CAG MLB 10: The Show League Fantasy Teams! MIL/PHI/SD open! Series 6 Games Due 9/6!

I don't know what my league schedule is, but I'm going to jump on right now if anyone needs to play the Yankees. If I'm on, but playing COD or something, just shoot me a psn message and I'll get back on The Show in a hurry.
Just finished a weird ass game with mdam0re. He was gracious enough to allow me to get back into the game (you obviously just allowed my first run to thanks) after the programming completely raped me in the first two innings. Seriously, this game hates me, and I just feel like giving up and playing Afrika or some shit, lol. It literally fucking hates my guts. Look at these two plays which came in the 1st inning and 2nd inning, both leading to runs.

What the fuck is that shit?!?! The first one you could MAYBE say it was a bad throw and pulled him off the bag...but he basically dragged his foot across it anyway. And it's not like the "3 feet away force out at 1st" has been fixed. The second video is just clearly a broken animation. Lick my fucking balls, Sony. This game is a piece of shit.
[quote name='Josh5890']At least you didn't have a perfect game on the line with 2 outs in the 9th LOL.[/QUOTE]
Too soon man, too soon.
[quote name='Josh5890']At least you didn't have a perfect game on the line with 2 outs in the 9th LOL.[/QUOTE]

AHAHAHAH I like this comment.
Us Cubs fans had pretty much the same thing back in 1972. Milt Pappas had a perfect game with two outs in the 9th. With a 1-2 count on the batter, Pappas threw 3 consecutive balls that were EXTREMELY CLOSE. Video shows the umpire showing a little smile after "ball four". At least Pappas still got the no hitter.

I will say this about the incident. The pitcher showed class by not saying one word or anything to the umpire. The ump also deserves credit for ADMITING his mistake afterwords. You never see that from officials, especially in baseball. Nothing can be done about it now so quit throwing blame on Bud Selig. Yea I'm not for him 98% of the time and I can't wait for him to exit the MLB but he can't reverse the call. And to those begging for instant replay, shut up please. I think that there should only be instant replay in the post-season, never in the regular season. And it should just be a "5th Umpire" in the press pox or somewhere else off the field who can review the play and make a quick call.
[quote name='DestroVega']wow Nate... those plays are awful.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, the first one probably should have been a double play. But I would have even accepted "Oh, the runner was coming in hard so he couldn't get off a throw." or "It was a low throw, so they had to settle for one." But not getting one out? Really? Then, the second video, the throw had the runner beat by like 10 feet, and Lowell places a tag on thin air. fucking stupid. I think I'm going to go out of my way to get myself banned on OS today posting those videos and showing them how badly their precious game sucks. I'd almost love to hear people try to refute those videos.

EDIT - Imagine my surprise. They closed my thread on OS. Apparently anything negative about the game is supposed to go in the Bug & Glitches thread (which never gets looked at). But you're free to make all the verbal blowjob threads to SCEA that you want, haha. What a great website!

EDIT #2 - I decided to make one such verbal BJ thread about an hour ago and people are now starting to question it, lol. Freaking hilarious.
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cpac - good game dude... what a beat down. I couldn't wait for it to end. That first inning was a killer.
3 errors in the game is crazy!
Anyway, good luck the rest of the way.
Thats what you get for putting Mark Reynolds at 3rd base. I wasn't trying to run up the score but when you have an Offense and pitching staff of all stars, comebacks are a given.

I have played a ton of games online and I have realized that the game likes to have crappy 2b/SS throw the ball over the 1b head at least once a game. That is why I tried to draft based on defense in this game.
wow... just had a major glitch happen to me three times in one game. (non league) but was surprised the guy didnt quit. Everytime I had the same person up to bat (Casey McGehee) he somehow had a wild pitch fourth ball thrown... but the thing was I never swung and it still made me run to first... wtf?

Then it got weird.... the guy starts chasing me down and tries tagging me out and obviously cannot since he walked me *scratches head* so I proceed to hold L1 and sure enough... I continue to round first without him able to tag me out at all.

I ended up with an inside the park homerun on what shouldve been a walk; Im sure the guy was pissed.

This was though this happened all three times Casey was up to bat... no one was on base so it only netted three runs, but still completely fucked up

Anyone else have anything like that happen? I was almost ready to request a friendly quit to be nice... but my pitcher was perfect through the majority of the game so I pressed on.

With that being said anyone wanna game tonight?

**Random rant... anyone else buy alice in wonderland bluray and have it hang on the fucking spinning clock loading screen... Seriously, its like taunting me that im late to watch this fucking movie /rant

*** UPDATE: Holy shit that took no joke 12 minutes total for the menu to pop up... what the hell is going on here!
I'll be on later tonight and tomorrow if anyone with the Phillies on their schedule wants to play a game.
Steggy, I think you just found a major glitch. I've had this happen to me (ball 4 in dirt, runner runs to 1st) but never advanced past 1st because naturally, I don't want to get my runner out. But if what you described happens to every batter on a ball 4 in the dirt (I'll try it next time it happens), it's another fucked up glitch in the fucked up game.
I'm down to play about two games today, maybe one in this league one in the other, don't know an exact time I can play but it'll probably be from 2-4 or so... anyone interested just PM me so I get it on my phone.
I'm not trying to accuse anyone of anything but I just finished a game with Steggy and right after the last out, which he bunted with two strikes, it says lost connection with Steggy. We had no lag the whole game and now with the latest patch that game doesn't count.

I don't want to think you pulled your cord because I've seen how messed up this game is online but man this fuck sucks.
I had that happen to me also in the previous league, I forget who it was (it definitely wasn't steggy) it might have happened twice. Anywhoo, I can play tonight, 10 or so edt
[quote name='JetMan07']I'm not trying to accuse anyone of anything but I just finished a game with Steggy and right after the last out, which he bunted with two strikes, it says lost connection with Steggy. We had no lag the whole game and now with the latest patch that game doesn't count.

I don't want to think you pulled your cord because I've seen how messed up this game is online but man this fuck sucks.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='JetMan07']I'm not trying to accuse anyone of anything but I just finished a game with Steggy and right after the last out, which he bunted with two strikes, it says lost connection with Steggy. We had no lag the whole game and now with the latest patch that game doesn't count.

I don't want to think you pulled your cord because I've seen how messed up this game is online but man this fuck sucks.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, if you were winning the game that far into it, I doubt steggy would even contest the results. If things are actually working as SCEA said and the game shows up as unplayed, I can just assign the win to you.
[quote name='ajumbaje']I had that happen to me also in the previous league, I forget who it was (it definitely wasn't steggy) it might have happened twice. Anywhoo, I can play tonight, 10 or so edt[/QUOTE]

I think we have a game available. 10PM EST sounds okay to me.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Yeah, if you were winning the game that far into it, I doubt steggy would even contest the results. If things are actually working as SCEA said and the game shows up as unplayed, I can just assign the win to you.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I know he probably had nothing to do with it but when you pitch a one hit shutout, it sucks not to get credit for it.
[quote name='Supreme']keith, I think we might have a game available. When do you wanna play?[/QUOTE]

You busy right now? It's 5:10 or so and I could play.
Supreme - what do you think is going on? It kept hanging at the "your challenge is being reviewed" - then the one time it goes through the connection is lost after we accept our lineups. Now league game's not even an option - just exhibition! I hate this freaking game.

edit- in the game history it shows the result as "FIN" - with N/A for win/loss
I just saw that exhibition thing. Let's just hope that SC is fucked right now and will fix itself later. If not, we'll have to see what n8 can do. I swear, I'm so close to just getting rid of this game. Not only are the leagues fucked, but I can't even create a functional pitcher in RTTS.
thats 1 way to screw the league

you guys inviting from the league? or the buddy list?
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[quote name='m_d_amore']thats 1 way to screw the league[/QUOTE]

? what is?
btw - we have a game available if you want to give it a try...
I'm pretty sure I don't owe the league anything, maybe sony does... pretty sure Nate would agree. Hell I've played in N8's league every year, always get my games in, have a reliable connection and don't bitch about anybody. If the game's worth $35 in trade through tomorrow and only $22ish after - definitely something to consider.
It's now nearly the all-star break and the online is still busted.
Wow, wait, so what happened? You guys finally got into the dropped, and actually counted the game as "finished" with no score? lol. What??? I haven't touched this game in a week or so (just seem to have a hard time staying motivated to play after all the struggles), but I'll hop on now and see what the game looks like from my end. Since there's no option for me to reset things, I don't know what I could do. I guess once the time expires for that series, I might be able to just resolve it, but otherwise, yeah...the possibility of just a "lost game" doesn't sound too good.
[quote name='m_d_amore']gg you beat up my rookie

oh well i guess i need to be like everyone else and not throw strikes[/QUOTE]

gg - I hardly beat up anyone - lots of missed opportunities on both sides, but close game nonetheless-
and yeah, pitching out of the zone is part of the game, so I don't know why you wouldn't - nothing says the person has to swing

For some reason Soriano was a magnet for HBP - of course my starter gets ejected so I have to go w/a cold reliever. Got lucky Joba could get the pitches into the strike zone.
[quote name='m_d_amore']oh well i guess i need to be like everyone else and not throw strikes[/QUOTE]

If your opponent is swinging at everything, no you shouldn't. Why would you throw a strike to someone with no plate discipline? Are we giving away runs now?
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Wow, wait, so what happened? You guys finally got into the dropped, and actually counted the game as "finished" with no score? lol. What??? I haven't touched this game in a week or so (just seem to have a hard time staying motivated to play after all the struggles), but I'll hop on now and see what the game looks like from my end. Since there's no option for me to reset things, I don't know what I could do. I guess once the time expires for that series, I might be able to just resolve it, but otherwise, yeah...the possibility of just a "lost game" doesn't sound too good.[/QUOTE]

We actually didn't even start the game yet. Keith probably just accepted his lineup, but I was changing mine up when we got booted. Hopefully this isn't a case where you'll have to just flip a coin to determine a winner, that would really suck.
[quote name='Supreme']We actually didn't even start the game yet. Keith probably just accepted his lineup, but I was changing mine up when we got booted. Hopefully this isn't a case where you'll have to just flip a coin to determine a winner, that would really suck.[/QUOTE]

Ok, well I looked at the game, and it still says "unplayed", so maybe it was just some weird random glitch not allowing a league challenge to be sent. By all appearances, it seems like you guys should be able to play the game though. I'll probably set a deadline for Series 1 games soon. Maybe Wednesday? Does that sound ok for everybody? Right now, there are 4 games that need to be played, but I forgot to look up who they were before I turned the game off.
[quote name='melokeith']Destro - I think we need to play. Are you available any time today (Sunday)?[/QUOTE]

hey man, I'm available now.. I'll sign on PSN and see if you're on there, or just PM me on CAG when you see this and I'll get it on my phone.. thanks.
bread's done