CAG Niche Backloggers Anonymous (Monster Hunter World!) [February]

RE class questions. I've only seen two of them so far, but they seem to be just random questions. I recall several questions from 4 and maybe 3 could be answered just by paying attention in class, but yeah I've just looked up the answers as well to this games questions so far.
I made a Persona 5 Progress Tracker for the Wiki in this thread.

Here is who I got so far:

Gershomcz Draco259 BlackRockWaifu Sirpikaz Commodore Wheeler Hostyl1 Draekon Tsoul Nitrosmob Godofwar7 Deadofnight 62t Elessar123 Thatguy1513

Just add your name if I missed you or if you haven't posted yet. Also update your progress with the date you got to if you want to. The Wiki is editable by anyone. This isn't a race but just helps us keep track of our progress relative to others, and helps us stay on track towards clearing it out of the backlog.

If anything happens like time travel or whatever, and the date becomes a spoiler, keep the last date before it happens.

RE class questions. I've only seen two of them so far, but they seem to be just random questions. I recall several questions from 4 and maybe 3 could be answered just by paying attention in class, but yeah I've just looked up the answers as well to this games questions so far.
Bet you would've gotten it right if it was a business/economics question.

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I'll admit that the first dungeons boss was disappointingly easy for hard mode. Not so with the second dungeon boss. Took me a few tries to eek out the perfect strategy.

Oh and I'm June 6th I believe.
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I'm playing less than I would like so I'm only on 4/20.

Edit: What is better to choose during hold up if you already have the persona? Money, items, or all out?

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I'm playing less than I would like so I'm only on 4/20.

Edit: What is better to choose during hold up if you already have the persona? Money, items, or all out?
I've just been hitting all out. It never really seems like I earn that much money and the items seem irrelevant to me most of the time. I'd rather just build exp.

Also I beat the first dungeon. I was able to make it to the treasure in one go, but I am playing on easy mode. Even despite the lack of difficulty though, I was running empty on everyone's sp at the end. I had keep pumping Ryuji and the Mc with healing items to trigger physical attacks.
I'm playing less than I would like so I'm only on 4/20.

Edit: What is better to choose during hold up if you already have the persona? Money, items, or all out?
All out of you want exp. money if you a little more than you than you would normally make. Items if you're too cheap to buy recovery items and have been using them a lot. Or items/money in the case where all out is not enough to kill and you're scared that you might die.

Loving the call backs to the older games. Heard Catherine music in the movies. P4 music in a DVD. Haha got another stalker girl npc like in p3. Feather rangers showed up on tv.

Also makoto
spying on you while pretending to read a magazine is adorbs
looks like they took criticisms of p4 being like a scooby doo mystery to heart. The gang is fully aware that having two prior victims join up with the group makes them more suspicious. These phantom thieves are becoming more and more legitimate
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Oh yeah something I did for my edit to the wiki post was throw in my level next to the date I'm on (I see Gershomcz did too). I figure it'll be nice to throw in some context so people can get an idea of how strong we are when whatever happens.

Also does anyone know when exactly a persona is registered? Like if I hold up and convince a persona to join while having a full party can I just immediately delete them and still have them registered for later use? Do I have to bring them to the velvet room to be registered for the first time or is that only for later updates to already registered personas.
Oh yeah something I did for my edit to the wiki post was throw in my level next to the date I'm on (I see Gershomcz did too). I figure it'll be nice to throw in some context so people can get an idea of how strong we are when whatever happens.

Also does anyone know when exactly a persona is registered? Like if I hold up and convince a persona to join while having a full party can I just immediately delete them and still have them registered for later use? Do I have to bring them to the velvet room to be registered for the first time or is that only for later updates to already registered personas.
I liked the level thing so I copied you.

They auto register as soon as you get them. You only manually register them when they have gained xp or skills.

In SMT, you can register crappier versions to re-summon for a cheaper cost for merging purposes. Of course, you'd lose the skills.

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I'm playing less than I would like so I'm only on 4/20.

Edit: What is better to choose during hold up if you already have the persona? Money, items, or all out?
4/20 huh... not a bad day to stop on...

After experimenting with all 3, I find that items is usually the best. Since you get exp, and money, along with the item they give you. Most of the times the items are pretty crappy though. If they see that they already have a persona of the same type in your party, they are also more willing to help you. I think it gives you the same amount of EXP you would get for killing with an AOA too, not entirely sure but that's what happened with the horse enemies. I think you might get end of battle items as well.

I also found that money is by far the worst choice. Usually the money given isn't a lot, and I don't think you get any end of round exp (or a minuscule amount), and definitely no extra end of round money or items. So the other choices give you money as well, this choice just sacrifices anything else for a little bit more money, which fighting another battle would give.

AOAs are in between, and also the fastest way to end a battle. Unless they give more EXP than asking for items, which I'm still not sure about.

Also does anyone know when exactly a persona is registered? Like if I hold up and convince a persona to join while having a full party can I just immediately delete them and still have them registered for later use? Do I have to bring them to the velvet room to be registered for the first time or is that only for later updates to already registered personas.
Yeah like the previous posts mentioned, you don't need to manually do it. But I think Draekon mentioned there was a PS4 glitch or something where if you delete it outright, it wouldn't register or something, so just make room for it just in case.

I started playing some of the second dungeon. Health and SP seem like they won't be as much of an issue anymore. I guess it helps once you level up enough and get better equipment.

This also helped. Early game spoilers.

Before I went into the dungeon I looked at what personas could be fused from the personas I had. I was able to make note of the weaknesses of all the early enemies I would be seeing in the dungeon, so I didn't have to waste any SP testing for weaknesses.

I guess fighting personas could be a spoiler. I didn't know the enemies would be personas until I started playing the game.

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I made another column on the wiki to add your group's name if you got to that part. I thought it would be cool to share them, and also see each other's weird and funny names.

I made another column on the wiki to add your group's name if you got to that part. I thought it would be cool to share them, and also see each other's weird and funny names.
I just left my group name as the default name. Nothing was coming to mind, and I didn't want to sit there for several minutes thinking of a name.

On a similar note, I named my character Ash Densmore. I decided to keep a Doors theme going. I named my Persona 3 FES character Kaleb Morrison.

Wait who? I tried Googling it but nothing came up. I thought by Doors you meant like 3 Doors Down, and they were like band members or something... I think I'm missing the connection here...
The Doors. I only took the last names from Jim Morrison and John Densmore. Ash and Kaleb just sounded cool.

Anyone know where to find/ how to fuse a sun type persona? I met the confidant for it, but I'd rather not talk to him anymore until I have one. I'm currently on the second dungeon. I feel like I've recruited almost every persona so far, but I haven't gotten hold of a sun type one yet.
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I'm pretty sure Fool and Magician are automatic too when you reach points during the game. Glad I don't have to use Strength personas honestly....always been one of my least favorite arcanas persona wise. I'm more of a magic type guy though.

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I usually avoid magic types unless the game has some sort of bard/mp regen. And even then, not always.

I never ran with a mage in Etrian Odyssey either til Untold 2. Sniper / Hexer / etc all last so much longer.

I did run with one in Dungeon Travelers 2, because a lot of non-magic skills are capped pretty low. But TP is easy to get for a mage in that game anyways.

I'm in the second dungeon and I am loving this game and collecting persona.

The only thing I dont like is I am always underlevel for most of the fusing, and ones I am not, i already have and/or they suck.

It's fun trying to have an active social life and battle in dungeons and doing both.

So when does the War of the Waifus start?

Even if she isn't an option (I doubt she is?) my heart lies with the Doc.

There is going to be an Overwatch event starting tomorrow. I want the Tracer, Mercy, and Reinhardt skins. It's a good thing I've been hoarding all my coins. I can keep playing Persona 5 without having to worry about grinding loot boxes. I'll just make sure to get the weekly loot boxes from the arcade mode.

The skins kind of look like Velvet Room assistant outfits. They're blue, and Tracer even has a little hat. Tracer, Mercy, and Widowmaker skins. Blizzard was prepared for a waifu war this month.

Lol I love the punk rock doc as well! And the dark skinned teacher with the dress. Mmmmmm...

Really not feeling the Overwatch event. PVE is nice, but it's not enough to draw me in to so much grinding just for a few skins that I have to get through rng. I'll probably just do the weekly arcade wins, and the daily xp boost.

If anyone wants to grind lootboxes, just join the CAG OW community, or message me and I'll invite you.

I think for P5 i'll do a dungeon a a few hours a day. It's very good and all and fun...but I think i'm overplaying a bit where it becomes tedious. I'm currently working on dungeon 3. Social links are all going good (though not doing as good for Ryuji....decent but not great).

Finished the third dungeon. Took me two days since I was dumb and I didn't want to fuse a persona so I had no weaknesses for an early event fight which drained all my mana. Ran out of sp towards the end of the second day and I refused to drag this towards three days. so I just snuck by all the shadows when possible. felt pretty good to do actually. Like a phantom thief.
I just beat the second dungeon.

Time to fuse some Persona and make room.

I bought the DLC from Persona 4 and the free DLC as well. 

Loving this game a lot.

Finished the third dungeon. Took me two days since I was dumb and I didn't want to fuse a persona so I had no weaknesses for an early event fight which drained all my mana. Ran out of sp towards the end of the second day and I refused to drag this towards three days. so I just snuck by all the shadows when possible. felt pretty good to do actually. Like a phantom thief.
I'm still working on dungeon 3 myself...i'm close to finding the boss though. Been working on it a few hours now haha....been in it a while and had a stupid death do to 2 persona using rampage one after another....

Becky is awesome but also very expensive haha.

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is it practical to get all social links fairly maxed out, or do you pick your favorites? i'm just focusing on characters i like currently. and also the burger challenge  :pray:

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is it practical to get all social links fairly maxed out, or do you pick your favorites? i'm just focusing on characters i like currently. and also the burger challenge :pray:
Supposedly i think the perfect social link guide has an extra 20ish days i think or so...just read the little part in the beginning. So i'm sure you can. I know I emphasize certain social links over others,

Fifth dungeon is definitely the longest and hardest so far. Almost wiped a few times in it trying to figure out weaknesses on enemies. Also grinding for Liquid Mercury in there was terrible. I must have had the worst luck just trying to acquire a total of 10 so I can craft what I wanted. Just re-did the same enemy by an area transition point over and over with 3-4 of them in battle and they'd never drop the god damned item.

Izanagi (DLC) is also quite good. Mostly because you can transmute him into a Growth 3 skill card that gives 100% EXP to a Persona outside of battle or merge him and transfer it. Hope everybody isn't selling their items that say they are transmutable either.

...Now that I'm done with that dungeon, it's time to get my "Special Massage" so I can go back out in the evening right after the dungeon.

I am surprised that only 3-4 months have passed and I have already put 40 hours into the game. This game has been incredibly dense with story events compared to p3 and p4, which i beat in 70 hours and 60 hours respectively.

I'm in the 4th dungeon myself. I love how varying they are. I do feel one item is helping a lot more than usual. I was able to afford one for every member so I am super prepared for this dungeon. Some of the bosses are still super challenging, but the growing persona levels you find and craft really help out there. I also maxed my first confidant, which was pretty cool. I'm doing decent on most of the older confidants you get, but some of the newer ones introduced i'm still working on. This game is a bit slow in a i've been playing many hours and am just on the 4th dungeon, but it's good too. I like just going with my gut and so far my stats are pretty good and my social links are alright (struggling with Heirophant though....but that was mainly my choice...not as useful IMHO). I'm not sure how many dungeons there are, but i'm looking forward to them. 

The heirophant confidante is far from useless though. Its our major source of SP recovery items and
it provides a way to boost certain social links in the evening in the summer

I am surprised that only 3-4 months have passed and I have already put 40 hours into the game. This game has been incredibly dense with story events compared to p3 and p4, which i beat in 70 hours and 60 hours respectively.
Seriously, this game is jam packed with story segments. Way more story heavy than Persona 4, which was mostly just save so and so from being kidnapped, then they become your friends. It also got super repetitive, and the characters seem sort of shallow, at least their backstories were. The characters were much deeper in Persona 3, to this day I still don't know who Akihiko's sister is or too much about Mitsuru's past. It seems P5 has brought that back, at least made the characters and their interactions more serious and better developed. There's also a lot of tension between the characters, and I thought P4 lacked that, where everyone was happy go lucky and wasn't worried about the end of the world or something.

Oh instant death game over, how I did not miss you.

I'll probably have the game beat tomorrow and I can move on to Cosmic Star Heroine.

Oh instant death game over, how I did not miss you.

I'll probably have the game beat tomorrow and I can move on to Cosmic Star Heroine.
Just curiosity how many hours are you champing the game a day? For myself it's about 4 or 5 haha....i'm past the 4th dungeon at least.

Just curiosity how many hours are you champing the game a day? For myself it's about 4 or 5 haha....i'm past the 4th dungeon at least.
I have no idea. I'm just getting over whatever the hell I've had for the last two weeks that I had to schedule with a specialist a month out. While I've been available all day for almost two weeks, I've had numerous issues that prevented me from playing all the time or I'd have beaten it. I think today is the first day I didn't feel borderline of going to the ER though. I've probably jinxed myself saying that now though.

My game clock says 110 hours, but like I said I've not played anywhere near that. Left the console on for long periods frequently. I'd estimate it closer to around 60. I've also grown to hate the side dungeon music.

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I have no idea. I'm just getting over whatever the hell I've had for the last two weeks that I had to schedule with a specialist a month out. While I've been available all day for almost two weeks, I've had numerous issues that prevented me from playing all the time or I'd have beaten it. I think today is the first day I didn't feel borderline of going to the ER though. I've probably jinxed myself saying that now though.

My game clock says 110 hours, but like I said I've not played anywhere near that. Left the console on for long periods frequently. I'd estimate it closer to around 60. I've also grown to hate the side dungeon music.
Feel better for sure...i'll play some Overwatch soon...just not tonight. I'm not as crazy for the new skins but the selfie one is good and the mercy one is good too. I need a bit of a break from P5 now and then.

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Wow, I've been going at my own pace, and playing almost every day, and I still only clocked 35 hours in so far. Which I thought was already a lot. But it seems you guys either play way faster, or are more efficient at it. 

I've gotten 2 of the legendary skins in Overwatch so far, so I'm pretty content with that. Probably going to sink in a little more time into P5, but don't want to over saturate myself with it either. 

I really love how convenient everything in the game is, map menus that allow you to go anywhere, and tell you which confidant is available, and the text system is handy too for quick invites into events.  

Wow, I've been going at my own pace, and playing almost every day, and I still only clocked 35 hours in so far. Which I thought was already a lot. But it seems you guys either play way faster, or are more efficient at it.

I've gotten 2 of the legendary skins in Overwatch so far, so I'm pretty content with that. Probably going to sink in a little more time into P5, but don't want to over saturate myself with it either.

I really love how convenient everything in the game is, map menus that allow you to go anywhere, and tell you which confidant is available, and the text system is handy too for quick invites into events.
Yeah persona 5 has probably fixed almost every single complaint people might have had with p3 and p4 while still remaining completely like a persona game.
The game still suffers from everything revolving around the main character. Most people don't seem to care, but for me it takes me out of the experience when I can start something in May or October and get the same exact dialogue. It makes the world feel fake which has been my number one issue with Persona 3/4/5 besides the forced AI team members it used to have. Sure you get a more singular arc that way, but I think it'd be neat if they had several character arcs that completed even without your involvement and you could join in, deepening your relationship with that character instead. To help with the missing event info, when you join them they'd give you a short summary of what you've missed since you last hung out with them.

Beating Trails in the Sky in 2011 made this feeling even worse because they did that so damned well.

Just went through a ton of exposition in my game, so I believe I have one dungeon left. All my stats are maxed and most confidants are maxed as well. Since I didn't use a guide I will have a few not maxed out. One party member is really low because I didn't have one of my stats maxed until just recently. When I do a NG+ I'm sure I could easily max everybody without a guide since stats carry over because I don't have to spend time raising stats or wait until a stat is so far along to start or continue a confidant.

Oh and veggies are better than coffee or curry.

The game still suffers from everything revolving around the main character. Most people don't seem to care, but for me it takes me out of the experience when I can start something in May or October and get the same exact dialogue. It makes the world feel fake which has been my number one issue with Persona 3/4/5 besides the forced AI team members it used to have. Sure you get a more singular arc that way, but I think it'd be neat if they had several character arcs that completed even without your involvement and you could join in, deepening your relationship with that character instead. To help with the missing event info, when you join them they'd give you a short summary of what you've missed since you last hung out with them.

Beating Trails in the Sky in 2011 made this feeling even worse because they did that so damned well.

Just went through a ton of exposition in my game, so I believe I have one dungeon left. All my stats are maxed and most confidants are maxed as well. Since I didn't use a guide I will have a few not maxed out. One party member is really low because I didn't have one of my stats maxed until just recently. When I do a NG+ I'm sure I could easily max everybody without a guide since stats carry over because I don't have to spend time raising stats or wait until a stat is so far along to start or continue a confidant.

Oh and veggies are better than coffee or curry.
I do agree about your issues with the protagonist, but I've never been a big fan of the "silent protagonist" device, especially in complex RPG narratives where you control a large party of individuals. My primary issue is that you never see the protagonist truly be a leader. They are only a leader within the story because everyone else says you're the leader, not based on any story-related actions. The protagonist in TitS is a true leader, and really grows into that role as the game progresses. There's rarely much of a character's growth with a silent protagonist (beyond stats and game mechanics).

I'm only about 30-hours into P5, and just started the 3rd Palace. I've not been stressing much at all about what to spend my time on so far, just going with the flow and doing whatevs.

I think the thing that mostly gets to me is that the confidant levels really don't affect story really that much at all. It would be really cool if your confidants got more involved with your social life outside of visiting them (not talking the main party members). And for those ones it would be cool to get different dialogue knowing i'm dating Ann or something...and the team would be shocked or supportive or something. Visual Novels do this extremely well where eventually everything comes around and the people around you find out about it. Either that or the VN acts oblivious to all your actions and is extremely shallow.

I think not stressing what you do really helps (though I did resart...I felt I did very little my first month so I redid it to get better stats). I've given many bad gifts but I still do well on my confidants. I also throw my money away on every video game/book/gift haha. I really doubt i'll play P5 after I beat it for many years as it's just so long and sometimes it is just a bit shallow. Plus all the mystery. That's part of the fun of playing it the first time.

I'm up to June 1.

I opened ten Overwatch event loot boxes. The only event skin I got was one of Torbjorn's legendaries. Now I'm saving my loot boxes until the day before the event ends. If I see I'm not getting the items I want I might start grinding.

Ugh... I had a couple hours of free time for the first time in like a month. I just played for like 5 or 6 hours and cleared about a month of in game time.
bread's done