CAG NFL Season Discussion

It wasn't pretty, but the Rams won a game! Not only that, but it was their first road opener victory in 13 years! :whee:
It was nice to see them finally making use of Brian Quick. People complained that he's never produced...but he was only targeted 34 times in 16 games last year. He's already been targeted 18 times in 2 games this year....and what do you know, he has 14 catches already. He should surpass his season total from last year in the next game, lol.

My attorney has asked me not to discuss the facts of my pending case. I hope you can respect that request and help me honor it. I very much want the public to hear from me but I understand that it is not appropriate to talk about the facts in detail at this time. Nevertheless, I want everyone to understand how sorry I feel about the hurt I have brought to my child.

I never wanted to be a distraction to the Vikings organization, the Minnesota community or to my teammates. I never imagined being in a position where the world is judging my parenting skills or calling me a child abuser because of the discipline I administered to my son.

I voluntarily appeared before the grand jury several weeks ago to answer any and all questions they had. Before my grand jury appearance, I was interviewed by two different police agencies without an attorney. In each of these interviews I have said the same thing, and that is that I never ever intended to harm my son. I will say the same thing once I have my day in court.

I have to live with the fact that when I disciplined my son the way I was disciplined as a child, I caused an injury that I never intended or thought would happen. I know that many people disagree with the way I disciplined my child. I also understand after meeting with a psychologist that there are other alternative ways of disciplining a child that may be more appropriate.

I have learned a lot and have had to reevaluate how I discipline my son going forward. But deep in my heart I have always believed I could have been one of those kids that was lost in the streets without the discipline instilled in me by my parents and other relatives. I have always believed that the way my parents disciplined me has a great deal to do with the success I have enjoyed as a man. I love my son and I will continue to become a better parent and learn from any mistakes I ever make.

I am not a perfect son. I am not a perfect husband. I am not a perfect parent, but I am, without a doubt, not a child abuser. I am someone that disciplined his child and did not intend to cause him any injury. No one can understand the hurt that I feel for my son and for the harm I caused him. My goal is always to teach my son right from wrong and that’s what I tried to do that day.

I accept the fact that people feel very strongly about this issue and what they think about my conduct. Regardless of what others think, however, I love my son very much and I will continue to try to become a better father and person.

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So Adrian Peterson has admitted doing it and the pictures of what he's done are already out there... We'll see if Goodell gets involved and bans him from the NFL. I mean, he has to at this point if he wants to save his own ass with all of the other crap going on in the NFL.

So Adrian Peterson has admitted doing it and the pictures of what he's done are already out there... We'll see if Goodell gets involved and bans him from the NFL. I mean, he has to at this point if he wants to save his own ass with all of the other crap going on in the NFL.
I disagree. Its not comparable to rice or hardy. AP has basically said he was disciplining his kid and didnt realize he was/would be injured by the discipline until it had happened. While its crazy to me to do that to your kid, its a cultural thing. I dont believe there was any bad intention or purposeful injuring of the kid.

Hes not some violent criminal, he fucked up, but imo, its not even close to the other two i mentioned.

The reported second incident was found to be the kid cutting his head on a car seat, not a result of him being hit.

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I disagree. Its not comparable to rice or hardy. AP has basically said he was disciplining his kid and didnt realize he was/would be injured by the discipline until it had happened. While its crazy to me to do that to your kid, its a cultural thing. I dont believe there was any bad intention or purposeful injuring of the kid.

Hes not some violent criminal, he fucked up, but imo, its not even close to the other two i mentioned.

The reported second incident was found to be the kid cutting his head on a car seat, not a result of him being hit.
Pictures of those welts that are that bad A WEEK after the incident don't lead you to believe he's violent?

And are we really going to say it's okay because that was the norm 50 years ago in the south? That might open up a few other cans of worms.

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I disagree. Its not comparable to rice or hardy. AP has basically said he was disciplining his kid and didnt realize he was/would be injured by the discipline until it had happened. While its crazy to me to do that to your kid, its a cultural thing. I dont believe there was any bad intention or purposeful injuring of the kid.

Hes not some violent criminal, he fucked up, but imo, its not even close to the other two i mentioned.

The reported second incident was found to be the kid cutting his head on a car seat, not a result of him being hit.
I have to call bullshit on it being cultural. We have laws in this country and they apply to everyone equally regardless of race, religion or culture. What happened in those pictures were not the result of discipline, it was the result of child abuse and I hope they throw the book at this violent criminal.

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As a parent, what I don't understand is the need for a child to be hit with a foreign the extent that bruises and marks are left days after the incident. The fact that someone believes that to be "discipline" shows how corrupted and broken their own mental psyche is. That's how your parents disciplined you. Cool. Was it necessary? With that severity?

I'm not against children getting a spanking. But there is a world of difference between a single pop on the butt with an open hand...and beating your child in the face with a stick. In addition to that, it should be an absolute last resort...because it doesn't really "teach" anything. At best, it gets a child's attention and instills a fear of crossing you. Those aren't completely worthless tools to have...but if it's the entire basis of why your kid behaves, you're doing something wrong.

What I've learned with my daughter though is she'll shrug off a spanking a lot quicker than being put in timeout. That doesn't mean "go find a stick". It means that not receiving attention gets through to her way quicker than inflicting fear and pain. Like I said though, I'm not 100% against it. I think there are times when a spanking is deserved and called for. But you also shouldn't be a damned idiot as a parent and think that you can just beat your kids into being better human beings.

I have to call bullshit on it being cultural. We have laws in this country and they apply to everyone equally regardless of race, religion or culture. What happened in those pictures were not the result of discipline, it was the result of child abuse and I hope they throw the book at this violent criminal.
I dont think its okay. I just see it as a different problem than the rice and hardy incidents. And the laws on discipline in texas are not the same as the laws in the rest the country. A greater degree of physical discipline is accepted in that area than anywhere else. I think what happened was closer to their line of acceptable than it would be in california for example.

Im not saying hitting kids is okay at all, im not saying hes a great human, I think he need counseling because that method of discipline is crazy. Im just saying I think there are other factors, beyond he injured his kid he needs to be suspended indefinitely and cut from the vikings.

Peterson has been put on double secret probation.

"The Minnesota Vikings have reversed course on Adrian Peterson's reinstatement to the team and have placed him on the exempt/commissioner’s permission list, which will require Peterson to remain away from all team activities until the resolution of his legal proceedings."

His first court hearing is October 8th. I don't know how quick these things are but it looks like he will be out all season.

Yes, but it it no backsies?

It's incredible how badly the Vikings botched handling that. Right after Chris Carter praises them for "taking him off the field", they reinstate him...then act shocked when people aren't happy about it, lol. Just one kneejerk reaction after another. Good grief, man.

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I dont think its okay. I just see it as a different problem than the rice and hardy incidents. And the laws on discipline in texas are not the same as the laws in the rest the country. A greater degree of physical discipline is accepted in that area than anywhere else. I think what happened was closer to their line of acceptable than it would be in california for example.
Im not saying hitting kids is okay at all, im not saying hes a great human, I think he need counseling because that method of discipline is crazy. Im just saying I think there are other factors, beyond he injured his kid he needs to be suspended indefinitely and cut from the vikings.
I believe wholeheartedly that it is a cultural thing. In my day I received a few whippings that left my back side raw for a few days or I would get welts on my arm from trying to perfect my rear lol but never once did I feel abused or neglected. My children know if they mess up they will get disciplined too albeit not in the same manor but it helps mold an individual.
can we just arrest them all quick for random bullshit and just change it to the prison football league (PFL) so we can go back to focusing on the games and not the off the field no one cares part?

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Seriously...can we stop with all these distractions of people being beaten up and abused so we can enjoy the football season already??? Gosh!


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can we just arrest them all quick for random bullshit and just change it to the prison football league (PFL) so we can go back to focusing on the games and not the off the field no one cares part?
Let us all know if your opinion changes when it is your sister that one of these guys knock into next week...

Listening to WFAN I heard this a lot.

"No one really cares about Ray Rice's wife, it's all just social media garbage"

Some people are so lost on this thing that it isn't funny, pretty sad really.
Well, to me...sympathy isn't even really necessary. I'm just of the opinion that athletes have been allowed to walk around like gods and do whatever they want for far too long. Mike Tyson's career was ruined because of similar offenses. Maybe if players started seeing consequences they'd learn how to not act like animals.

Are some people actually trying to suggest that they shouldn't be held to the standards as the rest of us?

This is apparently the new penalty system for the drug policy:

Despite not having a fourth violation, Josh Gordon gets the penalty for having five of them. More proof that he was suspended for making Roger Goodell look bad.

Laughing my fucking ass off!! Tampa Bay go home, you're drunk. What a utter disaster that team has been so far.

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lol somebody just crashed Roger Goodell's domestic violence press conference and screamed "Don't take me to the elevator!!!" Don't take me to the elevator!" 

very awkward. 

This guy has gone from first to worst in a matter of weeks.  He's become a villain.  It's crazy. 

Rachel Nichols brought up a good point by questioning how the hiring of the former FBI director Robert Mueller who works with a law firm that has represented the NFL in the past could be truly independent.  I really question the decision makers of this front office.   

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Olbermann made the same point when it was announced. Did Benjy from the Howard Stern show get in the press conference. That is totally something he would have done.
Not surprisingly, it turns out that the Ravens had a detailed account of exactly what happened in the elevator between Ray Rice and his then fiance within hours of it occurring. However, what is interesting is that head coach John Harbaugh tried to have Ray Rice released twice, but he was overruled by ownership who lobbied Goodell for leniency.

You would think Ravens ownership would have went with Harbaugh on this given that he won a Superbowl for them, but I guess not... 

Of course the Ravens knew nothing new, at that time they probably tried to do like the NFL and let the legal system happen first  before TMZ decided to go for the shock factor and coincidentally release the video the week Rice would have been eligible to play all the while pretending to give a shit about the incident in the first place.

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Just got done reading that article. Fan- fuck ing-tastic. Just awesome. I still will be a fan of the team because the shitheads upstairs are not who I root for, but god damn this will make dealing with people a lot harder. Also takes away some of my faith in the team management. Harbaugh had really seemed to be doing a good job of cleaning up the image of the team/players since he arrived, for the most part anyway. Seems like he was still trying to do that too but was overruled.

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lol somebody just crashed Roger Goodell's domestic violence press conference and screamed "Don't take me to the elevator!!!" Don't take me to the elevator!"

very awkward.

This guy has gone from first to worst in a matter of weeks. He's become a villain. It's crazy.

Rachel Nichols brought up a good point by questioning how the hiring of the former FBI director Robert Mueller who works with a law firm that has represented the NFL in the past could be truly independent. I really question the decision makers of this front office.
That someone was Benjy Bronk, don't get stuck in the vortex.

Her question that was so great was crazy obvious. No one is gonna take that independent investigation seriously. It's financed by the NFL, picked a guy with connections, and the two chair overseers are 2 team owners lol.
bread's done