CAG Lose It weight loss challenge.

[quote name='blindinglights']I also ate an entire pepperoni pizza for lunch yesterday. Don't regret it at all. :whee:[/QUOTE]

Nor should you! Awesome job. I am probably going to eat some crappy food at some point this weekend - St. Patty's Day party to go to (no alcohol though - I'm still dry in 2012 and planning to keep it that way for a few more weeks at least).
So I'm off to Old Navy to buy some new jeans - 32" which is insane. 34s are falling off of me. If they have 33s I might try those on because I can't wrap my head around buying 32" jeans - I swear I'd have to go back to 7th or 8th grade for that.
Maybe I had bad luck, but my Old Navy jeans shrink pretty badly when I wash them. I got a 33" in them over Black Friday and 32" at American Eagle. The AE ones fit great, and the Old Navy ones make me feel like a fat kid whenever they come out of the laundry :p
The Old Navy ones seem to stretch out until you wash them... and I don't wash mine very often. I just got back. I ended up going with the 33" jeans - the 32" fit and I'm pretty sure they would have been OK especially after a few wears but they were too tight around my thighs so I went with the 33s. I'll revisit this in the fall - it's so warm out today I almost bought a couple pairs of shorts.
[quote name='Rig']I am technically under an NDA...though I imagine it's fairly loose as long as no results ate spoiled.

Still, I'll keep my mouth shut for a bit. Definitely will post about the experience though.[/QUOTE]

Sounds good, sir. I'm definitely interested in your experience.

[quote name='blindinglights']I got measured at the gym today, 186.5 pounds, 9.2% body fat. Abs before summer are looking like a real possibility.

I also ate an entire pepperoni pizza for lunch yesterday. Don't regret it at all. :whee:[/QUOTE]

Dude, nice! :applause: On both accounts. Hahaha...

Javery, congrats on the new waistline. :) As Sean mentioned, be careful with sizes. Before, I'd simply snatch a pair by size and wind-up having to return them because they wound up too small. I have grown to understand why women take so long to buy one pair of jeans. My waist is a Size 30 but my thighs and calves usually only begin to fit at Size 32. I never wore a belt with jeans until several months ago.

I had my first bi-weekly injection of testosterone into my ass cheek. It's been an interesting last few days. I feel how I felt in my early-20s and prior to being neutered in my last serious relationship. It's been a reminder of how hard I have worked to control my temper over the years. I have been cardio-only the last week to give my back a rest. My back feels better, which is a plus. I'm interested to see how this affects my build.
I haven't done a weigh-in for awhile since I started so I finally did one this morning.

Age: 28
Height: 5'5"
Starting weight (3/2/2012): 245.6 lbs.
Current weight this morning: 237.6 lbs.
Pounds Gained/Lost since last weigh-in: 8.0 lbs.
Pounds Gained/Lost total: 8.0 lbs.
Interim Goal weight 220.0 lbs: 17.6 lbs. to go

Work and other things really take a toll on my energy. However, I do try to get at least do my 30 minute workout whether I use the treadmill/elliptical at the apt. complex on my off days for bootcamp. Doing 2 a days either gets cut early because of work and other bullshit things.

I'm starting to get a bit sick on nutrisystem. Maybe it's because that "gluttony demon" is always tempting me to eat Chipotle, Jimmy Johns, etc. I beat that demon by drinking a whole glass of water.

I usually have an on-off day utilizing Nutrisystem. Yesterday and today I'm on it but I already know that tomorrow I'm going to a friend's b-day dinner at a Mexican restuarant. Therefore, I don't go on Nutrisystem and instead drink 2 meal-replacement shakes so I don't overeat.
Water is a good way to curb the appetite. I am rarely hungry during the day since I drink a lot of water. I think my body is finally used to the "right" amount of food - I get full WAY faster now and I've trained myself to actually stop eating where before I would eat until I was full then just feel sick about 20 minutes later.

So I'm all in now... today is random Woot shirt day and I just ordered 3 in size M. M!!! The XLs I have collected over the years are all gigantic and I can't wear them. The Ls I've bought over the last 12 months or so fit OK but are really big around my waist all the way up to under the arms. I think the Ms might be a bit snug in the chest but doable. Unreal.
That's awesome Javery!

I'm down to 205, not really worried about the number due to the fact that I have been working my legs a lot lately and can noticeably tell the difference in size (bigger/more muscular). The majority of my weight is left in my stomach, so I just have to keep focusing on eating healthier/working out.

I just wanted to add in here that I am done with red meat as of right now. It's been a couple weeks since the last burger, but I just decided that I don't need red meat anymore. I figure the more people I tell the easier it will be to keep it out of my diet. Just can't wait until family functions (meat and potato type upbringing lol). Turkey is a great substitute for hamburger, and chicken and eggs don't bother me at all.
You won't miss the red meat that much - especially if you like fish. I could go the rest of my life eating only fish and chicken and not miss red meat at all. I'm still not sold on ground turkey though - it's just not as good IMO and it is the one thing where I can definitely say I'd rather be eating a hamburger.

I still eat red meat occasionally but it isn't something I normally go for. A few weeks ago I had a closing dinner to go to at Morton's and I ordered the salmon. People still give me shit about it at work but they could all stand to lose a few pounds so I don't let it bother me.
Javery, I want to make the move to medium too but the only medium-tall shirts I've found are at Gap, Banana Republic and J Crew. I hate the idea of paying thirty bones for a plain t-shirts. I think I might be stuck with LT.

[quote name='perdition(troy']Turkey is a great substitute for hamburger[/QUOTE]

I love turkey burgers. I go to the meat seasoning isle and get one of those tomato basil packets that you're supposed to make marinade with and just put the powder directly into the ground turkey. Makes them taste better than regular beef burgers IMO.
Does anybody know of the best app (iPhone) for tracking weightlifting goals?

Specifically, I use a pen and paper on my workout nights to make sure I'm increasing either reps or increasing the amount of weight. It's a lot to keep track of on paper (per exercise).

There's gotta be an app that does that type of record keeping, but, I'm not sure where to start looking. If it could break it down by category (bench-press, squats, etc.) that'd be terrific.
Tuesday Weigh-In

Height: 6'0
Starting Weight (1/1): 250.6 lbs
Last week's Weigh-in: 200.2 lbs
This week's Weigh-in: 197.6 lbs
Pounds Gained/Lost this week: -2.6 lbs
Pounds Gained/Lost total: -53.0 lbs
Goal weight (190 lbs): 7.6 lbs to go

Things are progressing well. It was a good week for the dieting, as I seem to be used to the hungry all the time feeling. And when I do eat, I am getting full almost immediately, where it feels like what I just ate is sitting there. Time to drop the WW points down, too.

And my moods seem to be getting better. I think it's the nice weather, as I have been outside mostly everyday, even after going to the gym, playing with the kids. A lot more positive energy and having fun. My sons' baseball season and indoor football season are starting too, so I will help out with that as well. Ah, spring!!!

As for the exercising, not much has changed. Only thing that's different is instead of the eliptical on Wednesdays, I'm using the stepper in fat burn mode for 30 mins (man do I sweat doing that), followed by a 10 minute walk on the treadmill on a 10.0 incline at 4mph. I finish the day off doing stomach crunches.

Kudos to everyone on sticking with your plans. It's inspiring to see that everyone is doing great, getting new wardrobes and hitting your personal goals. Keep it up!
I had no idea this thread was here. I rarely look in the Off Topic section. Anyway, it is great to read everyone's weight loss success stories. I am currently losing weight myself. I use the MyFitnessPal app on my iPhone. I would switch to the Lose It app, but all of my progress is already on MFP, so I'll stick with that. But I think I'll come here every week to check in and see how everyone is progressing, and to share my progress. My heaviest weight was 265 lbs (marriage will do that to you). I don't want to include that weight in my plan though since I have gradually lost a lot of weight since then. So I will start with my most recent weight when I actually became serious about losing weight (damn Christmas set me back a couple pounds though, hehe).

Age: 32
Height: 5'7"
Starting Weight: 232 lbs (October 2011)
Current Weight: 205 lbs (March 20, 2012)
First Goal Weight: 199 lbs (by Sunday April 1st so I can fit into the Rock t-shirt I bought too small (on purpose) when I go to Wrestlemania!
Main Goal Weight: 175 lbs (may need to lose more, but I don't know how I'll look or feel at that weight, so I'll adjust).

I work full time and I am taking three classes in college, so unfortunately exercising time is limited, which is why I think I haven't lost weight faster. I do eat well, and keep my calories between 1200 - 1340 per day. I allow myself a cheat night (not a full day, just a dinner) once a week. I mainly eat for breakfast things like yogurt and oatmeal. For lunch I eat lean cuisine meals (which I know are loaded with crap, but I am concentraing on low calories right now, and again, time is not on my side to make lots of healthy food for every meal). For dinner, I eat lots of fish, chicken, chicken tacos (totally low calorie the way I make them and delicious), veggie burgers, tons of vegetables, and stuff like that. For snacks, I eat fruit and celery, granola bars, fat free pudding, and baked chips single serve bags. I count calories of every food I eat. I drink water and fresh brewed iced tea.

For exercise, it varies. I have a treadmill in my apartment, so I use that, going between 2-3 miles per session (depending on homework). I also utilize my PS Move and Kinect for cardio. They seriously work great. I have recently gotten into tennis, so I picked up Grand Slam Tennis 2 and played for an hour and a half with my Move on Saturday, burning 450 calories and having fun in the process. I just picked up a tennis racket to play some real tennis (though I don't know how) and that should increase my burned calories quite a bit. I try to exercise at least 5 days a week.

Anyway, thanks to all of my fellow weight loss CAGs for listening to my story. I hope to see more success from myself and you guys in the coming months. Good luck to you all!
Going to have to start this up again. After doing battle with some depression I resorted to pizza therapy... which resorted into fatness.
Last time I checked..a few weeks ago I was 206lbs. ;( I'm 5'6.
I haven't checked it recently.

The only thing I've been doing is eating very low carb (starchy bread crap, but still eating veggies and fruits sporadically) and have been feeling great. For exercise, ehh... I've just been walking to and from my train instead of taking the apartment shuttle. It's a mile each away. So that's 2 miles a day/10 miles a week..which isn't bad. Not to mention I have an hour lunch break..I eat for 20-30 mins and walk for the next 30-40 minutes (weather pending, of course)

Probably once I gather more energy and motivation (which is happening rapidly) I'll probably start some basic in the apartment dumbell lifting/push up doing routine.

Just trying to not overdo it. This diet has been great. Eating eggs all the time is delicious. Butter is delicious. Meat is delicious. Hooray low carbs!
Eggs are delicious, I'll give you that! I try to not overdo it on the butter, but I know I use more than I need half the time.

Mightymek, that's pretty solid weight loss.

I feel like I've been redistributing my weight lately more than losing it lol. For every bit I lose in my stomach I can see my legs growing (good thing though, I've been spending 2-3 days a week on them). I'm not as concerned about weight now as I am about inches. I feel and can see my stomach (slowly) getting smaller. It is weird though, because I noticed that I am losing weight on the sides of my stomach faster than the rest of it lol. It's all good though. That and my face has thinned out so I am starting to look like my normal self again. With all the nice weather we have been having I've been able to get out on my bicycle more, and it feels good. My wife is starting to come on them with me too :)
[quote name='panzerfaust']How much tuna is too much? lol[/QUOTE]

Before I went vegan, I probably contributed to 10-percent of overall sales in the early-2000s. I loved that stuff. :)

That's definitely awesome news, Javery. Nice work, 83. Those 7.6 pounds shouldn't be much more than a cough at this point. ;)

Good luck with your goals, Lilboo and MightyMek!

Short TRT update. Very little back acne, but nothing more than what I experienced with HGH. Test really is a wonder treatment. I sorta plateaued at 9-percent body fat. I have no doubt that I'll be able to knock that down to 5 like I wanted before adding more mass to 190. I've been able to shave off a lot of my workout time while maintaining myself. A mere 120 minutes and I'm done. I have a big chunk of my nights back. I feel like I'm 21 again. (I'm 27.)

Keep pushing the pace, everyone!
Age: 30
Height: 5'5"
Starting Weight (3/5/12): 149 lbs
Last week's Weigh-in: 147 lbs
This week's Weigh-in: 150 lbs
Pounds Gained/Lost this week:+3 lbs
Pounds Gained/Lost total: +1lbs
Goal weight (135 lbs): 16 lbs to go

I definitely messed up this past week, apparently gaining 3 lbs. Part of it is because family came to visit and we ate at Fire on the Mountain, a delicious hot wing place. Hot wings aren't the best for weight loss. The other problem recently is that the weather has been so rainy and cold that I haven't been taking walks as long as usual on my lunch break (or been taking the dog out as far on walks either), so that's been cutting into exercise. Suggestions?
I've been such a slacker these past two weeks.

Haven't been to the gym. My fiancé and I are moving into our house on the 30th, and things are just way too hectic right now with packing, work, etc.

My diet hasn't slacked though, which makes me happy.
I had a full week off out of the gym last week (mainly because I was in Dallas for ANW). When I returned, I thought I'd be getting a great workout and great pump...

Nope. My last two workouts I have felt terrible. Kinda like all the strength was sapped. Maybe it's because I was also off my good diet in Dallas?

Either way, I'm disappointed. Hoping tomorrow's workout is an improvement over the last couple.
Whenever I have a break from the gym I feel like I come back stronger, rejuvenated. Hope your next work out goes a little better! Not looking forward to doing legs today...still sore from Tuesday and a long rider I had yesterday :(
I'm so pissed right now. I had to work until 1:30 so there was just no way I could get out of bed at 5 this morning so I missed my workout. Plus I'm sick now and I didn't eat dinner but I had an ice cream sandwich and a black and white cookie at about 2AM because I was starving at that point. Goddammit.
Maybe it was the Black and White Cookie that made you sick...just like Seinfeld!


But seriously, one workout shouldn't break you, especially after the tear you've been on lately. Look at it as a day of rest for working all those long hours.
I look to the cookie way too much. My wife buys this giant container of black and white cookies from BJ's for the kids and they are so freaking delicious. They aren't the big kind - maybe 3" in diameter but the icing is nice and hard and the cookie part is super soft. God I love them.

The one day off won't kill me but I won't be able to get to the gym until Monday (wife works weekends) meaning 5 days between workouts. I might try to go for a run super-early tomorrow to get some exercise in. My gym doesn't open until 8 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday so going there early is out. Ugh.
Black and white cookie. Not getting along?

Thanks Javery! Now I have a craving for some of those. We always pick some up from TooJays.
I'm in that "hungry all the time" zone again, and admittedly I've eaten like crap all week. Still staying within my points, but my food choices have been questionable. Like why did I have that Soft Pretzel (6 points), when I could have had a Turkey and Cheese Wrap (4 points).

I will run 4 miles today as punishment for my stupidity! And it will be on the treadmill at the gym...I don't deserve to run in Sunny and 76 degree weather. :lol:
Today's workout was terrific; maybe Monday and Wednesday were just a fluke. *shrugs*

I'm at 160 pounds now. I think I'm ready to go into a 4-6 month "bulk" phase. Eating more calories and bulking up. Then again, the bodyfat % will go up too...and it's "shirt off" spring/summer season. :lol: Decisions.
I had a great week, got my 1 mile run time down to 6:30 :D.

The best part is that I believe I can run faster next week because about two thirds of the way through I actually increased my pace because it just occurred to me that I didn't feel physically unable to run faster so much as I was just convinced in my mind that I couldn't run faster.
[quote name='Rig']
I'm at 160 pounds now. I think I'm ready to go into a 4-6 month "bulk" phase. Eating more calories and bulking up. Then again, the bodyfat % will go up too...and it's "shirt off" spring/summer season. :lol: Decisions.[/QUOTE]

Most girls I know prefer the bigger (muscly) guy over skinny but in shape guy. Just something that I personally noticed.
That's my issue right now, Rig. I meant to go down to 5-percent body fat before I started adding mass, but injury messed up my timeline. Now that I started TRT, I'll have to see if these OTC HGH products work better. Prior, they made me pretty lean, and I went down to 7-percent body fat. Right now, I'm 181 at 9-percent body fat. I have yet to kick it back up a gear. Been doing more cardio than strength, so I've dropped a few pounds.

And for most uneducated women, fatty for-show muscles will probably catch their eyes before lean muscle. Unless you're huge like, say, Chael Sonnen or super-chiseled like Yoshihiro Akiyama.

And good work, Troy. :) Congrats, sir!
[quote name='perdition(troy']Not much to say other than that I finally got over my 205 hump. Weighed in at 204 and feel good :)[/QUOTE]

That's awesome, congrats. I actually plateaued at 205 myself two weeks sucks. I have a friend who is a personal trainer, he gave me some tips on eating better, not just low calories like I have been, but higher proteins and good calories, not empty calories. So I made the change, started drinking protein shakes, and started a 30-day workout program with the UFC Personal Trainer Kinect game, and I am also happy to say, I finally broke 205 this morning and am now 204!
[quote name='perdition(troy']Not much to say other than that I finally got over my 205 hump. Weighed in at 204 and feel good :)[/QUOTE]

Awesome man - keep it going.

I am officially 5 days into a week off from working out... I missed on Friday due to work and I was sick all weekend, including last night, so I skipped this morning too. Next scheduled gym time will be Wednesday morning (1 week from my last workout). Ugh. I actually slept from 4 p.m. Saturday all the way until Sunday morning only getting up for an hour around 10 p.m. I'm feeling OK right now so maybe I can sneak in a run after work depending on the weather and if my wife doesn't care about me being out of the house after the kids are in bed... I don't know. I hate being sick.

I was originally planning on taking next Monday off because this weekend is going to be a mess but now I'm thinking I may need to dial it back and then suck it up on Monday. One week off shouldn't kill me but I eat a lot when I'm not feeling well for some reason. I've been working out a ton so I guess I was due for a bit of a crash.
Tuesday Weigh-In

Starting Weight (1/1): 250.6 lbs
Last week's Weigh-in: 197.6 lbs
This week's Weigh-in: 196.8 lbs
Pounds Gained/Lost this week: -0.8 lbs
Pounds Gained/Lost total: -53.8 lbs
Goal weight (190 lbs): 6.8 lbs to go

I was able to drop almost a pound this week, but man, did my body fight me every step of the way. I brought it all on myself with questionable food choices all week, but I was able to stick to my points. If anything, it feels like a set-back and has reinvigorated me to try and do better.

The one positive thing this week has been my exercise routine. I was able to run 5.25 miles in 50 minutes, which is a personal best so far. I'm also up to 75 crunches on the giant ball holding a 5 lb weight. When I started, I could only do 10. I think I'd like to add a exercise goal of a 10K race by the end of the summer. If anything, that might motivate me to keep running, which is beginning to feel like a drag. On the hoops side, it's good to be able to lead the fast break now. And I'm starting to readjust to my new dimensions with my shot...although the big guys are out-rebounding me consistently. But, I'll take it.

Keep up the good fight, everyone!
Slow week? Hope everyone is sticking to thier plans! ;)

Just wanted to vent on how weird my body has been lately...I was so busy at work yesterday I didnt even have time to eat anything. I also had to work late, go to the gym, take my son to football practice, and I had a World of Warcraft raid (NERD!), so there was literally no time to eat anything except 11 Good's Ultra Thin pretzels (1 serving/ 2 points) all day. That's it!

So, for fun I jumped on the scale and I gained 1.8 lbs...from my weigh-in on Tuesday to Wednesday night. :lol: With only 11 thin pretzels and 64oz of water. How do you gain almost 2 lbs. from 11 pretzels and water?

Stoopid body fluctuations!!!
That's a crazy fluctuation in one day LoL. That's why I try to only do a weekly weigh in, otherwise I wouldn't be able to stop thinking about what I "gained" the previous day.

It has actually been a really good week thus far for me. Hoping for a huge drop Friday. I've been doing all my workout routine, and added some more cardio with the weather being nice. Walked 7 miles Tuesday, that got my body tired (and of course it was legs day, that was smart). With it being so nice I've been biking more, and cutting the grass was a nice cooldown yesterday. Today's a leg day, and I feel pretty good about it. Probably going to walk/bike a few miles too.

I'm probably going to post a pic tomorrow, just so everyone has an idea of where I'm at, and where I was.
Been a really good week for me so far. I am very close to goal # 1, which was 199 lbs by Sunday. I am 201.7 (was 205.7 on this past Saturday) as of this morning. Lots of protein, lower and healthier carbs, and doing the UFC Personal Trainer workout program/light weight lifting (and sticking with it this time) is working very well for me.
I'm back baby. I made it to the gym on Wednesday after 6 days off and all is right with the world. Tomorrow should be nuts - I have a DOUBLE workout in the morning and it's the pure cardio non-stop insanity one followed by insane abs and then some light lifting and 25 minutes on the treadmill. Then I have to work all day and around 6 drive to AC so I'll be up until god knows when depending on how the craps table is treating me.

I've pretty much stopped trying to lose weight. I'm at 178 which I think is perfect for me so from now on I'll be just trying to shift things around (lose the small layer of belly fat and maybe add some muscle). I still weigh-in once a week though to make sure I'm not going off the reservation... My vacation is the last week in July so I'm thinking I might start P90X at the beginning of May and see what I can do before that week at the beach... of course I'm going to be a daddy (again) around May 16 so that plan might not be possible...
Checked in at 184.8 pounds for my scale visit this week. Quickly approaching the 90 total pounds lost mark.

Ran the first 6 minute mile of my life. Never thought that would happen. The weather is finally warm enough that I can run outside and I'm glad to finally be off the treadmill.

My dead hang pull-ups are getting a lot better, my max set so far has been 8 reps. I've been doing a pyramid program with rep sets like this: 1,2,3,4,5,6,5,4,3,2,1 and it's helping a lot.

Even though I'm still losing weight, my diet hasn't been that great the last two weeks. I've been within the calorie limits set by Lose It, but there's been too much cake and brownies and other questionable decisions. I think I've just got tired of preparing food lately, so hopefully I can get back on track with that.

I'd like to thank Number83 for the inspiration. 50+ pounds in 3 months is awesome :applause:. You said you play basketball right? How much better has your game become thanks to the lighter load?
Age: 32
Height 5' 10'' usually
Starting Weight: 261
Goal Weight: 220
LoseIt: [email protected]

I actually started in January at 263. I was only trying to watch what I ate. Early February I started going to the gym. I just picked a four week workout regimen online which seemed mild enough for starters. And I'm still not done with it. I've got another day to go. Working nights plus being lazy did me in.

But I'm back on the grind now. My gut is huge and has got to go. I'm looking for a new regimen, hopefully something that includes cardio along with weights, because I abhor cardio. Or my fat does.

[quote name='blindinglights']Checked in at 184.8 pounds for my scale visit this week. Quickly approaching the 90 total pounds lost mark.

Ran the first 6 minute mile of my life. Never thought that would happen. The weather is finally warm enough that I can run outside and I'm glad to finally be off the treadmill.

My dead hang pull-ups are getting a lot better, my max set so far has been 8 reps. I've been doing a pyramid program with rep sets like this: 1,2,3,4,5,6,5,4,3,2,1 and it's helping a lot.

Even though I'm still losing weight, my diet hasn't been that great the last two weeks. I've been within the calorie limits set by Lose It, but there's been too much cake and brownies and other questionable decisions. I think I've just got tired of preparing food lately, so hopefully I can get back on track with that.

I'd like to thank Number83 for the inspiration. 50+ pounds in 3 months is awesome :applause:. You said you play basketball right? How much better has your game become thanks to the lighter load?[/QUOTE]

Gratz on your hard work! I can't imagine running a 6 minute mile...Hell, I can't imagine running a 7 minute mile. :D And 90 lbs is amazing!

I can relate to the questionable food choices. That's half my battle. I can only eat so many turkey wraps before I just get sick of it. And making dinner for everyone else, and then having to eat my rabbit food is not fun! Take tonight, for example. My wife bought Cheeseburgers that I can make on the grill. They are stuffed with Bacon and Cheese. Think I can have one? Nope...It's a can of soup for me. So angry!!!!

As for my basketball game, my stamina is great. I can really get out and run the fast break now. My defense has improved and I am not gassed like I used to be after playing. However, my shot is all over the place. A lot of that has to do with muscle memory and with the change in weight, I've probably lost a lot of muscle too. My 3 point shot barely hits the rim. I easily get cleared out from the rebounds too...but that's probably because I guy I usually play against is 6'3" and 270+ lbs. He says it's too easy now. But it's so much fun, and does not feel like a work out at all.
Yeah, what 83 said. The 6-minute mile is truly impressive. I tip my imaginary hat to you, sir.

Javery, since you're satisfied with your weight, I think fat percentage would be a good motivation tool. :) That is, if you need the extra incentive.

Cjacks, 43 pounds is a legitimate accomplishment. Nice work.

I had my second treatment for TRT. Not as awkward as having my balls cupped, but dropping my pants to have a needle shoved in my ass cheek will probably never be something with which I'm comfortable. I think I read somewhere that estrogen is why women have such nice skin. My once nice skin is being invaded by acne—but at least it's only a little on my arms.

My girlfriend says she notices subtle changes in my personality. I'm supposedly more confident and take charge more often. Only thing I've noticed is that I speak louder. :lol:
Now thats funny (mood changes that she notices). Hopefully the bacne doesn't get too bad.

Short post because I'm on my iPhone but I weighed in at 200.5 today. I'm pretty stoked about that. I'm gonna do everything I can to get under 200 this week.
[quote name='perdition(troy']Now thats funny (mood changes that she notices). Hopefully the bacne doesn't get too bad.

Short post because I'm on my iPhone but I weighed in at 200.5 today. I'm pretty stoked about that. I'm gonna do everything I can to get under 200 this week.[/QUOTE]

Congrats dude...we are close. Everytime you post your weight mine drops to around the same, lol. I weighed in at 200.2 this morning, hoping for 199 by tomorrow. Unfortunately, I threw my back out doing front lunges a couple of days ago so that curbed my exercising for a few days. The shitty thing about working out without a trainer is that you don't know if you're doing the exercise properly...I can tell now that I was not.
Holy shit I wrecked myself in AC. I don't even want to think about the calorie intake on Saturday through Sunday morning at 4:30 when we finally went to sleep. I feel gross and there's 0% chance of me making my workout in the morning... so... tired... at least I left up $75 overall. On the bright side, this is the only thing I have planned all year so I should be good from here through the summer...
You have to let loose sometimes. My wife was craving seafood and I ate everything fried. I had a huge surplus of calories for the week and think I'll be fine.

I always weigh myself in the mornings and try to only do it on either Fridays or Saturdays, but my weight still seems to fluctuate quite a bit. This week I weighed in at 231.9. Last week 235.5. I'm afraid that next week it will jump up a few pounds again. I started in February so it's not just water weight.
[quote name='Javery']Holy shit I wrecked myself in AC. I don't even want to think about the calorie intake on Saturday through Sunday morning at 4:30 when we finally went to sleep. I feel gross and there's 0% chance of me making my workout in the morning... so... tired... at least I left up $75 overall. On the bright side, this is the only thing I have planned all year so I should be good from here through the summer...[/QUOTE]


I wish I could let loose like that. I'm just not there mentally yet. I think I've dieted myself into an eating disorder.

For instance, this weekend my wife bought lean ground beef for me to make 3/4 lb burgers to throw on the grill. So while everyone was having a good time, I was salivating over these things while making them...and I was so angry! Everyone could tell and as soon as I finished I shut the grill off and locked myself in my fortress of solitude and finished Mass Effect 3...then I was even more angry because of that ending!!! :lol:
Congrats dude...we are close. Everytime you post your weight mine drops to around the same, lol. I weighed in at 200.2 this morning, hoping for 199 by tomorrow. Unfortunately, I threw my back out doing front lunges a couple of days ago so that curbed my exercising for a few days. The shitty thing about working out without a trainer is that you don't know if you're doing the exercise properly...I can tell now that I was
I noticed that as well, we both hit the same point roughly at the same time. Lunges are one of the exercises that I just don't care about even a little lol, so don't feel bad staying away from those in the future lol.
Holy shit I wrecked myself in AC. I don't even want to think about the calorie intake on Saturday through Sunday morning at 4:30 when we finally went to sleep. I feel gross and there's 0% chance of me making my workout in the morning... so... tired... at least I left up $75 overall. On the bright side, this is the only thing I have planned all year so I should be good from here through the summer...
Bet that felt good :) You just have to have those days, and I'm sure you won't even notice you did it after a day or two back on your normal schedule.
Just a quick little update with pictures of my weight loss (and guys will have an idea of who I am).

February 23rd:


March 7th:


March 20th:


March 30th:




Edit: And yes I have some incredibly stupid faces on my pictures. They were taken with the fact that I would be the only one to see them in mind.
bread's done