tan!  (I bake in the sun!  :/ )




Did not place as high as I would have hoped at the show.

It's time to slow/clean bulk. My long-term goal: 200 pounds. (That's with a low bodyfat, not something like 10+%.)

Here's a few pics from the night before the show, and some at the show.

I'm a pale white guy everyday; it was awesome seeing muslces with a tan! (I bake in the sun! :/ )



Think 5 pounds a year, and you'll be stacked in 7 years. You about 5'11"?

I'm just dropping in again.

I had a visit with a nurse at my gym in July. My bf% was 11% then and I was 138 then. Just the other day I weighed in at 135, I lost 5 pounds of fat but gained 3 pounds of muscle. Must be the squats since I'm up to 260. Nurse measured my BF% at 7.5%. I really don't feel like this is is right because although I can see all rows of my abs they are still somewhat obscured. I mean they're not prominent like rigs. Heh. I'm also overhydrated so iv. Been trying to drop some water weight too.

Either my abs are underdeveloped or the BF % I was given was off. Which I can definitely see. I mean I can still pinch a very small amount on my mid section. Pics soon
Obnoxious happenings in the gym today. Sunday's my leg day, and it's typically empty mid day (everyone's watching football or at church). Not today. Huge ass steroid monkeys (5'10", 220ish lean guys) were all lined up on the leg press machines, pushing bitch weight, taking their time between sets, and sitting on the equipment while resting.

Seriously, if I were working out a small-framed girl and she was doing the weight they were doing, I'd tell her to call me when she's serious about working out and leave. I bench more than these morons were leg pressing. I'm 6'4" with long legs, and I rep a set of 10 at 700 pounds on leg press as my last set.

I'm still raging over it.

Everyone else get blitzed today, to prime our bodies for feasting tomorrow?
I lifted. Hit a new PR on the back squat (low-bar) at 235lbs, preceded by triples at 230. Still baby weights, but it felt good all the same.

Nailed a single at 195 on my front squat a couple days before, which was awesome (200 is soooo close).

Lifting today as well, though I'm not adding weight to anything other than my bench, which I had to deload recently.

I'm considering switching to Wendler's 5/3/1 for a while (at least six cycles) since things are getting pretty tough. I've been doing my own thing for a long time, focused on heavy triples. I'm thinking something more structured might help me go farther. Anyone here have experience with it?

I lifted. Hit a new PR on the back squat (low-bar) at 235lbs, preceded by triples at 230. Still baby weights, but it felt good all the same.

Nailed a single at 195 on my front squat a couple days before, which was awesome (200 is soooo close).

Lifting today as well, though I'm not adding weight to anything other than my bench, which I had to deload recently.

I'm considering switching to Wendler's 5/3/1 for a while (at least six cycles) since things are getting pretty tough. I've been doing my own thing for a long time, focused on heavy triples. I'm thinking something more structured might help me go farther. Anyone here have experience with it?
I'm a huge fan of 5/3/1. It's really helped my bench. The important part is having the right program to compliment 5/3/1.

What is your height/weight and 1rm on the big 4 lifts besides squats?

I can also send you the PDF if you want.
I'm just dropping in again.

I had a visit with a nurse at my gym in July. My bf% was 11% then and I was 138 then. Just the other day I weighed in at 135, I lost 5 pounds of fat but gained 3 pounds of muscle. Must be the squats since I'm up to 260. Nurse measured my BF% at 7.5%. I really don't feel like this is is right because although I can see all rows of my abs they are still somewhat obscured. I mean they're not prominent like rigs. Heh. I'm also overhydrated so iv. Been trying to drop some water weight too.

Either my abs are underdeveloped or the BF % I was given was off. Which I can definitely see. I mean I can still pinch a very small amount on my mid section. Pics soon
How is she measuring your bodyfat? Calipers? While they can be accurate, more often than not, they are inaccurate.

If you have access to a DEXA or Bod Pod (or Hydrostatic Weighing), that'd give you a more accurate %.

Ab prominence can also be determined by how dry you are. If I really carb up and the water is not high, I spill over my abs for sure (carb bloat).

I'm a huge fan of 5/3/1. It's really helped my bench. The important part is having the right program to compliment 5/3/1.

What is your height/weight and 1rm on the big 4 lifts besides squats?

I can also send you the PDF if you want.
The best I can give you are estimates based on what tells me, which I also use to calculate the weights for the 5/3/1 sets.

6'1" ~190lbs (bodyfat a bit on the high side since I've been bulking for a while, though no idea the %)

Squat 250

Bench 180

OHP 120

No deadlift unfortunately, since I work out in an apartment and I'm sure the neighbors wouldn't like a heavy barbell hitting the floor repeatedly (or worse still, my grip slipping and simply dropping it). The hamstrings still get plenty of work though with heavy RDLs and nordic curls.

I'm currently doing Wendler's 3-day beginner's variation with some assistance mixed in (pull-ups, rows, dips, and front squats). According to Strength Standards I'm still a novice, so I figured the additional bench and squat exposure would do me good (and I love squats).

Just finished my first week and it went really well. Love going all out on those last sets, and I can't wait for the next workout.

How is she measuring your bodyfat? Calipers? While they can be accurate, more often than not, they are inaccurate.
If you have access to a DEXA or Bod Pod (or Hydrostatic Weighing), that'd give you a more accurate %.

Ab prominence can also be determined by how dry you are. If I really carb up and the water is not high, I spill over my abs for sure (carb bloat).
She was using a wand looking thing attached to a small machine and just running it through my arm. I believe it's either I or biometric impedience type of test. I know these tests aren't super accurate but I didn't think they were generally that off
I'm new to this thread so I'm not sure what new members post, but I have lost 41 pounds so far.  I weighed 336 last summer (the most I've ever weighed), now I weigh 295 and am addicted to being healthy.

I'm new to this thread so I'm not sure what new members post, but I have lost 41 pounds so far. I weighed 336 last summer (the most I've ever weighed), now I weigh 295 and am addicted to being healthy.
Nice work dude, and welcome to the thread! I think most of us here can relate to being addicted to being healthy, which certainly an addiction worth having ^_^

I'm new to this thread so I'm not sure what new members post, but I have lost 41 pounds so far. I weighed 336 last summer (the most I've ever weighed), now I weigh 295 and am addicted to being healthy.
Awesome! Keep at it, and, keep checking in here!

bread's done