CAG NHL 09 League 2.0- Opening Day: Play 3 games by Friday, the 24th.

I'd love to get some games in tonight.
Should be some easy wins, I'm pretty bad.
I guess I should wait for a PM, but I'll check my Player Hub right now just in case.
Ugh, I'm retarded. Now PM's are out. Let me know if you didn't get one.

[quote name='Will Smith']
Shit just got real.

Yes, we are now live.
Well it sparked an idea though...CAG NHL 3.0: International Edition.

Edit: Actually...seriously.

Anyone up for a "CAG NHL League 2.5: International Edition"?

Just a quick 1 game season followed up with playoffs?
[quote name='moojuice']Well it sparked an idea though...CAG NHL 3.0: International Edition.

Edit: Actually...seriously.

Anyone up for a "CAG NHL League 2.5: International Edition"?

Just a quick 1 game season followed up with playoffs?[/quote]
As in pick countries?
I'd have to let Captain Obvious take Canada, he'd rep them properly.
I'd sooo be in.
DestroVego destroyed me.
Game 1: 1-0
Game 2: 4-1
Totally in for CAG League 2.5

I wish to play for the motherland! Go Team Russia!!! If not, the I'll play for the glory of Kazakhstan.

As for CAG League 2.0, I'll be playing tomorrow from about 7pm PST till late. If you're around, hit me up and lets get some games going.
I'm not too familiar with international teams, but I'd be willing to try. Not sure how that'd work if it's at the same time as league 2.0.

I'll be available after 11 P.M. Eastern the next few nights, and probably at some point between 6-9 Eastern as well tomorrow-Thursday. I'm not sure about the weekend yet since I'm working on plans, but I know I'll at least be available Sunday, but probably Friday or Saturday (not sure which) as well.
It'll just be a fun "on the side" thing. Just like regular league, only instead of everyone playing everyone twice, we play each other once.

BTW, playoff series are best of 5.
I'd be down for International League. I think teams should be lottery based. Someone just picks out of a hat and assigns teams.
I'd do the same schedule we are doing now next season with international teams. or the other division, would be interesting.
Who knew me being a jackass and picking Japan would spark a good idea? :D

And yes, Japan is a god awful 69 overall. I'll take them in the International league since I already rep'd them. That is unless someone grabs them up before me in the lottery...I heard they have this guy named Koo...he's pretty awesome.

EDIT:I just checked the rosters and they don't have Koo. How depressing...they also have only one real player and thier best player is a 70 overall. If I win one game, I win the league haha.
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[quote name='Vulcan2422']Loterry would be cool. I hope I get Brazil. Wait, is there a brazil?[/quote]

Yeah. Ronaldo has a mean ycicle kick to the net. :)

Haha, imagine hockey palyers bicycle kicking...more slices to the throat will occur methinks.

But yeah, list every guy in alphabetical order, but all the team names in a hat (from whichever thing we decide, internalion play or Euro League), and just pick a team and write it down straight through the list. I think it would make it more fun, because guys who end up with a fairly shitty team won't go into it with a good team saying, man I am going to destroy with these guys. Just a fun, different kinda league. If we wanted to really get crazy, we could take out the best teams, like US, Canada, Russia, and just play a bottom-feeder type league/tourney. If this is something we wanna do as a side deal during this current league, let me know, I'd be up for setting it up.
gg's to moojuice. In both games, the team who shot more won. What a novel concept, haha.

To Wpark, sorry about not playing a 2nd game, but that first one was horseshit. My retards got called for every fucking little bump, but yet you were able to stick lift and bump me every time I had the puck with no call. Obviously, I gave up after the first period. I appreciate your attempt at running up the score though. There's nothing like trying your best when the other person is just fucking off so the game will end. I contemplated just quitting, but I really didn't want to be like that. Just wanted the game to end.
?? Running up the score? Dude, I only won 5-0. It was only 1-0 after the first period! And as far as the penalties, I never once used a stick lift while trailing behind your guy, I'd only use it when I had an angle to get all stick and not have the stick near your body. As far as you giving up, you had some really good scoring chances in the second and third period, so I don't know why you would "give up". Sounds like you are being a poor sport quit frankly. But if that's payback for the way I treated you in CAG MLB 08, we're even.
[quote name='Wpark83']?? Running up the score? Dude, I only won 5-0. It was only 1-0 after the first period! And as far as the penalties, I never once used a stick lift while trailing behind your guy, I'd only use it when I had an angle to get all stick and not have the stick near your body. As far as you giving up, you had some really good scoring chances in the second and third period, so I don't know why you would "give up". Sounds like you are being a poor sport quit frankly. But if that's payback for the way I treated you in CAG MLB 08, we're even.[/quote]

I gave up when it hit 3-0 and Miikka was giving up bullshit dribblers. I'm pretty sure that was after the 1st, or at most 2 minutes into the 2nd. My point is, when you're up 5-0, what kind of delusional, DrPizza sick fuck keeps trying their hardest to score? 5-0 is a big ass lead in a hockey game, dude. It's not like I can hit a grand slam to make it 5-4. And you were stick lifting, repeatedly, as you were chasing me down. To say otherwise is bullshit.

As far as us being "even", if you need someone to spell it out, the difference between this and what you do is I didn't quit. I'm not saying I should have won that game. I wouldn't even begin to hint at that because I've hardly played NHL lately, and I've gotten pretty terrible. But you played a dirty game, man. If you think it was "only 5-0", you need your head examined.
Dirty game? Dude, go fuck yourself. the one thing I will not do is just stop playing if I'm winning a game. What would have been worse, me stop playing and just sitting with the puck behind a net? You are delusional! I'm trying to score because that's what I'm suppose to do in the game. I'm suppose to score. Let's say for kicks I stop skating the puck in, stop playing tight defense, and you start coming it then smart for me to have just stopped trying to score? Seriously man. It was a good game, you just got unlucky with my goalie who played better than he should have.

So now I wanna ask the rest of the league, am I suppose to stop playing if I get a 3,4,or 5 goal lead against you guys? Tell me now, I don't want to offend anyone.
[quote name='Wpark83']Dirty game? Dude, go fuck yourself. the one thing I will not do is just stop playing if I'm winning a game. What would have been worse, me stop playing and just sitting with the puck behind a net? You are delusional! I'm trying to score because that's what I'm suppose to do in the game. I'm suppose to score. Let's say for kicks I stop skating the puck in, stop playing tight defense, and you start coming it then smart for me to have just stopped trying to score? Seriously man. It was a good game, you just got unlucky with my goalie who played better than he should have.

So now I wanna ask the rest of the league, am I suppose to stop playing if I get a 3,4,or 5 goal lead against you guys? Tell me now, I don't want to offend anyone.[/quote]

When did I say stop playing? All I'm talking about is easing up on the pressure. Continuing to aggressively push the puck, continuing to stick lift, and continuing to keep the puck in my zone at all costs with a 5 goal lead is ridiculous. And tell the fuck am I going to "start coming back" from 5-0? I'd think you might notice. You act like you've never watched a single sporting event in your life. That's like having a 7 run lead in baseball and continuing to steal bases. It's piss poor sportsmanship. And not once did I say stop playing defense. Stick lifting every time I touch the puck is not defense. If I score one goal, fine...yay me. But it's still 5-1.

If I somehow miraculously push it to the THIRD PERIOD, I'd still say the game is out of reach, but go ahead and increase the pressure again. My problem is, at no point after the first period was I any threat to you, and you just kept pounding away like a jackass. Convince yourself of whatever you want, but you play like a dick. For whatever reason, you can't help yourself. Maybe it's the way you were raised. I don't know. But I'm for damn sure not the first person to have that opinion...and I doubt I'll be the last.
I want the best. Never EVEr give up on me! Play! If you beat me 11-0 thats fine. I WONT quit. I'll keep trying till that last second. I dont want to play with some one who is going to let up. I can promise this I won't let up either. Im ready for ya parks....well I'll be reday for you when my xbox gets back here!

corse no one has to worry about me scoring 11-0. Im happy to beat ya 1-0
Uh oh, The Penguins are beating the Flyers 4-0 in the third period tonight...let's hope they don't try to score another goal, wouldn't want to come across as assholes.

Your logic is daft. Stealing bases in baseball when up 7 runs and just playing good defense late in a game up 5 goals is completely different. I'm not pulling my goalie in the offensive zone to get a leg up to try and get the score up. I played the same intensity from start to finish. That was all I did. I played exactly the same with 20 minutes left in the first than I did with 0.0 ticks left in the third. And I'll do it every fucking time. I'm sure Sean wasn't pleased I beat him 11-0 in the second game of last leagues finals, but he didn't come out and bitch about it. If he did behind my back, fine he can go ahead. And please don't tell me that being down 5 goals in a video hockey game is a sign of a loss. I've seen people come back from more than that. If I can score 4 goals in a period, you can. And the excuse of, "I couldn't do anything because you wouldn't lay off with the pressure" THAT'S WHAT I'M SUPPOSE TO DO! And I could really give a fuck about how other people feel I play video games. The only poor sportsmanship is coming onto the board and bitching about the game cause you got your ass kicked, and I know that first hand from when I have done it in the past, and I'm sure I'll do it in the future. I'm not perfect, never claimed to be, and sometimes emotions run high. But in the end, it's a fucking video game.

Let me know when you wanna play our second game.
lol at

rant rant rant

let me know when you want to play our second game.

Classic =)

Good for the rangers! I want the rangers to knock the caps out. Sorry Jello.
[quote name='Mr_hockey66']lol at

rant rant rant

let me know when you want to play our second game.

Classic =)

Good for the rangers! I want the rangers to knock the caps out. Sorry Jello.[/quote]

Well in the end, it's a video game. I wasn't intending on coming onto the board and riding N8 for a 5-0 win. It's a game, that's all it is. I'm sure if we both put on skates and went on the ice, he'd kick my fucking ass. And eventually, we'll have to play another game. And all I'll do is play 100%, all game. I'm not gonna be looking for some sort of revenge. But I promise everyone in the league, I'm gonna play 100% all game, every game. Yes, my history with the CAG's has been quite rocky, as I quit once in the old MLB league and once in last NHL league. Emotions get the best of us sometimes, that's all. But a "dirty" player? Come on...there are enough people in this league who have played me to know I'm not a "dirty" player. I beat Destro 1-0 last night in a game, and I played the same way I played N8.

And for anyone interested, I wrote up a short NHL Playoff Preview in the Box Score section of my blog, linked in my sig.
Is there any slots open? If so could someone PM me or something, I would be interested in playing.
[quote name='Wpark83']Well in the end, it's a video game. I wasn't intending on coming onto the board and riding N8 for a 5-0 win. It's a game, that's all it is. I'm sure if we both put on skates and went on the ice, he'd kick my fucking ass. And eventually, we'll have to play another game. And all I'll do is play 100%, all game. I'm not gonna be looking for some sort of revenge. But I promise everyone in the league, I'm gonna play 100% all game, every game. Yes, my history with the CAG's has been quite rocky, as I quit once in the old MLB league and once in last NHL league. Emotions get the best of us sometimes, that's all. But a "dirty" player? Come on...there are enough people in this league who have played me to know I'm not a "dirty" player. I beat Destro 1-0 last night in a game, and I played the same way I played N8.[/quote]

Look man, I disagree with the need to continue to go all out when you're manhandling somebody, but that's just me. By the fact that it is just a game, playing like you're out for blood in a game that is done and over (5-0 in the 3rd is done), is just unneccessary in my book. But we can agree to disagree on that. The only other thing I'll say about it is some people just don't mesh. That's all there is to it.
I agree with your last statement. But honestly, I wasn't out for blood...I wasn't laying you out with checks in open ice, I wasn't using glitch moves to try and score...I was just playing man. I'll try to be more respectful during game two.
I try to play with my headset on, so feel free to ask me to tone it down if a game gets out of hand. If it's late (like after 11 cst) i probably won't talk as my fiancee will be asleep but I do always still listen.
I can't wait for UFC Nate. I'm gonna get you in a Arm Bar and when you tap, I'm not letting that bitch go till i hear it CRACK. Man if only that was an option for a game. To be a real douche and break the arm or leg after the guy taps out. lol I should be good for games all Thursday, Only if beat Mass Effect by then how ever.
[quote name='Azumangaman']If anybody wants to play in about 10 minutes, please PM me.
I'm awful, easy win :D[/QUOTE]

Good games, my PP saved me both games. Your goalie played his ass off but it seemed like you could not get a break from the refs in either game.
Hey I mentioned this to the guys who played Sex Panther Party Hour on Monday, but I'm participating in the Penguins' Beard-a-thon. I'm growing a playoff beard till the Pens win the Cup (or for some reason lose four games to the Sharks or Wings...) You can pledge money for me and it goes toward the Mario Lemieuex Foundation. It's a great cause, so head over to the site, land pledge if you'd like. Or if anything to check out my sweet beard...I have to keep it going till June ;)
[quote name='Panther1484']Hey I mentioned this to the guys who played Sex Panther Party Hour on Monday, but I'm participating in the Penguins' Beard-a-thon. I'm growing a playoff beard till the Pens win the Cup (or for some reason lose four games to the Sharks or Wings...) You can pledge money for me and it goes toward the Mario Lemieuex Foundation. It's a great cause, so head over to the site, land pledge if you'd like. Or if anything to check out my sweet beard...I have to keep it going till June ;)[/quote]

Need more beard!!!

Anyone up for a game? I know it's late for you east coasters, but thought I'd ask.
Is it too late to get in? Tax season kept me from checking CAG. Well, if it isn't too late I'd love to get in.

xbl: Gillums
I would take Philly if it isn't already taken.
bread's done