CAG PS3 Fighting Game Matchmaking Thread - Injustice out NAO!

I like jill but that's just me. her hypers are a little underwhelming though. Also I decided to give ssf4 another chance I added myself to the list but my copy doesn't com till tomorrow but if u see me on tomorrow send me an invite for either game. I'll b on more now that midterms are pretty much done. Oh that reminds me option didn't u beat filipino champ? so u might want to consider giving evo a shot :)
Good games option. I learned a lot from playing you. oh and sorry about the connection issues. it turns out my nephew was using the comp the entire time we were playing. I'll make sure the internet is free the next time we play.

Haha be that as it may you're still the best ;)
gg were beating me in sf2hd and now mvc3. That Tron combo is too long TT I gotta improve, thanks for the games.

*edit* I think I got a blister from that game...and need to buy another saturn pad.
[quote name='option.iv']Good games F Bomb.

Haha, me beat f champ? Online doesn't count.[/QUOTE]

Especially when he's being a dick and only using one button, if I recall correctly.
Playing on a controller is really hurting me. Every time I play on PS3, it takes me a while to get back into the groove of playing with my stick on Xbox. I also hate having to play two completely different styles on different systems. Maybe I should just quit being cheap and buy a stick for my PS3 too.
GGs last night anathema, seeing as u killed my characters most of the time in one combo I think u did just fine ;) and actually ammy is safe against sent but that just involves spamming ice in the corner.

Midguy its funny actually because I actually WANT to switch back to pad because im so bad with a stick right now lol
it took me a good three weeks to get used to a fight stick but once you do you'll never look back.

can anyone give pointers about getting started with MvC 3? I learned today that I need to master wave dashing and triangle jumps with air dashing characters. Is there anything else I should be accustomed to? I'm aware of OTGs btw
[quote name='Midguy']Playing on a controller is really hurting me. Every time I play on PS3, it takes me a while to get back into the groove of playing with my stick on Xbox. I also hate having to play two completely different styles on different systems. Maybe I should just quit being cheap and buy a stick for my PS3 too.[/QUOTE]

you should look up the mod to make your stick work with both systems. I'm sure it involves a little soldering, but not much more than that
[quote name='kurrptsenate']it took me a good three weeks to get used to a fight stick but once you do you'll never look back.

can anyone give pointers about getting started with MvC 3? I learned today that I need to master wave dashing and triangle jumps with air dashing characters. Is there anything else I should be accustomed to? I'm aware of OTGs btw[/QUOTE]
Learn how to call assists while super jumping, dashing, attacking, etc. Basically pressing multiple buttons.

Learn how to double tap. I don't mean mashing the button twice.

Btw, there's a sign up list in the OP where everyone is putting down their info. Try checking that out.

[quote name='kurrptsenate']you should look up the mod to make your stick work with both systems. I'm sure it involves a little soldering, but not much more than that[/QUOTE]
That requires either another pcb or a special pcb, not just simple soldering.
[quote name='option.iv']Learn how to call assists while super jumping, dashing, attacking, etc. Basically pressing multiple buttons.[/QUOTE]

I thought you couldn't call assists during a super jump.
Jump forward just to block if the opponent has defensive assists, then going in the second time when their assists are on cooldown.

Also, block in the air, if you see them coming for a high low mixup, jump and block in the air, if they are already grounded then you shouldn't jump, you get hit out of jump frames I think. Stay grounded, push block at a correct time, then call out defensive assist.

Don't pushblock if they have an assist out, it only increases blockstun and doesn't push them back.
well yes but since it has full invincibility frames so i think that applies to any air hyper. its just that I don't fight many sentinels that actually use it so i wasn't expecting it but i'll make sure to keep that in mind for next time. I think I'll just use the rosary on sent. It'll probably be easier than risking the elemental hyper or sents armor moves

Kurrptsenate I actually have used a stick before so I know its gets easier but its been almost a year since. Im just trying to get used to it again since i barely got it a few days ago.

lol option u laid it out so simply but I shouldn't be laughing since i didn't know u could do that either.
I have 7 mission characters completed now. I finished Ryu last night. That last combo where you ultra, to wall bounce, to backwards combo launcher felt amazing when I finally got it, but you'd think that doing it from the 2P side would have felt more....normal.

I have noticed, and am trying to maintain, zero button mashing and actually learning the timing for stuff. After playing an ass load of SSFIV I think its a lot easier by comparison.

Calling in assists seems to be the hardest thing for me to get acclimated with. Combos like Ryu's where I call the assist and hit the button simultaneously isn't really that hard. I would have anticipated hitting another button with HK (SFIV) would be easier but its coming along.

I practiced wave dashes a bit last night. Do you just double tap forward, cancel with down-forward, hold down-forward and hit 2 attacks? Seems like I was getting some success with those inputs.

I also figured my inputs would be a little more spot on from playing street fighter. Apparently I haven't "mastered" the basics quite yet. I do love that I dont have to mash down-to-forward twice to do an ultra. I had to practice that shizz a ton on SFIV to get it to come out fast and reliable. Not having to worry about is a breath of fresh air.
I agree Kurrrpt I find the combos where u need to call assists rather difficult. i can never really get the timing right.

since there are a couple of sentinel users here how do u guys feel about his health nerf? Personally I didn't have a problem with the way he was even if I didn't use him. Personally I would just gotten rid of his annoying assists lol
[quote name='kurrptsenate']I have noticed, and am trying to maintain, zero button mashing and actually learning the timing for stuff. After playing an ass load of SSFIV I think its a lot easier by comparison.[/QUOTE]
Again, learn double tapping. Makes everything easier.

I practiced wave dashes a bit last night. Do you just double tap forward, cancel with down-forward, hold down-forward and hit 2 attacks? Seems like I was getting some success with those inputs.
You can do that, but most people use 2 ATK buttons to dash instead. So get used to dashing with 2 ATK buttons.

i.e. 2ATK, down, 2ATK, down (rinse and repeat).

The reason I choose down is because I don't want an accidental srk or fireball motion.

I also figured my inputs would be a little more spot on from playing street fighter. Apparently I haven't "mastered" the basics quite yet. I do love that I dont have to mash down-to-forward twice to do an ultra. I had to practice that shizz a ton on SFIV to get it to come out fast and reliable. Not having to worry about is a breath of fresh air.
That's not even the right shortcut. In SSFIV, Shortcut for ultra:

down, down-forward, QCF + atk

Shortcuts for dp are either:

down, downforward, down


forward, down-forward, forward

[quote name='F Bomb']since there are a couple of sentinel users here how do u guys feel about his health nerf? Personally I didn't have a problem with the way he was even if I didn't use him. Personally I would just gotten rid of his annoying assists lol[/QUOTE]
I used sentinel only for a bit when the game came out. Honestly, it was coming, but down to 905,000 from 1,300,000 is ridiculous. I honestly have never seen a big character with comparatively low health in a fighting game.

I would rather have sentinel's health at 1,200,000, the point where most of the cast can kill off with x factor into lvl 3 or a chain of 3-4 DHCs.
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I don't understand how option is only an eighth lord. gg option, sorry for not being much of a match (20 to 1). TT after the match we had I got a 9 win streak till a sent lamed me out ^^
gotta keep practicing

also, will cag eventually have a little tournament for mvc3? I remember someone hosting sf2thd tournament couple of years ago.
I honestly hate playing ranked (i just want those stupid trophies/titles @_@). The online in this game is pretty bad. I only like to play with people on my friends list just for fun. Otherwise, it just becomes a rage fest for me.

As for a tournament that'd be nice, though considering the netplay, I just dunno...
Sentinel was broken and needed something, however I'm not sure if the dramatic health nerf was the right way to go. Regardless, I think Capcom will succeed in what they intended to do and that is to have people pick Sentinel less and ensure that teams containing him have a much more reasonable win/loss record because I'm sure they have collected data showing that he is overused and is allowing people who use him to be "more skilled" opponents more easily.
Thanks for the game yesterday option.iv.

I really need to start learning some combos, I spend most of the matches just trying to avoid that juggle you have with Tron and Zero. I kind of want to make a lame team, but I am not quick enough with the projectiles. So, I need to work on my rushdown with Wolverine and Chun-li. 22-0 was a little harsh for my sensibilities :)
[quote name='bjstucker']I really want to get back into SSF4 been playing too much MVC3 lately on my other account[/QUOTE]
Then get back into it! I'm always down for SSFIV matches.

Also, good games jamezuva, Esper, and F-Bomb.
[quote name='option.iv']Then get back into it! I'm always down for SSFIV matches.

Also, good games jamezuva, Esper, and F-Bomb.[/QUOTE]

GGs for the short set.

Finally landed a galactic combo on yo ass, but I still lost the match. It's all good though, I got that combo trophy. :)
good games option. I had no idea u were such a gloater lol buts its cool. I know u only did that so I would try and put up a better fight...i hope. speaking of which theres no need to hold back. a good ass whooping is the only way i'll learn to stop making such stupid mistakes.
[quote name='F Bomb']good games option. I had no idea u were such a gloater lol buts its cool. I know u only did that so I would try and put up a better fight...i hope. speaking of which theres no need to hold back. a good ass whooping is the only way i'll learn to stop making such stupid mistakes.[/QUOTE]
Sorry, just using whatever macros marvel gave me. I wish they could be customized. Good fight and good game are practically the same...

But good games last night. Note on your team, it's biggest weakness is full screen keep away. Hulk's gamma wave doesn't quite reach full screen and cold star doesn't either. So holding up back (jump back) won't be quite as effective. Also, try to block high and low, not just hold up back. Too often would I catch you with a low attack. And for ammy, block high because she can still be hit by other attacks. Tron even has a crack pipe, cept it's a crack arm.

And the only thing holding me back is the online. I get blown up by the ass netcode when I try to combo, push block or just block. Online and offline are two different beasts.
[quote name='distgfx']Knowing is half the battle.[/QUOTE]
Yes and now that I know I have the advantage ;)

lol don't worry option no need to apologize. I can take it if someone taunts. Seriously though thanks for the tips. Yeah I realize now that I was getting caught in her low attacks after jump H. Oh and I don't really know anything about hulk since I only pick him when I need a high health character as ammy and x-23 seem to die in one combo but I should probably try to learn him now as it was clear I couldn't do anything with him.

About the holding back thing. I only said that because u were overwhelming me but then it seemed like u were easing up in some matches but I understand how the whole online thing throws everyone off.
[quote name='metaly']Hi guys. what is cl as opposed to cr? Like I keep seeing cl.LK and I can't figure out what it is. Supercrouch?[/QUOTE]
cl = close.

For example, play as Ryu and stand far away from the opponent and press mk. Now go up next to the opponent and press mk. There are different types of mk. Far and close mk.
HAH! 10 wins? NOPE! only going to give you 9 of them option.

It was good games. Spencer is tough trying to open you up. The one time I did, couldn't capitalize on it. Sneak attack Super Skrull was my plan all along, SECRET INVASION!

One thing I am trying to understand is that your Tron seems to get two ground bounces during your combo. Shouldn't there be stun deterioration?
[quote name='j-cart']HAH! 10 wins? NOPE! only going to give you 9 of them option.

It was good games. Spencer is tough trying to open you up. The one time I did, couldn't capitalize on it. Sneak attack Super Skrull was my plan all along, SECRET INVASION!

One thing I am trying to understand is that your Tron seems to get two ground bounces during your combo. Shouldn't there be stun deterioration?[/QUOTE]
Good games jcart and anathema, sorry I cut it short, I need to hit the hay.

As for the combo, there's only one ground bounce, and I save it for the end when I need to relaunch. Ground bounce and OTG state (after air MMHS) aren't the same.
it's ok, doom beam assist > drone assist

out of 20 ranked matches, 15 lagged, and 3 plug pulled.

player matches don't lag at all compared to ranked matches, how is ranked latency so bad
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ggs last night anathema. I think im finally starting to figure out some stuff out about the match up and lol I forgot about the elemental hyper thing again but ur sent had no trouble reminding me. I just have a habit of repeating mistakes.
it doesn't work like that option
you call out beam assist, you get safe pressure against my tron, meaning I can't call my sentinel assist, by the time I can call sentinel after blocking, doom would be up and counter sentinel dones
with tron on point i have no defensive assist
i just needed to swap out point characters

yeah ggs fbomb, i only punished that ammy hyper twice out of like 5 times. rest of the time I just mess up.
[quote name='anathema728']it doesn't work like that option
you call out beam assist, you get safe pressure against my tron, meaning I can't call my sentinel assist, by the time I can call sentinel after blocking, doom would be up and counter sentinel dones
with tron on point i have no defensive assist
i just needed to swap out point characters

yeah ggs fbomb, i only punished that ammy hyper twice out of like 5 times. rest of the time I just mess up.[/QUOTE]

haha that is the same way I feel about sentinel's drone assist. Even if I hit you I can't combo because I got three projectiles barreling at me :hot: but I just need to use hulk's gamma wave to cover me better.

I don't know if this will help but after options severe beating the other night I went into training to try to find ways around it. The only thing I think will help you is that I found that x-23's cr.H lower her hitbox enough that both the beam and tron's j.H whiff. Tron is vulnerable from underneath so it hits and you can launch or combo from there. Its the same thing I used last night...whenever sentinel's assist didn't get in the way :lol:.
[quote name='F Bomb']haha that is the same way I feel about sentinel's drone assist. Even if I hit you I can't combo because I got three projectiles barreling at me :hot: but I just need to use hulk's gamma wave to cover me better.

I don't know if this will help but after options severe beating the other night I went into training to try to find ways around it. The only thing I think will help you is that I found that x-23's cr.H lower her hitbox enough that both the beam and tron's j.H whiff. Tron is vulnerable from underneath so it hits and you can launch or combo from there. Its the same thing I used last night...whenever sentinel's assist didn't get in the way :lol:.[/QUOTE]
If you want to play with fire man, Tron has j.S to hit any sort of crouched hitbox.

As for sent vs doom assist, again, it works (just tested in training). If you don't have enough time because you're in block stun, don't get caught in block stun pressure. Super jump over if you have to (btw, works wonders against sentinel drone assist) and mix up your attack from there. Hell if you want to play matchups, go ahead and just pick doom. But personally, I play the player first, then the character.

Tron assist is great when you call it out, again, though, there is delay in between calling assists (esp. the same assist) and all you have to do is attack/pressure when it jumps back out. Dude, this is the same advice you posted a couple days ago. It wouldn't hurt to do it yourself.
i put comp on doom assist turbo spam, record playback. You can call sent drones when beam is gone. The delay is that long in between calling the same assist.
of course you can take turns calling assists it'd be broken if you couldn't, i was just crying, and you removed me from friends =[ you don't like tron mirrors?

played another 20 ranked matches, 5 people plug pulled. so why am I still playing against disconnects? I thought they had some kind of new system that puts leavers against leavers, I haven't disconnected once.

if you're nearby, come out to this always a ton of casuals before and after
[quote name='anathema728']of course you can take turns calling assists it'd be broken if you couldn't, i was just crying, and you removed me from friends =[ you don't like tron mirrors?

played another 20 ranked matches, 5 people plug pulled. so why am I still playing against disconnects? I thought they had some kind of new system that puts leavers against leavers, I haven't disconnected once.

if you're nearby, come out to this always a ton of casuals before and after[/QUOTE]
Honestly, you aren't that friendly, and you are too close-minded. Not just to me, but to other people in this thread. I appreciate the advice you give, but honestly from just playing you, I get the whole srk comment vibe. Of course I'll take you off my friend list if I feel there is nothing to gain from it, either in the gaming dept. or the camaraderie dept..

Oh and Tron mirrors, "I no scare". I can block that shit coming a mile away. Again man, play the player, not the character. You've been doing too much of the latter.
haha, if that's how you feel, it's ok

and how do you know my playstyle? you've played me two rounds and you already think i "play the character

i think i'm playing just fine
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bread's done