CAG MLB 10: The Show League Fantasy Teams! MIL/PHI/SD open! Series 6 Games Due 9/6!

played the one league game against ajumbaje last night - game froze w/ one out in the bottom of the 9th... I would've lost anyway going against Mo Rivera down 1-0, but would've been nice to get my last couple of hacks in. Had this been a game in the "real league" when it starts, I could see someone being upset about it locking up, saying connection w/so and so was lost, and then getting the loss.

Truthfully I deserved to lose last night as I had the 3rd out in the top of the 9th on a dropped third strike and inexplicably threw the ball to 2nd instead of 1st base! Ajumbaje capitalizes w/a gapper to take the lead.

Good game ajumbaje
Dang, my only win yet and it isn't showing. You got lucky Chris.

Anyway I'm up for a league game tonight. Just challenge me and I'll except.
Well, there are a few people who haven't played any games at all. But with this only being a test league, I'm not holding anything against anybody (and I'm not awarding wins for unplayed series either). Honestly, I had hoped that either the schedule would open up more, or SCEA would fix the league issues by the time we started running out of games.

Seriously though, don't get too upset about people "flaking out" right now. If you look at the standings, our league is already broken anyway. I have a loss for my game against dickybeans, but he does not have a win for it. Also, a game that Josh and chriscolbert played is not showing up in the standings at all. Even if we were to try to play this league out, there is NO TELLING what the game would do with those missing games.

It could just get stuck, and not let me advance anything, thinking that the games are unplayed. At which point, the only "fix" would be for me to boot people...something that happened in our 08 league. A solution I came up with myself after SCEA support suggested that I dissolve our league and start over 5 weeks in. Until SCEA fixes these issues, you should consider it broken, and not have any expectations out of the game.

I've even greatly slowed my custom sounds project because the part of the patch to allegedly fix the "249 song playlist" issue was completely worthless, and only allowed you to add more songs, but didn't allow them to actually play during a game. THIS is the kind of "testing" Sony does. At this point, I'll consider us lucky if the game works properly by the end of April. When/If things do finally get fixed, I'll take a head count, see who's still interested in playing, and we'll start over. Until then, we're all in fucking limbo. Thank Sony.
well more games will open up when the first series is played.

i tried mine with hqn it froze mid game and he vowed never to play again.

the games are being updated quicker in my other league.

just a lil disappointing cause. 2 years in a row i get it early to league it and it fizzles quick
[quote name='m_d_amore']well more games will open up when the first series is played.

i tried mine with hqn it froze mid game and he vowed never to play again.

the games are being updated quicker in my other league.

just a lil disappointing cause. 2 years in a row i get it early to league it and it fizzles quick[/QUOTE]

I hate it when the game freezes as it resets my ps3, last time that happen on my old my ps3 it broke my bluray drive.
[quote name='m_d_amore']so is it safe to say you guys aren't playing anymore and are flaking out on this league?[/QUOTE]

I haven't played a game but it's been a combo of the league issues, and being a bit busy... got a wedding coming up and when I do get the time to play some video games, I usually just play MW2 for whatever short amount of time I have.

I'll play some games soon and when the league gets fixed and real, I'll definitely be into it.
i played 2 games in my other league and the instantly appeaered in the paper afterwards so things are looking up
[quote name='m_d_amore']well more games will open up when the first series is played.

i tried mine with hqn it froze mid game and he vowed never to play again.

the games are being updated quicker in my other league.

just a lil disappointing cause. 2 years in a row i get it early to league it and it fizzles quick[/QUOTE]

I hear you, man. You were just making it sound like it was our fault. I don't think this would be anywhere near as big of an issue if SCEA could just release a game that worked out of the box. Otherwise what you get is growing frustration, and people having a bad taste in their mouth even when it finally does get straightened out. I don't see how anybody could be happy about paying $60 to sit around and wait on them to fix shit. Dress it up any way you want, but they could do better. Hell, even Madden had less issues this year.
This is my take on it. I've never played in an online league so I wasn't 100% of what to expect. I don't have the most free time in the world and I have lots of things I enjoy in that free time, including a lot of different types of videogames on all three consoles, getting caught up on my DVR and watching movies with my wife after our son goes to bed, and watching a ton of hockey and (pretty soon) baseball.

With that being said, I have enjoyed the couple of games I've played in this league so far. I don't mind the "practice", but truth be told I want things to matter the way they were intended to. I certainly don't mind playing a random game against any of you, but I wanted to experience the online league aspects of the game and as it's been made clear, Sony hasn't made that very do-able.

I can't access OS from work so I don't keep up with that site as much as I do here, but has anyone confirmed if there has been a successful fantasy draft yet?
[quote name='chriscolbert']I can't access OS from work so I don't keep up with that site as much as I do here, but has anyone confirmed if there has been a successful fantasy draft yet?[/QUOTE]

I don't think so. Pretty much every comment I've seen says they've gone exactly how ours went. Counter ticked down, said "Server Starting Draft", and then it got stuck for hours on end. Also, from what I've read, the devs actually ARE on a break right now. Allegedly, they'll begin work on the third patch when they get back (first week of April).
I checked the standings the other day and I have 1 loss even though I never played a league game. Is that happening to someone else?
[quote name='n8rockerasu']I don't think so. Pretty much every comment I've seen says they've gone exactly how ours went. Counter ticked down, said "Server Starting Draft", and then it got stuck for hours on end. Also, from what I've read, the devs actually ARE on a break right now. Allegedly, they'll begin work on the third patch when they get back (first week of April).[/QUOTE]

My other league drafted no problems last saturday night. went off with no hitches was quite fun actually and quick about 1hr . games have been updated almost instantly. i have 6 games played in that one.

if you look at the website
you have no losses mad
[quote name='m_d_amore']My other league drafted no problems last saturday night. went off with no hitches was quite fun actually and quick about 1hr . games have been updated almost instantly. i have 6 games played in that one.

if you look at the website
you have no losses mad[/QUOTE]

So do want to give it another shot anytime soon or keep waiting? I would assume it would involve having to start all over and pick a new draft time and all, but based on this info maybe it will work...
Amazon has been dropping this game by $1 every couple of days. It's now down to $49.54. I'm waiting till it gets a little lower and then I'll get it. I'm thinking it might be a goldbox deal around opening day.
[quote name='chriscolbert']So do want to give it another shot anytime soon or keep waiting? I would assume it would involve having to start all over and pick a new draft time and all, but based on this info maybe it will work...[/QUOTE]

This was just posted in that thread on OS (which I believe is yours chris?) two days ago.

Ive had 2, neither of them draft when they are supposed to though, one took 3 hours or so to start up, the other took about a *** (which I'm assuming is "day"...OS censors are just going bananas right now) and a half. Its honestly not worth starting any leagues until they fix it. The league games dont count, the stats get awarded to other teams, the standings never get updated. They need a major ***** ("patch"...hilarious that this word is being censored though) to fix this real soon.

[quote name='m_d_amore']My other league drafted no problems last saturday night. went off with no hitches was quite fun actually and quick about 1hr . games have been updated almost instantly. i have 6 games played in that one.

if you look at the website
you have no losses mad[/QUOTE]

As for your claim, m_d_amore, I don't know why some people would be having issues, but not others. I'm also a little confused by your estimation of your draft time. Since it's a 40 man draft this year, and the minimum time for picks is 30 seconds, you could have no more than 3 teams to finish in an hour (granted, if people took less than 30 seconds to make their pick, you COULD make it happen with more teams, but it still seems like a stretch).

I really need more details and more sources before I start drinking the "online is fixed" kool-aid. No offense, m_d_amore, but you've cried wolf on this issue a couple times already. I'm still seeing people on OS reporting problems, and I know Sony hasn't announced anything. It just seems odd for it to be randomly fixed without any kind of statement and/or confirmation. I'm going to go play a few random games now and see if I can get similar results.
[quote name='ssjmichael']Amazon has been dropping this game by $1 every couple of days. It's now down to $49.54. I'm waiting till it gets a little lower and then I'll get it. I'm thinking it might be a goldbox deal around opening day.[/QUOTE]

Wrong thread, dude. This is a league thread. This is the thread you were looking for.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Wrong thread, dude. This is a league thread. This is the thread you were looking for.[/QUOTE]

oops, sorry about that. Didn't realize there were two :)
6 team league 5 showed for the draft 3 others in it are cags I can have them come in and vouch if you think im bullshitting.

and im actually about to be in another league with draft so i can tell you from that as well when we do
[quote name='ssjmichael']oops, sorry about that. Didn't realize there were two :)[/QUOTE]

There's actually 3, lol. Watch your step! ;)

[quote name='m_d_amore']6 team league 5 showed for the draft 3 others in it are cags I can have them come in and vouch if you think im bullshitting.[/QUOTE]

No, I didn't mean it like that. I just don't get why that league would be "the chosen one" that doesn't have any issues, lol. It would be nice to see a different league confirm no problems though. I guess I could set up a "dummy league" with like 2 people, just to see if the draft works right before we get everybody involved again. If it's really working, I just don't know why more people aren't talking about it. I'm hardly seeing anything positive about leagues on OS.
Well, I tried to play a game to confirm online being fixed. It froze in the first inning, mid-pitch, told me that I lost connection with my opponent, and then the game got stuck, forcing me to quit the entire game through the XMB. Sooooo...yeah. I know it's not on my end because I've been playing NHL 10 and streaming Netflix movies all week without problem.

Obviously, this is just one game, but I thought the game locking up was fixed with the last patch? I know Sony just had a system update (which I just installed before playing the game), so I don't know if that has anything to do with it. But as always, it's underwhelming.

EDIT - Though it took several attempts to find a matchup, game #2 counted as soon as I finished it. This is a VERY positive sign. It seems there could still be some connection issues, but at least things are moving in the right direction. Really surprised there isn't more discussion about this though. I would think there would be a new thread on OS titled "GAMES ARE COUNTING!!! NO, REALLY!" haha.
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ill be around if you want to play this weekend ..

but i think if no games get done this weekend maybe should start thinking about dissolving this league and start the real one
[quote name='m_d_amore']ill be around if you want to play this weekend ..

but i think if no games get done this weekend maybe should start thinking about dissolving this league and start the real one[/QUOTE]

I agree. I'll give it Easter weekend just to see if the servers stay solid. I am happy that the games I played recently had results reported right away. Word on OS is that a 3rd patch is being worked on, but they're not going to announce it until after they get back from their break. Hopefully that will be this coming week as well. We definitely should start thinking about "the real league" though.
gg beans i messed up by accidently intentional walking instead of picking off. was a lil shitty you didnt let me ph in the 9th but whatever
[quote name='m_d_amore']so whens the new league starting?[/QUOTE]

I haven't had time to even play The Show this weekend. I spent all day yesterday at the hospital, and barely had time to watch the Yankee game tonight. I'm going to go play a game now and see how everything is tracking (any experiences others have had would be useful to know also). After that, I'll try to start getting things set back up again. Please bear with me here.
All right, played 2 games tonight, and both counted instantly. The servers finally seem good to go. So, on that note, it's time to regroup the troops, select a new draft time, and do this thing for real.

The earliest we could probably vote and get everybody signed back up is Thursday 4/8 at 9 PM EST (the league would have to be created and everyone would have to join before Wednesday at 9 PM EST that might be pushing it). Unfortunately, I won't be available Friday or Saturday. Other options are Sunday 4/11 at 9 PM EST, Monday 4/12 at 9 PM EST, or Wednesday 4/14 at 9 PM EST.

I want everybody to list the days/times when you ARE available. Again, the day that receives the most votes will just be what we go with. If anyone is no longer interested in playing, please let me know so you can be replaced. If it works properly *knock on wood*, the draft should be really fun. I appreciate your cooperation, guys, and I'm definitely ready to do this thing for real!
Sweet. 6 people have checked in so far. 10 more, and I can get this thing set back up. It would be really nice to get it taken care of in the next day or two.
This Thurs, Sun, or Mon would work. Wed the 14th around 10 would work for me also since I teach a class Wed evenings. It don't mind coming in late though if I need to.
[quote name='DestroVega']well, I'm on vacation from the 10th - 17th, so that kind of puts me in a shitty spot.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, damn, that does suck dude. Not really sure what to do because people are wanting to get on with this thing and get it started, ya know. So far, it looks like Monday is going to be the day that works for the majority (at least those who have voted). What I could do is get the league set up asap, and give you time to set up your draft board before you leave. Otherwise, if you want to drop, I'd understand. Whatever you want to do is fine.

On that note, there are still 5 people who haven't voted on a draft time. SnorE, rhoffa, MaskedPlague, dickybeans, and spidamatrix. I gotta know if you're still interested in playing, guys. And with Destro's situation, the sooner we can get things set back up, the better. Hoping everybody else checks in by the end of the day.
I'm not gonna drop from the league... but it does take some wind out of the sails for me, so to speak. hopefully i just wind up with as good a team i got in the first draft.
[quote name='DestroVega']I'm not gonna drop from the league... but it does take some wind out of the sails for me, so to speak. hopefully i just wind up with as good a team i got in the first draft.[/QUOTE]

Well, if the game was able to give you a decent team without having any draft board set up at all, I'd be surprised if setting your draft board didn't do AT LEAST as well of a job. I guess the alternative would be intentionally NOT setting a draft board, and just letting the game do its thing again. The only difference I could see is that with most of the league actually making their choices, they might draft differently than the game would have, and some of your choices might not be available.

Personally, I would set a draft board just to insure that at least a few guys on my team are ones I actually wanted. When the game autodrafted the first time, I know I only really got one or two guys I would have ever considered picking. Some of the players the game drafted just didn't fit my playstyle at all. Either way though, hopefully you'll be happy with your team. I hate to outright exclude anybody, but the timing of it kinda sucks...and not scheduling the draft until at least 11 days from now seems like a long time.
^ I have no problem with it... it's the breaks you know? And If I'm the one guy away this week, I can't expect the league to wait on me.
All right, just to make sure we get our draft time right, I want to run a quick test with the league. I set up a dummy league with a 6 team limit, and scheduled the draft for tomorrow at 9 PM EST. I sent out invites to as many people as I have on my buddy list, and if I can get at least a couple to join tonight, we should be able to make sure that 9 PM EST actually means 9 PM EST.

I would just assume the draft is going to be off by 2 hours again, but the last thing I want is to have it start at 7 PM. Anyway, after this quick test, the real league will be set up tomorrow night. I appreciate anybody who can help me out with this.
bread's done