CAG NBA 2K9 League: Cavs and Celtics open!

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I'll have the game tomorrow via the TRU sale. xbox live tag is jaydub514 (i'm already in for the Celts, just haven't provided a gamertag before)

Sounds good guys. I have updated the OP and added the league website were we can keep track of all the stats, schedules & standings.
[quote name='-GoodFella-']I can do that. I'll have you and shinryuu as reserves in case we have people drop out.[/quote]
Sweet. *hopes the Clippers owner drops out* =]

jk.. kinda.. hah
So we're playing 20 games, not 16? I take it that's 8 against our division, and 4 each against the remaining divisions?

Also: "Schedule has not been genereated yet." LOL 2K misspellings.
I got the game early with stacked coupons for a trade in. I"ll be getting Saints Row 2, NHL09 and something else I guess.

If any one wants to play some preseason games, hit me up.
I bought the game today. Playing online is so bad. Like 2k8 last year, they have a free throw issue since the first free throw is 30fps and the second one is 60fps, so you have to release it differently. At least thats how it feels to me. You also have to time your shots a little earlier because of the lag input. Oh, and no 2k cam, even though the 2k cam offline is laggy already.

Online feels so messy. I can deal with it, but still.. could've been handled better.
[quote name='Renegade_Zero']I just wanna make sure, we're trying to have a sim league?

Or if not sim, at least no cheesing?[/QUOTE]

Sim league, let's keep it real and keep the cheesing to a very minimum in order to make the game fair & enjoyable :)
[quote name='XXXplosive1']The online freethrows are terrible.[/quote]

Yep. It was like that with 2K8 until they released a patch last year. I think they said the problem last year was that free throws were at the highest difficulty level instead of default online.
invite sent to elpolloestupendo.

BTW, thanks to all of you that have joined. Hopefully we will get the league going by Thursday or Friday when everybody has the game. If not, then I'll let the reserves hop on aboard.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Yep. It was like that with 2K8 until they released a patch last year. I think they said the problem last year was that free throws were at the highest difficulty level instead of default online.[/quote]
Yeah, it is like last year, but you got the explanation wrong. Let's say you're shooting two free throws. The first free throw will almost always be off because the frame rate is different from the second one. The first free throw has a frame rate of like 30fps, while the second one is at 60fps. That's the problem. You could probably match your second free throw with the guy's form, but with the first one you're better off just flicking the damn stick. =p
Alright of this moment we have 12 that are officially in. I would like to have everybody in by Thursday night so the schedule can be created. If not, then I'll just have the reserves join in.

If there's anybody out there that would like to join in case someone drops out or doesn't make the deadline lemme know.
i went to toyrus today to get it but they havent gotten fifa in yet so i cant do the deal until they do, they said theyll prob get it in tommorow and if not def thurs
I've had the game but I've been dealing mainly with the CoD 5 beta. I will put in 2K9 tonight so send the invite if you haven't already please. Thanks.
[quote name='sstyler24']i just got the game you can send the invite whenevr u get a chance[/QUOTE]

You need to be signed to the 2K sports service in order to have an invite sent out ( in other words, just load the game on your 360 and it will sign you into the 2K sports service :) )

EDIT: nevermind, the invite went through :)
If I may, I would like to get dibs on Clippers or Rockets if either drops out.

I already have the game and have lots of experience from past 2KSport titles.
yo if ivan (nets) ends up not getting in for the deadline can i the bulls get switched back to the eastern confernece
[quote name='sstyler24']does goozex actuallywork and do u have to pay any money[/quote]

Yes it does. It costs $1 to receive a game and each game you request also costs points. NBA 2k9 has been traded once on there already and I'm 2nd in line to get it.

I'd really be surprised if I don't get it sometime next week.
Okay guys, I have the fix for all our problems. These sliders are courtesy of dshopmaker from the 2K Sports forums. He's PS3 only, so no downloads. We have to manually enter them on the 360, but it only takes a few minutes:

Difficulty - All Star or Superstar
Quarter Length - 6-8 Minues


Close Shot Success – 55 / 45
Mid Range Success – 50 / 50
3pt Success – 50 / 45
Layip Success – 45 / 45
Dunk Success – 50 / 45
Dunks in Traffic – 60 / 60
Screen Success – 50 / 50

Steal Success – 50 / 50
Help Defense Strength – 60 / 45

Stealing – 50 / 50
Blocking – 30 / 30
Ball Handling – 50 / 50
Dunking Ability – 55 / 50
Off. Awareness – 60/ 45
Def. Awareness – 60 / 40
Off. Rebounding – 60 / 45
Def. Rebounding – 50 / 50
Clutch – 50 / 45
Speed – 50 / 50
Strength – 50 / 45
Stamina – 50 / 50
Durabilty – 50 / 50
Vertical – 50 / 50
Quickness – 55 / 45
Hustle – 60 / 40
Hands – 50 / 50
On-Ball Defense – 60 / 50
Injury Severity – 50 / 50

Take Close Shots – 50 / 35
Take Mid-Range Shots – 50 / 60
Take 3pt Shots – 50 / 40
Attack the Basket – 50 / 40
Finish Strong Inside – 55 / 45
Look For Post Players – 50 / 50
Use Triple Threat – 50 / 50
Use Fadeaways – 50 / 50
Use Hookshots – 35 / 35
Attempt Putbacks – 45 / 45
Throw Flashy Passes – 25 / 25
Commit Fouls – 50 / 55
Play Passing Lanes – 50 / 50
Go for On-Ball Steals – 45 / 45
Contest Shots – 70 / 55
Use Sizeup Moves – 60 / 50

I played 4 games- Lakers/Spurs twice, Bulls/Pacers, and Bulls/Cavs. After experimenting, these sliders work best for a sim game with realistic stats when you play 8 minute quarters on All-Star difficulty.

I was always averse to playing longer quarters (did 5 on every sports game) since I want to finish at least one season and stillplay all my other 360 games. But this works best in my opinion.

So try these sliders with 8 minute quarters on All-Star, and let me know if you agree that this is the best way to play the game.
DisturbedZen - Rockets/Clippers which one of the 2 teams will you choose?, they're both available (since Pure Apathy has said he won't have the game on time for the start of the league)
Already took the Clippers, haha. Sorry.

EDIT: I know I said I'd take Thunder, but I said that because the Clippers were taken, so I hope this isn't an issue. If it is, is it possible to quit and rejoin? =p
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I have had loads of trouble getting the game at any TRU in NYC. I tried three different TRU with no luck. I really want to be in this league but I don't want to hold up anyone. If you guys want to boot me out because I haven't been able to get the game yet I understand. I really do want to be in this league but TRU just can't keep it in stock! GRRRRR
[quote name='shinryuu']Already took the Clippers, haha. Sorry.

EDIT: I know I said I'd take Thunder, but I said that because the Clippers were taken, so I hope this isn't an issue. If it is, is it possible to quit and rejoin? =p[/QUOTE]

No issue whatsoever, It's all good. I remember you wanted to pick them back since the previous thread.
Hey Goodfella, I sent you a PM about possibly switching teams. I know everything's been created already, so if it'll screw everything up, don't worry about it. Just let me know what you think.
[quote name='elpolloestupendo']Hey Goodfella, I sent you a PM about possibly switching teams. I know everything's been created already, so if it'll screw everything up, don't worry about it. Just let me know what you think.[/QUOTE]

PM replied :)
Well I'm first in line on Goozex now. If you guys still haven't started the league by the time I get that game, I'd still like the Rockets. If you guys end up starting the league before I get the game, I'd like to be able to jump in the league once someone drops out.
We have 2 spots open for those that are interested and want to join. Again, many thanks for those of you that have joined in already. Once we get the last 2 spots filled, then the schedule will be generated and we will finally get some games going :)
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bread's done