CAG PS3 Unreal Tournament 3 Night [On Indefinite Hold]

I just got this today and am totally down for a couple matches
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make sure you tell me if you add me so I can add you guys back.

I'm thinking of starting a schedule of my own to go with the UT3/TF2 games. It kind of sucks only playing against yous all once a week.
I'm definitely up for tonight. Don't have to work late this week thankfully. Not sure how long I'll be able to play though. With my hand all screwed up gaming is a bit of a chore.
I'm seeing Dark Knight at midnight, so I don't know how my evening will go. We plan on getting there about an hour early, but I might have time for about 30 minutes.

Anyone who hasn't joined us before or will need an invite (like Methadon, bjstucker), feel free to add me on your PSN friends list, I'll make sure to check my list this evening and confirm any pending requests, just mention CAG in the message so I'll know what it's about :)

[quote name='Paco']I'm thinking of starting a schedule of my own to go with the UT3/TF2 games. It kind of sucks only playing against yous all once a week.[/quote]

Heh, I'm so busy I'm lucky I have time to do it once a week!
Have any of you guys played the 360 version? I really doubt unreal 3 would have even been on ps3 if midway wasn't involved. The 360 one is better than the ps3 one as I figured it would be. They had longer to work on it of course. As far as the graphics go it looks the same. There is 3 things that is different. One being the 360 version has more people online playing which I sort of figured that. The ps3 one looks jaggy as where the 360 one don't, and also I don't know if this is confirmed or I just think it. I played one then the other,but the 360 seemed to play a bit faster than the ps3 one. I'll end up owning both, and playing both of them knowing me. I really love unreal in general. I'm not dissing the ps3 one or anything I was just comparing them.
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I say PS3 version wins in my book just because of the ease of use of user-created content. I'm a big 360 gamer, but custom content not have to pay for and not go through Microsoft's fingers is awesome.
[quote name='jp0213']I say PS3 version wins in my book just because of the ease of use of user-created content. I'm a big 360 gamer, but custom content not have to pay for and not go through Microsoft's fingers is awesome.[/quote]

Yeah That is one thing I forgot to mention. I think this is why I will own both versions one for one thing, and one for another. It doesn't bother me how many people play one online or anything like that. The ps3 one looked sort of jaggy, and maybe playing a bit slower bothers me though. I think this will be the first time I own the same game on two different systems. I'll wait till it drops in price on the 360 I don't want to play so much money for both of them. I love unreal so much though I would have the pc version as well If I could run it. I would even go as far to say unreal 3 is my favorite game this gen.
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Just a heads up, I'm going to start adding people to my friend's list this afternoon. I'll put something about CAG PS3 Gaming in the request.
[quote name='StrandedBrit']Hey paco, you gonna host tonight?[/quote]

Sure. I'll host tonight. It's going to be UT3 Capture the flag Facing worlds. I'm also going to add the health mutators to make the game more interesting.
[quote name='jman619']Yeah That is one thing I forgot to mention. I think this is why I will own both versions one for one thing, and one for another. It doesn't bother me how many people play one online or anything like that. The ps3 one looked sort of jaggy, and maybe playing a bit slower bothers me though. I think this will be the first time I own the same game on two different systems. I'll wait till it drops in price on the 360 I don't want to play so much money for both of them. I love unreal so much though I would have the pc version as well If I could run it. I would even go as far to say unreal 3 is my favorite game this gen.[/quote]

The slowness is INTENTIONAL. If you get the mutators you can make it faster then the PC game which is INSANE. Does anyone want to play the game with PC level speed this game?

Anyone that wants to get the mutators get em here

Get the health mutators. Sure you can download em when playing, but it might make people lag while they're playing for a few crucial moments.
[quote name='Paco']Sure. I'll host tonight. It's going to be UT3 Capture the flag Facing worlds. I'm also going to add the health mutators to make the game more interesting.[/quote]

Are we going to play the Facing Worlds map over and over and over again or as part of a rotation?

I only have enough patience for 1 or 2 rounds on that map.
Part of a rotation. Three captures wins the game. After that it is vote for a map. I really like Strident, Facing Worlds, and the one that looks like it takes place in Shangri la
[quote name='Paco']Part of a rotation. Three captures wins the game. After that it is vote for a map. I really like Strident, Facing Worlds, and the one that looks like it takes place in Shangri la[/quote]

Sweet. I'm in.
It's going to be starting in about 15 minutes. I like to put the game up about 5 minutes before showtime. Though I am in favor of keeping them open since it only seems like 5-6 CAGs show up. Since UT3 is already not that populated any extra gamers would be a boon to keeping the pace.
I don't think so. I don't think anyone else has the mod so it's best to keep mod skins out of the game unless prior notice is given so everyone can have the chance to actually view em.
Sorry boys, had to get off. Was definitely fun, except sitting in our base for 5 minutes and I still wasnt able to hold onto the flag.
hey guys, i'm looking for some people to play ut3 w/ from cag...if you want to play other times than just thursdays send me a friend request and just say your from psn id is icoreyi ... see you on there
[quote name='Paco']That was fun. We really need to start looking into that custom content though.[/quote]

The community bonus pack that mrelusive linked here has a ton of cool maps.
Did you get any lag when I was hosting the game? Just curious to see how smooth everything was. I was hosting for up to 14 people.
[quote name='Paco']Did you get any lag when I was hosting the game? Just curious to see how smooth everything was. I was hosting for up to 14 people.[/quote]

Not a bit.
Good. I hope the other people who played in my game also had great performance. Though I found it funny that before I joined UT3 nights, I had trouble filling in the games, now they fill up a lot faster then they used to.
That easypro guy is insanely good. I also noticed he lies to run away... I got him in that facing worlds match he was making me mad haha. I enjoyed it. I like ctf. I didn't lag a bit either. We should have more than one day a week to play this.
Yeah, I experienced no lag either. Yeah Easy_Pro was definitely good. Capture the flag was definitely fun, though I'm not very good with that transporting so I need to work on that.
[quote name='jman619']That easypro guy is insanely good. I also noticed he lies to run away... I got him in that facing worlds match he was making me mad haha. I enjoyed it. I like ctf. I didn't lag a bit either. We should have more than one day a week to play this.[/quote]

I almost got Easypro. He was in the back of our base with a friend. One thing I am definitely sure about is that Easypro is using a mouse. He did a split second 180 and shot me straight in the face. Most people who can do that with such minimal effort tend to be using a mouse.
Since everyone enjoyed it, anyone want me to host a game again today? This time Vehicle capture the flag.
Alright. It'll be the same time that it was yesterday. At 6 pm Pacific 9 Pm Eastern. Did anyone like the health mutator though? Or should I just keep that off?
Times sound good, but I'll only be able to play for an hour. Then I'll be back around 11:30 or Midnight. I liked the health mutator.
I can do a double mutator for the health to make it 3 health per second. Though I might just start at 5:30 instead of 6. It's earlier and people won't have to stay on as late.
There wasn't as many people this time around as there was yesterday. Bleh. And who kept using those little scorpions?
[quote name='Paco']There wasn't as many people this time around as there was yesterday. Bleh. And who kept using those little scorpions?[/quote]

Well...last night was the "official" CAG night. Tonight was decidedly "unofficial". It was fun while it lasted, though.

More people need's too fucking quiet.

Do you mean the spider mines? That was probably me. I love those things.
[quote name='bmachine']Well...last night was the "official" CAG night. Tonight was decidedly "unofficial". It was fun while it lasted, though.

More people need's too fucking quiet.

Do you mean the spider mines? That was probably me. I love those things.[/quote]

One thing you should do is ASK. If TF2 has taught me anything you have to ASK about MIC users.

I should set up a PACO NIGHT FIGHTS or something since those FPSes are essentially all that I play.
Sorry about last night guys, my internet connection kept dropping out and had to replace my stupid cable modem.
I want to use my Samus Aran mod so fucking bad, but I did get the map pack that was in the PSN I'm ready. I think I'm a little (very little) tired of Call of Duty 4 and I'm willing to rededicate myself to UT3.
[quote name='Paco']One thing you should do is ASK. If TF2 has taught me anything you have to ASK about MIC users.[/quote]

What a brilliant idea! How come I didn't think of that? :roll:

I ask at the start of every round: "Anyone else got a headset?"
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maybe I should start plugging in my mic then. I have a mic for team fortress 2 yet I never use it for UT3.
[quote name='Paco']maybe I should start plugging in my mic then. I have a mic for team fortress 2 yet I never use it for UT3.[/quote]

On my in-game friend list you usually have a check-mark under "voice"...I always thought it was weird that you never responded when I tried to talk to you!
in TF2 if anyone has a mic and is talking it comes through the tv. I usually put on my headset when that happens or if I"m doing a team fight. On UT3 I never seen anyone with a mic. I don't think teh voice goes through the speakers if a mic isn't plugged in.
bread's done